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"Sybila to Alpha team, anyone there?" ;)
How are you all doing? There hasn't been much activity the past week.
I'm a bit iffy about my first post. It always takes me a bit to find the right beat for my character.
I like Luther. He's a no nonsense kind of guy. I love his ability. Great potential and lot's of character interaction made possible by his powers. I actually considered telepathy way back when I started Katerina's sheet.
Sybila was already waiting inside the tavern, seated at one of the tables with one leg casually folded over the other. The young woman didn't seem at all fazed by the on goings inside the tavern and was perfectly content to sit by herself watching her surroundings with an amused expression. Amnesia had asked her to keep an eye out, to see how things would progress. Koshei and Flo were waiting outside in those hideous coats H.A.N.D made them wear. If the outcome of her vision shifted and they required back up she would warn them. No Katerina wouldn't be caught dead wearing a coat like that. She was used to providing for herself from her teens and spent all the money she earned on herself, buying the finer things. Out of all the team members she had the best spot, sitting comfortably out of the rain. As someone who had gotten used to the best she always made sure she got it.

Waiting by herself and without a drink was eating away at her patience. She grew bored very quickly and was looking for something or better yet someone to entertain her. This prohibition law was ridiculous and in this tavern took it a little bit too serious. Strange considering everything that was going on behind the closed doors of the back rooms. She knew everything there was to know about this place the minute she walked in and touched the table. Images and scenes of the tavern's past flashed before her. It had started out innocent enough, a small family business which grew corrupt very quickly once it began to serve the American underworld. Once you went that down road there really was no turning back.

She propped her head up in her hands and the tip of her black heels tapped the floor impatiently. There had been no need to go undercover in her case since she hadn't visited the tavern before, so nobody recognized her. She went in as a regular patron, yet the way she was dressed seemed to suggest she had business in the back room. She wore a shimmering black beaded dress and her long curly locks flowed down her shoulders and back. The bob styled wig she sometimes had on was only necessary to change up her look for undercover purposes. She scanned the tavern a second time, her mysterious brown eyes passing over everyone inside. Both Amnesia and Marquis hadn't entered yet, she would have known if they did.

Once they're inside, I'm out.
Prince said
It's Bravo team. lol

I also finished my CS, it took a while but I'm as good as done.
I like the diversity we have so far, great characters. It's going to be fun to watch them interact.

[Female | 22 | (Pre-mutant) | Informant/Infiltrator]

Katerina "Sybila" Chavdarova joined H.A.N.D right after World War 1 ended. Among the high class of her hometown she was known as the Sybil of Chicago. A renowned fortune teller Katerina was famed but also feared for her incredible accuracy. Eventually H.A.N.D caught wind of her activities and send someone to test her authenticity. Convinced of her skills they asked her to join H.A.N.D as an informant, so they would always stay one step ahead of any potential mutant outbreaks.
She is tough, independent, smart, vain and has an incredible sense of self-preservation. There is nothing she wouldn't do to ensure her own survival. She has been known to have a knack for creating elaborate plans and deceptions to get what she wants.
If a task needs doing, she'll find a way to accomplish it, usually through a combination of uncompromising will and skilled manipulation of people and circumstances. Her eyes always seem to be hiding something Her mannerisms are deliberate, her true feelings hidden, almost as though she is performing for an audience. She is such a skilled liar and actress that her "friends" are often left wondering. Did she really care about me or did she just use me?

Traits and Abilities
Katerina is a Pre-mutant with the power of both retrocognition and precognition respectively. Both fall under the category of ESP (extrasensory perception). She is a descendant of a long line of mystics, seers and psychics from the Eastern European region, whom have counseled the upper class of their time, providing valuable insights and information.
The specific gene which granted Katerina her power has been preserved in her family line for countless generations. Nobody alive today knows when and with whom the passing on of this gene began, but in time and with each new generation the gift changed slightly, evolving. In Katerina’s particular case it evolved into something more than merely receiving information.

Precognition enables her to foresee possible futures and observe what may happen. As knowledge of the future invariably causes that future to change, visions of the future are subject to frequent shifting. While not being able to select futures her visions may assist in possible courses of action. She often doesn’t understand what she’s seeing. A lot of the time there is no context and she is merely a spectator. There are times when she doesn’t know what things mean until later, sometimes not until it’s too late.

Retrocognition is the power to discern past events but with Katerina it is not simply that. She has taught herself to leave a psychic imprint on an object or person. The imprint would be something that she has seen which is then transferred to her target. If it's a person they would immediately see the vision she transferred, if it's an object it will linger there until somebody touches it. She has the same problems with retrocognition as she has with precognition. She can see into the past but doesn’t always know what it means. They are pieces of a puzzle.

Her powers are tactile, so she has to be able to touch a person or object before it works. She would then either focus on the past or future along with the subject she needs information on. For example, future relationships or a past marriage. It could be applied to anything she wants to know. Even though she never knows if things will come through, thinking about them does help. She has taught herself to use a deck of playing cards as her focus point, the divinatory meanings she attached to them help her focus on a particular subject providing her with the right context to understand what she’ll be seeing. It’s important to note that she is not all knowing, the information she gets is all subjective to change. Nothing is set in stone.

H.A.N.D. Status
Katerina is a long time informant of H.A.N.D. She has also served as an undercover agent and infiltrator at times due to her talents of deception.

Katerina was born in America in a poor immigrant family from Bulgaria. She was their only child and while they didn’t have much they were happy. While she was an only child she did not spend her childhood alone. Most of her immediate family moved with her parents to America. They wanted to start a better life there. Everyone worked hard to support each other and she grew up in this tight knit family. They made a modest living and took on any job that came their way.
When she was around fifteen years old the financial troubles the family had struggled with all their lives reached a boiling point. It wasn’t possible to care for the entire extended family, her grandmother and grandfather, her cousin and uncle. They all lived on the income of her parents who were the only ones who spoke proper English. So they had to return to Bulgaria, leaving Katerina with only her parents.
Somehow they always managed to make ends meet, until one day when Katerina came home after she’d run some errands for her mother. What she saw that day in her living room changed her forever. It was a nightmarish sight, her parents were laying on the floor their hollow eyes looking up at the ceiling. Their blood was splattered across the entire room, holes more than she could count covered their bodies. Their faces were barely recognizable. They were murdered in cold blood and she didn’t know why or how.
At first she was shocked, then there was sadness but all this quickly turned into anger. She knew this wasn’t just a simple crime. There was more to it than that. All along this feeling of something being off had been nagging at her. She never questioned it before but it was nearly impossible to do the things her parents did with the money they made. If they murdered her parents what would they do to her?
So for the next years Katerina ran from an unseen enemy. When she needed money she began to work as a fortune teller. It came naturally to her as the art had been in her family for countless generations and people paid good money for it. She never stayed in the same place too long and when she moved to Chicago an agent of H.A.N.D discovered her. She didn’t know it at the time and when he came to her reading room inside a local jazz club he was there to test her. She was very insistent on the details of her contract but eventually she was convinced joining would be in her best interest.

She speaks fluent Bulgarian and has a barely detectable accent when speaking English.
I was with the emphasis on was reading Perfume, the story of a murderer by Patrick Süskind.
I've seen the movie so there are little to no spoilers for me. Has anyone read/seen it?
Hi guys ^.^

I just wanted to drop by and say. Amazing writing all of you! I turned this roleplay into my personal novel, to read before I go to bed :)
I was actually reading something else but it had to go in favor of this ^.^

Keep it up everyone ;)
Well I'm getting back to myself, finally after a tough half year. I did write a bit here and there but I couldn't do more beside just that one.
I never meant to or wanted to be gone for so long, from the guild that is. I just logged back on to check back on things. Also I shamefully admit that I'm always curious how you guys have been doing. You, and Igraine, Heroes. I wrote with you before and those are some fond memories I treasure ^.^
So I tend to peak around if I see anything of you all. Which is how I stumbled upon this.

It's okay that you guys are filled up. I suscribed naturally, so I can read along. I might drop in to say hi once in a while if that's okay ^.^
How have you all been? Hopefully coming up with tales to remember as always. It's great to see a lot of new faces too. *waves to everyone*
I remember when I was the new one in this happy bunch :)
Hi everyone ^.^
Sorry to intrude. Is there a teeny tiny spot left for little old me?
I don't know what it is but there's something about this setting that makes me lovingly nostalgic.
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