Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Prince


Banned Seen 2 yrs ago

[IC | OOC | Character Sheets]

View Raw Text, then simply use this template. I will create a character roster with teams here when I have sufficient sheets.

[Gender | Age | (Pre-Mutant/Bolt/Cat(Cata)/Non-mutant) | Role within the team]

Name of character followed by a 1-3 paragraph overview and personality description.

Traits and Abilities

List all training, special physical traits, abnormalities in the character, genetic modification and metaphysical abilities.

H.A.N.D. Status

Basically, I don't want these characters just stitched together. I would prefer if most of you were actually of a military or federal background, probably WWI veterans, that opted into this program due to exemplary service. Of course you can stray off, but I want there to be a sense of uniformity as well. Solid reasons, strong backgrounds.


The history of your character. Although important, I understand not everyone is a huge stickler (like me) about the details, especially in a superhero roleplay. That said, I will allow this to be a bit shorter; I created the HAND status separated to allow the lenience here.

Character Roster

Alpha Team
Leader: Amnesia
- Marquis (apprentice of Amnesia)
- Flo
- Koscher
- Sybil

Bravo Team
Leader: Insight
- Trigger
- Etain
- Varos (under instruction by Etain)
- Kite (under instruction by Etain)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Prince


Banned Seen 2 yrs ago

[Male | 27 | Cata | Squad Leader]

Nathaniel "Amnesia" Palmer was one of the first soldier offered a place in H.A.N.D. after his duty in World War I and is thus considered one of the most veteran and trusted members within the organization. His service in World War I earned him high recognition and his eagerness to take the CA04 serum made him one of the foew perfect candidates for the project. Nathan was actually considered one of the greater successes of the program and to a greater extent was one of the first Cata subjects ever created; he had no qualms in undergoing further testing when it was realized his genes reacted slightly differently with the formula.

Outside of the army and on a more personal level, Nathan could be considered a troubled individual and a 'runner.' Although he initially circumvented the draft, Nathan joined the military in aim of becoming a fighter pilot - which he succeeded in His only purpose for joining, however, was his intense heartbreak after not only the loss of, but the impregnation of his high school sweet heart whom cheated on him repeatedly, claiming his "steady life" of attempting to become a lawyer was too boring for her. Nathan had been running a majority of his life before that, even, as he had been a somewhat problem child due to the loss of his mother and younger sibling. The beginning of the career that made Nathan an international spy and war hero during an era of disarmament was caused by teenage heartbreak. That said, Nathan continues only looking forward. He doesn't allow himself the time to look back.

Traits and Abilities

Nathan, known by his codename Amnesia, is a cata mutant, but his specific gene allocation doesn't greatly dilute his physical traits. Nathan has all of the enhanced physical traits granted to him by the CA04 serum and can even learn to use muscle memory techniques as if he were a regular cat mutant, albeit not to the same prowess. His notable enhancement, though, is observation and analyzing. Nathan can watch and copy techniques that require immense amounts of training or quick, repeated motions and replicate them either immediately or with practice. In the case of repeating a key code, Nathan can thoughtlessly replicate digits up into the hundreds before losing track. In more advanced situations, such as combat, driving or machine operation, Nathan begins to develop an understanding of the machinations of the situation and why the body is moved in certain ways. Anything not requiring a tool or machine, specifically movements of the body, is specifically easy for him, making him a very talented and capable hand to hand fighter, as well as marksmen and duelist. These traits, however, are not Nathan's superpower.

Nathan has the ability to activate an ability known as Amnesia in which he can selectively begin to force a target or several targets to forget their own skills. Nathan can, for instance, force a martial arts master to become hazy at the basics of his or her specific style(s). This ability becomes more effective over time, at first only working to make an opponent 'not use the best possible technique', but can eventually progress to absolute and total memory loss of a subject. After Nathan deactivates amnesia, his target will eventually gain their knowledge back and normally within minutes, depending on the exposure time. There is no known way of developing a resistance to this and Nathan requires line of vision to choose a target, but once a target is chosen, only Nathan chooses when to deactivate the ability unless they exit his fairly substantial range. This ability cannot force a target to forget specific facts unless those facts pertain to the subject Nathan is forcing them to forget; for example, Nathan could not force a geneticist to forget a certain genetic code unless he was forcing them to forget genetics. Nathan cannot force a target to forget multiple things or general things and he must actively choose what he forces them to forget, he can even choose for different targets to forget different subjects.

H.A.N.D. Status

Nathan leads the Alpha Squad for H.A.N.D. and with his mutation has proven a great asset in apprehending other mutants. He is revered as the best "duelist" within H.A.N.D. due to his ability to shut down other mutants' abilities, which results in inevitable wins for him in sparring matches. Amnesia, as he is more commonly known, is considered a benchmark within H.A.N.D. among other agents as his mutation is used as an example of "destructive power does not equate to superiority" in terms of mutations. As he acts as a leader of a squad and the embodiment of a H.A.N.D. ideal, Nathan is a valuable resource for the organization.


Nathan was the single son of a woman whom spent her time in factories. His father had died not terribly long before in an industrial accident cause by the terrible factory conditions of the era. His mother was forced to pose as a man and work "a man's job", replacing his father, so that they could get by and continue living on the housing provided to them by the company she worked for. This was done, mostly, out of sympathy to her plight as a recently widowed woman and mostly in hopes that she would soon remarry and leave the work force. It was quite the opposite. Posing as a man, she overcame her initial physical detriments and ultimately became a skilled factory worker. She could not rise up the chain any further, however, due to her gender as such would have revealed the corporate cover-up. The first years of Nathan's life were spent as part of the factory crowd, being taught in schools and going to churches provided by the steel industry his mother was working for.

His life, or more so his mother's, took a drastic turn for the worse several years later. Nathan could have only been a few years into his primary schooling before his mother was known as a whore and a "low-life factory skank." Truth was, the men that she could exceed grew jealous of her abilities and raped her. Repeatedly. Originally, it was just once. Meant to "teach her a lesson", but over time it became more and more frequent as her will broke. She was shared between multiple workers with no intervention in site, and this went on for at least two years. Nathan was scarred as a child, having no father and a mother that was considered scum, but it all came to an end. His mother, in sheer rage, frustration and likely depression, bashed in the skull of one of the men whom raped her with a lead pipe. Then another. Then another. She killed four men before being killed herself. That's how it ended.

Nathan had to leave the factory community, as there angry families looking to vent their frustrations and he was the only target left by his mother. Nathan fled, only a boy. He entered the world with little resources, little experience and as little knowledge as the schools could provide him. He lived on the streets and the streets turned that sad little boy into a man. Nathan spent several years performing menial tasks or whatever work he could find on the streets, all until he was just old enough to become a server and eventually a bartender at a tavern. Nathan became a full-time worker and caretaker of a small establishment, living in its upstairs as room and board, and taking care of all of its ledger work. Nathan had picked up arithmetic skills in his schooling, and worked with them well on the streets, to make him an asset to its Irish owners.

Nathan, following the route set out for him, was paired with the third daughter - a beautiful redhead fed well from the profits of what was becoming a popular tavern in the Jazz age - and was to be married into the family as to inherit the business he helped, and even improved on. Nathan came from nothing, and in all honesty appreciated all that he had received. His soon-to-be wife was beautiful, his life looked up, and he had avoided the draft all-together since he, in a way, didn't exist. Officials believed he died at that company camp. This, however, was not happily ever after for Nathan. His wife, as it turned out, had cheated on him repeatedly, sleeping around with several tavern drunks as they were "rough and ready" for her. Nathan caught her, devastating him and only shattering him even more when later she was found to be pregnant. The timing was all wrong for it to have been his, but her parents wanted their marriage secured anyway.

Nathan was shattered. He refused it. He fled and joined the fight in what was known as the global war, rather risking his life than dealing with one that tortured him. In reality, it's all Nathan knew how to do: run. Nathan ran from his life whenever it became too much, but he excelled in the military. Specifically becoming an aviator, becoming well known for his dog fights, Nathan took to the skies for freedom. He was ultimately shot down only to invade enemy camps and secure important intel' for the war, against odds even slimmer than that bastard child being his. After the war, Nathan was one of several distinguished war veterans with little or nothing to return to offered a place in H.A.N.D., and he took it. The military had became his home, he had risked his life before, so any experiment they put him through was for what he considered the greater good.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sparx


Member Offline since relaunch

[Female | 24 | Cata | Role within the team]

Florence "Flo" Black is becoming more and more suspicious of H.A.N.D. as the personal investigation into her brother's disappearance yields nothing. She can be ruthless in the field if the occasion calls for it, and even sometimes when it doesn't.

She does her best to keep personal relationships at bay, seeing as how every person she's let get close to her has either died, or tried to use her in some way. To her, its just the way life is. Besides, not many people have the stomach for her rude behavior. Growing up with no female figure and only brothers has a way of roughing one up around the edges.

Traits and Abilities

Flo is CatA mutant, but her physical prowess didn't evolve in the general super soldier sense. Instead of mirroring complicated and technical physical skills, Flo's cells memorize and can recreate those of more 'primitive' species, animals. She can either retain these attributes, or dispel them at will. For example, she can generate the same cells that allows for the cuttle fish to put on such an elaborate light show, or generate the adhesive toe pads of a gecko to facilitate wall scaling. These are still physical attributes she has to learn to use and manifest with practice. It is this ability that has allowed her to keep up with the more superior general Cata mutants.

The time it takes to change her body can span from seconds to hours, depending on how frequently the mutation is used, the size and complacency. Cell schematics are gained through the sensory of touch from any area of the skin. Flo can touch the hide of a living creature and in the matter of moments be able to replicate simple structures, such as claw shape, skin, teeth and fur texture. In order to replicate more complex systems, such as ocular, digestive, aural and other internal systems require a more prolonged touch. She can not grow non existent limbs, such as wings, only alter what her body naturally contains. That being said, she does have the capability of a regeneration rate than that of a normal human, going as far to grow back limbs in a matter of days to weeks.

Her ability, ironically, does not give her the knowledge of said animal. The use of Flo's abilities is purely physical, much like a 'double jointed' individual is simply more flexible than that of other people. They do not have to have an understanding of how their joints work in order to flex, just practice in order to achieve seemingly impossible positions.

Due to her mutation, and difference in 'muscle memory' Flo has to train twice as hard than other CatA mutants to keep her combative skills up to par. She's proficient in hand to hand combat and prefers tactical knives, though she is no longer a stranger to fire arms.

H.A.N.D. Status

Flo joined H.A.N.D. in her brother's shadow and had a hard time convincing officials she wasn't to be taken lightly simply because she was a woman. She was thankful to H.A.N.D. for providing her a purpose and new lease on life, until her brother's disappearance. She finds it hard to swallow that no one has any details on his disappearance and her loyalty to H.A.N.D. is waning. Something's not right and she's willing to burn everything to the ground to learn the truth. Until then, keep your friends close, but your enemies closer.


Flo grew up in a poor family and the youngest of six children. Her mother died in childbirth, leaving her with her five brothers and alcoholic father. It wasn't always that way, or so she's been told; they were once a loving family, until she came along. Flo was the object of most of the fathers ill will and disdain, having blamed her for his wife's death. Her older brother's mostly protected her from Pop's drunken rage and beatings, but they couldn't be there all the time. Her brothers taught her to fight, something they learned from Pop's back in the day and from surviving on the streets.

The family earned a living any way they could. Flo worked to wash and press the laundry for those who could afford the service. While the men went to work in the mines and factories nearby. Flo, always looked up to her brothers and was tired of the womanly duties. So when her brothers enlisted into The War, Flo was right behind them. She proudly became part of the Marine Reservists. She soon learned she was a glorified pencil pusher, messenger and model. It was rare she was allowed to handle a gun, much less get any real wartime. As a nurse she would have seen more action, but without the rank.

The war claimed many sons, including most of Flo's brothers. Johnny was the only survivor of the boys. After the war the siblings went their separate ways, Johnny was never the same again. Flo would occasionally meet him for small get together, but more often than not she found him drowning himself in booze or women. Flo had a hard time returning to society as well. There were jobs more accessible to the female population, but nothing that excited or made her happy. Not only was she working in a clothing factory, but she was watching her brother become the father she long since loathed. She decided she wasn't doing it anymore, she refused to watch her last brother destroy himself. She ignored his mail and it wasn't long before he disappeared from her life.

Three years Flo carried on with her life, occasionally finding room enough in her life for a romantic fling here and there. She found it difficult to keep a steady job, as she grew bored of everything after a few months. Until the fateful day Johnny knocked on her studio apartment door. He looked well, even better than she remembered him, put together and proud. She invited him in and after hours of catching up, he told her about H.A.N.D. He talked her up to some of his officials and, due to her Marine background and Cat brother vouching, had a job to offer her. It was offer she couldn't refuse.

To be updated as the RP progresses.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by eyesonlyhacker
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

[Female | 3,134 | Pre-Mutant | Role within the team]

Anna 'Étaín' McIntyre. In the early days of Celtic folklore, when the Tuatha De Danann lived among humans Anna was known for her legendary beauty. Over the millennia her image has served to inspire the now classic imagery of an Irish maiden, with her flowing red hair, and creamy pale skin. Standing at only 5'6" and a youthful face full of freckles it is easy to mistake Anna as a harmless girl.

Like the sun that she represents Anna can be a fiery individual, as uncontrollable as a wild fire when angered. To those that have spent time with her, Anna is considered soft spoken. Anna often doesn't let many into her private world, nor care for what is happening outside of it. Rarely has she shown an active role in the politics of her world, immigrating to America to avoid being drawn into the Irish Rebellion in the late 1700s. When approached by H.A.N.D. Anna agreed to their requests in an attempt create a new Tautha De Danann culture, but quickly turned against them at the realization they were as monstrous as humanity.

Traits and Abilities

- Solar Manipulation: The power to control and generate the solar energy. Such manifestations of this power includes; fireproof skin and UV radiation immunity, the ability to generate miniature solar winds/flares, absorb solar energy, Create universal constructs and energy blasts/explosions from solar energy.

- Regenerative Healing Factor: Anna is able to rapidly heal damaged bodily tissues much faster and more extensively than a human is capable of. She can't, however, regenerate missing limbs or organs.

- Superhuman Longevity: Anna and her race age at a dramatically slower pace than humans do after reaching adulthood. However, Anna isn't fully immune to the effects of aging.


Human Physiology - While many mutants possess peak-human to super-human physiology, the Tuatha De Danann physiology never evolved beyond that of normal humans.

Weakness to Iron - The Tuatha De Danann have a strong reaction to iron more then any other substance in the universe, it is highly toxic to them, which lead to the myth in old celtic lore that the only thing that can truly one was with an iron sword.

Night - Anna pulls her power from the sun. As such she becomes powerless at night.

H.A.N.D. Status

Anna was recruited at the beginning of the twentieth century, providing the necessary materials for scientists to begin the research for the serums. After the war ended and the sudden outbreak of new mutants Anna continued her contract with H.A.N.D. to control the mutants she know considered her greatest sin.


Anna McIntyre, born Étaín, was a member of the family of pre-mutants known as the Tautha De Danann that naturally evolved on the Irish islands several thousand years ago. Étaín is the daughter of Etar, king of Echrad, and Grian. As she grew up Anna became known throughout Ireland for her legendary beauty. It was such beauty that drew the attentions of Midhir, Lord of Bri Leith, who abandoned his first wife, Fuamnach, in order to marry Anna. Enraged with jealousy Fuamnach cursed the young Anna, never being able to bare a child for Midhir, and set into motion a bitter rivalry that continued until Midhir's death.

By the 10th Century BC much of the Tautha De Danann had died off due to rivalries, small gene pool, and Ireland's general remoteness. Unlike most of her kin Anna didn't eagerly adopted the mantle of god among the humans, instead choosing to fade from history and avoid the conflicts that would spell disaster for the rest of her people. If was during this relative time of peace in Ireland that Anna began her first Odyssey traveling across Europe before coming under the guidance of King Solomon. During her time in the east Anna learned of new ideas and languages. She traveled through Asia, learning to disguise her red hair and pale features.

One of Anna's main goals during this period was to uncover others like her. As her own people were revered as gods she sought out other major legends of gods through the known world. However, she did not encounter another until Shang-ti in the lands known as China. Coveting her beauty and power the Chinese mutant attempted to imprison and force Anna to marry him. She was kept for three years underground where the sun could not reach. Her escape finally came when she was able to seduce a slave into allowing her into a courtyard where she was exposed to the sun. With her power restored Anna burned down Shang-ti's palace, graviously wounding that man and flee west.

By the time she'd returned to the Aegean region much had changed in the three-hundred years she'd wandered through Asia and Africa. Anna remained in the Roman Kingdom for a decade, learning of new concept of democracy that was taking hold of the populace. Anna left Rome when it became evident that violence was to break out between the monarchy and the Republic factions of the kingdom. She returned to Ireland towards the beginning of the fifth century BC, over four-hundred years since her departure. With her she brought new influences of art, language and culture.

Feeling that the Tautha De Danann should remain nothing more then myth to the humans Anna chose a life of solitude. Living far from human settlements in the mountains of northern Ireland for several centuries, venturing out every couple of decades to travel the lands and learn how the humans were changing. Her encounter with the roman writer, Claudius Ptolemy, in the first century AD brought news of Rome from the last six-hundred years. Appalled at the time of the promising concept of a republic falling into a brutal empire Anna at first dismissed the man, whom had surmised the truth of her origins during their discourse. However, the knowledge Ptolemy willingly shared to the immortal woman was the basis of the friendship they formed. For this she shared much of the lost history of her homeland to the roman, making the man commit to never share the knowledge of her kind.

The new ideas from the rest of the world spurred Anna into becoming more of a force of change for Ireland. For the next three-hundred years Anna helped in the elevation of the High Kings Cormac mac Airt and Niall Noígíallach. Though she chose to remain in the shadows Anna encouraged the idea that these Kings had been chosen by the gods of old to reign over the peoples Ireland. The golden age of High Kings saw the slow unification of the emerald isles, though short as the emergence of Christianity altered Anna's efforts. Though Christianity had a presence on Ireland for several generations it wasn't until the arrival of Palladius that Anna was directly attacked. The immortal was seen as a heretical figure and a threat to the new religion.

Viewing the royal family's conversion and renouncement of the old gods as a betrayal to all that she'd done for them Anna fled from Ireland, beginning her second odyssey. Anna resettled in Rome, which by this time was in sever decline and the western empire close to collapse. By the time of the sacking of Rome by the Vandals in 455 CE Anna had become fed up with humanity and their constant need for war. Traveling east Anna settled in Constantinople which she found far more enlightened then its western counterpart.

After centuries of seeing nothing but wars Anna returned to Ireland at the beginning of the eighteenth century, but soon left for America due to the outbreak of the Irish Rebellion and French Revolution. Anna continued to move around and change her identity until the late nineteenth century when the group that would become H.A.N.D. became aware of her. After several years avoiding them Anna was convinced to join them it their pursuit to understand and recreate her genes. Though for Anna it was a chance to see the return of her species and a family of her own. However when the Great War broke out and witnessing the atrocities these mutants could be capable of Anna came to believe that the world was better off without her kind. As a result Anna has committed to work with H.A.N.D. to control the sudden outbreak of mutants.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mixtape Ghost N
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Member Seen 10 days ago

[Male | 28 | (Cata) | Second-In-Command of Alpha Team]

James "Marquis" Blackmore is a recent recruit into H.A.N.D. He is a veteran of WWI as a British Man, and has some experience flying planes. He isn't exactly the most trusted member of the organization due to his temper, and attitude. However, despite this, James is one the more dedicated agents of H.A.N.D. He is a loyal and by the books man. He follows order, but he isn't needlessly cruel. He doesn't commit war crimes for fun, nor is he soft enough to spare someone who needs to be killed. Off duty, James is a proud man, he has a short temper, and is quite hard to hold back once he gets started. He's rather cocky, and arrogant, though it's not as blatant as his other personalities traits. He keeps it in check, and usually only lets a few comments slip. This all stems from his childhood of being an athletic trouble maker that he never quite grew out of. He doesn't hesitate to fight if pushed. It's something that just gets his blood rushing, and he's quite the adrenaline junkie. He'll do anything to get that feeling. Which is why his superiors don't exactly trust him and delegate him to simple roles. Since his attitudes tends to ruin their more diplomatic endeavors. James doesn't really get attached to people anymore, since all the people he meets are operatives under H.A.N.D. He doesn't think too highly of most of them, calling them tools of the government, and disposable. While making himself to be more than what he really is. In terms of morality, James is a true neutral. He isn't out to help the world, nor is he out to destroy it. He's just following orders and doing his job. Nothing more, nothing less.

Traits and Abilities

Power Replication. James is a Cata mutant that specializes in the replication of Pre, Bolt, and Cat(a) powers. With simple skin-to-skin contact with a mutant, he can copy their abilities and add them to his own power pool for an indefinite amount of time. However, depending on how long the contact is dictates how much of the power he replicates. For example, say if he shook a telepath's hand for a few seconds, he would only be able to read thoughts. If he brushed up against a speedster he would only get a slight speed boost. Or, after an extended hold with a pryomancer, he can shoot and control fire on the same level as they can. If he doesn't copy all of an ability, James will be able to fill in the blanks by coming in contact with them again. He can do this to any power in the, however, he is unable to copy physical traits of those with a higher genetic potential. Focusing more on the fancy stuff like pryomancery, mind reading, and so on. James can only use one power at a time, and is capable of holding on to three powers at a time. Below are replicated abilities:

-Cyromancery. James's current replicated ability. It's pretty simple, James has the ability to freeze objects and manipulate ice in general. He can mold ice into constructs with without effort in general. A little trick he came up with was dropping the air temperature to freezing levels.

RFC Training. Before joining H.A.N.D. James served the British Royal Flying Corps (Now the Royal Air Force) as a fighter pilot. Having piloted a Bristol F.2 Fighter during the war. He was what they called an ace during WWI, credited with over twenty victories in the sky. He's been trained in hand to hand, and how to use guns too.

H.A.N.D. Status

James was a recent recruit into H.A.N.D. after leaving the Royal Flying Corps several years back. He has served in a few missions to control the sudden outbreak of mutants.


(Prepare for subpar like no other! I suck ass at backstories!)

James Blackmore was born into the Blackmore Family, a near-ancient English bloodline that has existed since the 1800's. This family was exclusive to the British Isles. The family has existed for centuries, and not much is known about them these days other than their traditions and their code of honor.That said, James had a large family of two brothers, Grant and Richard Blackmore, and one sister, Fiona Blackmore, a father, William Blackmore, and mother, Jane Blackmore. His father had provided his family with different jobs  worked in the schools. While his mother was a artist. James had a relatively normal childhood growing up in Coventry, England. He didn't excel in Academics, instead opting for athletics. Already from a young age he was rash, impulsive, and fiery. Whenever he went to school, he was often sent back home for starting fights with other students. Which was a worrying habit, James's parents did all they could to discipline their child, but it never seemed to work. James on the other hand felt like he was alone in the world, and has done nothing for him, so he didn't owe it squat. When alone he usually looked to the skies. Dreaming for the days when he could explore the world and be truly free. The only way he could think of was joining the air force.

Other than that, James's childhood wasn't relatively notable other than his temper getting worse. He still got into fights on a semi-regular basis, and he was failing his classes. It had reached a boiling point when he was arrested in his late teens after assaulting another man. His parents had absolutely enough of their son's rash and violent behavior. They had one choice, they enlisted him in the British Army and left him to handle himself. Which James found as a brand new opportunity. He signed up for the Royal Flying Corps and began training, learning that it was a chance to become the pilot he always dreamed of. Which was hard given his attitude. James especially was pushed to his limits due to his brash attitude, but he got the discipline that his parents could never give him - it was helped by the fact that he really wanted to become a pilot in the RFC. It took years of training, but he finally became a pilot.

Just in time too, tensions were rising all over Europe was World War 1 grew closer, and once it began, Marcus was assigned to France under the British Expeditionary Force. There, James has seen a little bit of action, fighting in the Battle of Mons, and seeing the RFC gain it's first victories. Since then, James was assigned as a fighter, and he also supported the ground forces when assigned. Under the RFC, he fought in many battles. The Battle of Somme, the Battle of Arras, and the Battle of Cambrai. Battle after battle, James never stopped flying. He was determined to win the war for Britain, and the world. There were days he didn't sleep, and just kept flying. However, on November 11th, 1918, the war finally ended and his journey finally was complete. James felt fulfilled, but changed. The war was something else, something he was never prepared for. He wondered if it was even worth fulfilling his dreams anymore. Worst of all, when he returned home, he learned that his brothers Grant and Richard, were killed during a German bombing on Britain.

After the war had ended, James decided to leave Britain behind and head to greener pastures. A humbled new man. James went to America, merely because his family had some ties to the country and he wanted to try a new country for a fresh start. He went to New York City, since he heard some stories about the city. He got an apartment, then he lived as a Butcher for a few years, living an empty life shell-shocked by what he saw during the war.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Master Crim
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Master Crim Hunter of the Paleblood Moon

Member Seen 8 mos ago


Spencer “Trigger” Hallsy is one from a select group of military personnel who received an offer from H.A.N.D. to participate in their Cat program. He was told that only the top marked soldiers were allowed this privilege, and that their continued service would continue to save the lives of those they loved. Spencer agreed and was introduced to CA04, a super soldier serum that had amplifying effects on the mind and body. He was told that it also has, in rare cases, the possibility to grant certain abilities beyond what can be explained.

Before Spencer was drafted he was a reporter for the paper, but he was one that businesses never liked to see. He was more of a peeping-tom that captured back ally deals that they would rather keep in the dark. With doing this as a job he developed a knack for sneaking around and finding vantage points. This came in handy when he was drafted and trained as a sniper. Throughout a good portion his service he was tasked with a small crew to hide near Axis military traffic points to report movements of troops and vehicles. It wasn’t until well into his deployment that he had his big break. His team was doing their normal routine of tracking troops when Spencer spotted a high value target. After some waiting and radio problems Spencer took the shot and confirmed the kill as one of the German Commanders. This earned him much respect and a transfer from recon to Counter Insurgency then on to Spec Ops.

These promotions got him the experience and praise that ultimately allowed him a position into H.A.N.D. but at a price. Being in the Great War took its toll on people, and when put into the Special Operations was an aspect of war he had not seen and was probably not ready for at the time. There isn’t much of what you would call a person left in Spencer now, after what the war put him through. He was told that wounds would heal and he would be able to return to the life he had, but the marks left on him never went away.

Attributes and Abilities
Spencer, who was dubbed “Trigger” for a war name, is what is known as a Cat agent for H.A.N.D. this means that he may not have powers, but his physical strength and cognitive abilities are far beyond the average person. He was trained in military hand to hand, as well as various styles learned from studies by H.A.N.D. Due to the CA04 drug he is capable of learning very quickly simply from observation and mild practice. The drug also had effects on the abilities he had beforehand. He had great hearing observation, tracking and visualizations skills, and after CA04 he was able to see things that he couldn’t before. He can now see the beating of a chest or major vanes near the skin and small movements at great distances distance. Hear people talking through various densities of walls and selectively here targets when he focuses. Not only where a person was walking but how, what kind of weight they were carrying and how long ago they were there. He can recreate an area from pictures in his mind and see from vantage points within that three dimensional layout.

Spencer had PTSD from his experiences in war and CA04 has effected that by making him turn unpredictable and very aggressive. He also does not have any “Meta-human” powers gained from the drug putting him at a strict disadvantage to some other mutants.

H.A.N.D. Status
Spencer was recruited, for his upstanding service and abilities during the great war as a field oprative, by H.A.N.D. as an honorary opportunity. Not being able to cope with civilian life anymore he chose to take up their offer and become a soldier once more. Spencer was a bit wary of the operation, but after seeing the results, and what he was now capable of, his blood of red, white and blue coursed once more through his veins.

Spencer’s child hood was not one that was special in any way. His family wasn’t rich, they didn’t have any special position in the city they were just an ordinary family from Bostin with two kids: Spencer and Andria. Spencer was fortunate enough to go to school for a good deal of years before his father had a work accident forcing Spencer to forsake school and start working at 13 years of age. Spencer had many different jobs as a paper boy, mail courier, factory worker and so on up the line. He worked his life away trying to make sure his family had a place to stay and food to eat, and most importantly to show his dad that he was not just “A school boy with his head I the clouds.” His father called him this because the transition from school to work was hard for him and he lost many jobs from being up too late trying to continue reading books from his days studying.

It wasn’t too bad for Spencer until his father fell extremely ill and passed do to his work injury, and Spencer’s family was in deep debt troubles. With Spencer, now 17, working hard to keep his mother and sister from living on the streets he basically had no life outside of work. The next few years were the hardest for their family as Spencer’s mother was so grief stricken she hardly left the house or talked to anyone. The only person that Spencer had was his sister Andria who was also working as a laundry maid. Eventually, being overwhelmed be grief and depression, Spencer’s mother died leaving just the kids. Having nowhere to go Spencer was able to make a deal with a friend at his work that they could bunk with him until other arrangements could be made.

After moving in with his friend Spencer was able to get a job at the local paper writing articles for the business page. As time went on he proved to have quite an aptitude for photography and capturing shots that not many could. Moving up in the industry he was finally able to provide a good living for himself and his sister, and they were both able to feel secure in their new apartment without having to worry about when they would eat next. It was around this time that Spencer noticed his sister acting a bit unusual, and seemed to be working some very strange hours. He was un able to investigate further though as he was drafted into the war and shipped across seas to fight. He wrote his sister whenever he was able, but seldom got a response.

Over the course of the War Spencer witnessed things that changed his life forever. Battle after battle, kill after kill and the things a man can do to another man just to survive. He slowly became numb to emotion and all things that would make a person who they are. He eventually became what would be known as the perfect soldier following orders without question and killing simply because he was told. By the end of it all he earned many names: Killer, Machine, Ghost but the one that really stuck was Trigger. It was at this time in his life that an agency called H.A.N.D. offered him a position in a service program, but at first Spencer thought that he wanted just to go home and continue with his life where he left off. Getting home he found many things he was not expecting, His sister had disappeared, his letters were collecting dust on the floor, and he couldn’t deal with civilian life. He was always expecting a fight and while doing his photography would laps into soldier mode and begin stalking his target. Eventually Spencer contacted the H.A.N.D. recruiter, and shortly after became an agent within the Cat program.

His sister is a character I will be working on to introduce in the future.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gypsi


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[Male | 23| Pre-Mutant/Non-mutant Hybrid| Role within the team]

Angel "Kite" Vega came into his role within H.A.N.D under unique circumstances, having lived the majority of his life as a modern day nomad, or better known as a military brat. Before his conceiving, his mother, who was an ethereally beautiful Cheyarafim(angel-like pre-mutants), had lived many centuries on a seemingly never ending quest to discover her other half, her one and only true love. But to her dismay, this seemed like a fleeting dream. Having given in, once more, to her relentless romantic and sexual whims, she garnered the curse of a vengeful witch, raged over the infidelity the cheyarafim partook in with her husband. It would be this affair, that brought Angel into this world. His birth signified the first time a cheyarafim offspring could use magic.

Unlike his fiercely assertive and high-ranking military father and bubbly cheyarafim mother, Angel developed a much more demure persona. Somewhat awkward and reclused, he speaks in a graceful and overly-respectful manner, and finds interest in the mundane and things not usually looked at with much interest by others. His commonly glazed countenance can make him seem somewhat aloof and dissonant. Despite his wallflower like qualities, he is a rebel who finds joy in the discoveries and oddities of the world and fights back against his so called "destiny". In his eyes, the future is never set in stone. Due to the curse placed on his mother before his birth, he developed a natural connection to the magical energies of the world and is able to pull from these energies to achieve wildly creative feats. This energy is known as mana and it supposedly emanates from the core of the earth. Despite his lack of extensive combat and magic training, Angel is quite competent, although his altruistic and sensitive personality sometimes intrudes in any serious decision making. Underneath his pearly gaze lurks a heavy heart, guilt ridden about having been invited into H.A.N.D by way of nepotism.

Traits and Abilities
-Spellcasting: Having absorbed the mana of the curse that plagued his mother while still in her womb, Angel involuntarily gained access to the fundamental magical skill of casting spells, a skill usually only accessible to natural born witches. Though somewhat lacking in great experience, his spells function like incantations that are written and then recited as verse. They vary widely in length, though typically, the longer the incantation, the more powerful yet draining it is. Spells can be written in virtually any format. However, in order for a spell to work, he must state in the incantation what is lacking before stating what is needed.

-Wings: Like his mother, Angel has the natural born ability of flight due to his large feathered wings. His wings' flexible structure enables him to press them to the back of his torso and legs with only the slightest bulge visible under his clothing(though he typically uses magic to keep them hidden on the surface of his skin like an invisible tattoo, so to onlookers, it looks as though his wings magically vanish and reappear in an instant). Despite their delicate appearance, his wings have superhuman strength. The strength in his wings can easily break a man's arm or leg or even put someone through a wall.

-Flight: Though Angel generally flies beneath the height of clouds, he can reach a height of 10,000 feet with little effort. With severe strain, he can reach the highest recorded altitude of a bird in flight(about the height of Mt. Everest), but can only remain that high for several minutes. He can fly nonstop under his own power for a maximum of approximately 12 hours. His normal cruising speed averages around 70mph, though he is capable of diving swoops that reach up to 180mph. He can fly at 150mph without the help of a tail wind for up to half an hour at a time before tiring to an appreciable degree. Angel has undergone heavy training with his mother in mastering his flight indoors. He has superior agility, flexibility, reflexes, coordination, and balance while flying. Besides transportation, the power is especially useful when conducting aerial reconnaissance, evading attacks or escaping capture. It is possible for him to carry others while flying as well and due to his anatomy, he is capable of lifting 500lbs at his peak.

-Aerial Adaptation: Like his mother, Angel's entire anatomy is naturally adapted to flying. His bones are hollow like a bird's, making him weigh far less than usual for a male of his build. His body is virtually devoid of fat and possesses a greater proportionate muscle mass than an ordinary human. His eyes are specially adapted to withstand high-speed winds which would hurt the average eye. He possesses a special membrane in his respiratory system that enables him to extract oxygen from the air at high velocities and altitudes. His physical adaptations give him incredible protection against damage from falling. Angel's body, while far from invulnerable, is far more resistant to blunt force trauma than an ordinary human, an adaptation that allows him to withstand large amounts of friction while in flight. His body processes food more efficiently than a normal human body and as a result, his strength, speed, agility, flexibility, endurance, reflexes, coordination, balance, eyesight, and hearing are at their peak. Elements of his anatomy are comparable to those of birds, especially birds of prey.

Vocal Manipulation: Like his mother, Angel possesses a set of vocal cords that can produce a sonic frequency beyond the range of human capability. This allows him to create multiple sounds or voices at once. His ability also allows for more fine-tuned and distinctive vocal control to achieve feats such as hypnosis. He can even copy any sound he has heard or imagined.

H.A.N.D. Status
Angel is one of the fairly new recruits of H.A.N.D. His induction via nepotism has left him with a lingering grip of guilt and doubt. He has indeed, acquired some minor military training via his father and extensive flight training from his mother, but the fact that he didn’t actually participate in WW1 and that his magic is so undeveloped, has somewhat left him feeling incompetent and less resourceful than the other agents. His father is a proud high-ranking soldier who participated in the war and though grateful to have made it back alive, couldn't help but feel disappointed that his son didn't fight along side him. Angel has primarily joined H.A.N.D. to appease his father, but he isn’t quite sure if this is where he belongs, no matter how much he may want to please his father.

Angel’s mother was a hopelessly romantic cheyarafim who originated from Spain and lived many centuries with a drive to find her one true love. Throughout the cheyarafim community, she became particularly famous for having married seven different noblemen and then acquiring their entire riches after each of them died in a different and strange (and unsolved) manner. It was her bad luck, perpetuated from a curse placed on her by a scornful witch(Angel's mother was caught in an affair with the witch's husband) that caused misfortune to fall upon any man that she may fall in love with.

Having become pregnant by her final lover(Angel's father), a high ranking soldier stationed in Spain, it was Angel's birth that broke the witch's curse. His birth, the opposite of death, was the crescendo and epitomic representation of his parent's true love for one another. In breaking the curse, he ultimately saved his father from another misfortunate death. The witch's mana that fueled the curse, now broken, was absorbed by Angel's body while he was still in the womb. Her magic subsequently passed on to him, marking the first time in history a cheyarafim has been able to use magic like a witch.

Since his birth, he moved with his mother and father from Spain to one place after another. His father was being stationed in many different places for short periods of time and exposed him to the grandiosity of the world. While this nomadic lifestyle allowed Angel to experience many different countries and cultures that most others would never be able to do, this in turn made it hard for him to settle in and make friends. This ultimately led to his somewhat awkward and shy temperament that is today. It was during these "adventures" that he developed his love of art, singing, literature, and music as a way to express his not-so outward excitement. When his wings finally grew in during adolescence and his body began to change like that of a bird of preys, his mother gave him extensive flight training, and over the course of years, he was able to hone his flying abilities. Despite this way of living however, Angel quite enjoyed it, and like his mother, developed a cry for love, adventure, and discovery.

As his artistic soul developed, and as he got older, many of his paintings, drawings, songs, and writings portrayed all the many places he lived. When his father went off to battle in WWI, the original plan was for Angel to go to war with him. However, at the pleading and begging request of his mother, Angel was able to avoid participating in WWI, and ever since, has found himself in a somewhat regretful state. To make his guilt even worse is that his father utilized nepotism to grant his son entry into H.A.N.D. as a means of his son "making up" for not participating in WW1.

The lingering thoughts always replay in his head. Did his mother think he was not capable enough to participate in the war? Did his father think he was not capable enough to enter into H.A.N.D. on his own? These questions, at least to him, need answers. And despite the circumstances of his strange upbringing, this is the time for him to form his destiny and prove his own capabilities and worth, not just to his parents, but to himself. Maybe through H.A.N.D., he can find his...purpose.


When he gets really serious or focused, he ties his long hair into a bun or a ponytail. He is also bisexual. He speaks fluent English, Spanish, Portuguese, and French.

-Artistic and Musical Talent: Angel is an exceptional artist and painter, plays the clarinet and violin, and regardless of his pre-mutant abilities, he is an excellent singer.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by dreamingflowers
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Member Seen 4 days ago

[Female | 22 | (Pre-mutant) | Informant/Infiltrator]

Katerina "Sybila" Chavdarova joined H.A.N.D right after World War 1 ended. Among the high class of her hometown she was known as the Sybil of Chicago. A renowned fortune teller Katerina was famed but also feared for her incredible accuracy. Eventually H.A.N.D caught wind of her activities and send someone to test her authenticity. Convinced of her skills they asked her to join H.A.N.D as an informant, so they would always stay one step ahead of any potential mutant outbreaks.
She is tough, independent, smart, vain and has an incredible sense of self-preservation. There is nothing she wouldn't do to ensure her own survival. She has been known to have a knack for creating elaborate plans and deceptions to get what she wants.
If a task needs doing, she'll find a way to accomplish it, usually through a combination of uncompromising will and skilled manipulation of people and circumstances. Her eyes always seem to be hiding something Her mannerisms are deliberate, her true feelings hidden, almost as though she is performing for an audience. She is such a skilled liar and actress that her "friends" are often left wondering. Did she really care about me or did she just use me?

Traits and Abilities
Katerina is a Pre-mutant with the power of both retrocognition and precognition respectively. Both fall under the category of ESP (extrasensory perception). She is a descendant of a long line of mystics, seers and psychics from the Eastern European region, whom have counseled the upper class of their time, providing valuable insights and information.
The specific gene which granted Katerina her power has been preserved in her family line for countless generations. Nobody alive today knows when and with whom the passing on of this gene began, but in time and with each new generation the gift changed slightly, evolving. In Katerina’s particular case it evolved into something more than merely receiving information.

Precognition enables her to foresee possible futures and observe what may happen. As knowledge of the future invariably causes that future to change, visions of the future are subject to frequent shifting. While not being able to select futures her visions may assist in possible courses of action. She often doesn’t understand what she’s seeing. A lot of the time there is no context and she is merely a spectator. There are times when she doesn’t know what things mean until later, sometimes not until it’s too late.

Retrocognition is the power to discern past events but with Katerina it is not simply that. She has taught herself to leave a psychic imprint on an object or person. The imprint would be something that she has seen which is then transferred to her target. If it's a person they would immediately see the vision she transferred, if it's an object it will linger there until somebody touches it. She has the same problems with retrocognition as she has with precognition. She can see into the past but doesn’t always know what it means. They are pieces of a puzzle.

Her powers are tactile, so she has to be able to touch a person or object before it works. She would then either focus on the past or future along with the subject she needs information on. For example, future relationships or a past marriage. It could be applied to anything she wants to know. Even though she never knows if things will come through, thinking about them does help. She has taught herself to use a deck of playing cards as her focus point, the divinatory meanings she attached to them help her focus on a particular subject providing her with the right context to understand what she’ll be seeing. It’s important to note that she is not all knowing, the information she gets is all subjective to change. Nothing is set in stone.

H.A.N.D. Status
Katerina is a long time informant of H.A.N.D. She has also served as an undercover agent and infiltrator at times due to her talents of deception.

Katerina was born in America in a poor immigrant family from Bulgaria. She was their only child and while they didn’t have much they were happy. While she was an only child she did not spend her childhood alone. Most of her immediate family moved with her parents to America. They wanted to start a better life there. Everyone worked hard to support each other and she grew up in this tight knit family. They made a modest living and took on any job that came their way.
When she was around fifteen years old the financial troubles the family had struggled with all their lives reached a boiling point. It wasn’t possible to care for the entire extended family, her grandmother and grandfather, her cousin and uncle. They all lived on the income of her parents who were the only ones who spoke proper English. So they had to return to Bulgaria, leaving Katerina with only her parents.
Somehow they always managed to make ends meet, until one day when Katerina came home after she’d run some errands for her mother. What she saw that day in her living room changed her forever. It was a nightmarish sight, her parents were laying on the floor their hollow eyes looking up at the ceiling. Their blood was splattered across the entire room, holes more than she could count covered their bodies. Their faces were barely recognizable. They were murdered in cold blood and she didn’t know why or how.
At first she was shocked, then there was sadness but all this quickly turned into anger. She knew this wasn’t just a simple crime. There was more to it than that. All along this feeling of something being off had been nagging at her. She never questioned it before but it was nearly impossible to do the things her parents did with the money they made. If they murdered her parents what would they do to her?
So for the next years Katerina ran from an unseen enemy. When she needed money she began to work as a fortune teller. It came naturally to her as the art had been in her family for countless generations and people paid good money for it. She never stayed in the same place too long and when she moved to Chicago an agent of H.A.N.D discovered her. She didn’t know it at the time and when he came to her reading room inside a local jazz club he was there to test her. She was very insistent on the details of her contract but eventually she was convinced joining would be in her best interest.

She speaks fluent Bulgarian and has a barely detectable accent when speaking English.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by guyvolk


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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Erebos


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[Sex: Male |Age: 21 | Mutant Type: Pre-Mutant| Role within the team: Recon/Infiltration]
Name: Aigis Tou Άtlanta | Code Name: Város
Aigis Tou Άtlanta, an olive skinned young man with a clean shaven face, shoulder length dark brown hair and soft-light brown eyes, standing at six feet tall with a strong-slender acrobatic build covered with scars all over his body, with one large one down the back of his left calf. He is often seen wearing a simple set of black dress pants and a long sleeve white dress shirt, with either a jacket or long coat depending on the weather.

Aigis was named on his fifth birthday, as was a local custom for the children of his community, for his kind nature and sense of duty. From the moment he could first walk he found himself doing his best to learn from and help those around him in whatever way he could, but never to his detriment, and only ever those who either asked or truly seemed to need it (the one exception to this would be his twin brother Gnosis, whom he was very attached to and would help to his own detriment).

Though after several years of experimentation his heart had hardened. Where there was once a gentle-sincere kindness to those around him there was now a sense of quiet cynicism and a laconic demeanor. His sense of duty and fealty, however, were some of the few things to remain unchanged in him throughout the experience.

Here's a link to the lyrics.

Traits and Abilities:
Covert/Reconnaissance Training: He has been trained to handle various covert and clandestine missions, making him an excellent reconnaissance and infiltration agent, a skill that is made easier by his above average perception and excellent spatial recognition and quick reflexes.

Martial Training: Aigis has been trained in various close range fighting styles, as well as marksmanship and mid-range combat techniques since a very young age, and has had those lessons ingrained into both his mind and body.

Dense Body: Aigis was born and raised on the Island of Atlas, more commonly known as Atlantis, in the Bermuda Triangle. Due to exposure to the increased gravitational pressure over countless generations, Aigis, as well as many other Atlanteans, have developed denser bodies, making them deceptively strong. In addition to having an increased weight, this increase in physical ability sets him definitively above non-mutant humans in terms of raw strength and agility, but is not so powerful as most Cat Mutants and certain Cata/Pre-Mutants. Despite this, Aigis himself has been trained to move quickly and step lightly and silently, a skill he practices unconsciously with every step to conceal his actual weight and mitigate any strong vibrations on fragile or thin material while he moves.

Air Mastery: The ability to control the air around him by imparting his will on it. Aigis, through continued and intense training has learned to do much with this ability, such as create and maintain a small vacuum to prevent sound from traveling, as well as use it to help further increase his long range abilities and increase his own mobility.

Weight Disparity: Due to his increased mass, Aigis, like most Atlanteans, cannot swim in most normal water (or other similarly thin liquids), as he’d usually end up sinking to the bottom. This ability however, changes that fact. When in water, the weight of his body lowers dramatically, without affecting his mass or other physical abilities. In addition, he is able to sense the weight, or pressure of those around him, an ability that he uses with his more mundane spatial recognition to help heighten his awareness.

H.A.N.D. Status: Pre-Mutant Agent
At the request of a senior member of his community that had previously left the island, Aigis had been brought off the island at a young age to help advance the testing of the original serum and bring it into fruition. After the project was scraped originally he was put into the U.S. military for training for clandestine deployment, but rarely saw active duty during the war. Upon the revival of the project after the war he was brought back in to have his skills used to stem the tide of the new mutant threat.

History: Two young boys stood together on a small shore near a boat as the sun was rising, one slightly taller with dark skin and dark brown hair messily covering his head and just barely obscuring his soft brown eyes, tried to console the shorter boy, a child with the same messy hair and brown eyes, but with considerably lighter skin. The dark skinned boy was speaking in an upbeat voice, trying to stop the lighter boy from crying and calm his nerves, but it was clear to any observers that he was just as upset as the lighter boy.

“Gnosis, please calm down. It’ll be fine, this won’t be the last time we see each other!”, the darker boy said. “We’ll be able to talk and play as long as you want the next time we see each other. I promise!”, he continued, trying his best to keep up his upbeat tone.

“Liar! You don’t know that, Aigis! I can see it in your eyes!”, the lighter boy yelled. He was still crying, but as his mood worsened he began to shake and shudder from a combination of his sadness and the cold from the morning wind. “You’re always going off and leaving me behind! I hate it! I hate it! I hate it!”, the lighter boy, Gnosis, continued. “I hate you!”, he cried out, more from grief and frustration rather than genuine hate.

Aigis flinched slightly at Gnosis’ declaration, even if he knew they weren't true, those words hurt him. “Gnosis…”, he spoke with a considerate tone, “You’re my brother. I would never leave you alone forever, but I need to go. For the betterment of our people I have to-“

“Lies! The Oracle said this was a terrible idea! She said you leaving now would only cause more harm than good!”, Gnosis interrupted his brother at the top of his lungs.

The Delphic Sibyl, known as the Oracle of Atlantis now, was the immortal woman that had, in ages long since passed, read the future for the great kings and heroes of the past. She now resided on the island, helping to protect it and sustain its people with her abilities.

“She said- She said that if you left the island before your future was told you’d be cursed!”, Gnosis yelled out again.

When the children of the island reached the age of five they were sent to the Oracle to begin their training and education with her chosen instructors, which lasted for ten years. After the first five years of training, on the day the child turned ten they would be taken to see the Oracle individually to have their futures told to them. Upon completion of their ten years they would be tasked with heading out into the world to help further their understanding of it, and make a place for them outside the island to help further support the island with outside resources and knowledge. After ten years off the island they were expected to come back to share their achievements with their home, and could then come and go freely from the island should they so choose. Many residents of the island had gone on to become high ranking political figures and business men that held sway over large companies.

“Aigis… Please… Please don’t leave me here alone…”, Gnosis pleaded with his brother weakly. Their mother died when she birthed the two of them, and their father, earnest man that he was, was never a good father. He provided for his children while he had them, but after they left his home to begin their training with the Oracle he had hardly ever had a chance to see them, and made few attempts to do so on his own. His brother was the only family he could depend on, and his closest friend. The idea of losing him horrified him.

“…”, Aigis stared at his younger brother. “Alright! I know what to do!”, he announced with renewed vigor. “Gnosis, I love you. You’re my brother and I've known you since we were inside our mother’s womb together. I will not promise you that we’ll see each other again. I swear it! I give you my word we will meet again, and when we do, I’m sure to want to hear about how you spent the time away from me!” He spoke with a genuinely upbeat tone, void of the previous sadness he had felt.

“… Do you mean it…?”, Gnosis asked weakly.
“You have my word!’, Aigis responded with confidence.
“H-hey wait a minute! Then doesn't that mean you really were unsure we’d meet again when you promised me that!?”, Gnosis said.

Aigis winced slightly at that. His brother had always been a smart kid, and could pretty easily read people too. A fact he both liked and disliked, especially when it was used on him. But his resolve was renewed now; he would make sure he met his brother again, of this he decided he would not fail. Just after he solidified the thought in his mind, the Charon started calling for him.

The Charon was a gate keeper of sorts, similar to the mythical figure of the same name. The waters around the island were very dangerous, in fact, it was almost impossible to get to this island by sea or air alive without the help of a Charon due to the treacherous waters and increased gravity, as well as a few “other” difficult conditions that surrounded the island from every direction.

“Gnosis, I want you to give me your word on something before I go, can you do that?”, Aigis asked his brother gently.
“I want you to do your best to make some more friends and become stronger. Nothing would make me happier than to know my beloved brother was doing well in my absence. Can you do that for me?”, he asked with a gentle smile on his face.
“... Y-yeah… Of course! You don’t have to worry about me! I’ll do fine, so please be safe…”, Gnosis responded, somewhat taken aback by his brothers sudden sincere wish.
“And Aigis… I’m sorry for saying I hated you… I just…”, his voice trailed off at that.
“I understand.”, Aigis responded. He hugged his brother and kissed him on the cheek as a final good bye before heading to the boat where the Charon was waiting.

As he boarded the small boat he turned to look back at his brother and waved. He really didn't want to leave his brother like this, but the decision was made by one of the higher ups of the island and out of his hands. Originally he had volunteered to go along with the man’s plan, not knowing that it would require him to leave the island behind, it was only when it was to late to back out that he was made aware of that fact. This man, he had some connection to the U.S. military, he heard. He was told that he would be posing as the man’s son and taking part in experiments of some kind, though he didn't really understand what that meant he still hoped he’d be of some help if he could, he did however know better than to reveal any information about his home to these people. He was reaching the age when unique powers began to develop in his people, so if whatever he developed, if anything at all, could be of some use he would be happy to do his best for the experiments to succeed.

He had no idea what was about to happen.

Gear: Iron Throwing Knives, Rope and Wire with small iron air grapples on either end, Woven (in such a way to be able to expand and contract to an extent) Pieces of Cloth with similar air grapples at each corner.

He has an irrational fear of spiders.

A skilled boat captain with decent knowledge concerning the operation of submarines. He also knows how to operate automotive vehicles.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mixtape Ghost N
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Member Seen 10 days ago

[Male | 34 | (Cata) | Brovo Team Leader]

Luther 'Insight' Ross Is a older member of H.A.N.D. selected by the organization's leadership to be the squad leader of Brovo team. He was selected due to his exemplary service during The Great War. Outwardly, Luther appears to be calm, collected and professional - and exceptionally pragmatic. To his friends and superiors he is a very polite, kind, and well-spoken man. Albeit very sarcastic. However, that friendliness evaporates on the job. He's focused, serious, and hardened. When necessary, he'll become a drill sergeant and chew out anyone for their stupid behavior. He most certainly hates failure, and incompetence even more so. He's a very intelligent and tactical man, trained in weaponry and more. He can come up with a plan on the fly. He's very honorable and disciplined - he will not tolerate senseless violence and crimes, but he will do what he has to in order to keep the peace. Keeping the peace means handling the bad apples in the Mutants outbreak. He won't hesitate to strike down any mutants H.A.N.D. tells him to. Innately is a different discussion altogether. His mind is always in a rush, and he's second-guessing almost everything. It bothers him that he's unprepared for absolutely everything, and tries his hardest to think over every possibility of every situation. Which means he sometimes thinks where he needs to act.

Traits and Abilities

Telepathy. Luther has gained a powerful mental ability from the Cata serum. It's telepathic in nature, but before I can describe that, I have to describe the basis first. Luther can detect minds around him at a wide radius, which more or less acts as a "people sense". With some focus, he can extend the range, but the furthest this has gone is around fifty feet without passing out. It tells him where any minds are, and with a little bit of focus, he can access them (He can access one or more minds at one time). There are plenty of things he can do by accessing a mind. He can do the usual telepath techniques such as reading surface and inner-most thoughts and sending thoughts (Which means by default he can communicate with people without even talking). He can Mind-links between himself and a group of people, which means they can hear each other's thoughts and communicate anonymously. While this ability may seem passive, it is possible for him to launch mental attacks against others. Two ways actually. The first and simplest way for him to attack someone is to flood their heads with random thoughts. Throwing off their focus and possibly overloading their minds with more information than they can possibly contain. The second and more complicated way is a mental blast that sends thoughts, memories, and emotions whirling around, causing severe headaches for a few minutes. Finally, Luther can defend himself against mental attacks of his own. He will always know if someone is entering his head, and can throw up mental barriers that keep people out. He's also cloaked by means of mental-based detection.

While his ability is incredible, it comes with some weaknesses and counters. For starters, those with high enough willpower can resist his mental intrusions and keep him out of their head. If someone were to think a bunch of random thoughts at a time, they can either keep Luther from getting information, or they can overload his mind. A major weakness Luther has is that whenever he uses his telepathy, he opens his mind up. Think of it like a mental flood-gate opening. When he uses his telepathy he begins letting thoughts into his head, and the more he does it (Or if he uses the fancier tricks such as mental attacks), the more thoughts will flood into his mind. Which can cause his mind to overload and suffer physical damage.

H.A.N.D. Status

Luther leads Brovo Team for H.A.N.D. and has personally seen the capture of many mutants. Using his power he is highly capable of predicting what a mutant is going to do next, and has used it to set up communications for his team that are nigh-impossible to eavesdrop on. He was recruited due to his skill, leadership, and how he took initiative when no one else did. From there, he's been deemed compatible with the serum and worked for them for years.


Luther didn't exactly have a great childhood. He was born as a young African-American in the southern states where racism runs deep. He lived in a racially segregated community with the rest of the blacks. He had to worry about people like the KKK attacking him wherever he went, and lived hated. Though, his childhood was happy as it could be. He was taught by his parents that race didn't matter, and not to despise the white-man - because that would only breed even more hatred. He held these ideals to this day. Though he spent his childhood longing for more. He wanted to be the best, and have the best education. But America was too segregated. So he bide his time. Hoping that times would change.

The Great War came around by the time he was of age. Many people in his community were stepping up and joining the army to gain the respect of America. Luther trained vigorously to qualify for the army. He was allowed to serve in the army, he still faced discrimination. He took it all in stride as he hoped to serve in a combat position. Luther saw that many African-Americans never fought in combat roles - they were placed in labor roles. He saw it unfit, and worked hard as he possibly could to fight in the army. Even if it meant that he had to brown-nose. However, he was selected for the 92nd Infantry Division, a Division made from African-American soldiers, working under the 367th Infantry Regiment. He, along with a large group of soldiers, were sent to France to fight in the war. He fought alongside French soldiers against the Germans. The Division as a whole weren't that experienced, and thus they received a bad reputation. Regardless, Luther has seen plenty of action, and came out of it alive.

Coming back he was almost driven crazy attempting to reintegrate into civilian life. At this point The Great Migration (Where African-Americans moved from the south northwards) had began. He figured that he'd join in that endeavor, but every time he tried, he failed. War was all Luther knew. It's never been peaceful. So H.A.N.D. offered him a rather important job, which he accepted without a second thought. He was compatible with the Cat serum, and gained superpowers relating to the mind. He worked his way up the organization, capturing and killing mutants that they told him to, until he selected for position of leader of Brovo team.

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