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Much better Spriggs thanks ^.^ I've recovered from my YJ shock after a tub of ice cream :) Though my posts are getting longer and longer unintentionally. This roleplay is my YJ fix!
"Wow.....my hearbeat?" She said in awe. That is not creepy at all The thought alone was enough to speed up her heartbeat. So there would be no gossiping about Mason when he was around because he could catch on to what they were saying from the other side of the room. When Mason continued to talk and show his others powers Amani had to keep her mouth closed in amazement. He could do some pretty amazing things and he had multiple powers all tied into one. Super strength, enhanced senses and even telepathy with wolves. It made her powers seem like child's play in comparison. He was probably going to be one of the heavy hitters on the team. Learning about her teammates and their powers made her think. How are we going to work together, would we be any good? She was sure, or at least she hoped the Justice League had chosen each of them based on their compatibility and powers, not because they had such fun personalities. They were superheroes after all, with superpowers meant to save the world. She had zero field experience, her powers weren't the kind you could practice by yourself. When they enlisted her a couple of weeks ago she hadn't really given it much thought. She just told herself it was all going to work out. Though now she was not so sure anymore. So far from the powers she'd seen her own where completely out of their league. Amani was worried she would be more of a liability than a valuable team member. She sighed. What she needed was something fun to keep her mind off of it.

"Thank you for helping me find my room, how can I repay you?" She smiled at Mason. "I didn't really do anything, I just walked with you" He was starting to unpack, something she still had to do too. Her stuff had been half unpacked when Mason came in, but she didn't really feel like unpacking right now. Where is the fun in that? She walked to his doorway and jumped outside as if she was crossing some sort of ravine.

"I'll leave you to it then, if you need anything you know where to find me" She said winking playfully at Mason. While she walked down the hallway she pondered on what to do in the time she had left for dinner. She was in distraction mode, meaning watching movies. Her worries about her inexperience and lackluster powers were already pushed to the back of her mind. I could do with a nice movie. Yeah she was really in the mood to watch something fun. There were only a couple of things besides watching movies she enjoyed. She had already cooked and she doubted any of the boys wanted to get a pedicure with her. She didn't know the girls well enough to ask them along either. Maybe that was the problem not her powers, she didn't know any of them. Not like she did say her dad or her brothers. The missions were undoubtedly going to take them to some dangerous places, and she was scared to go without anybody she could trust. Wow can I be anymore doomsday about this whole thing? She thought, amazed where her mind took her sometimes.

Amani skipped down the stairs and when she rounded the corner and entered the living room jaw dropped. There was glass everywhere, it was a total mess. There were glowing sigils on the walls. Amani was pretty sure this wasn't what their living room was supposed to look like. She carefully stepped over the glass recognizing Ember and Rachel who were standing close to a new girl she didn't recognize. "What happened?" She asked looking at the broken windows. "Oh my god......" Did someone jump out? She thought horrified. It was only one floor high but still you could break a few bones easily if you fell awkwardly.
This might be just me, yes I think it's me but I'm slightly confused. Where is everyone in the IC? (meaning the active players characters). I've been reading back for a bit and there are a couple of characters who left and it's confusing. Is it okey if I do a new head count or something to get this sorted out in my head? Maybe we could make a new character sheet thread too? That could come in handy at least for me it would.
I think Nate has lime colored eyes or maybe apple green not sure but I checked on the first page :) There is a picture of Amani in her character sheet duh but I think it was quite obvious since its kind of big. I liked the idea of green eyes to make her look a bit more magical, since I'll be going down that road later if the opportunity is there (character/backstory development) Also her being Middle Eastern would warrant an eye color like that since they sometimes have brightly colored eyes. Also Stry, Amani has totally been checking out Mason when he was staring at his luggage lolz. Though very subtle she was "studying" him from behind.
I'm confused X.X what's the difference between fluffy and fuzzy? If you're fuzzy you're also fluffy right? Great I'll go with the purple then. The first one looked like princess Jasmine which I thought was cool but it's kind of cold too XD Besides purple and green make a mean combo and Amani has green eyes. ^.^
I need to change the subject before I go any mushier than I already am lolz ;) No but look I found the cutest little doll/costume maker website and I made a couple of costumes for Amani with you guys's ideas as inspiriation. I need votes ^.^ Costume number 1 with a stealth option and alternative color. Or costume number two also with an alternative color. I'm leaning towards option two.

Demon Shinobi said
Nah I think she needs a Demon Hug. Demon hugs are the best ;P

Two hugs already make me feel a ton better, seriously guys
Stryder said
Aww, would you like a Mason hug? They worked for raven when she was pissed once, they should work now.

Please....*sniffs* I'm not pissed, I'm terrible at being and staying angry, I'm just sad lolz. I believe you can do it too Demon. Not because it's a nice thing to say but because you're really passionate about it and that's everything you need. ^.^
Stryder said
Don't worry, Mason has die before, it won't happen again

Yeah well don't die again period. I've gone through like half a box of tissues watching the final episode and of course OF COURSE my brother walks in. He was like this. "You cry about everything, you cry when you step on a flower and now you cry at some stupid cartoon. Just because you're a girl doesn't mean you can burst into tears about everything jeeezzzz." Now tell me, that's mean right? Because I'm fighting to urge to throw my beautycase at his head, and it's heavy. The crying over movies stuff is a little something of myself I put into Amani if it wasn't obvious XD. I can't decide if I need to stop posting in the OOC or if I should keep going. It's good to let your feelings out you know? *sarcasm inserted here*. No but seriously when I'm back to normal I'm going to be so embarassed reading this. At least my reaction is memorable
You're kidding right? DO YOU WANT ME TO DIE OF A BROKEN HEART!!!!! *talking to herself* "Alright you can stop screaming now." Yeah I think I'll stop posting tonight I'm completely out of it
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