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Rose had been dropped off at Viridian City by her older brother and was currently standing in front of the Poke Mart considering if she would go inside or not. True to its name of The City of Evergreen Viridian City was surrounded by lush trees in all directions. Everywhere you looked they rose up like a green wall, impenetrable. She was fresh out of any kind of medicine and she didn't have any poke balls yet either. Her brother told her it would probably be a good idea to stock up on both since the Bug pokemon in Viridian Forest were pretty nasty. They could really hurt her Budew who wasn't much of a fighter to begin with. How was she going to protect herself and Budew if they got attacked by a wild Beedril or something else? Maybe she should have taken up her brother's offer to borrow one of his pokemon. Or maybe this was all one huge mistake and she should just go back home.

No... She said firmly to herself. If she was allowing doubt to bring her down how was she going to prove everyone wrong? Determined to be well prepared she entered the Poke Mart. It wasn't very busy this early in the day so Rose could casually browse through the wares. They had quite a lot of items on sale and Rose put a couple of potions into her basket, along with five poke balls. When she got to the register she was greeted by a very cheerful cashier.

"Good morning!" "How may I help you today?" The young woman said with a bright and cheerful smile. She took out the items Rose had placed into her basket.
"Ah I see you are planning to go to Viridian Forest, you'd better stock up on some antidotes too"
Antidotes?? Rose thought with a questioning look on her face.
Didn't trainers use those to cure their pokemons from poisoning? Budew wouldn't need any because her ability healed her of any status problems the second she returned to her poke ball, but then again you could never be too sure.
"Uhmm sure I'd like two antidotes please." Rose added somewhat awkwardly. The woman didn't seem to mind much and added the two antidotes to the small plastic bag containing her potions and poke balls. After Rose had paid the cashier handed her the bag.
"Here you go dear, have a wonderful day"

Rose attempted a smile of her own and managed a small one, blushing due to her awkwardness. She quickly ran out of the store, once outside she took a deep breath. How in the world could people be so cheerful this early in the day? She was a ball of nerves about to go into Viridian Forest with no idea what she was going to encounter there. All she knew was that it was so dense the sun had trouble shining through the cover of branches.

Inside Viridian Forest

The aspiring pokemon trainer found herself deep into the Viridian Forest and when Rose glanced over her shoulder she couldn't see the entrance clearing anymore. It made her nervous to say the least and she thanked her lucky stars she hadn't encountered any scary wild pokemon. Budew was clutched closely to her chest and she seemed to rather enjoy being in the forest despite the lack of sunlight. It was a comical contrast compared to the trainer holding her.
"Now listen closely Budew" Rose carefully whispered to the small pokemon in her arms. She didn't want to disturb any sleeping pokemon and risk having them attack her, so she kept as quiet as possible.
"If you see any scary pokemon coming our way you need to chase them off with your stun spore.......got it?"
The tiny bulb nodded and continued to stare at the trees peacefully, as if there weren't any bug pokemon out there to kill them.

"Good, so let's hurry" Rose told Budew as she straightened the folds of her cream colored sundress. She wanted to look nice for her first day of traveling but now started to regret her choice of clothes. With this much skin showing she could easily get stung by any of the pokemon here. She should have thought things through a little better. Well, too late to turn back now. She thought as she put a strand of hair behind her ear. Eager to get out of the forest Rose continued on her way, keeping a weary eye on her surroundings.
Finally got my post up. I wanted to add more but there's always the next post :)
It was comfortably warm in the beat up car of Enzio, so much in fact that his sister Katerina was quietly dozing off, barely able to keep her head upright. They didn't get much sleep over the last couple of days. Their mother had been buried little over two weeks ago and on top of that there had been increased Crusader activity in their area. Grieving for the passing of his much loved mother was hard enough even without worrying for his sister's life. He couldn't do it both at the same time, so he put his grief aside to protect his sister. The thought of losing her was too much for him to bear. Not only was she a living memory of their mother, she filled the hole she left behind. He shook his head, trying to will away such thoughts. He tightened his grip on the steering wheel with a look of determination on his face. Enzio was willing to do anything to keep her safe. They were driving into the main district of the city and it was fairly quiet for the time of day. Enzio usually wouldn't think much of it, but the news of Crusaders closing in had him on edge. He surveyed the road warily, keeping an eye out for anything out of the ordinary.

He took his eyes of the road for a couple of seconds to glance at his sleeping sister. His expression softened into a gentle smile, even when she was sleeping she looked like her. Enzio considered snapping a picture of her because he knew she hated photo's, but in the end decided against it. It was too dangerous to take out his phone while he was still driving. With his luck they'd ran into someone and they didn't have the money to fix their own car, let alone someone else's. With their mother gone they lost a good chuck of income. Their father worked hard in the family restaurant and so did his brother who worked a construction job. It was barely enough to go around, the funeral alone had put them in major debt. They had to get a loan to pay for it and it was a miracle they even got it. Katerine made some money occasionally with her fortune telling and catering for people in their community, but it was not a steady source of income. Nobody but they knew about her being a super and he wanted to keep it that way. The less people who knew what she could do the better. He trusted nobody.

Katerina stirred in her seat, feeling like someone was watching her. She opened her eyes and took a deep breath, still halfway asleep. Even without looking at him Katerina knew her brother had been watching her. She straightened her clothes not wanting them to wrinkle and ran her fingers through her curls to make sure they looked good.
"Hey there sleeping beauty" Enzio said jokingly, turning his eyes back on the road. His sister hated that nickname. Even when she was sleeping she somehow made sure she wouldn't mess up her looks. You'd never catch Katerina with a bedhead or wrinkled clothes, not on a normal occasion anyway.

She ignored Enzio teasing her and looked out of the window, they were getting closer to their destination.
"You know, when you're sleeping you look exactly like mom" He attempted to sound casual, but there was an undertone of sadness to his words.
When he mentioned their mother Katerina glanced at him seeing soft clouds of grey gathering around his head. From his chest, grasping claws of vague pink stretched outwards into her direction. None of these were visible to Enzio and he didn't even realize what shapes his thoughts were creating. It told Katerina everything he wasn't able to put into words. He missed her and tried to hold onto her as a replacement almost.

When she tried to make eye contact he avoided her gaze. Enzio knew from his sisters face that she knew more than she let on and he didn't feel like talking about it right now. She carefully put her hand on his arm giving him a soft squeeze.
"I know, you don't have to say it out loud" Katerina said quietly, swallowing back the lump she felt in her throat.

For the remainder of the ride the siblings didn't say much to each other. They weren't the talkative type to begin with and the increasing tension they both felt as they got closer to their destination didn't help much. Enzio pulled over at the side of the road, facing his dad's restaurant. The restaurant was now open nearly the entire day, including the mornings. They offered breakfast too, since they needed all the money they could get. Their dad spent more time in the restaurant than he did at home. It was during the mornings that Katerina could earn a bit of extra cash by offering readings to their customers. Most if not all of the customers were Italian Americans and a lot of them were also very superstitious which was usually the reason they went to Katerina. Anxious to know their future. Still it didn't sit right with Enzio for her to be out in the open like this, it was dangerous.

Katerina watched her dads restaurant from behind the car window, there were a lot of customers considering the time of day. Maybe she would be better of helping her dad waiting tables. Then again she occupied the customers so they didn't mind having to wait a while to get their order. Her grandmother warned her her intuition may be clouded because she was grieving and it was best not to tell fortunes when she felt especially down. But life went on and she needed to do the things she had been doing before her mom passed away.

Enzio looked at his sister who seemed to be lost in thought as usual. She always had something on her mind which was probably the reason why she was so forgetful. It was too busy in there.
"I'll come and pick you up when you're done, so hi to dad for me." He said with slight smile.

"I will" Kat replied, smiling reassuringly.
"Don't forget to ask nona and Carlo what they want for dinner, I'll take it with me when I'm done."
Enzio nodded and waited for his sister to get inside the restaurant before driving off.
Oh this is perfect!!
Exactly what I wanted to roleplay :)

Pokemon is awesome and lately I can't get enough of it. I'd love to start a casual pokemon roleplay with you.
There is nothing wrong with the generic pokemon adventure plot, because it's been working for the past twenty games or so. So it proved to be fun.

Do you want to talk it through over pm?
@The Mad Hatter
I think an emergency bunker would be a good idea yes :)
Just to be on the safe side.

I am working on a post but it's not finished yet. I am trying not to rewrite every sentence after I just wrote it, so wish me luck!
It will probably be done by tomorrow evening.
Kat still lives with her family in an abandoned house at the edge of the city. She helps the Resistance when she can but she doesn't live in the HQ, not yet anyway. So she wouldn't need a "room" for herself.

I was planning on going down there in my first post though so she'll meet up with you guys soon.
I finished my impressions and it was way more difficult than I expected XD
So I ended up spending more time on it than I had thought. That's okay though, @everyone, let me know if you'd like something changed/added/removed. I hope I'm not 100% off 0.0

I have a couple of questions!
My shift at work is nearly over and I've been thinking of this roleplay for most of that time. I love this job :)
What and where is the HQ? Probably the secret Headquarters of the Resistance I know but, How many supers live there, what kind of building is it? Is it even in a building? XD
I thought I saw someone mention that a lot of the action will take place at HQ. I'd like to know this since Kat's not part of the Resistance.

This brings me to my other question. Do we all eventually join the Resistance in order to form the group who's going to fight the big bad? Not all characters have joined yet, will they be recruited?
I read through it on the character tab and I actually do like it a lot. There is a bit of drama/trauma in every super's history. The brotherly bond is really close despite all of the things they went through (divorce, being seperated and reunited again). Also you still left a few loose ends as to what exactly happened to his parents. Sometimes it's rewarding to be vague because it allows you to add things in the future. His father if he survived could make an appearance. Ideas, you can ignore them if you want to XD

Sorry hahahaha XD
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