“(I'm Katerina, nice to meet you.....)”
Name: Katerina Sapienti
Alias/Nickname:Her loved ones often call her "Kat". Her full name is rarely used, only when a family member, her mother in particular is angry with her.
The alias "Strega" was given to her by an Italian member of the resistance. He found it fit her due to the nature of her powers and her talent of reading cards.
Age: 22
Sex: Female
Sexuality: Heterosexual
“(Don't ask me how I know, I just do)”
Katerina is an attractive young woman with a wealth of brown curly hair and almond shaped deep brown eyes. She has an oval face with fine bonestructure and small but full lips. She is on the shorter side but does what she can to appear taller.
5'4" / 162 cm
120 pounds / 54 kilograms
Body Type: Hourglass shape
Distinguishing Marks:
Clothing Style: Fashionable, feminine and well put together.
“(I'm not superstitious, I'm just careful)”
Personality:Katerina is an introvert and very shy and reserved, especially around people she doesn't know. Family is extremely important to her and she will go to great lenghts to help them in any way she can, this goes for her close friends too. She is a great listener, giving sage advice, drawing from wisdom beyond her years. In a group she will only speak up when spoken to and appears a bit dreamy. Her introvert personality changes slightly when she's around her loved ones. She'll be more outspoken, laugh when she's happy and not afraid people will judge her.
She is a peacemaker and doesn't like to argue. People have said on ocassion that she can be a push-over with no opinion of her own. She thinks before she speaks and rarely speaks her mind, instead being almost inhumanly polite. When under stress she likes to distract herself by being bussy, be it cleaning, cooking, taking care of others. Any and everything to take her mind from the source or cause of her stress. Moodswings are her worst enemy she can be happy and giddy in the morning and a random event during the day will crush her entire mood. She hasn't been in a serious relationship before or any relationship with a guy for that matter. It was never something she was looking for or needed in order to be happy. She believes it will happen when she's ready.
Sadness or unhappiness are no foreign emotions to her but instead of crying she just feels numb. Sometimes to the point where she wonders if she's feeling anything at all. In truth her pain is burried so deep that only the right words, a piece of emotional music, or a hug from someone she loves will be what she needs to let go.
Biography:Katerina was raised in a very tradtional Italian family. It was a loving and close knit home consisting of her parents, her two older brothers and their children as well as her grandmother who lived with them. Her father was a restaurant owner to which she owes her cooking skills, while her mother was a receptionist at a local health center. They didn't have much to go around and Katerina was always encouraged to finish school and get a degree so she could take care of herself in the future.
The Sapienti's were known as well respected Catholics and while they did go to church every sunday the things Katerina was taught in ways of religion and tradition were a long way off from Catholicism. She was raised in a mystery tradition of old Italy referred to by her grandmother as La Veccia Religione or The Old Ways. A belief in the gods and spirits of Pre-Christian times, who were turned into Saints by the Catholic Church.
During her college years Katerina's mother was diagnosed with lung cancer, at that time it wasn't terminal but her school career suffered. While her mother suffered from the disease Katerina barely made it through her first year, eventually dropping out to take care of her. It was at this same time that Katerina's power manifested and she knew before anyone else her mother would not make it to the end of the year. At first Katerina didn't know she had any power, since seeing the aura was something that could be accomplished through years of meditation and practice. A practice her grandmother never allowed her to give up on. Such a gift couldn't be received overnight but for some reason it did. She never had any experience with seeing aura's despite her continuous practice. So Katerina began to suspect she may be a super, lacking any other explanation. She confided in her grandmother and they honed her skills together, in the end it didn't matter where it came from. It was a gift to be used for the good of all.
Shortly before the technopath invaded the city Katerina's mother lost her battle to cancer after three tough years. The loss of her mother made her family stick together in a near unhealthy way. Katerina now a confirmed super was closely watched by her remaining family. They didn't want her to leave their sight and when they were forced to move to an abandoned house at the edge of the city, they all went together. Faced with grief the Sapienti family still do what they can for the community they live in. Katerina in many ways replaced the hole left by her mother, she is a spitting image of the late Mara Sapienti.
Skills:Great home cook
Has a knack for languages (she speaks fluent Italian, English and knows some Latin too)
Talented card reader, using ordinary playing cards for fortune telling
Great with children and knows how to take care of them
She can play a bit of piano but hasn't had any lessons since she was a teenager
Powers:Clairvoyance, the power of "clear seeing"
This power covers a very wide range of capabilities but Katerina is capable of only a few. The user can gain a direct visual information about an object, person, location or physical event through means other than the user's physical sight and allows them to act when they are unable to use their eyes. Clairvoyance is not limited by time or the seven planes of existence. With practice Katerina will eventually be able to gaze into the past and future as well as the seven planes of existence which includes the astral plane, the home of all spirits and immaterial beings.
At her current level she is only able to see the aura of both supers and normal humans. The aura is a normally invisible field of energy that surrounds every living thing. She can use it to sense emotions, health, power levels, and see the thought forms attached to the aura. Thought forms are clouds of thought which depending on their color and shape tell her what's on her targets mind, but not their exact thoughts. For example a pink cloud represents affection, an exploding cloud of red means anger etc.
“(Don't let the future control your life, there is such a thing as free will you know)”