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I think it has to be the face XD
So a nuke to the stomach would kill him, only his face would be intact.
I'm getting a very gross picture in my head x.x
Hi Leo ^.^

I would love to roleplay with you. I'm just getting back into writing also and I was looking for something smaller scale.
Casual is the perfect fit and I also like to include romance in my stories when I can. It does need to be realistic and suit the characters though.
As far as ideas or plots I don't have anything particular in mind I like to do. Aside from what you already mentioned is there anything you'd be interested in?
That could be an idea, altough I don't think she'll be able to pinpoint it with great detail. She is limited to what the cards will show her and while she uses her clairvoyance to get more accurate results it is dangerous to rely on them. The future is a lot like water and can't really be pinned down. Also she isn't yet able to gaze into the past or future using her clairvoyance, which is why she continues to use her cards. It's iffy but we can always give it a shot, it's better than knowing nothing.

@The Mad Hatter
Glad Kat's been approved :)
As far as her being part of the Resistance I'm not really sure yet. What I had in mind was for her to help them out on occassion, with things like offering a place to stay for a couple of days and food of course. People living in her community often go to her to have their fortunes told, receiving important information about their lives and possible futures. I don't see how that could be of much use to the resitance though.

Aside from that, I have missed a lot but I agree with what has been said by the GM and the other players. There isn't anything I want to add.

I also think it would be good to establish some friendly (or not) relationships between our characters so we'll have a solid cast. With relationships I mean anything from acquaintances to lovers.
I'm open to anything really so shoot me some ideas ^.^
I finally finished my character sheet and I'm ready to talk character relations :)
So if you like Italian food you've probably been to Kat's dad's restaurant once or twice, so she could know any of you guys.
Not a long shot by any means XD
I'm still here.I am on a short city trip with my dad and little brother. We will go back home on thursday so I was planning to finish my sheet then, if that's alright with you Mad Hatter. Great characters we have so far! Good to see we have a human character too. I might make one too if I can't decide on a power.
I love roleplays like this!
It would be great to be a part of this and join you guys.
I do have a couple of questions Mad Hatter.
How do you feel about the more passive powers? Less combat orientated. This kind of setting usually requires powers which can be used offensively. In my opinion it depends on the powers of the character group, ideally they would cover each others weaknesses. For example a character with enchanced physical strength and endurance would look out for a support type character in a fight.
I usually play supportive type characters so I would like to know what you think.
I''m just getting back into writing after a three month break, hopefully that's okay.
Great setting and even though I love magic a sense of realism is refreshing and different.
I like how you included the role/class of the lady, since women were pretty influential back then, despite being in the shadows of men.
Very interested, so count me in!
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