Name: Floure Camlo (Lovel)
Gender: Female
Age: 16
Appearance: Floure is a petite young girl at only 5’4’’. She has a very womanly figure for her age with narrow shoulders and a well-developed bosom. Her full hips are the most prominent part of her body. You could say she's a bit bottom heavy and very similar in shape to a pear. She has a sweet face with pale eyes, plump lips and a tiny nose. Her alabaster skin starkly contrasts with her flowing raven curls which Floure always wears down so it frames her face.
She dresses in full skirts of many layers and colors matched with an off the shoulder blouse and a bodice to cinch in her waist. Around her ankles and wrists she wears many bracelets and bangles made of precious metals. Tiny charms of silver and gold hanging from them. She’s rarely seen without a colorful shawl wrapped around either her shoulders or waist.
Village: Lovel
Lovel is a tiny farming community to the west of the provinces. The village is situated in a valley which is flanked by forests on either side. Lovel possesses the most fertile fields in the western province so the main source of income and employment for many is to work the land.
If one would continue west through the forests you would eventually reach the wide seas, but that would quite a journey. The people in Lovel are very simplistic and modest. They live off the bountiful harvest and the forests provide them with anything else they might need. It is a peaceful but quiet life in this town.
Background: Floure wasn’t actually born in her hometown of Lovel. She was born inside a Vardo while traveling the roads. Her mother’s people were nomads and wanderers known as Travelers. Her surname is Camlo, meaning one who kisses well in the Traveler language. Coincidentally this translates into Lovel in the common tongue.
Her father was a wealthy land owner but he was Goriken rat of Gentile blood, part of the common folk and not a Traveler. At first it was the money which drew her mother to him and it was only later that she actually fell in love. Her mother was exotic and unlike any of the common women in Lovel. They only had eyes for each other and Floure was just an accident. In fact her father was worried her mother would start to love her more than him. But that wasn't the case at all.
It is safe to say that growing up they were greedy with their love for her. Looking back at her early childhood Floure firmly believes she would have been better off with the Travelers would it not be for the one person she loves deeply. As per Traveler tradition the extended family often went live with their children so Floure had her grandmother. A very loving but strict woman who took responsibility for her care. She was both a father and a mother to her. If they could have left Lovel they would have, but tradition prevented any attempts to this.
With little intervention from her parents Floure's grandmother raised the girl as she saw fit teaching her the ways of the Travelers which included the art of dukkering, telling fortunes by hand at the very young age of seven. Dukkering came very natural to Floure, as if she had always known how to do it. This she did not tell her grandmother, because she immensely enjoyed spending time with her. The old woman wasn't blind and recognized her talent so she started to arrange clients for her granddaughter. These are her fondest memories and if asked about her life she will tell you of this.
Floure is a compassionate and kind-hearted young girl, a good listener and a loyal friend. She trusts her intuition and is very sensitive to other's emotions, being an emotional person herself. On the occasion that she becomes irritated, Floure can be sarcastic, and sometimes uncharacteristically snappy. She doesn't usually move to judge at first sight, but if she doesn't take a liking to someone, it's probably with good reason. If you're in trouble Floure is the one to go to. Granted she'll probably won't be able to solve it for you but you'll feel reassured, trust me on this. She has a very familial feel to her and taking care of her family is what she does best. She is always up for fun and can be very mischievous. In a lot of ways she resembles her grandmother, albeit in her younger years.
Currently arrangements are to be made for her to marry the son of the towns cobbler. Floure however has others plans. She longs to meet her Traveler brothers and sisters and wishes to escape the quiet life in Lovel. It is not for her. It is the Traveler blood within her, making her restless.
Personal Aspirations: Floure wants to reconnect with the Traveler family she’s never met. The sisters and brothers of her mother as well as her many cousins. She doesn’t want to live her entire life in Lovel. Also even though she is of marriageable age she wants to choose her own husband and is firmly against her arranged marriage. Above all she just wants to be happy because she’s in quite a miserable situation right now, at least it seems that way. She feels trapped.
I have used this character before in another roleplay with a very different setting. I just enjoyed writing for her so much that I wanted to revisit her. To me this is another opportunity to develop her in a different way and hopefully you’ll all enjoy her as much as I did.