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Celine watched the onslaught beneath her feet from a safe distance, standing on top of a roof some distance of the gates. Her expression was unreadable and she barely flinched as the inhuman line-breakers plowed through their first line of defense. The soldiers were crushed, trampled, sent flying by their mighty weapons infused with magic. At first she didn't think they would stand a chance with or without her interference but they had broken through the line-breakers. It was impressive but costly. Many had died and even more were beyond saving and would perish soon. The wind carried the smell of blood, gore and fear as it whiffled past her. Life was fragile but only if you let it. After she and her cousin were left to their own devices their survival was what kept her going. They were fragile then yet she'd never let it stop her. She would survive this too, even if she was the only one walking away at dawn. The soldiers cheered at their small victory, although their cheers didn't last for long. The bellowing sound of the great horn silenced all the men in the battlements. She narrowed her eyes and could spot an army approaching in the distance. From what she could make out they were frighteningly organized, a human army near enough. Her previous experiences with these dark creatures had proved they were not particularly intelligent so they shouldn't be capable of such organized warfare. It unnerved her because she wanted to know what she was up against. She let out a controlled breath and closed her eyes to think, closing herself off from her surroundings momentarily. Celine reached out to the Dark Sister and her Faithful Hound, her lips moved in silent prayer. She asked for assistance in this coming battle and guidance against these unknown enemies. With her hands she created the sign of a triangle and through it she looked at the sky, in her mind’s eye she envisioned the moon shining through it. This same gesture passed her eyes, heart and when she reached her stomach she separated her hands returning them to rest at her side. Mere seconds after she finished her invocation she heard the flapping of wings beside her. She opened her eyes to find a crow perched on top the same roof she was standing on. When the bird spotted the woman looking its way it cocked its head sideways. There was no way one could tell if the animal was looking back its beady eyes were pools of black with little reflection. It started to pick at its feet but made no effort to fly off even as the woman began to move closer. Celine maneuvered herself on the roof with caution and maintained her balance with little effort. She approached the bird and reached out her hand which due to her gauntlet resembled a claw. The sight of the bird mysteriously appearing after her prayer was a sign that the Dark Sister was watching over her. It gave her an idea and within her pale eyes an unnerving shift could be seen. A gleam that was almost wicked. Her hand reached forth with incredible speed like a bird of prey and she enclosed the crow in her hand. The bird squawked in panic and began to flap its wings wildly but Celine held its head firmly. Her claw like grip was tight and with her other hand she reached down her thigh for one of her knives. She brought it up to her upper chest area beneath her collarbone and drew a small amount of blood. It stained her knife and she brought it over to the crow. She forced it to open its beak and a drop of her blood slowly trickled down the blade into its mouth. Celine waited and focused her intent strongly, her desire to see the unseen. The animal had grown eerily silent and compliant until it suddenly had a fit cawing loudly and flapping its wings forcefully. It released itself from her grip and soared into the sky straight at the approaching army of dark creatures. At first she could only see the clouds but they mysteriously cleared away and an entire army revealed itself. It spread out across the fields for as far as her beady eyes could see. It was an intimidating sight and a horrifying thought knowing they were severely outnumbered. She reached farther back but there was no end to them. The current carried her back to the battlements to see how the battle was progressing outside of the gates. The suddenly she was struck out of the sky. She didn’t have time to close the connection for it was brutally severed by a flying arrow. It pierced the body of the animal and it crashed to the ground. It landed on the ground at the feet of a wounded Hillklag Sellsword. It strangely still seemed to move its head, beady eyes looking up at the sky even though the fall should have killed it. It then dissolved into nothingness, flesh disappearing leaving behind only its feathers which were carried off by the wind. Back on the roof Celine cursed inwardly as a jolt of pain shot through her eyes. She bit it back while a single red tear ran down her cheek. The woman wiped it off impatiently but all it did was smear it across her face. She drew in a sharp breath and regained her composure. Now that she knew what they were up against she was ready. These new creatures would fall to her cursed blades. She slid down the roof and onto the ground quietly, sneaking past soldiers and civilians until she reached the position of the archers and mages. It would be no use to throw herself at the front lines just yet. From up here she could jump onto an unsuspecting enemy and use her throwing knives to fell more distant foes. A small number of the armor less spear wielding beasts had managed to break through their defenses and were entering the streets. Celine readied one of her knives and held it between her hands whispering the incantation to activate the curse locked within. Down below a young soldier was cornered by one of the beasts. He had his back against the wall and when he tried to use his weapon to defend himself his spear splintered on impact with his foes shield. Celine narrowed her eyes and aimed for the head of the creature. “You’re mine” She whispered coldly. She threw her silver knife with deadly precision. It was locked into the head of the creature before anyone could blink. It released its unholy charge which drove the creature to madness. It clawed at its own skin as if it was attacked by a swarm of unseen beings. It finally collapsed after every inch of its body was torn open. The silver knife still sticking out of its head.
We'll imagine them there ;) Edit: I don't really have a clear perspective where everyone is. Is everyone fighting on the streets or are some characters on the walls?
Speaking of I found a picture which made me think of your character. Look wise at least. Though the streaks on his face are missing. ![http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2013/216/9/5/tero_by_las_t-d6go6pk.jpg] (http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2013/216/9/5/tero_by_las_t-d6go6pk.jpg "enter image title here") Awww thanks :) I'm glad you're looking forward to not liking her :P I'm going to start writing now so I'll see what I come up with.
Thank God for doritos especially the nacho cheese. Edit: I'm accepted yaaaay! :) I'm loving the posts we have so far, great characters to begin this adventure with.
**Name:** Celine Branwen **Age:** She appears to be in her mid to early twenties **Gender:** Female **Race:** Human - _Lescanzi _ **Appearance: ** ![http://i496.photobucket.com/albums/rr328/dreamingflowers1992/BattleWitch_zps41723e27.png](http://i496.photobucket.com/albums/rr328/dreamingflowers1992/BattleWitch_zps41723e27.png "enter image title here") A woman of otherworldly beauty which incomprehensibly draws you in. Snowy skin which has never felt the touch of cold steel. Her raven hair is kept long to flow down her shoulders, reaching down to her back. An enigmatic look is often present on her face, pale eyes cold and unreadable. While her stature might not be very impressive she makes up for her lack of physical prowess with a sharp tongue. **Personality:** Intelligent but also cold and detached. Rather emotionless she seldom even smiles. Strong and independent, she doesn't like help from others and does things on her own. This can make her appear distant and untrusting but there is more to her than meets the eye. When it comes to battle she has an incredible sense of self preservation. She will do anything to ensure her own survival. However that doesn't mean she won't help her allies on the battlefield granted her own life is not at risk. She is a religious woman who honors and repects the Dark Sister and her fierce hound. The Goddess to her is like a sister who always has her back, protecting her from unseen enemies. All the customs and beliefs she was taught as a child have stayed with her and she lives by them faithfully. **Character type and traits:** _Battle Witch_ – Positive: Calm, Observant / Negative: Mysterious, secretive **History:** Celine was born in a traveling caravan on one of the many roads in Dalan. An illegitimate child like her many brothers and sisters. Her mother didn't have an occupation worth mentioning and her greatest success was capturing the affection of her father. The man whos identity to this day remains a mystery. Despite the absence of a mother she has fond memories of her childhood. The girl was raised by her grandmother. Though her life was anything but dull. Her grandmother was a Godswife. Many people came to visit her, they asked questions none but she could answer, she found a cure where there was none and offered protection against evil. Aside from her responsibilities as a caretaker the old woman saw to it that her craft was passed on to the next generation, to ensure its survival. Her grandmother taught her the ways of her people and she was trained from an early age in the use of herbs and magic. She lived free of worries until she was about 13 years old, but at that point life changed drastically. Many of the people in Dalan resented the Lescanzi, some feared the bastard children would one day show up and claim the wealth of their noble father. Others were afraid their blood would be tainted by their mongrel ways. It was this resentment that cost Celine her family. They were forced to split up during an attack on their caravan and she was arrested. After she got out she reunited with a distant cousin and had to survive in a harsh world. She learned from her mistakes and used the skills taught to her to escape a life of hell. This event has turned her into the woman she is today. After finally turning life around, she now works as help for hire. By doing so, she hopes to find answers to the events of the past and finally find peace within herself. **Equipment:** - A set of 13 silver throwing knives engraved with magical symbols - Lightweight armor which includes a breastplate, gauntlets and shoulder pieces - Several pouches of healing salves, ointments and powdered incense - Small sack with provisions and other supplies - A set of clothes to wear outside of battle consisting of a pair of form fitting trousers, knee high boots, a peasant blouse and a leather bodice to cinch in her waist **Other: ** -
I'm not accepted yet but I'm looking forward to joining this! How are you guys doing?
In The Power 10 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
[Katerina](http://i496.photobucket.com/albums/rr328/dreamingflowers1992/Katherine_109_zpsd1b09c16.png) Quote: “Karma is a bitch.” Name: Katerina Eleonora Sapienti Nickname: Kat Age: 20 Gender: Female Height: 5’5” Weight: 120 Ibs Ethnicity: Italian and Romany Sexuality: Heterosexual Relationship Status: In a long distance relationship Political Affiliation: She doesn’t really care about politics because she knows it’s all for show anyway Religion: La Vecchia Religione or the Old Religion. It is the folk religion of ancient and medieval Italy predating the Roman Catholic Church. Basically it’s an Italian branch of paganism with a Catholic veneer which many practitioners adopted to avoid being ostracized by the Church. Drugs of Choice: She doesn’t do drugs Alcoholic Preference: She doesn’t drink any alcohol either Favorite Food: Italian food obviously Major: History Clubs: Nothing yet Year: Freshman Roommates: Undecided Occupation: Student Talents/Skills: Katerina is a great cook and can whip up a mean dish of pasta in no time at all. She knows how to make a lot with very little and is a great budget shopper. She likes to make things from scratch and rarely goes for prepackaged stuff. She has been doing yoga for four years which aside from clearing her mind gave her some wicked flexibility. Hand her a pack of cards and she can read your fortune plus beat you at any game you know. Likes: Family, cooking, socializing, TV series, clothes, jewelry, perfume, make up, reading, writing, psychic fairs, the circus Dislikes: Liars, fake people, ignorance, bullying, shallow people, animal cruelty Personality: Katerina is the somewhat reserved at first kind of quiet. She is the kind of girl you need to get to know. Once you do however she is very caring, funny, kind and always offers a listening ear for a serious conversation. When she’s part of a group she’s perfectly content staying in the background, she’s not a huge stickler for attention. She likes it best to meet up with a few close friends instead of going someplace where she barely knows anyone. It’s not easy to get her angry and she tends to avoid confrontation all together. The things she says aren’t usually what she’s thinking. She is polite and will give you the nice answer instead of the honest one. Tradition is very important to her which includes family birthdays and every other kind of celebration. She’ll cancel any and everything to make sure these go as planned. Family comes first for Kat and she usually gives more than she takes. She’s not the kind of girl to ask something for herself or put herself before others. At times she can be pretty naïve and takes somebody at their word almost blindly. History: Katerina Eleonora Sapienti was born in Beneveto, Italy. She grew up in a very close knit family with one younger brother and many cousins. Most of her family lived in the same neighborhood if not in the same town. So the importance of La Familia was ingrained into her from an early age. She didn’t have a remarkable childhood, she did well in school even though she preferred staying home. With family life taking center stage there wasn’t a lot of room to be your own person. That never really troubled her until she started going to high school where her controlling parents started to suffocate her. It was time to grow up but she realized her parents weren’t going to change so she had to. So after she finished high school Katerina decided it was time to leave the nest. It was scary and she got cold feet multiple times but she never let it show. If it wasn’t going to happen now she would never have a life of her own. She applied for a college in America and got accepted in an exchange program. America to her was a symbol of independence and freedom, the two things she wanted......no needed. Power: ESP or Extrasensory Perception. She can acquire information by other means than the human senses or personal experience.
In The Power 10 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Katerina had quickly claimed the kitchen as her private little sanctuary. After she moved into her room she immediately took it upon herself to clean the filthy kitchen. She hated cleaning but everything needed to be clean if she was going to cook any food here. Nobody really said anything about it and they didn’t help either. Everything that was half empty, passed its expiration date and looked downright disgusting went into the trash. She had to admit after just a week of college it still looked pretty neat, she had expected way worse.

Maybe everyone stayed out of the kitchen because the amount of leftovers she left behind every night was enough to feed the entire dorm. So they didn’t really need to cook anything. A smile formed on her lips when she opened the fridge to find the bowl of spaghetti of the previous night was gone. She tagged all of her food with tiny notes writing stuff like help yourself, free food with a little smiley and other ridiculous scribbles.

She checked if there was nobody around before taking out and setting up her laptop on the kitchen counter, plugging in the cable into an outlet that wasn’t used by any kitchen appliances. It took forever to start up so she grabbed all the ingredients to make lasagna and got herself a drink. Talking on skype with her family had become a habit since she moved to San Francisco. They talked every day, sometimes for only half an hour and other times the entire evening. She logged on and checked to see who was online, sipping her lemonade. Almost instantly an invite of her aunt popped up and she accepted turning on the cam.

“Ciao care zia” She said smiling leaning in front of her laptop so her aunt could see her.
“Ciao Katerina, come va?” Her aunt asked. From behind her Katerina could see she was also in the kitchen. It was 6 hours later where her family lived so it had to be around 11:00 pm now. Pretty late but her aunt was always up this late at night.

“Can’t sleep?” Katerina said with a sympathetic smile. She tugged a lock of hair behind her ear and moved her laptop with her to the other counter where she would be cooking. Her aunt saw the screen move and asked what she was doing.

“I’m going to make some lasagna” She turned to cam to the ingredients piled on the counter and the two pans on the gas range.
“And you’re using prepackaged pasta…..” Her aunt said shaking her head trying to sound disapproving but bursting into laughter halfway.
“Don’t judge okay?, I couldn’t haul all of my stuff with me to America. The pasta machine was a sacrifice I had to make”

She laughed starting to assemble her lasagna. Most of the work she’d done the night before so she was done after a good fifteen minutes. It had to sit in the oven for a while and she didn’t feel like doing the dishes in the meantime. So instead she loaded up the dishwasher to do her work for her. There weren’t a lot of people around it was Friday night, most people went to party. She wasn’t the partying type and she liked it when it the dorms were quiet, since it was pretty loud every other day of the week.

She was still wearing the clothes she’d gone to school with, all dolled up but she wasn’t going anywhere anyways. So her pj’s were as good as always. Katerina made a quick run to her room to get changed taking her brush with her as she returned to the kitchen. She slouched down in front of her laptop watching the lasagna cook in the oven.

“Hows your pasta forno coming along? Her aunt asked. She put on her glasses, probably so she could see her niece better.
“It’s good I guess” Katerina replied, brushing out her hair slowly while her feet dangled above the ground. She knew the ins and outs of this kitchen already, the right oven settings and all. So slim chance she would screw up her food. But you never knew and she didn’t want to jinx herself. Even though she hadn’t said it out loud she still knocked on wood to make sure.

A couple of hours later……….
She woke up feel incredibly sore all over, like she’d slept on the floor. Disorientated she slowly got up, her entire body aching. She looked at her surroundings and they looked nothing like her bedroom. At first she didn’t recognize where she was but then she looked down at the tiles of the kitchen floor. Katerina immediately shot up, forgetting all of her pain.

How did she end up in the kitchen? She never just fell asleep randomly, how the hell did she voluntarily went to bed on the kitchen floor?

What’s that smell? She thought with a worried look. It smelled frighteningly familiar. It was the smell of burning food! Immediately she searched the kitchen for a towel or some oven gloves. It was her lasagna for god’s sake. She stumbled towards the oven and yanked it open pulling out a deeply blackened excuse of a pasta dish. Katerina let out a sigh of relief, at least that catastrophe was averted. There wasn’t a lot of time to muse on her burned food because she could hear police sirens and fire trucks pulling up somewhere on campus.

She was about to walk up to the window when she suddenly realized she was still wearing her pj’s. Then someone walked into the kitchen and she froze not really knowing what to say. The guy didn’t really seem to care and he looked kind of scruffy himself, wearing a track pants and a wife beater. He probably just woke up. Katerina looked at the clock and her eyes widened.

Oh my god, it was eleven in the morning…….
Her first thoughts were of going to shower and get dressed but then the sirens had her worried. What if there was some crazy murderer running around campus. He wasn’t going to wait for her to get all glammed up before he killed her. It would be straight out of a horror movie to get killed in the shower. She wasn’t going to die in the shower of all places.

She ultimately decided against the idea and made her way out of the kitchen. On her way outside she put her arms around herself, feeling self-conscious wearing her pj’s with her hair luckily brushed at least. Maybe she’d seen it coming and brushed her hair before fainting or whatever it had been that happened. A faint smile tugged at her lips but it couldn’t beat out the worried frown.

That frown however turned into a look of horror and she covered her mouth with her hand gasping at the burning cars. There was police all over the place and firemen trying to put out the burning cars. Suddenly her own troubles felt completely unimportant. She carefully walked onto the grass and even from where she was standing Katerina could feel the heat. She didn’t dare to go closer and observed the scene in quiet shock. Her heart was beating a mile a minute as a multitude of scary scenarios played itself off in her mind.

What if there were people in those cars? She watched everyone running around in panic, people were helping each other up, walking towards safety. She squinted to see if she saw a familiar face to run up to and ask what the hell happened.
In The Power 10 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Glad to be in this!
We're gonna have so much fun together ;)

Question, Do we all need to end up in the grass field? Because I was planning for my post to start inside the dorms.
In The Power 10 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
I'll check back tomorrow if I need to make any changes ;)
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