Quote: "Honestly, don't sell yourself short. I'm sure there is so much more to who you are."
Name: Cleopatra Aisha Ward
Nickname: Cleo
Age: 22
Gender: Female.
Height: 5'5.
Weight: 120.
Ethnicity: South African
Sexuality: Bisexual.
Relationship Status: Single, though she has had several short-term relationships with men and women.
Political Affiliation: Doesn't vote. Dislikes politics. Does being a feminist count?
Religion: Catholic, though she has her doubts.
Drugs of Choice: Doesn't do drugs.
Alcoholic Preference: Martini and Beer, but not together of course.
Favorite Food: Seafood.
Major: Sports Medicine.
Clubs: Track and Softball.
Year: Junior.
Roommates: Her roommate is her younger brother Lucky. They live off-campus nearby.
Occupation: Occasional modeling and Assistant Manager at Sport's Authority.
Talents/Skills: Very athletic, Sports, Running, Communication, Intense work ethic, moderate-cooking capabilities, and witty intellect. Incredible compassion and empathy.
Likes: Her brother, her father, really cute things, sports, football, horror movies, men, women, seafood, animals, camping, the outdoors, adventure, intelligence, reading books, and charity.
Dislikes: Cockiness, assholes, the smell of weed and cigarettes, being treated like the weaker sex, child abuse, pretentiousness, and animal and environmental cruelty.
Personality: Cleopatra is a headstrong and somewhat tomboyish feminist, who dislikes being treated like the weaker sex and finds a sense of pride in her own stability. Though somewhat blunt, she is incredibly compassionate, motherly, and empathetic and has a peculiar soft spot for things that she finds "cute". Her way of speaking is motherly, yet commanding at the same time. She is not one to rely on others to get by and prefers to handle her own problems. She dislikes the cattiness of other females and often prefers the company of other guys. Nonetheless, she has some very feminine qualities about herself, and doesn't mind being treated like a lady from time to time, though, only under correct circumstances. She doesn't need someone to open a door for her or carry her books. She is quite competent herself. Cleo enjoys the outdoors and sports, and reading a good book. She cherishes the earth for what it is and makes a conscious effort to preserve it. She is very clever and is able to exchange witty repartee, especially with her brother Lucky.
History: Born and in raised for the majority of their lives in South Africa, siblings Cleopatra and Lucky lived a relatively fortunate life and thankfully, were born just a very few short years before the apartheid that plagued the country had finally ended in 1994. Their mother and father, who experienced the blunt of the racism their whole lives, were able to shield their very young children from the reality of their world until it finally ended. As they got older, Cleopatra and Lucky became very close, best-friends even and vowed never to allow any form of pity judgmental bullshit to separate them. Their relationship was tested when Lucky came out as gay at the age of 16, and in a Catholic house hold, this was particularly unacceptable. While their father did not care about the matter, their mother, forged by her faith and lack of understanding, tried to separate Cleo and Lucky. This caused a severe rift between their parents. The father who defended Lucky, and their mother, who was "against" him. This difference in outlook eventually lead to their divorce one year later and while Cleo was forced to live with her mother, Lucky was forced to live with his father.
When Cleopatra was 20 and Lucky was 19, they moved away from their parents and moved to the U.S. to attend college and once again, live with each-other as moral and financial support. This major change in their lives would prove to be one of the greatest decisions they could have ever made. Although, due to the life changing current events that are about to occur soon, that is now questionable.
Empathy- The main foundation of her abilities is her empathy, an ability that allows her to sense and feel the emotions of other people and animals. Though it has its, usefulness, it can be incredibly taxing on her, as she has to make a conscious effort to block out intruding emotions, the good and the bad. When encountering people who are projecting a particularly strong emotion, she sometimes accidentally acts on their whims. However, in reverse, when she is feeling a strong emotion, she may accidentally broadcast it and influence others around her, though with practice, she may be able to keenly channel people's emotions without being overwhelmed by them and selectively project specific emotions onto others. Furthermore, her empathy works on animals as well and allows her to seemingly "communicate" and understand them. Even so, she may be able to share how she is feeling with others subtly, without forcing them to mimic said feeling.
Empathic Metamorph- Her empathic powers make her particularly sensitive to surrounding moods, and can cause her to change appearance depending on themselves, their needs, or perceptions, and make her vulnerable to certain telepathic manipulation; or rather do so when she herself is either in a vulnerable emotional state, distracted, or focused on the person in question. Her metamorphing ability allows her assume the form of any living creature, even those that are deceased or extinct(dinosaurs). She can assume the form of other people as well. However, as mentioned before, without proper training, her empathic ability can sometimes cause her body to actually change against her will in response to the emotions around her, such as becoming ethereally and alluringly beautiful when she feels loved, or hideous when she feels hatred, or even monstrous when she feels anger.

Quote: "I have a bad feeling about this"
Name: Lucky Augustin Ward
Nickname: Dislikes his real name and goes by "Luke".
Age: 21
Gender: Male
Height: 5'10
Weight: 154
Ethnicity: South African
Sexuality: Homosexual
Relationship Status: Single
Political Affiliation: Republican
Religion: Catholic, but he has his uncertainties.
Drugs of Choice: Doesn't really do drugs, although he will occasionally smoke weed.
Alcoholic Preference: Doesn't drink.
Favorite Food: Rice Pudding
Major: Political Science, with minor in statistics.
Clubs: Political Science Club, Debate Team, Newspaper Club, Math Club.
Year: Sophomore
Roommates: He lives with his sister Cleopatra. They live off-campus nearby.
Occupation: Part-time math tutor at the college.
Talents/Skills: Intelligent, Intuitive, Math skills, book smarts, debating, prankster, computers, electronics, drawing, singing, and dancing.
Likes: His sister, his father, men, math, money, books, drawing, singing, dancing, politics, debating, video games, electronics, computers, movies, comedy, jokes, laughter, different cultures and languages, traveling, and rice pudding.
Dislikes: Gum, sticky stuff, cheese, silly puddy, assholes, pricks, cats, rain, and swimming.
Personality: Despite being an intellectual and politically savvy, he is most noticeably a jokester. He loves being playful and exchanging witty banter with others, especially his sister. Not exactly the athletic type, he finds content in things that require less physical labor, such as using computers or reading a book. Though on occasion, he will go jogging with Cleopatra. Lucky is somewhat argumentative and loves debating with others, especially about politics. Although not a perpetrator of fighting and confrontation, he can never deny that at times, it can be incredibly entertaining. Nonetheless, he is the type of individual to take the safer route and doesn't particularly like going outside the box or doing things that are outlandish, such as snorkeling or skydiving. The craziest thing he will do is ride a plane and even that was a major hurdle for him. He is a bit of a coward. He isn't fond of trying new foods. Despite his name, he'd argue that he's always been a little unlucky.
History: Born and in raised for the majority of their lives in South Africa, siblings Cleopatra and Lucky lived a relatively fortunate life and thankfully, were born just a very few short years before the apartheid that plagued the country had finally ended in 1994. Their mother and father, who experienced the blunt of the racism their whole lives, were able to shield their very young children from the reality of their world until it finally ended. As they got older, Cleopatra and Lucky became very close, best-friends even and vowed never to allow any form of pity judgmental bullshit to separate them. Their relationship was tested when Lucky came out as gay at the age of 16, and in a Catholic house hold, this was particularly unacceptable. While their father did not care about the matter, their mother, forged by her faith and lack of understanding, tried to separate Cleo and Lucky. This caused a severe rift between their parents. The father who defended Lucky, and their mother, who was "against" him. This difference in outlook eventually lead to their divorce one year later and while Cleo was forced to live with her mother, Lucky was forced to live with his father.
When Cleopatra was 20 and Lucky was 19, they moved away from their parents and moved to the U.S. to attend college and once again, live with each-other as moral and financial support. This major change in their lives would prove to be one of the greatest decisions they could have ever made. Although, due to the life changing current events that are about to occur soon, that is now questionable.
Kinetic Duplication: Lucky creates an identical physical living duplicate of himself upon any physical impact that he may incur. This process is spontaneous and cannot be prevented. Although he can create multiple duplicates, and the duplicates themselves can also replicate, each is only able to create one duplicate at a time. His duplicates think, feel, and act independently, though they are primarily guided by his original form. He is telepathically and empathetically linked to his duplicates, suffering severe trauma if one dies. The original Lucky can absorb them back into himself at will, at the same time absorbing the memories, skills and experiences of the duplicates. Perhaps with training, he will be able to create duplicates without the need for physical impact and even prevent his body from producing duplicates automatically if he accidentally causes some form of kinetic force to his body.