Power. Something sought out by various people since the dawn of time. A dream for many and a reality for few. Thanks to a government experiment gone horribly wrong for a group of college students at the University of San Francisco it does become a reality. Thanks to a secret project tampering with advanced technology and exotic forces better left alone fiction becomes fact. Now the story of these students unfold as they gain the power to literally change the world around them for better or for worst.
GM: Chulance
Co-GM: FunnyGuy

Setting: The story will take place in San Francisco, California. More specifically the college students in the RP will attend the University of San Francisco. This RP will be an open world sandbox style RP. Characters are free to explore and can even leave California during the RP if they wish, but most of the action will probably be there at least for a while since the characters are students there.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/University_of_San_Francisco Information
1. Don't heavily abuse powers. I won't be too strict on this rule since it's an open ended world with superhuman powers, but try to be reasonable but as long as you're not causing a problem with the story or other players anything goes. :)
2. Keep things as realistic as possible within the setting, and be prepared to deal with the consequence's of a characters action depending on what they do.
3. Remain active as possible, and if for any reason you will be absent for a prolonged period of time, or wish to disappear simply inform one of the GM's if possible.
4. No one liners, I'm not going to be harsh or strict about the length, but at least a paragraph or two per post.
5. Feel free to introduce as many characters, and non playable characters as you want. NPC's don't require a detailed profile, but for recurring ones that have some importance to the plot a brief summary of them in the OOC would be nice.
6. Third person is recommended. Also you're welcome to either create a character or even play yourself but with the addition of superhuman powers.
7. Most importantly Have FUN!
Character Sheet
Image (A picture should go here)
Quote: ( What phrase would you use to describe yourself, or what do you consider your motto)
Name: (First, middle, last, simple lol)
Nickname: (Have something else you go by? )
Age: ( How old are you currently)
Ethnicity: (What are ya )
Sexuality: (Straight, bi, gay, put something lol)
Relationship Status: (Single, divorced, married, it’s complicated let us know the juicy details here)
Political Affiliation: ( Democrat, Republic, Third party, hate em all, don't give a damn tell us here!)
Religion: (What do you put your faith in, the big man in the sky, Zeus, the spaghetti monster, don’t know what to believe, or perhaps nothing at all, spill the beans here)
Drugs of Choice: (Do you need a coffee every few hours, a cig every 30 minutes , need a few drinks to loosen up, a couple joints or a nice long bong rip to relieve you of stress, some lines of some Colombian sugar to be the life of the party, or maybe even munch on some special mushrooms to dive into your conscious
Alcoholic Preference: (For those that drink what’s your favorite kind)
Favorite Food: (What’s your favorite thing(s) to chow down on? Pizza, Hot wings, ice cream, let us know here.)
Major: (What are you here to study)
Clubs: ( What if anything are you involved with on campus?)
Year: (Freshmen, Sophomore, Junior, Senior, you know)
Roommates: (Who do you live with and how many people? Your roommates could all be NPC’s under your control or perhaps someone else’s characters)
Occupation: (I’m guessing we’re all students so feel free to put that, but perhaps you have another job on the side legal or illegal)
Talents/Skills: (What exactly are you good at? Black Belt in karate, can whip up some delicious lasagna, master piano player, tell it all here)
Likes( What do you like to do? Netflix, Xbox live fan, sex addict, let us kow here)
Dislikes( What DON't you like? Racist, Sexist, Police, Clowns, teachers, mcdonalds, let the hatred out )
Personality: (Describe how you act, are you funny, depressed, angry, a selfish bastard, tell it all)
History: (What’s your story? Where’d ya come from, how’s life been so far)
Power: (What did you benefit from government’s mistake)
RP Chat: The Power Official Discussion/Chat Room
For fast paced discussion related to the RP, or unrelated if you want to use it to chat with fellow players and get to know them better. But in short for all the convo's that would take up too many unnecessary posts in the OOC.