Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Chulance
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Member Seen 12 mos ago

Power. Something sought out by various people since the dawn of time. A dream for many and a reality for few. Thanks to a government experiment gone horribly wrong for a group of college students at the University of San Francisco it does become a reality. Thanks to a secret project tampering with advanced technology and exotic forces better left alone fiction becomes fact. Now the story of these students unfold as they gain the power to literally change the world around them for better or for worst.
GM: Chulance
Co-GM: FunnyGuy

Setting: The story will take place in San Francisco, California. More specifically the college students in the RP will attend the University of San Francisco. This RP will be an open world sandbox style RP. Characters are free to explore and can even leave California during the RP if they wish, but most of the action will probably be there at least for a while since the characters are students there.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/University_of_San_Francisco Information
1. Don't heavily abuse powers. I won't be too strict on this rule since it's an open ended world with superhuman powers, but try to be reasonable but as long as you're not causing a problem with the story or other players anything goes. :)
2. Keep things as realistic as possible within the setting, and be prepared to deal with the consequence's of a characters action depending on what they do.
3. Remain active as possible, and if for any reason you will be absent for a prolonged period of time, or wish to disappear simply inform one of the GM's if possible.
4. No one liners, I'm not going to be harsh or strict about the length, but at least a paragraph or two per post.
5. Feel free to introduce as many characters, and non playable characters as you want. NPC's don't require a detailed profile, but for recurring ones that have some importance to the plot a brief summary of them in the OOC would be nice.
6. Third person is recommended. Also you're welcome to either create a character or even play yourself but with the addition of superhuman powers.
7. Most importantly Have FUN!
Character Sheet

Image (A picture should go here)
Quote: ( What phrase would you use to describe yourself, or what do you consider your motto)

Name: (First, middle, last, simple lol)

Nickname: (Have something else you go by? )

Age: ( How old are you currently)




Ethnicity: (What are ya )

Sexuality: (Straight, bi, gay, put something lol)

Relationship Status: (Single, divorced, married, it’s complicated let us know the juicy details here)

Political Affiliation: ( Democrat, Republic, Third party, hate em all, don't give a damn tell us here!)

Religion: (What do you put your faith in, the big man in the sky, Zeus, the spaghetti monster, don’t know what to believe, or perhaps nothing at all, spill the beans here)

Drugs of Choice: (Do you need a coffee every few hours, a cig every 30 minutes , need a few drinks to loosen up, a couple joints or a nice long bong rip to relieve you of stress, some lines of some Colombian sugar to be the life of the party, or maybe even munch on some special mushrooms to dive into your conscious

Alcoholic Preference: (For those that drink what’s your favorite kind)

Favorite Food: (What’s your favorite thing(s) to chow down on? Pizza, Hot wings, ice cream, let us know here.)

Major: (What are you here to study)

Clubs: ( What if anything are you involved with on campus?)

Year: (Freshmen, Sophomore, Junior, Senior, you know)

Roommates: (Who do you live with and how many people? Your roommates could all be NPC’s under your control or perhaps someone else’s characters)

Occupation: (I’m guessing we’re all students so feel free to put that, but perhaps you have another job on the side legal or illegal)

Talents/Skills: (What exactly are you good at? Black Belt in karate, can whip up some delicious lasagna, master piano player, tell it all here)

Likes( What do you like to do? Netflix, Xbox live fan, sex addict, let us kow here)

Dislikes( What DON't you like? Racist, Sexist, Police, Clowns, teachers, mcdonalds, let the hatred out )

Personality: (Describe how you act, are you funny, depressed, angry, a selfish bastard, tell it all)

History: (What’s your story? Where’d ya come from, how’s life been so far)

Power: (What did you benefit from government’s mistake)
RP Chat: The Power Official Discussion/Chat Room
For fast paced discussion related to the RP, or unrelated if you want to use it to chat with fellow players and get to know them better. But in short for all the convo's that would take up too many unnecessary posts in the OOC.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by 22xander


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

O.O that sheet...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Chulance
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Member Seen 12 mos ago

22xander said
O.O that sheet...

Lol it's not that bad get your creative juices flowing. :)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by 22xander


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Chulance said
Lol it's not that bad get your creative juices flowing. :)

It's longer then what I usually put on the sheet...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by FunnyGuy
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Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Damn Chu lol. At least give us a chance to leave a little mystery to our characters.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Chulance
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Member Seen 12 mos ago

“Young, wild, and free that’s me”

Name: Floyd J. Banker

Nickname: N/A

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Height: 6’0

Weight: 180 lbs

Ethnicity: Black

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Relationship Status: Single and ready to mingle

Political Affiliation: Democrat

Religion: Christianity

Drugs of Choice: Marijuana, Alcohol, Ecstasy, Cocaine, Adderall, LSD, Shrooms, Xanax, Vicodin,

Alcoholic Preference: Whiskey, Bud Light

Favorite Food: Wings, French Fries, Steak, Chipotle, Spaghetti, Cake

Major: Communications

Clubs: None at the moment

Year: Freshmen

Roommates: Undecided

Occupation: Student/Drug Dealer

Talents/Skills: Floyd is a talented musician capable of playing the keyboard and drums. He’s a decent rapper mainly freestyling. He’s also good at track, black belt in karate although out of practice, and a great salesman. He’s very observant of his surroundings and pays attention to detail. He can talk to anyone about almost anything and is good at persuading others to do things for him. Oh and he’s great at doing lots of drugs, binge drinking, and not dying in the process.

Likes: God, Music, Sex, Drugs, Partying, Money, TV/Movies, Socializing, Video Games, The Internet, Traveling, Reading, Writing, Driving, Food, Learning, Loyalty, Deep conversation,

Dislikes: Police & most authority figures, Narcs, Snitches, Ignorance, Salad, Racists, most laws, Fake friends, negativity, Skeptics, Jealousy, Laziness, Greediness, Hypocrites,

Personality: Floyd is the guy who always tries to maintain a positive attitude and be the life of the party. He’s always up to have fun, meet new people, and do something different. He’s a huge fan of drugs/alcohol and enjoys getting intoxicated a lot. He does his best to maintain a calm demeanor and not get bothered by most things, but is prone to angry outbursts if pushed far enough. He doesn’t tolerate bigots of any kind, and is accepting of everyone. He’s extremely social, and enjoys striking up conversations with anyone willing to talk. An extremely flirtatious man and described by some as a sex addict. On top of all that while he tries to do good most of the time he can be very stubborn at times, and once he’s convinced of something it can be almost impossible to change his mind no matter what evidence is presented. He can be extremely reckless at times, and shrugs off any advice related to changing his lifestyle.

History: Floyd Banker was born in Chicago, Illinois. Growing up he wouldn’t describe himself as poor, but he financially his family wasn’t very well off. His family struggled with the gang ridden neighborhood he grew up in, and in order to get him out of the environment his parents moved him and his sister to Atlanta. He grew up mostly normal and did well in school but for the most part didn’t care, and was always getting in trouble. He always dreamed of doing big things, and didn’t want to settle for a life working a 9-5 job he didn’t enjoy. The only thing he really excelled at outside of school was sports and music.

It wasn’t long before he began falling in love with drugs starting off with smoking weed in high school. It wasn’t long after that he began really getting into music, media, and writing. Soon after he dropped off the track team, and started using and selling various drugs to support his lifestyle. He ran into trouble with the law numerous times as he began hustling, and lost interest in school which showed in his grades. Towards the end of his high school career he began becoming more serious about his education, and took a break from selling drugs to focus on graduating with decent enough grades to go to college. After graduating he was happy to be accepted to the University of San Francisco, and ready to move to his favorite state to pursue his dreams.

Power: Energy Manipulation
He is capable of manipulating energy in various forms.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by FunnyGuy
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Member Seen 7 hrs ago


Quote: Let’s get it!

Name: Michael B. Hayes

Nickname: Mike

Age: 21

Gender: Male

Height: 6’2”

Weight: 200 lbs

Ethnicity: African American and Puerto Rican

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Relationship Status: Single

Political Affiliation: Depends…

Religion: Agnostic

Drugs of Choice: Alcohol and Marijuana.

Alcoholic Preference: Anything under the sun, but only tolerates beer. Favorite drink would have to be the Adios Motherfucker (AMF).

Favorite Food: Really? Almost anything you can cook. The list would be too long

Major: Sports Management

Clubs: Hosts an on campus radio station

Year: Freshman

Roommates: To be decided.

Occupation: Student/Club Promoter and Doorman

Talents/Skills: Mike is good at most things that have to do with fitness. Running, swimming, or any other high intensity cardio. Mike doesn’t know if he could name this a skill, but he always seems to think of an alternate way of doing things, whether it be used as a shortcut or a contingency.

Likes: Workout, game on Xbox, go clubbing, dancing, trying new things, meeting new people, traveling.

Dislikes: Hypocrites, lying, liars, boredom, staying still for too long, olives, loud noises.

Personality: Mike is a very outgoing guy and won’t be too shy not to introduce himself to someone new. His charisma always seems to give him a good first impression. He’s usually smiling, but if he’s not, his face shows a solemn that he can’t hide. He’s usually full of energy and loves just going out and doing something. You would think he’d be loud and hotheaded, but Mike remains cool and leveled. He’d rather see his friends happy than himself, and at times this can be a little self destructive. Mike is someone to rely on, and a person you should keep an eye out for, because that smile can hide almost anything.

History: (I hate these, so I’ll be brief) Mike was born in New York City, where he spent the majority of his life as the first born of two raised by a single parent mother. Since he was a child he loved sports, whether it be playing or watching. He grew up being a jock of all trades as he would put it, but wasn’t recognized among his peers like other were.

Without the scholarships to do so, Mike decided to join the military straight out of high school. Something his mother dreaded. He went with something simple, Communications. Mike was deployed once to Afghanistan and once to Kosovo. The tour to Kosovo wasn’t too difficult, being that it was a permissive environment. However, Afghanistan was a lot grittier. Mike wouldn’t do it again if you asked him to, but he doesn’t regret it either.

After serving his 3 1/2 year contract, Mike became a reservist and pursued school in California, a place he’s always wanted to see. He knew he’d be an older freshman, but at least he now had the money to start college without being in debt for years.

Power: Psionic Manipulation. Mike possesses the power to use psychic powers such as telekinesis and telepathy.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Potter
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Member Seen 6 days ago

I'm interested. :)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Chulance
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Member Seen 12 mos ago

Well me and FunnyGuy are approved

Potter haha I was told you would be. Why not make a profile lol
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Potter
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Member Seen 6 days ago

Chulance said
Well me and FunnyGuy are approvedPotter haha I was told you would be. Why not make a profile lol

I will...... later. :)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by 22xander


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Ok, I could do the character sheet... But on the premise that I don't have to put more then a couple paragraphs... Crist, this is casual... Even high casual is a bit iffy...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by 22xander


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Quote: "I'm a bit crazy, but my friends are all ways a bit more so."

Name: Alexander C. Fox

Nickname: Fox

Age: 18

Gender: male

Height: 6"5'

Weight: 180lb

Ethnicity: Caucasian with bits of Native American.

Sexuality: pansexual

Relationship Status: Alexander is in a relationship, well several if you want to be particular.

Political Affiliation: Anarchist Capitalist

Religion: He believes that belief begets the gods. His ideas are based on the premise that reality is perception and that means that all the gods or beings people perceived are thus real. That is really all he can say on the matter.

Drugs of Choice: Needs caffeine... Always.

Alcoholic Preference: He doesn't drink.

Favorite Food: Real New York Pizza

Major: Journalism and Writing

Clubs: several school based news-sheets and blogs.

Year: freshman

Roommates: currently doesn't know, is patitionong to live off campus. Might try to get into a frat house.

Occupation: He doesn't relay have a job, he just makes money by posting articles on the internet.

Talents/Skills: Alexander is talented at getting information from people and he has an anylitic mind that can keep information Strait.

Likes: Alexander can't do nothing, he constantly needs entertainment, however he relay like anything over anything else. He loves video games, and when he gets a free seconds he'll be playing some sort of game.

Dislikes: Hates the idea of big government and corporations. HATES TROLLS!

Personality: He is neurotic and he has a bit of a tick. He has Assbergers and he has trouble socializing with people off the internet. He loves to help people get over thair problems, but that's difficult when they hate him if they meet him face to face.

History: Alexander has had problems since he was a little kid and he was kicked out of nearly every school he went too until his parents found a school that could deal with his problems. On the other hand, that school was filled with kids who were worse then him and he didn't get a real understanding of social conventions. When he had to graduate to high-school he had an extremely twisted view of the world and he thought death threats were appropriate jests and party favors. He had to move to a permanent online environment for high-school, where he was able to actually socialize and found that he could help others, and himself, by listening to their problems in this type of situation.

Power: He has become almost purely naucternal, his eyes have become a perfect night-vision and they seem to have become red and vulpine. His athleticism, strength, balance and reflexes have increased dramaticly. He is now far more attractive to women, in an anamalistic sort of way.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DizzyIsabella
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DizzyIsabella She's a kind heart - but that mouth..

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Looks about right for a CS in my opinion! Character will be up later
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by nonsequitur


Member Seen 9 yrs ago


Name: Kelsey Charlotte Dales

Nickname: N/A

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Height: 5'7"

Weight: 120 lbs

Ethnicity: Caucasian

Sexuality: Asexual

Relationship Status: Single

Political Affiliation: None

Religion: Agnostic

Drugs of Choice: None so far, but would try LSD given the chance.

Alcoholic Preference: Would prefer not to.

Favorite Food: Strawberry ice cream

Major: Undecided

Clubs: None yet, but wants to join the drama club

Year: Freshman

Roommates: Arina

Occupation: Waitress at one of the campus cafes.

Talents/Skills: Acting, dancing, reading people, conversation, dodgeball

Likes: Watching Netflix, shopping, pop music, dancing

Dislikes: liars, gossipers, hypocrites, insects, spicy food, messy surroundings

Personality: Kelsey is very cynical and distrustful but hides it behind a "airhead" persona. She is easily bored but also easily distracted; the best way to hold her attention is with games and contests. In fact, she sees most of life as a game, but understands that some games have very serious consequences. She will not hesistate to stop gossipers if they do that around her, but she utterly despises people who do it to their friends.

History: Kelsey is from New York City and attended some of the most exclusive private schools in the area. For most of elementary and middle school she was known as a quiet girl with excellent grades, but in high school she blossomed and ended up friends with the two most popular girls in her grade. However, they took turns freezing her out and made her act as a middleman in their all too frequent feuds. They were much worse to the other students though, so she stayed, not wanting to become a target.

Eventually graduation night arrived and her "friends" took advantage of her parents' absence on a business trip to throw a party at her house. This turned out to be the last straw for several reasons, and she deliberately applied to a college which was out of state and not on any of their lists of schools to get away from them.

Power: Darkness manipulation
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by FunnyGuy
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Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Hey Xander, I'm not gonna say you're not accepted since that's Chulance's decision, but it would really... really be a great idea to paste that CS into MS Word. If you don't have the program, then I would recommend fixing your Ethnicity line (Irish, German, Caucasian, etc), Favorite Food line (you'll see), and Year line (I think you mean Freshman). There are more things, but I have to head to work soon and don't have the time. Chulance will let you know if it's good or not.

Nonsequitur, nice CS. I can't approve or deny, but I'm sure you're good.

Can't wait to see what everyone else has to put on the table.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by FunnyGuy
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Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Nonsequitur, you're CS is accepted. The IC is up.

22xander, you're denied. PM me or Chulance for more details if you want to know why or what you need to do to fix it.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Chulance
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Member Seen 12 mos ago

Like FG said IC's up!

Also Dizzy can't wait for your profile. :)

This is gonna be fun.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by dreamingflowers
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Member Seen 3 days ago

Quote: “Karma is a bitch.”

Name: Katerina Eleonora Sapienti

Nickname: Kat

Age: 20

Gender: Female

Height: 5’5”

Weight: 120 Ibs

Ethnicity: Italian and Romany

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Relationship Status: In a long distance relationship

Political Affiliation: She doesn’t really care about politics because she knows it’s all for show anyway

Religion: La Vecchia Religione or the Old Religion. It is the folk religion of ancient and medieval Italy predating the Roman Catholic Church. Basically it’s an Italian branch of paganism with a Catholic veneer which many practitioners adopted to avoid being ostracized by the Church.

Drugs of Choice: She doesn’t do drugs

Alcoholic Preference: She doesn’t drink any alcohol either

Favorite Food: Italian food obviously

Major: History

Clubs: Nothing yet

Year: Freshman

Roommates: Undecided

Occupation: Student

Talents/Skills: Katerina is a great cook and can whip up a mean dish of pasta in no time at all. She knows how to make a lot with very little and is a great budget shopper. She likes to make things from scratch and rarely goes for prepackaged stuff. She has been doing yoga for four years which aside from clearing her mind gave her some wicked flexibility. Hand her a pack of cards and she can read your fortune plus beat you at any game you know.

Likes: Family, cooking, socializing, TV series, clothes, jewelry, perfume, make up, reading, writing, psychic fairs, the circus

Dislikes: Liars, fake people, ignorance, bullying, shallow people, animal cruelty

Personality: Katerina is the somewhat reserved at first kind of quiet. She is the kind of girl you need to get to know. Once you do however she is very caring, funny, kind and always offers a listening ear for a serious conversation. When she’s part of a group she’s perfectly content staying in the background, she’s not a huge stickler for attention. She likes it best to meet up with a few close friends instead of going someplace where she barely knows anyone.
It’s not easy to get her angry and she tends to avoid confrontation all together. The things she says aren’t usually what she’s thinking. She is polite and will give you the nice answer instead of the honest one. Tradition is very important to her which includes family birthdays and every other kind of celebration. She’ll cancel any and everything to make sure these go as planned.
Family comes first for Kat and she usually gives more than she takes. She’s not the kind of girl to ask something for herself or put herself before others. At times she can be pretty naïve and takes somebody at their word almost blindly.

History: Katerina Eleonora Sapienti was born in Beneveto, Italy. She grew up in a very close knit family with one younger brother and many cousins. Most of her family lived in the same neighborhood if not in the same town. So the importance of La Familia was ingrained into her from an early age. She didn’t have a remarkable childhood, she did well in school even though she preferred staying home.
With family life taking center stage there wasn’t a lot of room to be your own person. That never really troubled her until she started going to high school where her controlling parents started to suffocate her. It was time to grow up but she realized her parents weren’t going to change so she had to.
So after she finished high school Katerina decided it was time to leave the nest. It was scary and she got cold feet multiple times but she never let it show. If it wasn’t going to happen now she would never have a life of her own. She applied for a college in America and got accepted in an exchange program. America to her was a symbol of independence and freedom, the two things she wanted......no needed.

Power: ESP or Extrasensory Perception. She can acquire information by other means than the human senses or personal experience.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by 22xander


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

How about now? I fixed everything you said... And pled I... Can I get in, as a matter of pride
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by dreamingflowers
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Member Seen 3 days ago

I'll check back tomorrow if I need to make any changes ;)
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