Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Wintergrey
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Wintergrey Lunatik

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

![enter image description here](http://cdn.images.express.co.uk/img/dynamic/79/590x/dormer1-475628.jpg "enter image title here") Quote: _If We Die, We Die, But First We'll Live_ Name: Astrid Bones Hallows Nickname: just Astrid Age: 19 Gender: Female Height: 5'6" Weight: 115 lbs Ethnicity: Caucasian, about 50% russian mixed in with a variety of other european ethnicities Sexuality: straight as an arrow Relationship Status: single Political Affiliation: yep, just screw them. All of them. Religion: same as Political Affiliation, screw them all Drugs of Choice: Hates the taste of Coffee, doesnt like drugs because she feels she is above something like that Alcoholic Preference: falls under the categories of Drugs of Choice Favorite Food: just about every consumable with meat. Steak, chicken, tacos, burgers, sausages, you name it she'll eat it. Not raw food though, thats gross Major: Engineering Clubs: N/A Year: Sophmore Roommates: Nicole Bishop Occupation: student Talents/Skills: a fairly good cook, seems to piss people off a lot, Likes: herself, retaining the upper hand, being superior, stuff she's good at, math, solving problems(mostly her own though, screw other people's) Dislikes: loosing control, ignorance, idiots, druggies, bullies, punks Personality: very much a self-fish bastard. In her mind everything is about her and should be that way. She is smarter than everyone else and believes she is surrounded by incapable idiots. Most of these people will quickly wane away her short temper leaving her to explode in an anger unmatched by much. History: Astrid grew up on the streets. Ever since she can remember the concrete had been her bed, the trash her fridge, the rats her pets. It was a hard life for a child so young. Some how though she managed to survive long enough to get into school. Once in school she found out her thirst for knowledge, and also her complete hate for those without it. Excelling in school, though alone Astrid quickly became the smartest kid in her class. She finished everything early allowing her to continue on her hunt for knowledge and began taking college classes by the time she was a sophomore. She still had problems with the idiots at the school, but with her new classes she was spending less time being dragged down by them and more time actually learning. Of course there was no avoiding them. More than once she ended up in detention for punching a kid in the nose over something stupid they had said. Not that she regretted it. Finally after graduating top of her class Astrid joined University of San Francisco for its cheap cost. She really hoped she could go to some place more intellectual like MIT or Stanford, but with her limited budget she was going to have trouble paying for University of San Francisco. As it was she was probably going to have to work through her entire time at college. Power: Fire. Lots and lots of fire. She can't be burnt, she can light things on fire through friction, usually snapping her fingers. The only other way she can create fire is if her emotions get out of control(which is often) she can create streams of fire from their hands Fire can be utilized to manipulate flames into whatever she pleases (Ex. wall of fire) within her energy limit she can envelop her body with fire, and then throw streams of it like a flamethrower without receiving burns. Extreme energy burner she can throw fireballs Focusing fireballs into smaller more intense flames for cutting and carving
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Chulance
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Member Seen 12 mos ago

![enter image description here](http://www4.pictures.zimbio.com/pc/Trey+Songz+5th+Annual+Pre+BET+Exclusive+Dinner+pat3P3UTjR6l.jpg "enter image title here") _“So what we get drunk, so what we smoke weed, that's how it's supposed to be, living young and wild and free."_ Name: Floyd J. Banker Nickname: N/A Age: 18 Gender: Male Height: 6’0 Weight: 180 lbs Ethnicity: Black Sexuality: Heterosexual Relationship Status: Single and ready to mingle Political Affiliation: Democrat Religion: Christianity Drugs of Choice: Marijuana, Alcohol, Ecstasy, Cocaine, Adderall, LSD, Shrooms, Xanax, Vicodin, Alcoholic Preference: Whiskey, Bud Light Favorite Food: Wings, French Fries, Steak, Chipotle, Spaghetti, Cake Major: Communications Clubs: None at the moment Year: Freshmen Roommates: Undecided Occupation: Student/Drug Dealer Talents/Skills: Floyd is a talented musician capable of playing the keyboard and drums. He’s a decent rapper mainly freestyling. He’s also good at track, black belt in karate although out of practice, and a great salesman. He’s very observant of his surroundings and pays attention to detail. He can talk to anyone about almost anything and is good at persuading others to do things for him. Oh and he’s great at doing lots of drugs, binge drinking, and not dying in the process. Likes: God, Music, Sex, Drugs, Partying, Money, TV/Movies, Socializing, Video Games, The Internet, Traveling, Reading, Writing, Driving, Food, Learning, Loyalty, Deep conversation, Dislikes: Police & most authority figures, Narcs, Snitches, Ignorance, Salad, Racists, most laws, Fake friends, negativity, Skeptics, Jealousy, Laziness, Greediness, Hypocrites, Personality: Floyd is the guy who always tries to maintain a positive attitude and be the life of the party. He’s always up to have fun, meet new people, and do something different. He’s a huge fan of drugs/alcohol and enjoys getting intoxicated a lot. He does his best to maintain a calm demeanor and not get bothered by most things, but is prone to angry outbursts if pushed far enough. He doesn’t tolerate bigots of any kind, and is accepting of everyone. He’s extremely social, and enjoys striking up conversations with anyone willing to talk. An extremely flirtatious man and described by some as a sex addict. On top of all that while he tries to do good most of the time he can be very stubborn at times, and once he’s convinced of something it can be almost impossible to change his mind no matter what evidence is presented. He can be extremely reckless at times, and shrugs off any advice related to changing his lifestyle. History: Floyd Banker was born in Chicago, Illinois. Growing up he wouldn’t describe himself as poor, but he financially his family wasn’t very well off. His family struggled with the gang ridden neighborhood he grew up in, and in order to get him out of the environment his parents moved him and his sister to Atlanta. He grew up mostly normal and did well in school but for the most part didn’t care, and was always getting in trouble. He always dreamed of doing big things, and didn’t want to settle for a life working a 9-5 job he didn’t enjoy. The only thing he really excelled at outside of school was sports and music. It wasn’t long before he began falling in love with drugs starting off with smoking weed in high school. It wasn’t long after that he began really getting into music, media, and writing. Soon after he dropped off the track team, and started using and selling various drugs to support his lifestyle. He ran into trouble with the law numerous times as he began hustling, and lost interest in school which showed in his grades. Towards the end of his high school career he began becoming more serious about his education, and took a break from selling drugs to focus on graduating with decent enough grades to go to college. After graduating he was happy to be accepted to the University of San Francisco, and ready to move to his favorite state to pursue his dreams. Power: Energy Manipulation He is capable of manipulating energy in various forms.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by nonsequitur


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

[Kelsey](http://best-wallpaper.net/wallpaper/2560x1600/1307/Beautiful-brown-hair-girl-in-the-forest_2560x1600.jpg) *"Interesting."* Name: Kelsey Charlotte Dales Nickname: N/A Age: 18 Gender: Female Height: 5'7" Weight: 120 lbs Ethnicity: Caucasian Sexuality: Asexual Relationship Status: Single Political Affiliation: None Religion: Agnostic Drugs of Choice: None so far, but would try LSD given the chance. Alcoholic Preference: Would prefer not to. Favorite Food: Strawberry ice cream Major: Undecided Clubs: None yet, but wants to join the drama club Year: Freshman Roommates: Arina Occupation: Waitress at one of the campus cafes. Talents/Skills: Acting, dancing, reading people, conversation, dodgeball Likes: Watching Netflix, shopping, pop music, dancing Dislikes: liars, gossipers, hypocrites, insects, spicy food, messy surroundings Personality: Kelsey is very cynical and distrustful but hides it behind a "airhead" persona. She is easily bored but also easily distracted; the best way to hold her attention is with games and contests. In fact, she sees most of life as a game, but understands that some games have very serious consequences. She will not hesistate to stop gossipers if they do that around her, but she utterly despises people who do it to their friends. History: Kelsey is from New York City and attended some of the most exclusive private schools in the area. For most of elementary and middle school she was known as a quiet girl with excellent grades, but in high school she blossomed and ended up friends with the two most popular girls in her grade. However, they took turns freezing her out and made her act as a middleman in their all too frequent feuds. They were much worse to the other students though, so she stayed, not wanting to become a target. Eventually graduation night arrived and her "friends" took advantage of her parents' absence on a business trip to throw a party at her house. This turned out to be the last straw for several reasons, and she deliberately applied to a college which was out of state and not on any of their lists of schools to get away from them. Power: Darkness manipulation [Theme song](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UHtPSmP5nLw)
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by FunnyGuy
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Member Seen 13 hrs ago

> [Mike](http://cdn.hiphopwired.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/09/1011-gq-mage01-02-1.jpg]) > > Quote: Let’s get it! > > Name: Michael B. Hayes > > Nickname: Mike > > Age: 21 > > Gender: Male > > Height: 6’2” > > Weight: 200 lbs > > Ethnicity: African American and Puerto Rican > > Sexuality: Heterosexual > > Relationship Status: Single > > Political Affiliation: Depends… > > Religion: Agnostic > > Drugs of Choice: Alcohol and Marijuana. > > Alcoholic Preference: Anything under the sun, but only tolerates beer. Favorite drink would have to be the Adios Motherfucker (AMF). > > Favorite Food: Really? Almost anything you can cook. The list would be too long > > Major: Sports Management > > Clubs: Hosts an on campus radio station > > Year: Freshman > > Roommates: To be decided. > > Occupation: Student/Club Promoter and Doorman > > Talents/Skills: Mike is good at most things that have to do with fitness. Running, swimming, or any other high intensity cardio. Mike doesn’t know if he could name this a skill, but he always seems to think of an alternate way of doing things, whether it be used as a shortcut or a contingency. > > Likes: Workout, game on Xbox, go clubbing, dancing, trying new things, meeting new people, traveling. > > Dislikes: Hypocrites, lying, liars, boredom, staying still for too long, olives, loud noises. > > Personality: Mike is a very outgoing guy and won’t be too shy not to introduce himself to someone new. His charisma always seems to give him a good first impression. He’s usually smiling, but if he’s not, his face shows a solemn that he can’t hide. He’s usually full of energy and loves just going out and doing something. You would think he’d be loud and hotheaded, but Mike remains cool and leveled. He’d rather see his friends happy than himself, and at times this can be a little self destructive. Mike is someone to rely on, and a person you should keep an eye out for, because that smile can hide almost anything. > > History: (I hate these, so I’ll be brief) Mike was born in New York City, where he spent the majority of his life as the first born of two raised by a single parent mother. Since he was a child he loved sports, whether it be playing or watching. He grew up being a jock of all trades as he would put it, but wasn’t recognized among his peers like other were. > > Without the scholarships to do so, Mike decided to join the military straight out of high school. Something his mother dreaded. He went with something simple, Communications. Mike was deployed once to Afghanistan and once to Kosovo. The tour to Kosovo wasn’t too difficult, being that it was a permissive environment. However, Afghanistan was a lot grittier. Mike wouldn’t do it again if you asked him to, but he doesn’t regret it either. > > After serving his 3 1/2 year contract, Mike became a reservist and pursued school in California, a place he’s always wanted to see. He knew he’d be an older freshman, but at least he now had the money to start college without being in debt for years. > > Power: Psionic Manipulation. Mike possesses the power to use psychic powers such as telekinesis and telepathy.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by dreamingflowers
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Member Seen 4 days ago

[Katerina](http://i496.photobucket.com/albums/rr328/dreamingflowers1992/Katherine_109_zpsd1b09c16.png) Quote: “Karma is a bitch.” Name: Katerina Eleonora Sapienti Nickname: Kat Age: 20 Gender: Female Height: 5’5” Weight: 120 Ibs Ethnicity: Italian and Romany Sexuality: Heterosexual Relationship Status: In a long distance relationship Political Affiliation: She doesn’t really care about politics because she knows it’s all for show anyway Religion: La Vecchia Religione or the Old Religion. It is the folk religion of ancient and medieval Italy predating the Roman Catholic Church. Basically it’s an Italian branch of paganism with a Catholic veneer which many practitioners adopted to avoid being ostracized by the Church. Drugs of Choice: She doesn’t do drugs Alcoholic Preference: She doesn’t drink any alcohol either Favorite Food: Italian food obviously Major: History Clubs: Nothing yet Year: Freshman Roommates: Undecided Occupation: Student Talents/Skills: Katerina is a great cook and can whip up a mean dish of pasta in no time at all. She knows how to make a lot with very little and is a great budget shopper. She likes to make things from scratch and rarely goes for prepackaged stuff. She has been doing yoga for four years which aside from clearing her mind gave her some wicked flexibility. Hand her a pack of cards and she can read your fortune plus beat you at any game you know. Likes: Family, cooking, socializing, TV series, clothes, jewelry, perfume, make up, reading, writing, psychic fairs, the circus Dislikes: Liars, fake people, ignorance, bullying, shallow people, animal cruelty Personality: Katerina is the somewhat reserved at first kind of quiet. She is the kind of girl you need to get to know. Once you do however she is very caring, funny, kind and always offers a listening ear for a serious conversation. When she’s part of a group she’s perfectly content staying in the background, she’s not a huge stickler for attention. She likes it best to meet up with a few close friends instead of going someplace where she barely knows anyone. It’s not easy to get her angry and she tends to avoid confrontation all together. The things she says aren’t usually what she’s thinking. She is polite and will give you the nice answer instead of the honest one. Tradition is very important to her which includes family birthdays and every other kind of celebration. She’ll cancel any and everything to make sure these go as planned. Family comes first for Kat and she usually gives more than she takes. She’s not the kind of girl to ask something for herself or put herself before others. At times she can be pretty naïve and takes somebody at their word almost blindly. History: Katerina Eleonora Sapienti was born in Beneveto, Italy. She grew up in a very close knit family with one younger brother and many cousins. Most of her family lived in the same neighborhood if not in the same town. So the importance of La Familia was ingrained into her from an early age. She didn’t have a remarkable childhood, she did well in school even though she preferred staying home. With family life taking center stage there wasn’t a lot of room to be your own person. That never really troubled her until she started going to high school where her controlling parents started to suffocate her. It was time to grow up but she realized her parents weren’t going to change so she had to. So after she finished high school Katerina decided it was time to leave the nest. It was scary and she got cold feet multiple times but she never let it show. If it wasn’t going to happen now she would never have a life of her own. She applied for a college in America and got accepted in an exchange program. America to her was a symbol of independence and freedom, the two things she wanted......no needed. Power: ESP or Extrasensory Perception. She can acquire information by other means than the human senses or personal experience.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mixtape Ghost N
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Member Seen 10 days ago

![_"The world's almost over, loco, gotta live it up or you'll regret it when it's all over!"_](http://i795.photobucket.com/albums/yy234/lonestar4545/rsz_1rsz_ttat2_zps34c75a8e.jpg "The world's almost over, loco, gotta live it up or you'll regret it when it's all over!") _"The world's almost over, loco, gotta live it up or you'll regret it when it's all over!"_ **Name:** Lupe Ellie Bellemonte **Nickname:** _Rockstar, Mad Lupe, Spicegirl_ **Age:** 21 **Gender:** Female **Height: ** 5'5 **Weight:** 136 **Ethnicity:** Hispanic - Colombian, Mexican, Argentinian, & French. **Sexuality:** Lupe's straight, but has done some "Bi-stuff" as she describes it **Relationship Status:** Single **Political Affiliation:** Whoever keeps America from going to shit. **Religion:** Lupe's family is a deeply religious family, a Christian family. She has been taught almost everything there is about Christianity, but unfortunately has gone astray of her teachings after she found something more... rewarding. **Drugs of Choice:** Fortunately, Lupe leaves the drugs alone as her life's just fine, but she has a thing for liquor. To the point where she abuses it. **Alcoholic Preference:** Vodka my good boy. She mixes it with something else, and she has herself a tasty combination. **Favorite Food:** Seafood **Major:** Clinical Science **Clubs:** Music Club/School Band Swim Team **Year:** Sophomore **Roommates:** None. Lupe doesn't live too far away from campus, and it's cheaper to simply live off campus. **Occupation:** Part time DJ and Stripper. **Talents/Skills:** Lupe has gotten a few skills under her belt from over the years. First and foremost, she's extremely fluent in the Spanish language, to be true to her roots. She's just as good at English, due to living in the country for a great chunk of her life and knowing the language being a necessity. She merely practices Spanish as something on the side just to brag about to her family. Lupe has always had a knack for the musical arts. Taught by her grandmother, whom known a few instruments of her own, Lupe is an avid guitarist. Bass, acoustic, electric, it doesn't matter, she's good with all of them. She's often seen playing Electric guitars. She's been playing the guitar in her spare time for years, and it's simply a passion for the woman. A talent from her youth she will surely pass down to her children, and their children. Ahem, that isn't the extent of Lupe's talents in the music business. Lupe is a DJ for a cheap club, and therefore, she knows how to operate the turntable, and has enough of a knack for music to make up a wicked beat. Dancing is also another skill she had to pick up at the strip joint, and man, Lupe certainly knows how to work the pole! On the athletic side of things, Lupe is a swimmer. She signed up for the high school's swim team and used that as a great way to stay in shape. She was also taught how to play soccer by her little brother, but she never played it officially (I.E. for any teams). Finally, Lupe has gotten a few brawls under her belt, and knows how to streetfight (HADOUKEN!). She doesn't have any martial arts or formal training, but she doesn't need any! You don't need any to punch the fuck out of someone. **Likes:** Music, movies friends, partying, food, good looking people, swimming, drinking, and fun. **Dislikes:** Misery, "touchy-feely" moments, assholes, racism, her past, boring peope, and various other things that'd get in the way of her fun **Personality:** A party-girl that lives life to it's fullest. Tragedy struck her bloodline and it has convinced her that the only thing that matters is fulfilling her hedonistic needs and getting cheap thrills. Despite this, Lupe has made sure to never cross the line and remain a nice person, and treat people right. That said, Lupe is an extrovert to her core, she lives to hang around with other people. She certainly isn't afraid to walk up and start a conversation someone (Unless they're a nerd, creepy, or really, really phat). But on the flipside, she isn't afraid to walk [i]away [/i]from someone she dislikes. She's calm, cool, and friendly, but she has a bit of spice and flair to all of her actions. She tends to joke around a lot, and act with a fire behind all of her actions. She's loud, and likes to be the center of attention - the true life of the party. Because one of her favorite things to do is walk up to a group of friends being bored and make it exciting! Lupe is pretty flirty too, but unlike some girls, she handles it subtly (Because like hell she's going to become the town bicycle). She hints, and uses body language to get her point across to the boy of the day. How tall of a glass of water she considers them, the harder she'll try - and even if that doesn't work, she'll label them a lost cost and walk away. Though, that's rare. She's good looking and has such a way with words that it's easy for her to win over any guy. While she prefers guys, she is open to a relationship to someone of the same sex. But she rarely considers them real relationships, and only flings that come and go. She can be protective of her friends, and stand up to a bully, male, female, or in authority, because she hates it when someone bullies others because they have a taste of power. More importantly, she can't let people think that they can step all over her undeterred. Which is why she's a bit more fighty than most people. Though, emotional situations is where Lupe really falls apart. She's bad at giving advice, or counseling a crying friend - thus, she is a bad motivator. When these touchy-feely moments begin, Lupe usually becomes closed off until the fun starts again. It's because of her mentality to have fun and live life to it's fullest no matter what - she doesn't view such moments as "fun". Though, people also find out that Lupe isn't that open about certain things, as well. Such as her family, and where she came from. To her, it's the same as emotional moments; an obstruction of her fun. Lupe finds it hard to really empathize with people, but she tries to be nice as possible. But once they get to a party, they find another side of her. The hedonistic maniac that lives to fulfill her needs. No matter how self-destructive they are. Sex, drugs, alcohol, it doesn't matter to her. It's mostly stems from her desperation to live an exciting life, and her belief that she wishes to avoid living a normal, boring life. So she does everything she can to make sure that it's interesting, not just for herself, but the troupe she associates herself with. Because hey, what's the fun in doing this alone? Lupe doesn't just go to parties to sate her thrill-seeking nature. She has taken to fights with various people, and putting herself in unsafe situations, to get her blood rushing All because she's an adrenaline junkie. Ultimately, in the end, she's a woman that's lost something that she could never get back. So she relies on these vices to mask her grief. Because the one thing she fears the most now is feeling as if she's wasted her life, and thus, she has no choice but to . But, she dug herself a hole, the kind of hole that will never be filled. So the more she worries about it, the bigger it gets. A vicious cycle that will never end until she realizes it, or meets her end. **History:** Lupe E. Bellemonte was born in Mexico, Lupe lived the early years of her life in relative comfort, since she was fortunate enough to have a somewhat good living condition. Her father was a very talented engineer, and her mother worked as a surgeon. They lived good, so her early life wasn't anything special. She went to school, met people, and had fun as she should. Quickly growing up to be a social butterfly without too much adversity to alter the course of her life. Her parents had another child when she was around six, her mother got pregnant with another child, and nine months later, she was introduced to her new twin brothers: Alejandro and Diego. She welcomed her younger brother with open arms, and looked forward to when they could play together. The big change in her life was once she was ten, when Lupe's father got a job for a big American company, and had to move to San Francisco. She was blindsided by the change, but was nonetheless open about it. Though, she had a feeling of insecurity as she rode the plane to America. Once there, she had to get over a bit of... culture shock to say the least. Learning English, differing social customs, and so on, was a bit of a problem for Lupe. She had a bit of a problem getting over it - until she had ran into the Hispanic crowd. Some of them were from out of country themselves, and they helped her adjust, and in the process, Lupe had made herself some friends and refined those social skills a bit. After she got used the country, she came to like the place. Having a nice house helped. Life continued for Lupe. She didn't go without her home country as she visited there plenty of times. Sometimes staying for months on end. While she was there, she spent plenty of time with her Grandparents, especially her grandmother, whom was a legend when it came to the guitar. Since the old lady didn't have much else to do, she spent her quality time with her granddaughter teaching her how to play the guitar. Buying her a guitar for her birthday. At first, Lupe didn't really get it, but as she played more and more, it stuck to her, and it became a hobby that she perfected into her adulthood. Life from there was great, she became a social butterfly in school. One that made friends with all the cooler girls, and became what is called a "popular" girl. She hung out with her friends through her middle-school years. Once she hit highschool, she hit a whole new level. Things got more intense. Sex, drugs, drinking... they were tempting, but Lupe stays away from them. As she was taught not to give into those vices. It was hard, given that some of her nastier friends called her a prude and cut ties. It didn't matter, but Lupe stuck around with the friends that mattered to her. That said, Lupe never excelled in academics, as those weren't her focus. She got passing grades and that was just about it. She advanced through grade school at nineteen and made it to college, and was excited since, because of her grandmother suggesting it, Lupe decided to get into the Medical Science field. However, her life changed a few months after her graduation... for the worse. While she was hanging out at a friend's house, she had learned that her family had gotten into a rather serious car accident with a man who had run the light. The sheer impact had sent their car flying and nearly crushed one half of it. Her father had been critically injured, and sent into a coma with no signs of ever waking up... while Alejandro, her brother, got his skull smashed open and died. This news had devastated Lupe. Where her mother went to alcohol, and her brother tried to push on despite the loss of his twin, Lupe went to the seven deadly sins in over to recover. That moment was when she realized that her life could end in the flash of an eye. So why should she do things like wait to drink and act in moderation? She went to the very thing those friends had mocked her from staying away from. Lupe's family still had saved up a college fund for her so she can go off to the San Francisco College and have a chance at success, Lupe only saw it as a new opportunity to indulge herself. She went to every party out that would take a Hispanic girl like her. There were plenty, actually. She met new people, from far and wide, that had the same interests as her: to live life as if every day was their last. She integrated into this new crew to the best of her ability, and became a sort of team leader for them. While she did have fun, she was rather strapped for funds, so she needed a job or two that had flexible work schedules. Fortunately, she had two options actually. First, her DJ friend had referred her to a club that was hiring. Lupe has DJ'd for a few parties in the past, and her DJ friend taught her even more, enough to hired. She was sent forth and got hired at the club... Another more risque job she was suggested was becoming a stripper. Her friend was also a stripper and told her that Lupe was everything they wanted, and could ace the job. Lupe considered it... but at this point, she was open for anything. She took the job and it was uncomfortable dancing for all these strange and sweaty men. But she had to get use to it. The money was good, too good to pass up, so she had no choice. Both jobs got her enough money to continue her lifestyle. So, while it was work, the reward was too good. Plus, she was able to balance her job, schoolwork, and her social and party life quite well, so it didn't matter. But the problem was that she found it was getting harder and harder to go home and look her family in the eye. And yet, another interesting variable was about to enter the mix... **Power:** _Reflective-Traveling._ Lupe's main power is the ability to enter reflective surfaces (Of any size) by touch and travel from one mirror to another. In this state, she can only be seen in reflections, and is otherwise undetectable. Almost like every reflective surface is another world that she can walk into. The main strength of this ability would have to be it's movement potential. Lupe can instantly teleport to another mirror long as it's in a linear pattern. There are few limits on the distance, really, long as she can physically perceive where another reflection is, she can appear in that one. Anything she has on her can be brought with her, in addition to being able to bring other people along with her. Once Lupe shifts back into the real world, anything she brings will her will follow. Appearing in the exact location they were in the mirror. Naturally, this ability has plenty of movement, and stealth, potential. But Lupe also has an offensive ability on the side. She can attack the reflections of other people - but, any blows she deals gives people a phantom pain, not physical damage. But Lupe, long as the reflection is large enough, can also reach out of a reflection and interact with the outside world. _Reflection-Manipulation._ While outside of Reflections, Lupe has the ability to manipulate other reflections. First and foremost, she can control what appears inside of a reflection. This ability is more or less the same as illusion creation - except with mirrors! She can project any image she can imagine into her reflections, and alter existing images. Finally, she can alter the reflectivity of the surface, with a thought, she can render a reflection inert, or extra reflective. _Reflective-Vision._ Easily the technique she's the least familiar with. By focusing extensively on a single reflection, with a clear goal in mind, Lupe can see other people and places through them. The longest she's able to maintain this would be thirty seconds, then the vision fades. If she tries again immediately, then she'll have a harder time getting the image to appear again - and even then, she'll only be able to hold the vision up for even less time. Another ability she has is limited precognition/retrocognition. She can see a few second glimpse of the past/present, usually a key moment during the event she wishes to look into. And just to be clear, she'll only be able to [i]see[/i] into these reflections. _Reflective-Mimicry._ As Lupe's final ability, she is able to copy anything that is reflected (She has to be inside the mirror first). She can copy powers, and appearances, and bring them back to the real world with her to utilize. In terms of her appearance copying, she will be an exact replica of whoever she chooses down to the clothes. In terms of her power replication, she will get a weaker, diluted form of the power. She'll discard any powers, or she'll revert to normal, once she enters another mirror. **Themesong:** [youtube]0q-S1U5w7fA[/youtube]
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by ThatsWhatSheSaid
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![enter image description here](http://cdn.superbwallpapers.com/wallpapers/girls/miranda-kerr-6849-1920x1200.jpg "enter image title here") **Quote: “Hey mate, harden the fuck up!”** **Name:** Nicole Bishop **Nicknames:** Nic or Nikki **Age:** 20 **Gender:** Female **Height:** 5'6'' **Weight:** 121lbs **Ethnicity:** Caucasian, Australian **Sexuality:** Heterosexual **Relationship Status:** Single - far too busy for a serious relationship. **Political Affiliation:** Democrat **Religion:** Agnostic **Drugs of Choice:** caffeine (coffee, energy drinks), alcohol, marijuana, occasionally takes Adderall or Ritalin to assist with her studies and meeting deadlines. **Alcoholic Preference:** Anything sweet and strong (moscato wine, vodka, cocktails, jagermeister, captain Morgan....just to name a few) **Favourite Food:** if it has to be one thing CHOCOLATE! **Major:** Journalism and New Media **Clubs:** Editor of the College Newspaper **Year:** Sophomore **Roommates:** Astrid **Occupation:** Student, editor of the college newspaper, internship at CBS San Francisco **Talents/Skills:** Debating, talking, negotiation, writing, photographic memory, interviewing, editing, lying, creative, organised, time management, technological savvy, storytelling, blogging, investigative skills **Likes:** Reading Writing Music Gossip Secrets Control News Drama Photography Lollies and eating in general Detective and Spy movies **Dislikes:** Spiders & bugs Silence Privacy Laws Patience Boring People **Personality:** Nicole is a workaholic with an addiction to her occupation comparable to that of a severe drug addict. Having devoted every ounce of her life to her job she's had little time to develop close relationships. Her interest in her job is above anything else in her life leaving a noteworthy trend of anti social behaviour that often leads to her departing from social gatherings in the pursuit of a story. However when needed she's skilled in the art of conversation, and is capable of stringing people along in convincing relationships to serve her own occupational and sexual needs. Despite this it seems she lacks the ability to legitimately empathize with other people, and is viewed by certain individuals as cold and emotionless. Her priority is the always the story at hand, and if she has to cut a few ties or step on some toes she'll be more then willing to do so if necessary. An atmosphere composed of chaos and drama with her in the center is where she feel's the most alive. She's had more then a few visits to the emergency room as a result of her knack to get too entangled in the throes of the danger involved in her field. She possessive's a habitual disregard towards authority figures and laws including breaking and entering, theft, obstruction of justice ect for the sake of important information. It would seem to some that she draws on an infinite pool of energy due to her remarkable ability to balance intense studying and work for days on end without rest. **History:** Born and raised in Alice Springs, Australia. She is an only child to Peter and Veronica Bishop. Her father worked for a large American Oil and Gas company whilst her mother taught at the local school. Though Nicole had loving parents, she was usually left with a hired nanny due to both her parents' occupations. This may have been the cause of Nicole's less than affectionate persona. Growing up, she never tried to stand out, but that didn't mean she wasn't causing any mischief. As a girl she spent a lot of time listening to adults, which only fortified the lies she told from time to time. Even when she was caught or in trouble, Nicole remained resilient with her talent. After spending most of her life in Alice Springs, Nicole couldn't help but want more. She didn't believe she could allow herself to be limited to only being where she had grown up, or her own country for that matter. To her, there were secrets just waiting for her to unravel all over the world. She wanted to really get into Journalism, and couldn't do so without seeing the world. Her led her to travel. She started out easy, just going to New Zealand and interning for a local newspaper. Then she moved on to go to the Philippines and Malaysia. This time she had her very own blog set up. What she did, fuelled a passion in her. Finding out new things and sharing them with the world. It was a service, and also adventurous for her. When Nicole knew she'd want to do this for a living, she set her eyes on the United States. The University of San Francisco had caught her eye with their exceptional program for foreign student. Upon her arrival to San Francisco University, Nicole joined the university newspaper. She started as a photographer, but with time, she began suggesting and even writing articles. Before her second semester of college had ended, Nicole was made an editor, which held a higher position. Though she was named editor, she didn't let it stop her for going out and finding her own stories to share with the campus. Currently, Nicole is a sophomore, just getting back into her niche. For some reason, she feels like this year is going to be a lot more interesting for better and worse... **Power:** Light Manipulation - can create, absorb, shape and manipulate visible light Capabilities *Bend and shift light particles: holographic projection, invisibility and visual illusions. *Absolute Light: can create a field of absolute light that blinds the targets either temporarily or permanently and may also dull or even completely negate the other senses. The light generate can be so intense it can potentially completely obliterate objects in its path. *Flight/levitation *Light Solidification: photokinetic constructs (weapons, armour, walls and allies) *Move at Light-speed
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