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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Will Laurence

Will Laurence

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Welcome to Return of the Great Power. I hope this roleplay will become much more than simply a single story, but rather an expansive and deep world. I hope to continue on in this world with a group of dedicated roleplayers even after the conclusion of this tale. Many of you will probably be coming over from the Interest Check, but for those of you just joining us, I have quoted the text from there above. To begin, let us establish a cast of characters. I am currently looking for four players to start out with. Prospective applicants will need to fill out the following character sheet. The four most promising character sheets will be selected by myself to begin the roleplay.
As far as lore is concerned, I have developed some background to keep things running smoothly at the start of the game. This mainly includes anything and everything in the background history at the beginning of the interest check and a general explanation of the magic system. I've developed these two specifically because: (1) they are required to get the story off the ground, (2) in my experience magic systems left to vague can go awry. I'll be reserving a few posts at the start of the OOC to archive all the established lore so far. Throughout the roleplay I'll be updating this list with new entries that we establish alongside the progression of the story. If anyone has problems with the preliminary lore I will try to be flexible in accommodating concerns.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Will Laurence

Will Laurence

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Established Lore:
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Will Laurence

Will Laurence

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Blackbeard
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Blackbeard But why is the rum gone?

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Decided I'm not going to be taking part. Sorry for any inconvenience and good luck with it all!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by dreamingflowers
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Member Seen 4 days ago

Oh I really like the way you set this up. I'd love to be part of this. I will be working on a character sheet tomorrow ^.^
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Avanhelsing


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

CS coming soon...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DELETED324324


Banned Seen 2 yrs ago

Name: Allira Levaris Gender: Female Age: 15 Appearance: Allira is generally shorter than everyone else around her standing in at 4'10, she has pale skin that would be flawless if it wasn't always covered in mud and dirt, her dark brown hair is generally always tied back in a bun or something manageable so it doesn't get in the way, she has pale green eyes that are reminiscent of emeralds and they always seemingly have a twinkle to them complimented by the usual (fake) smile she always has, Her clothing is generally simple in appearance a simple dress with faded colors like greens and reds complimented by dulls like brown and gray normally her clothing generally has dirt or ink stains across them showing her lack of caring for her clothing. Village: Coldcoast: A simplistic little northern hamlet that is frozen year round, surrounded on it's north and east side by a pine forest which is a big source of money from the village, to the west is the ocean that is rife with icebergs and ice sheets but is a major resource to the village due to the abundance of fish and whales almost every candle and lamp in the town uses whale fat for fuel and is a resource that is kept firmly within the village proper. To the south is the Giant Spine Mountain range a set of mountains that are regarded as some of the highest in the world the mountain range firmly holds the village in place and they are firmly impassable by foot leaving the only way to enter the town through the forest. The Village proper is simplistic in design there is farm which grows hardy veggies year round and also takes care of sheep and a large single horned beast with a fur coat and a unpredictable temperament the locals call "The Yura Beast" It's a great source of fur, with milk that is high in proteins if a little odd tasting, and when the milk runs out they generally butcher it and eat it. It boasts a single blacksmith who is devoted to his job more than his wife, a great inn that is warm all year round, and the village wisdom who is kind of like the mayor, town healer, spiritual leader, and they are always female. The Pine Forest is so thick with trees it gives the illusion of always being night, thus it's aptly named Evernight Forest there is no road that cuts through it but a small puddle filled trail rife with snow melt and footprints from local lumber jacks and hunters. It is advised to never walk the forest alone and anyone who does is considered a great warrior within the village and is generally set for life, the problem with the forest is that it's rife with footpads and bandits as well packs of highly intelligent "Mau Cats" that can communicate with the same near telepathy that crows and ravens seem to have, they are highly vicious with claws that can tear through Yura hide like it's paper. The forest is also home to giant Yura beast herds and a species of white furred deer that is hunted for meat and hide alike. Background: Allaria was born to the village wisdom and her father was a outsider turned hunt leader. The two fell in love and eventually married, the result of said marriage was Allaria and her younger brother Elyas. They were a happy family Allaria was taught to eventually replace her mother as wisdom which implied a variety of skills from how to treat the sick and which herbs helped them, from village politics and how to make sure everyone was happy. But still she was curious about the outside world and after annoying her mother Allaria was eventually granted large stacks of books her mother imported in on all sorts of medical methods and the history of the land around them. On top of being trained on how to be the wisdom Allaria often went out with her father and brother on their hunts so she could find herbs, but with them she picked up a small amount of hunting skills like trapping and tracking. These little incursions made her closer with her father and brother, the latter pairing were as thick as thieves and nigh inseparable at times. But times changed and shortly after Allaria's 14th birthday her brother fell ill and both her and her mother tried everything they knew about herbs and medicine to try to cure them but it wasn't enough and months later her brother died in his sleep. Almost overnight the family was shattered Allaria's mother refused to help the sick and her father went hunting in the woods alone seemingly wishing upon himself a death that never came. The young girl seemingly took it very oddly she never grieved instead she threw herself into studies about medicine and death, looking for some way to reverse the effects of death and bring her brother back, the young girl never left her home a year passing and her mother and father eventually returning to normal. But still Allaria throws herself into her books and chasing after miracle herbs in the woods oblivious to the world changing around her, though her father and mother hope to bring her back out into the world with the upcoming harvest festival and announce her marriage plan with the blacksmiths son. Personal Aspirations: For my characters aspirations, a way to cheat death and bring back her brother and as the RP progresses her family and village, despite her brothers death she still loves to help people and will even go out of her way to protect the innocent and heal the sick. My aspirations for Allaria is to give her the best possible ending for her.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Will Laurence

Will Laurence

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

I'm very glad to see all of the interest! I will be sure to give everyone a few days to get their character sheets up.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The One
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The One The Only One!

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Reserving a spot.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DragonKingUk
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

I'll join
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PharaohAtem


Member Seen 3 mos ago

if its still open I would like to join I will start working on a CS just in case and if there is space I will post my CS sometime tomorrow.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by ayzrules
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ayzrules CEO of staying up all night

Member Seen 2 mos ago

if your charrie doesn't get accepted into the first four, does that mean we're out of the roleplay or we'll come in later? Name: Elysia Gull Gender: Female Age: 16 Appearance: Elysia has tan, bronze-colored skin and short, messily cut curly black hair. She has brown eyes the color of chocolate and is unhealthily thin, with her bones jutting out of her body although her skin sits comfortably atop of them because she's never had much to eat in the first place. Her hands are rough and calloused from years of cooking, cleaning, and laundering, and her feet are scratched and cut-up from going around barefoot pretty much all the time. She always has dirt or mud stains on her face and clothing and even in her hair. She has a fairly average height for her age and gender, standing at approximately five feet and six inches. The clothing Elysia wears is simple and not exactly clean. She only owns a few rough brown tunics and a pair of crudely fashioned sandals that she doesn't wear unless she knows she's going somewhere with rocky terrain. Village: Valencia is one of the larger villages in the region because it sits on the Illarian Peninsula, right at the tip. The Illarian Peninsula is a prosperous area due to the fact that it's southern coastline constitutes of the Salic Strait, which is one of the only entry points into the main land mass that the Illarian Peninsula juts out of. Valencia is located in a crucial position because traders and merchants frequently stop there upon arriving at the Salic Strait to either sell their wares or just resupply before continuing on. The economy of Valencia, and the Illarian Peninsula itself, relies heavily on incoming trade. Merchants from regions all around the world gather at Valencia. The only reason why it isn't a full-blown city is the fact that there is no source of fresh water other than rain (which is plentiful, so that hasn't been too big of a problem yet). The one river that is near Valencia, and of course the Salic Strait, both have brackish water which is unsuitable for drinking. So, the inhabitants of Valencia have no choice but to hope that it rains, which it does often since the Illarian Peninsula is located in a tropical region. The Illarian Peninsula is very thin and has a somewhat jagged coastline due to the rocks littering the shores, as the effects of weathering and erosion have not fully transformed the beaches into paradises filled with sand. However, the rocks are not so sharp that ships cannot sail in and out of its numerous harbors. A few species of flowers and bushes thrive in the area, including a vibrant pink flower and a tropical-looking bush. They line the streets of Valencia and are a very common sight. Since it can sometimes get very muddy during the rainy season, the roads are basically wooden platforms raised maybe a few inches off the ground. The wood frequently rots away, and not many people bother to replace them. Within Valencia, the trade and commercial industries are booming. The markets and bazaars are filled with exotic spices and woods, fine silks and exquisitely crafted porcelain, and beautifully woven tapestries to give a few examples. However, during the years while Great Power declined, a group of mercenaries took control of the area in order to gain an upper hand in trade and subsequently fill their coffers with fees and tariffs placed on incoming products and ships. They formed the League of Assassins and eventually started doing the dirty work for the official Valencian government-for a hefty price, of course. As the years passed, the division between the rich and the poor grew wider (partly because the League was sucking the wealth of the government up) and another organization was formed called the Thieves' Guild. The goal of the founders of the Guild was to unite a band of thieves who felt that the huge advantages the League had were unfair. The group started growing at an alarming rate, and the government, disturbed by the rapid growth, began to pay the League to oppose the Guild. The League valued order and obedience, control and stealth, while the Guild's views were radically different. They believed in individual freedom and being to have a say in your own life.The League obviously had the upper-hand, but as time went on the Guild grew prominent enough to be able to directly and bluntly oppose the League. During Elysia's time, the Guild still has the disadvantage but the endeavors the thieves take on are getting more bold, more forward. Most of the villagers living in Valencia ally themselves with the League because of the fact that the League has pretty much always been there and they want to protect their valuables from the Guild. Background: Elysia grew up in a period of great turmoil within Valencia. The Guild was getting more feisty, the League was taking harsher measures to root the thieves out. Her father, an expert in metallurgy and especially weaponry, could not find work for the first half of Elysia's life due to the fact that nobody needed someone to make weapons for them besides the League-who believed in a strict social hierarchy and pretty much refused to hire specialized workers from anywhere but the diminishing middle class and up. So, until she was about ten years old, Elysia lived in a cramped shack in the ever-growing slums of Valencia with dirt floors and no bed. She never met her mother, who died in childbirth, and her father very sparingly ever mentioned her name. He never remarried either. All Elysia ever associates with her early years is hunger, hunger, and more hunger. That was when she started to steal, although her items of choice were predominately things to eat. Her father questioned where she acquired the food at first, but as time went on he stopped and just ate. Finally, when Elysia was a little older than ten years old, her father was able to get a job forging weapons at a mansion belonging to an important League member. While her father toiled away in his workshop, Elysia spent her days scrubbing floors until her knuckles bled and worked as a scullery maid. Elysia occasionally was assigned to dust the myriad of books in the large library of the mansion, which was a task she loved because of the pure allure emanating off the tomes. She would run her fingers along the spines, wishing that she knew what they said. Elysia has always yearned to be able to read, but alas growing up starving doesn't lend well to an education, and she is illiterate. The people in charge of the staff treated the servants harshly, either from fear of the League or just plain meanness. Elysia would frequently go to bed sporting livid bruises and nasty cuts, but she never complained because at least she didn't feel like she would die of hunger every minute. Besides, her father enjoyed doing what he knew how to do, and Elysia didn't want to sour his experience. That all changed when her father died in an unexpected kitchen fire when Elysia had just turned fifteen, on the cusp of womanhood. Practically penniless and with a hatred for the League, Elysia escaped into the night after her father was buried, never looking back. She stole a few valuables from the mansion but eventually that money ran out. Elysia's job opportunities were scarce, considering the fact that she spent half of her life stealing food and trying to survive and the other half working in the kitchen as a low-paid servant. Finally, she gave up and decided that she needed to join the Guild. Elysia had always had a knack for filching items and pilfering warehouses, and she decided that it was her only skill that could ever help her later on. After successfully gaining admission into the Guild by forking over the little cash she had left from selling the stolen League jewels and stealing a few crates of porcelain, Elysia was able to rent her own little house that sports dirt floors, a fire pit, and a bunch of scrap pieces of cloth flung together to form a bed. She doesn't know much about the outside world or the Great Power, and although she's heard of it, Elysia's always just brushed it off as a meaningless myth. However, sometimes when the eyes of vendors seemingly slip over her or when nobody notices her making a scene while snatching up some item or the other, she wonders if the myths about the Great Power hold any truth to them. Elysia usually dismisses these thoughts, deciding that those instances were just pure luck or coincidental, but she is very uncertain and open to persuasion. Personal Aspirations: Elysia just wants to live out the rest of her days in relative comfort, surrounded by bountiful food and a soft bed and books-beautiful, beautiful books. She really wants to know how to read, something that she hides from others. Elysia has also wanted to travel the world and see new things, but she knows that it's impractical for the time being. As for what I want for Elysia, I'm not too sure-I just want her to have a nice ending and hopefully not die a gruesome death.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Will Laurence

Will Laurence

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

reserving! also, if your charrie doesn't get accepted into the first four, does that mean we're out of the roleplay or we'll come in later?
Good question. Definitely not! As the story progresses it will become necessary to add new main characters to the mix. I can't guarantee however that it will be the same sort of character that we are starting off with.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ayzrules
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ayzrules CEO of staying up all night

Member Seen 2 mos ago

reserving! also, if your charrie doesn't get accepted into the first four, does that mean we're out of the roleplay or we'll come in later?
Good question. Definitely not! As the story progresses it will become necessary to add new main characters to the mix. I can't guarantee however that it will be the same sort of character that we are starting off with.
Will Laurence
okay thank you!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PharaohAtem


Member Seen 3 mos ago

ok I have a few questions fist you mentioned that the powers and abilities each of your characters posses will be decided after the roleplay begins how will this be decided?. I only ask because I have a few ideas for characters and I tend to match my characters powers to their personality and I have a good idea for a Dark Magician and a Elementalists that I would like to make, witch brings me to my next two questions what is the character limit? and if you multiple characters can you have two living in the same town?. I am thinking of making three if I am allowed and I am considering making two of them siblings. My next question is in relation to the White Magicians are they limited to only one God or could they form a concretion with more?. I ask this knowing that if they did it would prevent them from forming a really powerful connection to ever of the god they have chosen but in exchange they would gain more verity in the spells then can perform. and last one can the use weapons like swords or hand to hand to help in a fight?. I ask this because the Elementalists I am thinking about making would be the typical hot head character that is quick to anger and will likely jump into a fight without thinking things though, and if he was an Elementalists would he be able to do things like cover his fist in stone or set his sword on fire to help him fight?.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by GodOfChaos
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Name: Aeon Bedlam Gender: Male Age: 16 Appearance: Aeon is a tall (6'2", he's done growing), slender young man. He has a tan complexion and often keeps his dark brown hair short and clean cut. He has a pointed chin and a long face along with his slightly large, ice blue eyes. His limbs seem longer than his whole body and he often wears simple clothes such as his white linen shirt or his red linen shirt, which would always go with his brown linen trousers. He never wears anything on his feet. Aeon usually always has a bright smile on his face and he tends to try and keep clean and organized. The one feature that stands out on Aeon is a large and long scar that travels from the left side of his forehead to the right corner of his jaw. Village: Arkney's Vale is a village named after a heroine who first settled in the territory long ago. According to the legend, she was part of a civilized group of people who were nomads. Arkney, the heroine, is known to have slain many beasts and ended the lives of many bandits. It is said that she could end a mans life before he could even finish blinking. Eventually though, her and the group of nomads settled down and built up the small village, now known as Arkney's Vale. Arkney's Vale lives right smack in the middle of a large, hilly plain known as Ubehle Steppe (u-bel step). To the north, there is a large mountain range that is not named. To the west, south-west, and south is a large, thick woodlands. Also known as Sacred Grove, the encouragement of staying out of this large territory is highly enforced. Men, women and even children have gone missing and those that have survived stated that they have the odd feeling of being looked upon. To the East of Arkney's Vale is a large body of water. The village refers to this body of water as "The Sight" due to its seemingly never ending, deep blue horizon. Arkney's Vale itself has a trade based economy and has a complication of contacting others on the outside. The village lives off of the wild animal that roams the plains. The animal runs on all fours and can be seen in an array of colors. Brown, black, white, grey, tan, and even a golden-brown fur color has been noted by the hunters of the village. Hides are used for the harsh winter and the meat is used to feed the village year round. Often, the small farm that is in the northeast side of the village is hit or miss. Some years the crops fail to grow, but most years the crops grow fully and feed the village just as well as the wild animal does. There is a small textile shop along with a blacksmith, library, a Hall, and an extremely comfy Tavern where outsiders can spend a night or two. They are often welcomed anyways and surrounded by the curiosity of young children. Background: Aeon's parents have known each other from the beginning. They grew up together and they ended up getting married around 15. The standard age in Arkney's Vale. Aeon's father ended up getting heavily involved with the small group of hunters while his mother got heavily involved into politics. As a result Aeon would be given to a caretaker and would learn how to do much on his own. No one has seen Aeon's first steps, heard his first words, or watched him learn how to read quickly and efficiently. Aeon also learned how to cook and feed himself. This lead to the caretaker that was hired to leave and move on to the next child in the village. Because of his mother and father, Aeon's name was known pretty well. His appearance, not so much. From the time that Aeon was thirteen, he has practically lived on his own. He took up a small job at the library and was able to do one of his favorite pass times, read. Aeon first learned about magic when he was twelve, when he took the job at the library to contribute to the community, he saw it as a chance to read up on magic. He often focused on finding out about Blue Magicians and read up on the best of the best. Blue magic always grabbed his attention but Aeon didn't see the use in reading about it. He doesn't believe he will ever get to learn the chance of magic as it is, so even though he continues to read on it and can only daydream, he focuses on finding other ways to contribute to this village. He was going to attempt to become a lore master. Aeon had few friends, the few that he had talked to him whenever they ran into him or whenever they could find him. There was a girl in the group very small circle of friends that he really liked. Arrangements were made for her to marry at fourteen though. Soon, his other two friends were married as well. Aeon was left at the age of sixteen with no one but himself. Aeon kinda felt insecure about this and kept it to the side. He didn't want this to stop him from becoming a lore master, his greatest, well second greatest, dream. For now though, the celebration of Arkney is and upcoming event that needs to be prepared and ready within the next few days, thus Aeon is left helping prepare food for the large celebration's feast with his father. Personal Aspirations: I generally like going with the story and seeing how things play out. So whatever happens happens. Just take note that Aeon can be a tad over protective.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by mpjama2
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Name: Sigurd (no last name, but is sometimes referred to as "Sigurd the Fool") Gender: Male Age: 15 Appearance: Sigurd is a blonde boy. He has few missing teeth and large goofy ears. He is somewhat athletic for his age and has some muscle. His hands and feet are calloused, and he has ice blue eyes. He is somewhat tall for his age; hovering around 5'11. Otherwise, his appearance is somewhat plain. Village: Southreach. The Village sits on a small peninsula that juts out from the south-western half of the mainland. It has a temperate climate, without extreme summers or winters due to its proximity to the ocean. Southreach is a very rainy place, and most of the time the weather is overcast; it is an uncommon occurrence for the sun to come out. The peninsula is a place with rocky shores and sparse coverings of pine trees and other ferns. The village is small, but it is a hub for ships moving up and down the western coast that desire basic supplies like food. The houses in Southreach are small, mostly made of pine logs, and have roofs of gray slate. However the town hall looks like it started as a boat with the deck facing toward the ground. There is also a small crumbling castle that looks like it was carved into the rocky crags. Southreach for the most part a fishing village that sits on a small cove, with a somewhat unique history. (*cough I sent you a pm with the history I wrote up for Southreach. Halfway through writing it, I realized it wasn't part of the application. Normally I would just scrap it, but I was on a roll and I realized that you wanted players to help write the lore at some point. So I finished it and sent you a pm with it in it. *unconvincing cough.) Background: Sigurd was born to a family of fishermen. His mother died of pneumonia when he was quite young, and that has drawn his father to drunkenness. He remembers great stories of Northmen that his mother told him when he was young, but he still believes in them. In present Southreach, that's the equivalent of believing in Santa Claus well into high school. So he is looked down upon and ridiculed earning him the surname 'the Fool'. He has a few close friends who also believe in the legends but not many others. For the most part, he provides for the household for his father is often too drunk to function. Because of his father's drunkenness, he has an aversion to alcohol. He feels like nothing ties him down to his home, and desperately wants to leave. He has earned the ire of the Lord Inquisitor for spreading rumors of these legends, but the Inquisitor has decided not to do anything about that, yet. While he is not trained how to use weapons, he likes to "train" with those close friends, even if he has to drag them along. While he isn't actually trained in the use of weapons, he is definitely better than someone who has never even tried. Often he likes to explore the peninsula as some means to get away from it all. Personal Aspirations: Sigurd wants to become one of the legends he's heard about... Even though he doesn't know that they happen to be White mages. I'd like to see Sigurd's aspirations come to fruition, but if I stumble across a more interesting outcome on the way, I'll roll with that.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by GodOfChaos
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

(*cough I sent you a pm with the history I wrote up for Southreach. Halfway through writing it, I realized it wasn't part of the application. Normally I would just scrap it, but I was on a roll and I realized that you wanted players to help write the lore at some point. So I finished it and sent you a pm with it in it. *unconvincing cough.)
All I could imagine is you coughing, saying this as fast as you possibly could in a mumble, then coughing again... I laughed too hard xD
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Will Laurence

Will Laurence

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

(*cough I sent you a pm with the history I wrote up for Southreach. Halfway through writing it, I realized it wasn't part of the application. Normally I would just scrap it, but I was on a roll and I realized that you wanted players to help write the lore at some point. So I finished it and sent you a pm with it in it. *unconvincing cough.)
Glad to see it! Lore, lore, lore, and more lore!
ok I have a few questions fist you mentioned that the powers and abilities each of your characters posses will be decided after the roleplay begins how will this be decided?. I only ask because I have a few ideas for characters and I tend to match my characters powers to their personality and I have a good idea for a Dark Magician and a Elementalists that I would like to make, witch brings me to my next two questions what is the character limit? and if you multiple characters can you have two living in the same town?. I am thinking of making three if I am allowed and I am considering making two of them siblings. My next question is in relation to the White Magicians are they limited to only one God or could they form a concretion with more?. I ask this knowing that if they did it would prevent them from forming a really powerful connection to ever of the god they have chosen but in exchange they would gain more verity in the spells then can perform. and last one can the use weapons like swords or hand to hand to help in a fight?. I ask this because the Elementalists I am thinking about making would be the typical hot head character that is quick to anger and will likely jump into a fight without thinking things though, and if he was an Elementalists would he be able to do things like cover his fist in stone or set his sword on fire to help him fight?.
I responded to these questions over private message, however I think it would be beneficial to summarize what I said here to clear things up for everybody.
  • We will decide who has which powers by simple discussion once the roleplay has begun. I wanted everyone to remain flexible in case we have four White Magicians and no Elementalists. The best option would be to create a character that could plausibly choose two or three different paths of specialization. Remember that at the beginning our characters will still be quite young, and are about to undergo a scarring and horrifying raid on the only home they have every known. There can be room for development in any direction.
  • We will start out with four roleplayers, each with one character. As the story moves on, we may decide to add other characters to the story and/or raise the number of characters each person is allowed.
  • White Magicians historically specialized into societies that each studied and worshiped a different patron god. However, White Magicians are not limited to one, though by dividing their time will form a weaker connection to each.
  • Each character will more than likely develop some proficiency with a weapon. I encourage creativity in how they pair that weapon with magic. That being said, we are Magicians first and foremost. Historically most Magicians would have been scholars, though because of the circumstances of the story, all of our characters will need to be able to fight and to fight well.
These were very good questions! Please if anyone has questions, feel free to ask.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by dreamingflowers
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Member Seen 4 days ago

I also have a question ^.^ How long will the timeskip be? How many years?
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