“I'm going to tear apart those stupid machines. I just need to get my hands on one.”
Name:Naomi Mendez
Alias/Nickname:Rosa Roja (Red Rose)
“Stay quiet or they'll find us.”
5' 5" / 165cm
130lbs / 59Kg
Body Type:
She has a rather small frame and doesn't have much in the way of curves. Thanks to her fairly strict lifestyle though she maintains a good muscle tone.
Distinguishing Marks:
A rose tattoo on her right shoulder with the thorns running down her arm. She also likes to highlight her hair red. The combination being the origin of her alias. When using her powers her blue eyes glow brightly.
Clothing Style:
“What? I was bored so I decided to rearrange everything.”
Personality:Confident in her abilities and proud of her heritage. A strong sense of duty has been breed into her. Though her sense of justice doesn't often extend far outside family ties she will work with others to achieve a common goal. Like many she can be talkative once you get to know her, but she purposely keeps a distance when it comes to relationships. Taking some time to learn things a little later than most, if circumstances were different she shows signs that she could have been a real nerd.
Biography:Born into a family with criminal ties staying hidden is a fairly normal task for her. While not at the top of the ranks as far as gangs go the Mendez family was a fairly active player. As such there was a strong sense of camaraderie and unbreakable family ties. Even at an early age Naomi was taught the values of trust and respect. Much of this shaped who she is today and how she responds to situations.
The girl herself was not the first super in the gang. Over the years they have had many different variations. However Naomi presented a rather unique opportunity. Not overtly flashy in any way it was discovered when the little girl was 9. Somehow her toys would disappear and she would show up with new ones, many of which from her own imagination. Not really trying to hide what she could do she created a new object from what appeared to be nothing. It was later discovered that she needed something in exchange for making something but that wasn't much of a setback. Essentially able to turn lead into gold the Mendez began to rise in terms of wealth and power. The success was halted a year later by the sudden appearance of the Technopath.
Through use of a mechanized army the crime rings in the city were decimated. Forced underground Naomi and her remaining family have been planning and attempting to unseat the superpowered being. To some extent they kept the woman's abilities a secret until she was a more capable teenager. Thinking her ready the first couple encounters with the Crusaders turned out well, she essentially dismantling the machines. They learned quickly though and with each upgrade it made it more difficult to fight with them. Deciding to cut her losses she went back into hiding to plan out better strategies instead of going in blind. With no real system of schooling or power in place she had to make due with books. The pursuit of knowledge has led her to meet with both the Resistance and the Fixers. While only a singular goal in mind she has come to appreciate learning even if it isn't the most fun task. Had she grown up in a different environment there's no telling what she would have accomplished.
Skills:Somewhat of a tinkerer, largely due to her powers offering a lot of creativity early on.Since she's managed to take out a few Crusaders she understands much of their early constructions but a majority of it is way over her head. Given the family business she learned to street brawl even though much of the fights between gangs has died out. She also learned to handle a gun. They tend to draw a lot of attention though so their use is not as common.
Powers:Matter/energy equivalent exchange. Naomi is able to convert matter into energy and store that energy for a later time. Vice versa that stored energy can then be converted back into new matter. The more dense or complex the result the more energy is required. She can only create as much as he has taken in and only material she's come in contact with. Conversion requires physical contact and she cannot create complex mechanisms on the fly. The more dense the material the longer it takes to convert. Thus far it has only worked on non-living matter but that is likely a mental barrier she is not willing to cross. And while she has the potential to recreate anything she has converted it doesn't mean she understands how it works.
"Sometimes I just want to get out of here and live a normal life.”