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I love the sound of this. An open ended classic fantasy roleplay with lots of creative freedom. ^.^
Sounds great. For me it doesn't have to be set in Italy per se. I'd like to see a team that fits well together with people from all walks of life.
I've already started on a character premise.
I'm interested too! ^.^
A couple of questions right off the bat. What specializations within the team are you looking for? Like a tech guy/girl, historian, religious authority, occultist. That kind of thing. I'd like to know because I was thinking of a female occultist who has extensive knowledge on many occult subjects, specializing in Italian folklore, religion and the mystery cults of that country. Would that kind of character work in this setting?

I just want to let you guys know that I'll be going on summer holiday coming wednesday. There is limited internet connection over there but I've managed to keep roleplaying while I was there before so I should be good. At least I'll have more time to write when I'm actually away from the house. I've been insanely busy the past two weeks. That's why I've been kind of mia on here, sorry about that.

Altough I see we've been taking a small break now anyways.
I am still here ^.^
Just to let you guys know. Working on a collab with Kho.
Partisan. Did you have a general idea where you wanted to take this scene? Since I'll probably have Floure escape the castle.
I got a portion of my post done but I'm still in the changing everything phase which is really annoying and has been bugging me for three posts now :(
Most of what I wrote is Floure reacting to Terryn and Horath with little action or movement, since I can continue to interact because of the battle errupting. Which is awesome might I add :)
So I will continue tomorrow and finish it unless it's going to end up in a collab with Kho and Horath ^.^
Can't believe I forgot about this 0.0
High five guys! We got mentioned in the guild news ^.^ Yaaaaay :)
Sorry guys!!
I went MIA for the past couple of days but I'm back :)
Will be posting tomorrow, seems like Floure knows yet another recruit in the Black Shields, good for her since she's looking for allies.
I'm just kind of sad ( Well I was already sad but lol XD) that a lot of characters have just dissappeared. Like they were kind of important to the story too, like Hedwig with her role as priestess in the Black Shields etc. They can be used as NPC's but still.
No obviously it can't be avoided because I really tried lol XD
It still turned out the way it did.

A last round should be good, gives us some time to interact some more and meet each other.
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