Mira Mokosh
As the man stepped out of the shadows Mira looked upon his face. He had dark skin and eyes like burning coals, he dressed in a foreign fashion, something well made but outlandish. He was not human and Mira realized that must have been the pit in her stomach, a strange feeling of recognition she could not identify. Her eyes went to his hands to see if he was holding any kind of weapon. He was not holding anything and he didn't hide them either. It didn't look like he was planning to rob her so Mira relaxed slightly, releasing the tight grip on the knife in her basket. Yet she still kept it at arms reach, in case she needed it after all.
When he spoke his voice was rough, like the rocks beneath the cliffs of the King's castle. He sounded like he needed a drink of water. Despite his ominous visage Mira was not frightened, her nervousness had been caused by not knowing who was following her. Now that she had identified him, most of her unease had passed. She had seen a lot in her life and wasn't easily scared. If she had aged as humans had she would be well in her grave already. She sat down on the edge of the fountain, placing her basket on the ground. His question forced her to go back to a time in her life she would rather not think about.
Mira decided it would be best not to bother strangers with her misery, she choose this life. There was no one else to blame. She began to play with the shallow layer of rain water in the fountain, running her fingers over the surface, creating small ripples as she went. She mused on her answer for a while, thinking about why she did what she did.
"I must provide for myself somehow" The young woman answered pulling her eyes away from the hypnotizing circles of the water and looking at the dark humanoid at the edge of the square. She hadn't known many inhuman beings in her life, so she couldn't tell what he was exactly. He did not belong to the sea, that she would be able to see.
"How did you know the sea was once my home?" Mira asked, sounding wistful.