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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 2 days ago

The Lady Amalthea seemed unmoved by the sudden shift of the castle, simply rising from her place as Molly watched her. Grasping the silken folds of her gown she paced lightly over to the opening of the kitchen make to the main corridor. Molly took a long breath as she righted several earthenware cups that had toppled over.

"That was the Red Bull, he has awaken for the evening," Molly said, seemingly as unphased as the Lady Amalthea was.

"He burns, shaking the earth," The Lady Amalthea said in a soft voice as her hand rested against the cold stone. "He drives them, to the sea."

"And he will drive the Lady Amalthea there if you try to take her," Molly warned as she sat there.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by PM
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PM Birdlord

Member Seen 8 yrs ago


It had to be admitted in Eins mind that honestly, what she was doing right now was probably very dumb and went against nearly all caution. Inviting an armor-clad stranger who, quite clearly had mentioned ending the lives of some unfortunate bandit group without even blinking an eye, into the safety of her home was probably the riskiest thing she’d done since settling down in this forest. But none of that really concerned her then, not the caution in the wind nor the obvious danger that her newest guest might present, and it wasn’t solely her hungry stomach that convinced her either.

This stranger saw something about her, something Ein was quite positive she could no longer see herself. The stranger looked at her in a way that none of the mundane villagers had before, and the vague sense that this woman wasn’t entirely human herself rustled somewhere in the back of her mind. Perhaps it was simply reaching, and not worth the risk if she were wrong, but the desperation that Ein had for finding even the smallest piece of information left her willing to place common sense aside.

"I haf fresh provisions if you vould allow me to...hrm..."

The strangers voice quickly shook her from her musing, and she momentarily glanced at them, but didn’t answer their unfinished offer. A patient smile covered her lips while she waited for them to speak again, curious as to what they were trying to get across. After a moment, they began again, their voice accompanied by the jingling of coins.

"I cannot go into town, alone...iz suspicious. Ehn I can pay you quite vell to let me stay for even just ze night. Zeh dirt unt stones pale to the simplest of roofs over mein head. Ehn...hrm...no, zeht vould be enough."

Ein had to admit, she never expected the stranger to be so earnest, and by the sound of their coin purse, generous as well. Her cool expression wavered for only a moment, filled with a softer expression, before the smiled again and nodded.

“Okay, that’s fine. I don’t have a guest bed though, so you’ll have to settle for the floor.” She while poking at her cheek. “Although, I have plenty of blankets and maybe some extra straw mats, so we should be able to put together something more comfortable than the rocks out here.” She added confidently. Tall armored stranger or not, it seemed a bit cruel to leave someone to sleep outdoors in a forest such as this one.

Besides, there was no turning back now, Ein noted after turning ahead. Slowly becoming more visible through the thicket that surrounded it, was a small stone cabin with a thickly thatched roof. They approached from the front, where a single unlit window and a tall oak doorway welcomed them, worn by what looked like decades of standing.

“I’ll just need a moment put my cart away.” She spoke while wheeling towards the side of the cabin. The back was just as covered by thickets as the front, hiding away the small garden and toolshed that sat behind the tiny building. Ein parked the cart right beside the shed and began to pull out baskets and set them inside. Finally, she pulled her saber from the cart and loosely hung it from her shoulder before heading towards the cabins backdoor. She waved for her guest to follow before disappearing inside the cabin. The inside of the structure would seem just as small as the outside led you to believe, but the few vases of spring flowers and vibrant paintings that decorated every corner of the house made it feel cozy and warm. The majority of the space was used as sitting space, with a few chairs and a nice sized dining table, which Ein passed by quickly to reach the small kitchen that sat in the farthest right corner of the home. In the opposite sat a woodstove. Above them, only covered by a thin railing, was an open loft.

“Make yourself at home.” Ein offered politely from one of the kitchens counters. Hung by a nail in the wall just a bit beside her, though not hidden to anyone in the room, sat her saber.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by FallenTrinity
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FallenTrinity Prying Open My Third Eye

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Zhar'Ryk looked over at the tavern with a snort of smoke and small embers which burnt away when they hit the air.

"Go raibh maith agat. Lun yuk, juki heu."

Looking back at the shifter he gave a light nod before venturing over there, hopefully walking away with some kind of job. It didn't take long for the ancient dragon to make his way to the front door of the place. The door itself was rather small but that was a normal occurance for Zhar'Ryk. He ducked down and entered, quickly seeing that he towered over many. Upon entering he had gotten many looks; some filled with hostility, some more of fear and others were a mix. But overall there was definitely tension in the air. "Hey there, sir! Take a seat anywhere you like." He gave a quick smile to the bartender as he made his way over to an end seat by himself and withdrew a small emerald and placed it on the table. "One round for the fellows at the bar. First one's on me." One man had given him a disgusted look and got up, slamming a piece of silver on the table and stormed out, the rest grinned and raised their glasses to him. "So, whadda havin." Asked the bartender as he made his way over to him, a big grin on his face as he took the emerald and placed it in the sack that hung from his waist. Zhar'Ryk shrugged and clicked his tongue as he shook his head. "Something good will do." "I gotcha." The bartender moved off down to the end of the counter and began to poor him a glass of lager. As he returned Zhar'Ryk looked out towards the door and spoke.

"What was his problem?"

"Who's problem? The one who walked out?" Zhar nodded.

"Well, he's been bugging me to turn this bar into a human only bar and I won't do it because I need the business. I've got a bunch of you guys and gals coming in and out of this city and a lot of people think this tavern is pretty top notch so they wanna stop by and see what the hubbub is about." He started picking up a few glasses as Zhar'Ryk cocked his head to the side, listening intently.

"But I don't see how this brings me and all the other....."non-humans" into this."

"I was getting to that. First he was evicted from his apartment because some high elf raised his rent and he couldn't pay for it and then he goes and gets robbed by some Halfling thief. If you ask me, he has some shit luck but he now has this idea that anyone who isn't human is scum and shoulnt even be in this part of town or at least from what I hear from him time to time the city which is kinda comical since their are some high elves and whatnot in the government."

"So because of that he couldn't handle a simple gesture of kindness from one?" The bartender shrugged.

"Beats the hell outta me. I would've been happy with it. But the sad thing is-" He gestured for Zhar'Ryk to lean in closer, which he did.

"I heard that he had started a small group who plan on driving as many of the non-humans as possible, which would put a major dent into my business, ya know." He nodded. Zhar'Ryk grinned. 'Finally, something to do.'

"I could look into it if you want. See what information I can dig up." The man's eyebrows rose.

"Really? I-I-I don't know what to say. I'll pay ya for your troubles and the drinks on me."

"Yeah no worries. Just I need to know if you hard anything about where he now sta-"

He was quickly knocked off the barstool by a bottle to the side of the head. The bartender reeled back as the current occupants stopped their chatter. From the ground he shook his head, bits of glass flew from out of his hair as he brought a hand up to feel his head. As he pulled away, he could see crimson on his glove, ever so slowly dripping off of it. "You subclasses need to get the hell out of our city! You cause us nothing but trouble!" The yelling was quickly followed up with the sounds of others jeering at him. He looked over and saw six others behind him.

"I didn't do anything to you. So why do you attack me." Zhar'Ryk's tone was going from a simple question to more of anger.

"Because all of you do nothing but take and take and never give anything back in return except violence and lies!"

Zhar'Ryk slowly got up, killer intent present on his face. As he stood fully erect, he turned to the man, wide eyed in anger as he quickly heaved the man off the ground with minimum effort and thrusted him into the wall by the collar of his shirt.

"Violence! Lies! Like what your doing and saying right now!? You don't know violence! I was doing nothing but offering to by you and the other guests a drink out of sheer charity! Not to show off wealth! But your stupid "Human" mind wanted to think otherwise." The man's eyes widened as his friends tried to shake Zhar'Ryk off of him but he would not budge. "And then you go about breaking a glass over my head for nothing!" He removed him from against the wall and to the door way. He raised the human up and over his head with the intent of chucking him through the door and onto the street but that was short lived as one of the non-human hating allies came up from behind and tackled him into the door way and out onto the street where another five were waiting for him, blades drawn. As Zhar'Ryk stumbled out onto the street, he twisted his body and bent back, narrowly avoiding a blade that might have taken off his head. Twisting back, he grabbed hold of one of the anti-creature protestors and chucked him up into the air and down the street, sadly, in the path of his shifting friend he met not too long ago. He then came to a thud on the ground where he began to fight off the one who now dogpiled him. It didn't take long but after they were off of him he rolled back and stood up a good 10 feet away from them, unhitching Strunmah from his back as he did so. Once he was up, he let strunmah free fall to the ground, the tip of the blade causing a slight tremor and rater into the ground, causing a few of them to flinch.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Wade Wilson
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Wade Wilson bruh.

Member Seen 6 yrs ago


The Old Tongue
Dune had listened to the many conversations while stood outside, taking in the sights. He didn't understand any of the Hindwalker languages, but liked to listen to the patterns in their voices. Some were quiet, others were deep, and others were just plain loud. A couple of conversations sounded like one big slurr of words, even more nonsense than what Hindwalkers normally said.

He had been so caught up in conversation that he hadn't noticed the big crowd joining outside the tavern. He centered his line of sight on the cause of the commotion - the Hindwalker he'd met earlier was now joined by many others, and seemed to be fighting them. Suddenly, one of them was thrown his way. Dune caught him with a growl, throwing him into a wall.

"Anub j'o yaim! Anub j'o ol do troid!"

He walked over to the group, shifting into a Wolf and leaping over the crowd. He growled at the opposing Hindwalkers, his lips locked into a snarl.

"Oe pav!"

Dune dived at one of them, claws extended, intent on bloodlust. He didn't care who these Hindwalkers were, all he knew is that they were attacking the one he had met for no reason. This was not acceptable. His Pack had long ago been murdered in cold blood, so it didn't seem right that someone else should suffer the same fate. Snapping back to the present, he readied himself to rip the Hindwalker's neck apart.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Guilty Spark
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Guilty Spark A Relic of the Past

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Mazen Alurat

The girl had good instincts. Even though Mazen bore her no ill will, her nervousness revealed that she felt something amiss in the little village. He suppressed a memory of his younger sister as he followed her towards the heart of the settlement, wondering exactly what he would say once he confronted her. It had been so long since he’d encountered another creature of myth that he had begun to wonder if the humans had been more successful in their efforts to exterminate his world than he’d thought. Of course, it could be that she was one of the deluded souls who had sacrificed their minds to play at being a human. That would be a shame.

Once she stopped at the water fountain, he halted in the shadow of a building facing the square. His dark skin and leather attire allowed him to merge with the aged wood of the house, but after she spoke he let out a whistling sigh and stepped into the light, his hands clearly empty. In a raspy voice, he answered her question.

“A Child of the Earth,” he stopped, still reasonably away from her in the deserted village square. “And what, may I ask, is a Child of the Sea doing selling oysters to these humans?”
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Shikaru

Shikaru So many RP's, So little time.

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

@Guilty Spark@dreamingflowers

Anya had trailed a good distance from Mira and Mazen, keeping an eye on them. If needed, she could easily take the man down from behind with a sneak attack. When they stopped, she stopped, observing the situation.

Mazen seemed to know Mira, which was odd, Anya never recalled seening the man before at all. She shrugged, listening in on the conversation. 'Child of the Sea'? Huh. Weird. Anya shrugged again.

She was debating on approaching them further and possibly adding in on the conversation, but behind he she heard a fight break loose. She turned excitedly, looking back between the two and the fight. Mira would be fine, Anya thought to herself, a fight against mythicals and humans only comes around ever so often.

Anya giggled and ran over staring from the sidelines. She stood beside the big man that had just tossed someone down the street, tilted her head to the side, and smiled. "Hey mister, can I join in and the fun too?" She spoke giggling.

It appeared multiple mythical had decided to show up tonight, things were getting interesting. "Hey you, kid! I know you! You're that vampire that killed my cattle!" One of the men bellowed, lunging for Anya with the knife from behind.

She turned and grabbed him by the wrist with a grip of ten fully grown men, an audible crack sounded. "Now, now. That's no way to greet a lady." She grinned at him maliciously, pulling him closer and biting into his neck, draining as much blood as she could quickly and tossed him by wrist mentioned earlier into the tavern wall.

She drew her daggers, assuming a dual wield stance. "Sooooo, what's all the hub-ub, bub?" She asked, smiling with blood-stained teeth at the big man who had just drawn a massive sword. The humans cowered at the sword, Anya simply stared at it in awe.@FallenTrinity
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Avanhelsing


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Wally looked around the room after whatever that noise was. It seemed that there was some kind of monster thing that lurked around the castle. Maybe it was connected to this King guy. The thing was that there was something odd going around this castle.

Wally kept trying to thing about his new plot. "Okay so there is some sort of guard critter. Even so this is the only time to get out of the castle." he said since most castles put more guards during the day than the night. "I mean if we are going to get her out of this castle we have to do it at night. I mean we clearly have to get her out of here." Wally said as he pulled out some of his thief tools.

"I mean Angry guy over there could help." He said pointing to that guy who seemed to hate him. "I mean if we have to fight this bull thing because she cannot stay here any longer." Wally continued as he looked at his things. "I mean I could try to get over the wall again but that is risky since few people climb like I do. I mean I could lead us down but then there is that bull... I would not be able to fight whatever it is." Wally continued. He seemed like he was going to go through with this plan.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 2 days ago

"No, I can't."

The Lady Amalthea seemed nearly panicked in her words as her head whipped around and she looked towards Wallace. Molly wiped her hands off on her apron and quickly moved over to the lady, taking her chin in her fingers and looking into her eyes.

"Calm yourself M'Lady," Molly said in a soothing voice. "It's alright."

"No, I must find them. I cannot be driven to the sea. I cannot face the Red Bull yet," The graceful woman stammered. Molly sighed as the Lady Amalthea pulled back. Gathering the soft folds of her gown before running off like a stone skipping over the water down the corridor.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Avanhelsing


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

That was not the response he had expected. Usually offers to break someone out was met with cheers not panic. Wally figured that this would earn him some more glares from Molly.

"Uhh what dos I say?" He asked before she turned and ran from the room. Again this was not usually how people terrified of someone else acted. Wally quickly started to chase after her. He was used to having to run from guards so he was a decent runner.

He eventually caught up with her as she ran down the hall. It was not easy since he didn't know this area at all.

"Whatever that bull is I can promise that it won't get you. I'm good like that. I keep my promises. "Wally said as he tried to make her stop running.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by dreamingflowers
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Member Seen 1 day ago

Mira Mokosh

As the man stepped out of the shadows Mira looked upon his face. He had dark skin and eyes like burning coals, he dressed in a foreign fashion, something well made but outlandish. He was not human and Mira realized that must have been the pit in her stomach, a strange feeling of recognition she could not identify. Her eyes went to his hands to see if he was holding any kind of weapon. He was not holding anything and he didn't hide them either. It didn't look like he was planning to rob her so Mira relaxed slightly, releasing the tight grip on the knife in her basket. Yet she still kept it at arms reach, in case she needed it after all.

When he spoke his voice was rough, like the rocks beneath the cliffs of the King's castle. He sounded like he needed a drink of water. Despite his ominous visage Mira was not frightened, her nervousness had been caused by not knowing who was following her. Now that she had identified him, most of her unease had passed. She had seen a lot in her life and wasn't easily scared. If she had aged as humans had she would be well in her grave already. She sat down on the edge of the fountain, placing her basket on the ground. His question forced her to go back to a time in her life she would rather not think about.

Mira decided it would be best not to bother strangers with her misery, she choose this life. There was no one else to blame. She began to play with the shallow layer of rain water in the fountain, running her fingers over the surface, creating small ripples as she went. She mused on her answer for a while, thinking about why she did what she did.

"I must provide for myself somehow" The young woman answered pulling her eyes away from the hypnotizing circles of the water and looking at the dark humanoid at the edge of the square. She hadn't known many inhuman beings in her life, so she couldn't tell what he was exactly. He did not belong to the sea, that she would be able to see.

"How did you know the sea was once my home?" Mira asked, sounding wistful.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by FallenTrinity
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FallenTrinity Prying Open My Third Eye

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Zhar'Ryk took notice to the shifter and the vampire, both of which seemed to have his back. He also took quick notice to the ever growing crowd of people who gathered to watch this fight unfold. Despite this, he refused to back down. They had challenged him for no reason othr than him being of a different species. The man stepped forward.

"See people! This is what I'm talking about! Non-humans ALWAYS cause trouble! THey do nothing but harm us as we try to live our lives peacefully.!" Zhar'Ryk gripped his blade and brought it up, putting the tip of it against his neck. Goes to show what wielding an 8ft sword does to the morale of people as it caused the group of protesters to flinch at how swiftly and easily he moved the blade, how still it sat hovering above the ground and against the mans throat.

"Your trash. You spout that we non-humans do nothing but harm you humans. I haven't done a thing to you. All of what you see people is of self defense...Nothing more. I suggest you back away now before Strunmah here ends this squalor quickly."

"St-Strunmah? Your a dragon!? THAT'S DRAGON SPEAK! WHY IS A DRAGON HERE IN THE CITY!" THe crowd went silent. Zhar'Ryk cocked an eyebrow.

"Dragon? What do you mean?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Wade Wilson
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Wade Wilson bruh.

Member Seen 6 yrs ago


Dune had since ripped the Hindwalker's throat out, and repeated the process for most of the others, save the one that the man he'd met was holding a blade to. He was now locked onto another Hindwalker that had walked over, speaking their jibberish with a face full of glee. They didn't seem to be causing any trouble, and as far as his nose knew, they weren't as much of a Hindwalker as he'd thought. But the thirst for blood took over, and he snarled, slowly moving towards them.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 2 days ago

The Lady Amalthea stopped her fleeing from the others and took a small breath as she placed her hand against the cold stone surface of the castle wall. Glancing over towards Wallace she shook her head as she reached up and tucked a piece of free flying silver hair behind her ear.

"I have to find them, I can't leave until I do. I have to find them," she kept repeating over and over again. "I know where they are but I don't, I can't remember. It's all a dream. I have to find them."

The look in her eye was that of worry, her hand slowly falling from the wall as she turned and walked across the corridor to the open perch where she could look out over the ocean once again. She stood there looking as if she was deep in thought but her eyes just showed sorrow, as if she couldn't remember just what she was do desperately speaking about that she needed to find.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Shikaru

Shikaru So many RP's, So little time.

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

@FallenTrinity@Wade Wilson

Anya giggled at Zhar'Ryk when he suggested her actions were self defense and she hadn't harmed any humans. "Riiight self defense..." she said, nodding to the crowd. One made a move as if to attack, she made a sudden jerk towards him with her dagger and he jumped back. Which simply made her laugh more.

Then they shouted something about a dragon. "A dragon huh? I mean he's tall, but he doesn't look anything like a lizard. Are you sure you didn't eat a bad oyster or something?" She told the man who was now spouting fairy tales as if the entire town knew was high or diseased.

She then heard a snarl causing her to emit a small 'eep!' and turn towards what made it. A..wolf? Huh. Weird. Didn't smell like a wolf, didn't smell human either. It smelled..odd, kinda like mud.

It however, appeared fully intent on killing Anya for whatever reason. Anya sighed, she disliked killing animals, and she never killed that mans cattle either despite what he said when he attacked her.

"Now now doggy, play nice. I don't want to hurt you. C'mon." She called out softly to it, keeping her stance regardless. If it wanted to attack, she was ready.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by FallenTrinity
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FallenTrinity Prying Open My Third Eye

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"There is no way that your denying that your a dragon! I can see it in your eyes! Besides that there was a rumor about a dragon that had left the infamous castle of Hildare for reasons unknown." The crowd whispered under their breath.

Even if I was a dragon, why would you even attempt to fight one. We all know that dragons have a tendency to kill those who attack them but when they do it's usually quite painful from the stories I've heard from groups of travelers and what does my name have to do with anything. Deartháir an phacáiste! Ná leag lámh ar anub! Tá sí ar ár taobh!" He barked to the shifter, his head turned towards him while his eyes remained on the group in front.

"Why do you refuse to tell us your name then, hm?" The man grinned as many other people agreed. Some agreed because they started to believe the one spouting lies while others just wanted them to leave Zhar'Ryk and his group alone. After a long pause and the rollof the eyes he answered.

"Zhar'Ryk..." The name caused some in the crowd to run, including some of the man's companions while he stood there with fear in his eyes before knocking the blade away from his mouth and came charging into Zhar'Ryk, who promptly swatted him away with the blunt side of the weapon. The man flew into a cart next to them and before passing out said "Zhar'Ryk...The...Infernal....Dragon..." This caused Zhar'Ryk, who knew only that he was non-human and had put his blade away, went over to the unconscious man and shook him. Zhar'Ryk the Infernal!? YOU THINK IM THAT MONSTER!? Just because I have the same name doesn't mean that I am that merciless wretched wyrm!" He let go of the limp body and turned to see Dune, the shifter he met not to long ago, moving in towards a girl with daggers. Quickly he made his way over to Dune and stood between him and the girl.

"Dune lo! Keja anub yei! J'o....uhhhh....J'o hue Dune! Réiteach mo chara. Ná seo a dhéanamh, le do thoil."

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Wade Wilson
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Wade Wilson bruh.

Member Seen 6 yrs ago


The Old Tongue
Despite his blurred vision, Dune could see clearly as soon as he broke eye contact with the Hindwalker he'd been gaining on, with the man they called Zhar'Ryk came between him and her. The world slowly came into view, and Dune felt like he had control of himself once again. Zhar'Ryk's cries had been heard by the wolf, but not heeded until this moment.

"D-Dune li waojk. Dune li yaim. Dune oa."

He turned his gaze to the ground - a sign of defeat amongst wolves - and sat down. But he slowly began to realise, all his memories were coming back, and they were slowly overwhelming him. His Pack, his family, his friends... they were all smiling down at him. But they were gone. All of them. And it was his fault.

It was then Dune realised he had laid down, and he was going to sleep...
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Shikaru

Shikaru So many RP's, So little time.

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

@FallenTrinity@Wade Wilson

Anya simply stared in confusion, trying to comprehend Zhar'Ryks language, maybe he really was a dragon? She relaxed her stance as the wolf thingy began speaking and laid down, seemingly going to sleep. She stared between the two, trying to make sense of what had just happened. "Er...what exactly did you say and why can wolfy over there speak?" Anya asked Zhar'Ryk, thoroughly confused at this point. "Did you assert dominance and claim me as food or something or..."

It made sense, kinda, at-least to her. Maybe Zhar'Ryk was part wolf and like the Alpha and had claimed her in the other wolfs place.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by FallenTrinity
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FallenTrinity Prying Open My Third Eye

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Zhar'Ryk holstered his blade as he continued to look at Dune. " I told him it wasn't worth it." He turned his head to face her. "To attack you...as for him...his a shifter. Possibly a powerful one at that, at least from what I can tell. Their smell is another giveaway. Usually smell a bit like earth and fur but the latter smel tends to vary shifter to shifter." He looked back at Dune as he curled up. He snorted a small cloud of smoke from his nostrils. "Heh...Hardly. Your not tasty looking. Too boney for my taste." He said jokingly. Though, his face could just as well been mistaken for being serious and since they didn't personally know each other that would be the logical assumption.

He sighed as he squatted down and picked up Dune. "It would be best if we found a place for him to stay for now. I don't think I'll be able to return to the other inn considering one of the ones who ran away went in that direction....Best move further into the city. Might be able to find something there...I only wish I didn't have this name if it's related to that horrible beast. Are you coming?" He picked up Dune and placed him over his shoulder as he stood up and looked over at the young girl, wondering if she would join them. "I can tell your one of us. The smell of earth and death surround you, vampire. It's best that we all stay together...just in case."

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Guilty Spark
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Guilty Spark A Relic of the Past

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Mazen Alurat

Despite her continued wariness, Mazen could see that his reply had done something to ease the tension gripping her. As she responded, the fear that he'd heard from her before was slowly replaced by the emotions surrounding whatever past had led her to the small human village in which the pair now stood. He wondered just what had brought her here. She had been reasonably vague in answering his question, not divulging anything worth noting about her own path through the world the humans had created. Recalcitrance was a trait the dark elf could respect, and empathize with.

"I can smell it," he replied. "The spray of the ocean clings to your blood like the fetid swamps of the southlands do to mine, but perhaps you are not as traveled as I?" He smiled, the expression not reaching his eyes. "Take my advice, don't let this place hold you long. Humans are a virus that will eat away at what you are until you no longer remember what that is. I have seen it among my people, who were erased from our lands," the mention of his people had thickened his voice with anger, and a startled look crossed his face at the realization that he may have said too much, but it faded away quickly.

Nodding to her, he turned and began to walk back the way he'd come.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Pirouette
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Pirouette Stories Yet Untold

Member Seen 3 days ago

Charlotte and Muffet

For any regular human, today was like any other, but a small number that had a true vision for what was going on could see wonders happening before their very eyes. For example, just on the limits of a human settlement there was a rather particular traveler coming into town. It was pretty hard to miss exactly why this traveler was, oh so, particular. From the ground up, this travel was mounted on an unnaturally large, hairy arachnid. Its skin black as the night, with golden-tipped hairs shooting out from everywhere. The spider was crudely strapped to a makeshift silvery silken saddle with large fluffs cushioning the rider's bottom, and various different bags clung to sticky silk in a neat and orderly fashion.

The rider was perhaps even more 'colorful' than the mount. Adorned in very loose fitting clothing, the woman appeared to be from a very old traveling circus as her clothes appeared to have aged poorly in color, losing a once magnificent shine. The woman had purple-grayish skin tone, black hair, almost looking wig-like, on the top of her head, six long, bony arms that were all doing a different task, and finally five brilliantly shining eyes that in an sort of pearlescent black, appearing purple depending on the light.

"Now, now. Proper form, Muffet, darling." Several clicks and chatters was the reply before the rider, and owner of the voice, felt an adjustment in her mount. "Mm. Adequate. Remember your manners, dearie. We mustn't make a bad impression in front potential suitors, lest we are shamed out of town again." The rider hummed with genuine cheer in her voice, eventually giggling to herself as if laughing at her own joke.

Despite the rather ridiculous sight, nobody batted an eye or even glanced in the direction of the advancing spider as if it were a normal occurrence. Of course they couldn't see it, but that still did not dampen visual of what was actually happening. For the most part, however, the spider stepped around any unwary human which as you expected went completely unnoticed, except if the human happened to have an animal in its vicinity. Horses would buck, dogs would bark, cattle would panic, and birds would squawk as they could clearly see a predatory animal waltz right down the cobbled path and into the boarders of the town.

Once buildings started to adorn the sides of the street in an orderly fashion, Muffet, the spider, climbed her way up the buildings and carried on, crawling along the side of the building. The rider, Charlotte, remained glued to her seat and noticeably unphased, only repositioning her umbrella to shade her from the sun, and to wave at the many spiders that were crawling out of their holes to witness the passing 'queen'.

After only a few buildings, a certain aroma filled the sensory portions both Charlotte's and Muffet's hairs. "Mmm. Delectable..." Charlotte said with a shiver of rapture as the particular aroma of bloodshed could be 'smelled' nearby. Charlotte took one of her hands and gently tapped her mount, giving the nonverbal signal for finding what could be a delicious treat.

Only a building away, Muffet climbed up around the building that was attracting quite some attention. Circling the exterior of the building, Muffet eventually settled right above the door, right as the three figures at the center of attention had just about finished their squabble. Charlotte bent down with gravity to hang upside-down from Muffet's side. "A wonderful show!" Charlotte hollered from her perch. If the three of them hadn't seen Charlotte at this point, they surely would have noticed her now, and of course Charlotte could recognize that neither were likely truly human seeing as they had notice of the beast, which wouldn't appear in the natural world. "~Good day!~♫!" Charlotte sung in delight as hung upside down. "It would be a pleasure to eat you all." Her smile widened as she started to giggle from her own joke.
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