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Sorry everyone. Had a lot of bullshit come up at the same time and couldn't get on. Though this seems to of died fast with or without my involvement. Shame too :/.
Magnus Shane

Magnus listened to Tristan as he spoke, his smile still on his face. Freely being able to kill the humans and cause panic with no one being the wiser? That definitely sounded like a plan to him, really more of a vacation from all of this...provided he wasn't of course actually busy. "Mmm, I'll be sure to let you know. That does sound fun." He replied, chuckling lowly, looking along as Johnathan's men started fortifying the town. Everything was going perfectly...it was indeed only a matter of time until everything fell into place as it should be.

Further he listened to Tristans' advice on not to get too arrogant, nodding slowly. Of course he was wholly confident he still knew not to underestimate the humans and their technology, mostly perhaps the technology they possessed. It was the true threat, not the humans themselves. The humans were weak, frail, and the vast majority just not that smart. "I'll definitely keep both your advice and you in mind. You're a formidable warrior, we need all of those we can get." He said.

Of course once the Death Troopers approached and told him what the issue was he look absolutely bewildered, looking over to Tristan. "I see..." He muttered. "Care to give me some context, Tristan?" He asked, arching a brow. Surely there was a good reason for his actions...or at-least he assumed there would be. Unless the Covenant got to him he highly doubted Tristan would attack two of his own on purpose, unless of course the vampire in question was foolish and had asked for it.

Also gonna reply now. I had intended on replying yesterday but I had to go through an ordeal to get a replacement phone due to mines' processor failing.
@Wraithblade6A night strike you say? What could possibly go wrong attacking a creature of the night, at night.
EvilEVilEvil @thewizardguy
@ayzrulesAww, that sucks man ;-;. Stay safe!
Magnus Shane

Magnus nodded slowly in agreement. That he could agree with for sure. Guns were nice and all, though they offered very little in a pinch if needed. He'd certainly get Johnathan to start training them to use a side-arm...perhaps a sword or a knife? Magnus himself was skilled in using a wide range of weaponry, primarily light such as his claws as well as light fire-arms. He saw no reason his soldiers shouldn't have the same capacity, after all it made him look bad if they were inept. He made a mental note of that followed by listening to Tristan's report on his little 'vacation'. Which, really to Magnus, did sound like a fun trip once it was explained to him.

Ahh...if only he could of gone along. Ah well. There was plenty of chaos and destruction to be had with his plans unfolding before him. The vampire was already making plans for their next assault in his mind, meticulously thinking of the various outcomes for this as well as what was next to come. With the citizens getting captured for the most part he'd have quite the fine addition to his little army, at the very least able to replace the ones he lost today. Bigger cities would end up being more soldiers being issued into the fold of course, so for now he wasn't entirely to concerned on capture so much as conquering this outpost. A wide toothy grin formed on Magnus' lips when Tristan finished his story, showing off his pointed teeth perfectly. "Perhaps if one does break out you'll have to invite me along next time. It would be quite fun to devastate the troops with you." He replied, chuckling softly.

At his question he hummed in thought, "To the East. We'll be taking all the towns and turning the citizens to continue to add to the army. Setting up outposts and forts of our own." He explained. "Primary goal as of now is to take over this particular state and branch southward towards even larger cities. We need to grow our men and resources...it will take time, something I'm not sure Johnathan understands, but we should succeed." He continued. "The Covenant will inevitably send more and stronger troops, but by the time they're able we'll have already amassed enough forces to combat them effectively." He said, his grin turning into more of a twisted smirk, pure insanity glinting in his eyes briefly. "All we need to do is herd the cattle into the pen for slaughter..humans' over-confidence and boisterous attitude is what will be their downfall."
@thewizardguyWelcome to Verizon Wireless, how may I help you?
Sorry guys! Had to unexpectedly go out of town for a week. Internet was spotty as shit and only had mobile so I couldn't find time to check in with you guys. Sorry for making you wait, I'll reply first thing tomorrow morning! Didn't ditch or die, just couldn't cone on if I wanted to ^-^'
Tristan continued blazing through the town, going this way and that. Easily avoiding the vampiric patrols that were hunting for humans while Blue and Purple hunted for him. He knew who his targets were and only knew where one of them was. Well...so he thought when he saw Magnus hopping along the rooftops admiring the chaos going on below. Changing direction without missing a beat he was quick to make his way to the local vampire lord. "Enjoying your own handiwork?" Tristan's easily identifiable voice rang out to the smaller man.

A couple of nearly silent steps later and Tristan was towering over Magnus while observing their surroundings. "The idea is nice, the execution nearly perfect." He stated while moving with Magnus, he was never one to make people stand around and talk. "Your Death Troopers however seem overly reliant on your new armor and their fancy weapons." He said while turning his gaze to Magnus. It wasn't his normal maniacal one hellbent on destruction. It was a more deadened one, the eyes of an old veteran. "Who taught them?" He asked, he hadn't been around during that time. He had been out in the Middle East causing havoc.

Magnus Shane

Magnus calmly made his way along the rooftops, humming a dark tune as he surveyed the chaos and destruction below. Perhaps he wouldn't of done things with the suits and weapons personally, however he had to admit the methods were quite effective. In the long run all he wanted was results, he didn't exactly care how he achieved them so long as they were relatively what he wanted. He paused briefly to chuckle at Tristan's words and nod, "Of course I am, why wouldn't I?" He replied, glancing towards him.

He continued his course, staying silent as Tristan spoke. Admittedly he had to agree. He counted for resistance but perhaps not quite this much. Ah well...they would ultimately win this bout, though how great of a victory was yet to be seen. "Johnathan trained them and provided the gear. He's proven quite the asset in your absence.." He told him. "Though I do question his methods they're effective." He said with a slight shrug of his shoulders. "Perhaps I shall get him to train them more without their weaponry.." He muttered. "Ah well...how was your trip?" He asked, eyes still scanning the battleground.
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