After the strikingly handsome psychologist turned to enter the Scordia mansion Renato scowled at his back inconspicuously. He followed the man into the kitchen, planning to stay in his shadow at all times. His plan was foiled when Lucia beckoned him to the kitchen table with a plate of freshly cooked pasta pomodori. No matter how hard he willed himself to not be swayed by Lucia and her food it couldn't be helped. In the end he took the plate with a grateful smile and went to eat reluctantly, leaving Lucia and the visitor to their business. He wanted to finish his plate quickly so he could listen in. Renato was wolfing down the spaghetti as if he hadn't eaten in weeks.
Lucia gestured for the man to follow her to a room next to the kitchen, it was too small to be an office and didn't seem to hold any particular purpose. At least not one easily detected by the regular eye. The young woman took a seat and offered a seat to her visitor with a polite smile.
"Please sit, we can schedule an appointment, perhaps even today"There was something about this man Lucia found off putting, she couldn't put her finger on it. Although it may even be her own paranoia, since she hadn't been the picture of mental health for the past couple of months. Without any visible warning Lucia allowed her auric vision to deepen her perception of her environment. The first thing she saw was a spiky cloud of red energy with a streak of muddy brown outside of the room. It indicated anger and jealousy, both emotions coming from Renato who was looking through the keyhole, trying to catch a glimpse of what was going on. Lucia wasn't shocked at this, she'd used her powers in Renato's company before out of worry. He was often very pensive and not much of a talker.
She focused on the man sitting on the other side of the desk, opposite of her. His aura appeared to be very controlled with even shapes of solid color. He was definitely someone who had taught himself control. Lucia was curious to know what kind of information these people expected to get from her. In the end she would decided what she wanted to share.