Lucia was leaning against the walls of the hallway, her head resting against the concrete behind her. The Scordia mansion was immense with over six bedrooms, each with their own bathroom. There was a duplicate of nearly everything, two kitchens, two washing rooms, two living rooms. It looked like two houses had melted together and it was designed in such a way that it felt like one single home. In the center of the mansion were two long flights of stairs, leading to separate sections of the house. Every inch of the mansion was richly decorated with expensive paintings, vases and pieces of art. The floors were lined with thick hand woven rugs of the finest quality. Crystal, gold and silver chandeliers hung from the ceiling in nearly every room. The most beautiful one, made of all three materials combined could be admired in the foyer. The interior design harkened back to old fashion Italy, with wooden furnishing and warm deep colors.
For the last couple of months Lucia had become intimately familiar with the insides of the Scordia mansion. It was all she saw, every day. She had never spent so long cooped up inside. Some days it felt like the walls were closing in on her. Her work and the occasional visits of her loved ones were the only things which preserved her sanity. The young woman let out a deep breath and closed her eyes. Every day she woke up and got ready was a small victory, staying in bed wouldn't improve anything.
The doorbell rang loudly and a hand shot up to her chest, startled by the sudden sharp sound she tried to calm her breathing as she made her way to the door. She peaked through the tiny glass hole to see who was standing outside. It was Renato, a close friend of the Scordia family. Lucia studied his face through the peaking hole for a little longer before opening the door. He looked pensive as always, slightly stressed even. She pulled open the heavy set wooden doors and made way for the boy.
"Buongiorno Signora Lucia" Renato entered the Scordia mansion, smiling shyly at the young widow. Lucia leaned in to greet him with two kisses on the cheek which left the 13 year old with flushing cheeks.
“How was school Renato? Did you have lunch already?” Lucia asked while making her way to the kitchen in the left wing of the house. She glanced over her shoulder to check if he was following her. When they arrived in the kitchen Renato tentatively took a spot at the bar, he folded his hands together on the counter with an expectant look on his face.
“It was good and I had a sandwich this morning…..” He trailed off quietly. Renato scratched the back of his head and let his eyes wander about the kitchen. He really felt bad for Lucia, she was a really nice women and he wanted to help her. She was living all by herself in this huge house, a lonely widow.
“I’ll make you some pasta, I have some fresh tomatoes, it will be ready in a bit” Lucia said with her back turned to the young boy while she gathered the ingredients from the cupboards and the fridge. Cooking was relaxing to her and she liked to cook when she had people over, it reminded her of the days before her mother and husband passed away. People always came over to see Marco and when her mother was ill they came to see her too. Now that they were gone they had no reason to visit as often as they had.
Renato watched Lucia bustle about in the kitchen. Her wavy hair, smooth white skin and hourglass shaped body. She was the most beautiful woman he’d ever seen. He sighed wistfully, his chin leaning on his hand. After a while he lost himself in a beautiful fantasy , a daydream, one where Lucia could be with him.
The doorbell rang again and this time it was Renato who was startled, as if caught doing something bad. He jumped of the chair and ran through the hallway towards the door while he called to Lucia in the kitchen.
“I’ll get it Signora Scordia!”
When he reached the door he was slightly out of breath, he pulled open the heavy set doors with a grunt. Outside there was a man dressed in a sharp suit, probably a very expensive one. He was very handsome, fact which irked Renato, he didn’t need any competition for Lucia’s affections. The young boy had a slightly annoyed expression on his face and crossed his arms defensively.
“Yes, what do you want?” He asked trying to sound tough, his body tense and guarded.