Lance "Twice shot" Vitanza

"Kill me? You can barely even hurt me!"
Alignment: Lawful evil crime lord
Appearence: A portly man, who is still tall and intimidating, Lance has a heavily bearded face, with short black hair which is starting to grey. He has muscular arms and big hands with wide stubby fingers. He has large ears and a misshapen nose, which was broken but never healed correctly. He bears multiple scars, but the most obvious are the two on his chest, both gunshot wounds. They come close to meeting in the center of his chest, but don't.
Height: 6'7"
Weight: 270 pounds
General Apparel: Always fashionably dressed, Lance most often is seen in a black longcoat with a fedora on top, underneath, he wears a black vest and tie, with a white undershirt. His shoes are expensive black dress shoes.
Lifestyle Notes: A wife, a son, and a dog.
Location: Controls the port, though his family used to control much of the city
Afflictions: He is dying of an unknown illness, if not for his powers, he would have already died, but they can only slow his approaching death.
Likes: His family, loyalty, bravery.
Dislikes: Suffering, of himself or others, being manipulated, violence.
Fears: Spiders, Bees
Superhuman Ability and Description: Regeneration, Lance can take fatal wounds without any ill effect, though any damage to his brain would kill him, he is able to regenerate even lost limbs. Opponents are often surprised to have thought Lance dead, only to see his wounds close right in front of him. Despite this, it can lead to some setbacks, if Lance has broken bones, they might not set correctly, resulting in medical attention to fix the mass of bone fragment that is now his arm, he also cannot force foreign objects out, leaving him in a state of constant pain without medical attention.
History: Born to the prestigious Vitanza crime family, Lance was pampered from birth, given an entourage to cater to his every whim. However, his father had to earn the respect of his own father, meaning that Lance was tutored on the importance of being humble and kind at every opportunity. Lance was raised to inherit his father's business, and carry on the family legacy, something that Lance did not enjoy. Lance hated violence and crime, seeing it as cruel and meaningless, nevertheless, he was taught gunplay and martial arts. As he aged, Lance was put into higher and higher positions in his father's family hierarchy, eventually controlling a quarter of his father's territory. Lance was a natural leader, and people loved him, those who his gang protected, and those who served under him. Eventually, his father retired, and Lance revealed his plans for the city, he would take over the rest of it, stopping all warring criminal enterprises, and preventing violent crime. He was laughed at for this, they stopped laughing when Lance burnt a known crack den to the ground. The ends justify the means in Lance's mind, and those means are more brutal than any of the other crime bosses on the block. The Vitanzas became dreaded, stories being told up and down the east coast of Lance's legendary brutality, all of them true. Due to his status, Lance became the target of many assassination attempts, surviving one barely, being shot in the left lung. The other one, he got lucky. Shot through the heart and left for dead in the basement of a warehouse, a wisp found him, and Lance left, alive and well. When he complained of unbearable chest pain, a surgeon cut him open to find a bullet, resting in his heart, and more peculiar, cutting the heart open had no further ill effects. Returning to the underground with this new ability under his belt, the streets would fear the name Lance Vitanza
Follower/Gang Information:
The Vitanza family are known for their brutality and loyalty. They are proud, ruthless, and cunning, they'd never commit terrorism, but they often commit broad daylight assassination. Organized in the traditional mafia system, going from soldier to capo to underboss to the don.