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I am working on a post but I'm not sure I'll finish it tonight.
Uh oh, folks, the GM is laughing at my character's potential death. That's a really bad sign. =D

If you die we will all die!! :(
Altough Rook seems to believe Floure will do fine by herself. ;)
Really excited for everyone's posts! :)
I'm going to wait for Cillian to make an entrance before posting, I have a feeling that Grace is going to take the flower for the night, just to see how Emmett reacts. If he can survive one night without it, she'll give it to Floure to decide what to do in the morning. Like I said, I'm going to wait for the others post.

Ditto :) This will be my last post until everyone has at least posted once.
Okay well I did meddle but that idea came near the end of my post ;)
Floure Camlo

So he knew exactly what he was doing and what would eventually happen if he kept using the Devel flower. Floure understood the appeal of the drug but she didn't understand why Emmett would want to use it. She didn't feel like he was the type of person to drug himself with such a powerful and dangerous drug. He could barely hold in his drink. Maybe she just didn't know him well enough or maybe he was just really good at hiding his secrets. All she knew was that battling the addiction to this demon plant was a really tough and harrowing fight. She was afraid there wasn't much she could do to help him.

Floure had never seen a case of devel flower addiction because there was no known method to counter its effects, no healing salve or ointment, no secret potion. The only way to cure it was to stop using it and battle the after effects. Just the thought of him using it while tied to a tree sent shivers down her spine. In that state of euphoria he could have easily taken out the knot and wandered of into the desert by himself, easy pickings for the slave masters and whatever else was out there. Floure's doom scenarios for Emmett's drug trip were soon cut short when he rushed towards her, kissing her full on the lips. It surprised her to say the least but the young woman didn't push him away immediately. His kiss felt forced and he was holding back she could tell. It ended right when she was planning to break free and ask him what in the names of the Gods he was doing.

He wasn't paying any attention to her at all and he was looking over her shoulder at someone approaching from behind. She had already worked out multiple convincing lies but it would all depend on who Emmett was looking at right now. Emmett's annoyed and somewhat angry remark was enough to betray the identity of Grace. The red haired woman descended upon her and Emmett in a fit of rage and Floure sucked in her breath to brace for what was to come. She watched the scene unfold silently but her eyes went wide as saucers when Grace immediately recognized the flower. Floure felt vicarious shame at the way Grace was talking down to Emmett. When Emmett tried to explain the situation Floure wanted to smack him in the head. She didn't mind that he included her in his lie as she had already decided she would keep his secret but did he seriously believe anyone was going to fall for that? By the Dark Sister's ass he was a terrible liar!

They would know she would know what kind of flower that was and what it could do. Who in their right mind would go picking flowers at night, unless it was for some kind of medicinal purpose in which Emmett had no training at all. Wait a minute........
The most brilliant lie began to unfold in her thoughts, like a deceitful rose. What if she could convince Grace that she asked Emmett to find her a cousin of the desert flower for an ointment she needed to make, but with his lack of knowledge he picked the real desert flower
instead. Granted this cousin of the desert flower did not exist but who would need to know?

Meanwhile Othen had barged down to the tree around which Grace, Emmett and herself had gathered. Grace had probably woken him up with her yelling, she could be really loud if she wanted to. Floure weighed her options shortly, between the two of them Othen may be more easily convinced by her lie than Grace. He hadn't caught them with the flower and would probably listen to her reasonable explanation of this entire catastrophe. She hurried over to Othen who was towering over Emmett, mostly blocking him from Grace and her. Floure patted his arm, the highest part of him she could reach. The motion made her shawl fall halfway down, revealing the part of her shoulders her nightgown did not conceal.

"Hey!...." Floure held in her breath waiting for Othen to turn his attention towards her.

"It's my fault" She began to explain, while fully aware that she needed to be convincing. Not just for Emmett's sake but for hers as well. Lying to the group wouldn't earn her any favors especially not from Rook, Emmett's uncle.

"I asked Emmett if he could find me a rare flower that only blooms at night because I needed it to make an ointment" Her heart was beating wildly in her chest. What was going on with her? Normally she was an expert at telling half truths. She moved her raven hair over one shoulder, twirling a curl around her finger. She continued with her lie adding the necessary charm to make it convincing and to distract from the fact that Grace may practically be boiling behind her.

"But you see.... he got the wrong one, silly guy" She smiled ever so sweetly but didn't dare to look in the direction of Grace who was still holding this supposed "wrong" kind of flower.

"I told you it was pink not orange..." She scolded Emmett who was standing across from Othen and her. When they made eye contact she tried to make it clear he needed to shut up before they would get into even more trouble. Hopefully Othen would believe her and diffuse the situation and save what was left to save here. She'd done the best she could.

I'm starting on a post right now but not to complicate or meddle in what's already going on. Just Floure's thoughts and reaction to Grace and Othen joining the scene. Mainly to observe what a terrible liar Emmett is ;)
Floure Camlo

Pale eyes were staring up at the canopy, her raven hair fanning out behind her, in her thoughts Floure was a million miles away. She couldn't sleep.....
The young Traveler girl was worried about their current circumstances. They had almost run out of water, the horses which had carried them upon their backs were left behind, discarded like a piece of left over food. They didn't have a choice, the poor animals had used up the bulk of their strength and weren't made to track through the hot sands of the desert. Othen and Cillian made sure the animals didn't suffer any more than they already had. She couldn't watch.....

She shifted on her side trying her best to ease her worried mind by thinking of something else. Next to her she could feel Emmett stir in his sleep, twisting and turning restlessly. Whenever she managed to stay up until the late hours of the night she noticed that the young adventurer had a troubled sleep. This was the second time she was awake to take notice. She wondered if he would sneak out of the tent again, like he'd done the first time. She didn't follow him then because she figured he may have been taking care of some business. The thought of Emmett doing just such a thing brought a mischievous smirk to her lips. It would be good for him and may just help him relax a bit.

Surely just like the first time Emmett got up and tried to make his way out of the tent quietly. Floure felt his foot bumping into her thigh and she could feel Emmett stopping. She quickly shut her eyes and pretended to be asleep peacefully. She was going to follow him but he had to leave first. After he left the tent Floure slipped out of her covers and searched for her shawl and medicine bag. The burning heat of the day disappeared as soon as the sun sunk into the sands making the nights much colder. Once outside she realized she had taken too long, Emmett was no where to be seen.

Oh Dark Sister be damned.

He could have gone anywhere. She wrapped her shawl around her shoulders and walked up to the remnants of the fire they'd made the night before. A slight ember was still burning. The longer she waited the less time she had to find out what exactly he was doing out there. She had to find him now. Clueless to where she needed to go Floure relied on what she was taught as a young girl. It was a tried and true method one used by her ancestors. It rarely failed her.

She prayed to the Goddess she insulted only moments before and drew a circle in the sand with the stick they used to poke the fire. The four cardinal points were marked with a symbol unique to each. From her bag she retrieved a small pouch one would use to hold money. Three silver coins slid out onto her palm, shimmering in the moonlight. Crude markings could be seen on both sides. Floure cupped her hands and held them up to the moon closing her eyes in concentration. With a practiced flick of her wrist she then tossed them into the circle. They all landed in Eastern corner. With no time to waste the young woman rushed into the direction the Dark Sister had sent her.

It didn't take her long to find him, his hunched over form leaning against a tree. She knew something was wrong. Floure approached him quietly so she wouldn't startle him. Yet when he suddenly whirled around to meet her gaze it was her who nearly jumped out of her skin in surprise. She could barely hold in a scream. The look on his face was like a Traveler who got caught during the Huckeny Boro, like a thief stealing jewels. He was trying to hide what he was doing but it was too late and her eyes fell upon the flower in his hand. She gasped when she realized what it was, the Devel flower the Travelers called it. When you inhaled it's pollen you reached a state of near divine euphoria.

A million questions ran through her mind. How did he get it? Is this the first time he's used it? If he had used it before the draw back would become worse each time. Using it would ruin him but not using it would too. Floure didn't know what to do or say, he looked utterly desperate and she pitied him. Would it be irresponsible of her to let him use it?

"Emmett" The young woman hissed at the adventurer to grab his attention away from the flower and unto her.

"Do you even know what that does to you?" She said in an irritated but also worried tone of voice. Floure glanced over her shoulder once to make sure she wasn't followed and continued to whisper.

"If you can't control yourself I'm forced to stay with you" She'd rather not have him use the flower but she didn't know how long he'd been using it for. If he was already addicted well......She would have her work cut out for her. If she kept him from feeding his addiction right now he would be a wreck in the morning and she wouldn't be able help him then.

"Does your uncle know about this?" She questioned in a whisper. All the while she kept looking over her shoulder trying to cook up an excuse for why she was here, if they were to get caught.
Awesome first post! The music really added to the atmosphere and it made the scene more alive, if that makes any sense.

Is there a particular reaction you need from Floure for this scenario? Would she let him take the drug or would she take it from him? If she let's him use it will she stay with him until the effects are gone?
Floure Camlo

Age: 18 | Role: Physician | Reason for being here: To find and obtain the healing water of the desert so she can save her brother.

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