Floure Camlo

"Why do people go to a fortune teller if they do not want to hear the truth? I don't sell lies for coin"
NameFloure Camlo, in her native language Camlo means, one who kisses well.
NicknamesLady Lovel
- It is the name she uses when telling fortunes for her clients. With this name she earned a reputation for herself and people who are in need of her services know her only as Lady Lovel. Lovel is actually her surname translated into the common tongue.
Little flower
- A loving nickname used mainly by her brothers who have always treated her like something in need of protection. A delicate little flower, which if you know Floure at all is far from reality.
ReputationThe reputation of Floure’s people often precedes her. She belongs to a wandering race driven from their ancestral homeland centuries ago. In the intervening years they have spread across the nations, earning coin as itinerant peddlers, performers, storytellers and mercenaries. The Travelers are a mongrel people, intentionally mixing their bloodline with as many other tribes and clans as they can. Their women are known to seduce the most attractive and intelligent foreign men, hoping to enrich the bloodline of their people. It is believed that Traveler blood flows in the veins of most commoners.
Appearance Floure is an attractive young woman possessing a natural beauty, pure and fresh like a spring flower. One of the first things you will notice are her striking eyes, pale in color and framed by long black lashes. They are the kind of eyes that you can’t look away from and they often shimmer with thoughts of mischief and joy. Inherited from her high born father Floure has smooth alabaster skin. It starkly contrasts with her flowing raven hair which she often wears down letting it fall along her shoulders and back. Her hair is very thick and naturally curly. She has a sweet face with a tiny nose and full pink lips usually curled up into a cheeky smile.
As an entertainer the young woman dresses in bright and colorful garments, to draw the eye to where she needs it. She wears a white of the shoulder blouse with a plunging neckline, the sleeves decorated with intricate embroidery. Around her waist she wears a bodice made of supple painted leather which hugs her curves and cinches in her waist. It was custom made for her, richly decorated with colorful threads and swirling flowers. Underneath that she wears a skirt of multiple layers and varying contrasting colors. Tied on top of her skirts and around her waist is a sheer shawl in a rich purple hue painted with golden moons, stars and other celestial bodies . Small gold ornaments hang from the edges of the shawl . The young woman wears her riches on her body and is rarely seen without an assortment of jewelry adorning her neck, ears, wrists, hands and even ankles. They're made from all kinds of precious metals and stones
Being only eighteen years old and at the start of womanhood Floure has a very womanly figure for her age. With narrow shoulders, a well-developed bosom and wide hips that sway when she walks, but they are largely hidden by her full skirts. Being a dancer she knows how to move incredibly well and the way she moves is both alluring and graceful. When dancing she wears a pair of anklets with tiny bells on them, so her moves are complimented by an ever present chime.
Height 5’4
Weight 119 Ibs
Positive Traits:- Kind
- A good listener
- Clever
- Intuitive
- Sweet talker
Negative Traits:- Manipulative
- Secretive
- Possessive
- Spiteful
Personality DescriptionFloure is a compassionate and kind young woman. She is quick to take a liking to someone because she believes there is good to be found in everyone. Having grown up in large and very loving family she knows the importance of the individual comes second to that of the community. Blood ties are very important and she would walk through fire for any one of her relatives be it her closest brother or her most distant cousin. She has a strong maternal instinct and children often flock to her because they feel her warmth and caring soul.
Had she been raised in the environment of her father she might have turned out to be a soft spoken demure young lady, as it stands she is far from that. Floure has a way of wrapping people around her little finger, especially young men. Sweet words and flattery are her forte and she is not above using her beauty and silver tongue to get what she wants. Aside from her mischievous streak she is just a sweet girl who bears no ill will to most, her manipulations and schemes are mainly innocent play. She is not afraid to stand up to men and manages to get away with more than most, some say it's because they find her desirable while others blame her way with words. Floure is accustomed to getting her way and has a hard time dealing with rejection, which she does not understand.
Having met people from all walks of life Floure is tolerant of others but there is still a clear distinction between Travelers and the Goriken rat, the common people. She is wary of common folk especially the religious kind. Coin has its way of disappearing around her be it her own or that of others. Her people are known to perform a trick they refer to as the Huckeny Boro or the Great trick in which all money mysteriously disappears from a house. The victims are usually people of great wealth. Floure knows this trick very well and has performed it on regular occasion, so her pouch is rarely empty. Which is good considering she likes all things beautiful and expensive.
There is a familial kind of feeling to her, like she is the sister or daughter you never had. If she becomes your friend she will consider you family and treat you in the same way she does her brothers and sisters.
Likes- Beautiful things, be it clothes, jewels ornaments, or anything else she can wear on her person.
- Dancing
- Fortune telling
- Visiting the marketplace
- Watching the sunset
- Performing the Huckeny Boro on rich people
- Joke around with friends
Dislikes- Cooking, sewing, washing clothes. Nearly any chores traditionally carried out by women
- Religious fanatics
- Her father
- Being locked up in a town, a city or any other place
- Drunk noblemen
- Lakes, rivers or any large body of water
Skills- Skilled herbalist and healer
- Adapt at reading body language
- Quick on her feet
Weapon(s) DescriptionIron knife
- A long extremely sharp knife forged from the strongest iron known to her people. It is engraved with sigils which are meant to give it cleansing and purifying qualities. It is at least three generations old and passed down like many things in Traveler culture from mother to daughter. It strangely shows little to no sign of usage despite its age. It is mainly used to cauterize wounds.
Quirks- Always checks her reflection- Floure is very much aware of her appearance and constantly makes sure she stays pretty as a picture.
- Likes to flirt – She possesses an inherent charm and she often doesn’t even realize she is acting flirtatious, as it is just her way of communicating.
- Very superstitious – Afraid to provoke the ire of the spirits and Gods she threads carefully and adheres to a host of superstitions instilled in her from a young age.
- Playing with her hair - It is something she does when she’s in deep thought. She finger combs her long black curls with gentle hands as to not pull out any of her precious hair.
Weaknesses- Small stature and physically not very strong
- Not skilled in any kind of fighting style or efficient use of a weapon
- Can’t stand seeing others get hurt for her sake
Fears - Never seeing her family again
- Dying before meeting the love of her life
- Lakes, rivers or any large body of water
- Losing her freedom
Secret(s)Will be added as the story progresses.
HistoryDespite her mixed heritage Floure is a true Traveler and Traveler blood runs through her veins. She was born inside a moving wagon, to a mother who had already had too many children, and a father who had made the mistake of falling for the exotic beauty of a Traveler woman. The result of a night of passion, unwanted by her father and in a way also an inconvenience to her mother. You would think this a recipe for disaster. Luckily her grandmother took pity on her, raising her as her own. Floure was a mischievous little girl even in her early years. She didn't care for learning to sew and cook and preferred to watch her grandmother amuse the common folk with images she'd see in the fire, the palms of their hand or even a bowl of water. The little girl was fascinated by the art and it was something that managed to catch her attention every time. Like dancing fortune telling was passed down from mother to daughter and none of her siblings had shown the same natural talent Floure had for the art of divining.
At the age of seven Floure's grandmother began training Floure in the ways of the Travelers, their customs, traditions and beliefs. In their many hours spent together Floure found a true mother in her grandmother, often pretending to misread the markings in her hand just so she could spend more time with the old woman. She learned about the medicinal properties of plants. Her people rarely stopped anywhere and they used what they found on the sides of the roads, in the forests and fields to cure the sick and mend the wounded. The talent of fortune telling was instilled in her from a young age and it was soon followed by a passion for dancing.
Over the years she spent on the roads their caravan traveled everywhere. Floure watched each of her siblings come into their own, her sisters became seamstresses, cooks and mothers and her brothers became, warriors, merchants and peddlers. During her teenage years misfortune struck one of her brothers, he was suffering from a rare disease. A sickness that hadn’t been seen by the Travelers in many generations. The method of healing this illness was all but lost, buried somewhere deep in the minds of the elders, who sadly even failed to remember their own children. The young Traveler girl set out to join to expedition to the Whispering Badlands in hopes of obtaining a vial of sacred water from the river in Mother nature’s palm. Traveler legend says the water has life prolonging qualities and healing powers.