The Whispering Badlands

The Whispering Badlands, it is a desolate wasteland of sand and dust. Though it be not true within the Old Dawn Era according to legends. It was once known as Mother Nature's Palm. The valleys sprouted with grass the length of a blade, as the streams of water foretold to prolong life itself. The land now, as also for then, does not stand quite flat, yet ridged with a mountainous terrain. It is rumored a canyon overseeing the final lasting source of water amongst the expanse, a single streaming river, to which leads way to both a threat and mystery. There is an apparent cave the stream leads into, with that cave being the lair to the one creature that curses the land of any growth it once flourished forth with. Mages, now known as Shadow Minions, tried to control the magic Mother Nature blessed it with. They desired to twist and morph it into submissive will, they wanted to be gods. The results of their dark magic tainted Mother Nature's Palm, cursing it and letting it wither and wonder into an oblivion of desertion. As for the Shadow Minions, they evolved into their own demented creation, a beast bound by their own souls. Since no one who has lived entertained an audience with the monster, little is known of its appearance, other than it being called the Shade for the dark magic that shadows amongst its outer shell. Life moves on however, kingdoms come and go in the company of regions far from what is now seen as The Whispering Badlands.
But hope still lingers within the legend as adventurers and explorers embark in search for the last drops of water. There is one last essential part to the story, or what is predicted to be a part of a future tale- the heart of the Shade holds the key to replenishing the land. Those both brave and skilled enough to slay the beast are the ones to reclaim the land once blessed by Mother Nature herself. With growth restored, those who claim dominance over darkness will be those to first settle. Glory and wealth will soon follow after, as they will obtain fame with the Shade's heart risen up high. You are an adventurer upon this tale, you are traveling amongst a pack of other explorers who motives may or may not be quite different from yours. To the sane, it seems like a suicide mission, but to you, well, you have nothing else to lose. Being led by an accurate map is one concern, the beast another, but actually withstanding the harsh conditions of the barren wasteland is the most pressing matter. Survival will be put to test, and so will you, both mentally and physically.
But hope still lingers within the legend as adventurers and explorers embark in search for the last drops of water. There is one last essential part to the story, or what is predicted to be a part of a future tale- the heart of the Shade holds the key to replenishing the land. Those both brave and skilled enough to slay the beast are the ones to reclaim the land once blessed by Mother Nature herself. With growth restored, those who claim dominance over darkness will be those to first settle. Glory and wealth will soon follow after, as they will obtain fame with the Shade's heart risen up high. You are an adventurer upon this tale, you are traveling amongst a pack of other explorers who motives may or may not be quite different from yours. To the sane, it seems like a suicide mission, but to you, well, you have nothing else to lose. Being led by an accurate map is one concern, the beast another, but actually withstanding the harsh conditions of the barren wasteland is the most pressing matter. Survival will be put to test, and so will you, both mentally and physically.
The Plot
Your journey will be moved by the many trials in a stranded desert. Dehydration, starvation, excessive exposure to the sun, lingering diseases- these are all fatal symptoms leading to the grave. When resources are exhausted, other means to retain life's necessity will come into play. Survival is definitely a priority, but it is not all that lies in store for our characters... Within the Whispering Badlands, you will encounter others. Some will be a band of adventurers, much like you. They, perhaps, may be willing to trade their resources with yours. But you cannot always trust strangers far out in the distance are willing to act civil. No, there are others lurking about, preying upon explorers like you to eventually slave and sell. They are dubbed, Bone-dry Slavers, for both their endurance in the desert and their war paints reflecting the skeletal system. They say the Bone-dry Slavers paint themselves in such a fashion to mirror the myth of the Whispering Badland's undead. The tale of the Shadow Minions has in it, that once they tainted the land, the dead was forever cursed to a restless sleep. They say that once you edge closer to the Shade, corpses will breath due to the very ground being kissed by darkness itself. However, there are other natural creatures, that over time in evolution, they adapted in dinosauric obscurities. In conclusion, the adventurers has a lot up against them in this world whose technology resolves around that of the Middle Ages. But you cannot forget about the greatest caution of this quest- the group itself. You cannot be too careful with those you supposedly trust...
As for characters, be creative with them, although do not make them perfect- everyone has both their weaknesses and breaking points. The Lead Explorer proves head of the expedition, as he or she has funded it through paying the navigator and physician up front for their services. The Lead Explorer makes the final decision, well as long as he or she has the respect of the group. The Navigator is a moving force in making this mission a success as he or she holds the map to their destination. The Navigator has studied the Whispering Badlands and knows the area well. The Physician is responsible in keeping the well-being of the others healthy, along with managing his or her own. As for the other adventurers, other than joining the journey for the strength of extra arms, they come along for their own other reasons as they hope to gain share in the riches and glory, or perhaps something even more...
Lead Explorer- @Deserted
Navigator- @MacabreFox
Physician- @dreamingflowers
Adventurer 1- @beyond visions
Adventurer 2- @The New Yorker
Adventurer 3- @Fetzen
Lead Explorer- @Deserted
Navigator- @MacabreFox
Physician- @dreamingflowers
Adventurer 1- @beyond visions
Adventurer 2- @The New Yorker
Adventurer 3- @Fetzen
Author's Note
So, this is where I'm going to discuss the guidelines and my feelings for the roleplay. To start off, this is my first time adding in an Author's Note, because normally, I refer back to just a set of rules. But I see that this is more personal compare to, well, just a set of rules. So, its been a long while in my years of roleplaying since I created an adventurous roleplay that I didn't feel was far to ambitious to the point I fear it to be confusing. This is also my first time in a long time to be creating a roleplay with strong themes of fantasy, as I lean more to the sci-fi genre. But instead of retreating back to something I feel more comfortable with, I decided to both improve and challenge myself, especially because I do have faith that this roleplay will live. And to keep it alive, I'm going to need active roleplayers, one of the things that matter to me when it comes to a roleplay. Another thing that comes into question for a roleplay is the quality and quantity. I won't lie, I love both of those things, I love long post with important details, it is the reason why I've decided to submit this in as advanced. But am I strict about it? No! We're not here to bash on each other's post. We are here for a good fun and a great story. As for language, romance, and violence, keep it all PG-13, including the OOC. This roleplay is not particularly feel-good, but I prefer things not to be too touchy, dark, or distasteful. And lastly, as I mentioned before, I want us to have a fun time telling an intriguing tale.
So tell me, are you ready to embark on this quest?
So tell me, are you ready to embark on this quest?