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I'm still here too, waiting for the story to continue.
Lily had left Viridian City very early in the morning. The sun was barely up and before it had fully risen from its hiding place she had already reached Pallet town. They were neighboring towns Viridian and Pallet town so it was entirely unnecessary to leave as early as she had. Her parents wanted to make sure she would be on time, even if that meant she had to wait around doing nothing. Lily didn't protest, she was grateful to even be allowed to go on this journey, by herself for crying out loud. No she did not want to give her parents or her brothers any reason to change their minds. She had packed everything the night before. A map of the Kanto region, her medicine pouch, a fresh set of clothes, a sleep bag, camping equipment. All the basics were covered and she was sure to take enough money to buy anything she might need. For someone who'd never done anything by herself she was surprisingly capable of mapping out her pokemon journey. She was astonished to find it all came so easily to her. The preparations eased her nerves instead of feeding them which was the usual case. Lily didn't know why nor did she understand how she could be so.....relaxed, so calm about all this.

Completely absorbed in her own thoughts the young girl didn't notice the line started to move again. The trainer behind her cleared his throat rather loudly to indicate she and her pokemon needed to move. She quickly rushed forward and offered the boy her an apologetic smile.
"Sorry, I was just.....uhm dreaming I guess"
Lily felt a bit embarrassed but before she had time to beat herself up about another trainer in front of her kneeled down to pat her Tangela. The pokemon responded by patting the young boy on his head playfully, using her vines as her arm. Tangela looked at the trainer with wide eyes but was otherwise not bothered by him.

She listened to him as she spoke. It was true what he said, she was really glad to have Tangela. Lily knew she would find it difficult to start her journey with a new pokemon, one she didn't know. It was just like meeting a new friend, you would have to get to know each other first. Find out if you actually like one another. With Tangela she could just skip all that. They had a tight bond and she adored her pokemon.

"How did you figure out how to train it? Got any tips?"

Lily thought about her answer for a bit and kept thinking as she replied.
"Well I....you see Tangela and me haven't really battled all that much." The blue vined pokemon wasn't particularly strong and at times somewhat clumsy but she always gave it one hundred percent.
"You just need to be nice to your pokemon and they'll return the favor." Lily smiled when Tangela reached up with her vine to take her right hand.

"And obviously grass pokemon need fresh water and sunshine to keep them healthy" Lily answered with a soft laugh. She tucked a lock of hair behind her ear and looked at the other trainers still in front of her and the young boy. It looked like things were moving along quickly now.
I should be able to post tomorrow but if you'd like to move things along I can join in after.
I have a similar problem and there are a couple of things I just can't get right. I've got the magic part worked out to my liking but everything else is lacking or not weighing up to my expectations.
I'm going to have to give it some more thought as I feel the same as Fizzy about this roleplay. I may end up not joining but I'm still on the fence.

Floure Camlo

Floure was convinced the fall had lead to her death and she was now in the Shadow Lands of Traveler legend. It looked like the place she imagined it would be, dark, cold and desolate. It felt like she was floating somewhere in between, between consciousness and dream. But something sharp digging into her back brought her back to reality with a relentless stinging sensation. The pain caused her to feel everything else that her numbed senses had failed to pick up before. She was laying on her back on some kind of sand, up high she could see a slight crack of daylight but it was barely the size of a thin branch.

It was a work of magic that she was still alive, she attempted to hoist herself up off the sandy floor. The pain in her back didn't help but she managed either way. The young woman felt around to try and identify the cause of her pain and when she touched her medicine bag she realized in slight shock what it may have been. Some of the glass bottles in which she kept her ointments and salves had shattered upon impact with the floor. Luckily the shards hadn't pierced the tough leather otherwise she would have needed to stitch herself up, something she was never really that great at, treating her own injuries was difficult.

Assured of her own state of wellbeing she immediately sought to worry about everyone else. She whipped her head around, searching for the others and though it was hard to see, their voices were all she needed. Grace asked the exact question she needed answering. If anyone was hurt she would be needed. Floure got up into a slightly wobbly standing position, the fall had shaken her up more than she realized. She walked into the direction of where she heard Grace and Emmett talking, trying her hardest to ignore her current surroundings which all together gave her chills.

I'm alive I think...." She answered with a laugh. The gloomy atmosphere was best thwarted by laughter and light. The first she could muster up easily, the second one not so much.

If anyone needs medical attention I think most of my supplies survived but there is not a flicker of light in this place."

Where are we anyway?". Floure asked, looking to see if there was any other way out. Climbing up would be impossible and turning them all into birds was a bit beyond her skill.
I'd love to join this but for now I'll just settle to read along. It's a great setting and I believe it has lots of potential to make a memorable story.

@Amongheroes Not sure if you remember, but we wrote together before :)
It was a long time ago, before the guild went down. That roleplay is my favorite one to this day.
Slight change of plans, my post will be up wednesday at the latest.
Yes it would all depend on where her pack was on her body when she fell. I had the same thoughts about the ass somehow lessening the impact of the fall. It would be fun to have her realize some of them were broken, maybe not right away. Maybe after they get out of there, since her pack isn't really a priority right now.

I don't really know how to get started with my post though. We are in a dark abyss where you can't see your own hand in front of your face. Kind of hard to do anything.
It's fun to dig up that kind of stuff, it was the reason why this interested me so much.
Basically what I've got so far magic wise is that the magical traditions in Italy are widespread and different. What I can remember from my childhood is a kind of folk magic, heavily influenced by Catholicism, far removed from its once pagan origins. It's like a veiled form of witcraft, practised mainly by Catholics who don't view it as witchcraft and would be highly offended to be called or be known as a witch. Nowadays they call this tradition Benedicaria.

Personally I didn't care much for this tradition and I wanted to go back to the pagan roots so I found the Stregheria faith. It is an Italian nature based religion similar but also different to Wicca, it uses magic in a more ritual like setting which would go well with the types of magic in this story.
Just a question for my next post. I could use some insight of you all.
Floure keeps some of her medicine etc in glass bottles and jars, would they have survived the fall into the abyss?
I mean we all survived due to some miracle but it would make sense for some of those things to break right?
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