There was little time left for her beauty sleep after the whole incident with Emmett. The young woman was pulled from her dreams by a rough push to her shoulder, she heard someone calling out to her, a voice she barely recognized as Emmett's. Floure couldn't make out what the rebellious youth was saying, her eyes were thick with sleep and she struggled to keep them open. She lifted herself off of her bedroll, feeling as if she'd suddenly doubled in weight and lost half her strength. When she was sitting up she rubbed her eyes sluggishly, letting out an incredibly deep sigh.
Ughhh may the Faithful Hound bite them all in the ass. Why did they need to get up so early anyway? It would be hot the entire day. There was one hour of relative cool before the sun rose, usually they would take advantage of this, but today she could care less. All she wanted was an hour or two more to rest. She blinked a few times to clear her vision and looked around. Her eyes widened when she realized everyone was already up! Rook suddenly rushed past her in a hurry, his bow strung and ready to attack.
“Wait here... and arm yourselves,”What in the name of the Dark Sister was going on?
The hairs on the back of her neck stood up and she felt the tension build inside her. She was wide awake and immediately her hand slid under her makeshift pillow to retrieve the only weapon she had, her knife. Wasting no more time Floure quickly rushed to the edge of the camp where most of the others were already standing. When she caught sight of the caravan approaching her heart skipped a beat at first and it was followed by a mixture of emotions. Recognition at the way they traveled, with wagons, carts and horses, but they were carrying cages. Despite the heat of desert a chill ran down her skin and she wrapped her arms around herself, watching Rook in the distance. It was dangerous to approach them on your own like that and despite her immense dislike of the older man she didn’t want anything bad happen to him. But it looked like he was talking to them and by the Gods after he was done they went in another direction.
Floure didn’t understand what was going on. Did Rook know those slavers? She listened closely to his explanation and she could tell the others of the group were anything but pleased. The young Traveler didn’t know what to make of it but the fact that he had civil contacts with any kind of slavers did give her cause to trust him even less than she already did. She took the waterskin he handed to her and tied it around her waist for the time being.
She looked to the others at a loss of what to do with this situation. Something just didn’t sit right with her and if she’d had more sleep she may have had the sense to come up with a theory or two. It wasn’t over yet and the situation gradually grew worse when Emmett suddenly rushed forward towards his uncle in a mad rage. Emmett’s sudden outburst caused her heart to race and her skin to fluster. He was so angry, it was somewhat frightening to witness.
"Slavers killed my father! You know that."Floure gasped in horror at this revelation. She…..she didn’t know Emmett lost his father. She just assumed he was waiting for him to return back in Emmett’s home town. As the arguing continued and yelling grew louder so did her feelings of pity, sadness and compassion. She didn’t know why but the fact that Emmett hadn’t known his father either made Floure feel like they were kindred spirits. He would know what it was like to grow up and never know your real father.
Emmett was taking this too far and even though he may be right, what he was doing wouldn’t solve anything.
“Emmett stop it…!” She called out, desperately trying to talk some sense into him. But it was like the young man didn’t even know she existed. He was completely absorbed by his anger. Talking wasn’t going to help and she knew why. The desert flower was making everything he was feeling, all the hurtful emotions, anger, rage, resentment, it made it all so much worse.
She probably wasn’t strong enough to pry Emmett off of his uncle, even though they were equal in height Emmett was physically stronger. Othen attempted to separate the two and Floure let out a breath she didn’t know she had been holding.
“Othen, make him stop!” She watched with clenched fists, wanting the violence to stop.