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Right ginger tea all the way ^.^ This brings back memories from Along the Darkest Road
Good times.

I'm glad you introduced Mila to Semyon Igraine :) I was actually at a bit of a loss. Also guys seriously? Prince Eric from the Little Mermaid beats all of them. His dimples *swoons* Sigh....I want to be Ariel :(

I can help with breakfast, lunch or maybe even dinner. *Wips out her skillet* Anyone wants cinnamon pancakes? You'd be surprised what a dash of cinnamon adds to the batter yummm!

Mila smiled at Vet's words. She knew it seemed pretty weird for a water spirit to go to the desert. As long as she had her comb with her she would be fine for the most part. Veti introduced her to Seymon. She frowned slightly when she turned to loo at Mr Makarov. No offence to the undead, she was no more alive than he, but he looked well dead. He probably had a good couple of years on her so proper respect wasn't too much for her to muster. "I've heard about your work at Bain & Hoyle, you're very well respected Mr Makarov" She said perhaps a bit too stiffly. Sometimes her etiquette was outdated at best.

The arrival of the Egyptian mother Goddess didn't do much to draw the attention of the Rusalka. Mila had already decided in siding with the team to find the Ankh, the appearance of the Isis didn't sway her. She listened to the radiant Goddess speak, she was trying to convince the others to go to Egypt too. Her words were able to sway the reluctant but honest giant but failed to enlist some of the others. To each their own I guess. Everyone should be allowed to make their own choice. A Goddess trying to talk them into it seemed pretty pathetic to her. They all had their reasons and it was really nobody's business. Max had saved the world so they owed him? What about all the people who didn't know about his heroic deed? Did they owe him too? I don't think so. Her motivation was simple. It was clear Vet cared deeply for Max, even after his death. Something she could relate to. If there was a possibility to be together, they had to grab it with both hands. When Seymon and Veti spoke of the library in Alexandria she raised her brows and her ears perked up in curiosity. The chance was slim Egyptians had a lot of information on Rusalki but she'd gone through everything at Bain & Hoyle's library. It was her best bet and the opportunity presented itself to her on a golden platter.
I'll be posting tomorrow guys. I made little over eighty spring rolls today and while I had some awesome ideas while rolling them my fingers are too tired to type them up ;)
I was thinking about a character with a Romani background. The family settled somewhere in Eastern Europe after they stopped traveling. She practices gypsy witchcraft and her ancestors are famed for their love spells. A talent she inherited.
God the imagery 0.0
I'm good, I got a bit over enthusiastic and joined one too many roleplays. They are all awesome though. Still I've been with this roleplay since it started and I really love Young Justice as in LOVE! So I hope we can pick up the pace again. I think I'm going to post either tonight or tomorrow anyway.

How have you been Spriggs?
I think I'll wait on Demon too. I want to write more than just having Amani recover from using her powers,
Oh I'm so excited!!!
Oh I love dodgeball. I was great at dodging but terrible at throwing which resulted in me being the last player "alive" but I couldn't get the rest of my team back in play due to lousy throws. It's kind of creepy how they use the same balls all over the world for this. *avoids grabbing any of the balls Igraine is handing out* I'll stick to dodging
We could establish a symbol for each faction which can be worked into clothing, jewelry, a tatoo or anything else. Maybe even carved into weapons and armor for all to see.

These are just ideas ^.^
The Fair Folk an Owl carrying an apple in its claws, the fruit of wisdom.
The Exiled nothing yet.
The Allegiance nothing yet either.
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