Avatar of Duoya


Recent Statuses

4 mos ago
Current Graduation has happened - I am no longer a teacher. Won't have to work 12 hour days + weekends anymore, so maybe I'll actually have enough time for hobbies.
6 mos ago
I sound like a broken record, but only 2 months left till I'm done teaching. Not sure what's next, but it feels like anything would pay more and be less stressful lol
9 mos ago
Only 6 more months till the school years over. If I renew my contract, someone kill me lmao.
2 yrs ago
Teacher update: I feel like a villain from a cartoon. The laughter of teenagers gives me migraines, and I no longer feel guilt when giving bad grades to kids that sleep through my lessons.
2 yrs ago
First day as a Biology Teacher tomorrow - hopefully the kids will be able to read my handwriting.


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Interested - Calling dibs on Beldum!
Working on a utility role rn, should be done sometime in the next few days.

EDIT: Sorry guys, Mecha isn't really my favorite thing to roleplay - I'm gonna have to drop out. Good luck to the rest of you guys, I hope you have fun!
The Qit

The Dars System

In the outer edges of the solar system, dozens of giant carcasses orbited Dars, the star of the Qit home-system. These were the first few of the Ziz prototypes, the faulty and inefficient ones. The truly grand ones had escaped Dars gravity well, and were drifting through space at incredible speeds - obviously dead, but it was progress. A Ziz is launched from Nesnora 25L and Tholla JW5 every few days - there were always several being produced at any given time, and most of the planets biomass was devoted to fueling them, so there was no problem in that regard. They were launched in random directions, a poor attempt of the Qit to try and find a suitable planet purely by chance. Of course, nothing was ever close enough to be reached before the Ziz inevitably died from the pressure of the vacuum, but there was no sense in not trying.

A Ziz launched one and a half months ago had just died, and several of the drop pods exploded from it, moving even faster than the Ziz itself. Five drop pods were inhabited - the many others were simply empty. Every queen was given an order - the entire journey, send out psionic signals as far and as much as possible. While doing what was essentially screaming for months on end may seem tiring, a queen is easily able to accomplish such a task if it is to support the Swarms - After all, attempting to contact foreign species was the greatest of honors!

While this was underway, Several burrowers were exploring the oceans of Tholla JW5. The swarms did not view aquatic superiority as anything important, but perhaps there was a bacteria or fish in the sea that possessed a useful trait. All the queen needed was a taste, and it would be in the entire swarms mandibles...

Meanwhile, millions of queens were hard at work, attempting to form something useful from the available genetic material. Unfortunately, the swarms were starting to reach the ends of the usefulness with the native genes - if they had only a few alien hairs, then they could perhaps find a good use for the thousands of inefficient traits they had at their disposal. But, for the time being, they tried their hardest to support the Qit Swarms!

The dying screams of a queen on a particularly old Ziz could be heard within the constant chattering of the hive mind. For the briefest of instants, things were almost quiet, before immediately firing back up again in the typical discussion. It was hard to tell what caused the sudden silence - perhaps it was respect for the queen, having served the swarms so well and achieving the honor of being on a Ziz for her last few months of physical existence. Or maybe it was jealousy - out of the billions of queens, how come she was picked? It was unfortunate that something as ugly as jealousy was present in the glorious Qit swarms, but it was understandable. It was the greatest of honors to be on a Ziz, and even a Qit would grow envious that someone else got such an honor. There were launches ever few days, so there was always chances for a queen to be picked by the collective.

Hunting was still practiced, but solely for sport on Nesnora 25L. All native life of Nesnora 25L was wiped out by the Qit, and the only food source were the Feeders which dominated the surface and the underground. Meanwhile, Tholla JW5 only had small herbivores... At the prospect of being stuck with small game forever, the psionic screaming grew slightly louder.

The plan for first contact had been recited and practiced dozens of times - meet with peace, attempt to forge friendship, gain access to a ship that could last a long period of time in space, and find more planets to infest. All they had to wait for was someone to come by and make the first contact with them. It was a very unlikely probability - and yet, despite the implausible nature, the Qit were incredibly incessant when it came to fulfilling this goal. They didn't even have evidence of alien life - by no means were they justified in their search for life outside of the two planets they colonized. And despite that, they continued, not questioning why they did the things they did.

Maybe it was instinct? The Qit don't really know why they search, and they don't really care. The psionic signalling continued, murmuring and symbols being communicated as screaming permeated the connection, all hours of the day, all days of the year.
Interested, will post a char sometime soon
Marc Nadler

Despite gorging himself, Marc was not feeling especially well fed - however, the overpowering aroma of the healing herb was quite distracting, to the point where it was almost difficult to watch the other creatures nearby. The text that appeared before him as he looked at the various creatures were very intriguing - poison spitting lizards were usually carnivorous, or at least used it in defense against predators. The slime was incredibly intriguing, as it seemed to lack any sort of organs meant for sensing things - fascinating. Perhaps it used echolocation in some form? No matter - The fact that they are unusual in someway was not a good sign. Perhaps they had a disease, or possessed a bad personality. No matter what, he didn't enjoy being near them, since they were clear danger.

Doing his best to remain silent, Marc slowly left the herbs, planning to leave for the distant light near the end of the cave. His goal was to make it to the Demon King's castle, and while waiting would help him grow strong, it also meant that he would have to survive in a cave until then. So far, the only plant life he could see were the healing herbs, and the last thing that Marc wanted was to live off of such an overpowering plant - especially considering it wasn't the most filling thing around. The most prominent part of a Rat's diet is vegetation, particularly grains - however, meat was useful as a source of protein, and even rotten meat can be consumed safely by a rat.

As he tried to leave the herbs, a younger goblin yelled violently, attempting to stab at Marc with a stick. Marc jumped quickly, surprised that someone so quick to yell was able to sneak up on him so easily. The thought of attack quickly came to mind - retaliate and consume it. However, Marc immediately shot down the idea - the goblin was far too human. Instead, Marc quickly dodged out of the way, his small size playing to his advantage. Then, quickly, he began to run away, towards the light at the edge of the cave. The goblin was small and about as powerful as a human child, if the system was to be believed - A normal rat has a running speed of 10 mph, and a Dire rat was almost certainly faster. A child would have no chance of keeping up.

As soon as he left the cover of the herbs, Marc ran as fast as he could using his powerful muscles, headed directly towards the distant light. He wasn't positive if it was a way out, but it was easily the most likely possibility. As he raced forwards, his acute senses picked up the struggle occurring ahead - A large, hairy creature surrounded by those goblin monsters from earlier was clutching a small humanoid in it's hand, gloating as it did so. It was somewhat disturbing, considering how humanoid the pixie and goblins looked in appearance. However, Marc had no time to consider the ethical implications of eating humanoid creatures - His mission was clear, and it was now obvious that light was straight ahead.

Doing his best to remain hidden, Marc slowly crawled towards the light, hoping that the creatures would be too distracted by the pixie in order to notice Marc. If they started moving towards him, he would have no choice but to run as fast as possible.
Marc Nadler

The first few days were unknowable. Primal, unrestrained instinct were what guided Marc for the first few days of his new life. He was pink, fleshy, and for the first day, completely blind. On some level he might have known that this was normal for a newborn rat, but at the time, all he cared for was securing a position on one of his mother's teats. He could feel the wriggling bodies of his siblings next to him, smell the musky yet calming scent of his mother, and feel himself grow stronger by the hour. He relied on pure instinct, nursing and cuddling closer to his siblings and mother whenever his hairless body felt the cold sting of the air. Mother occasionally left to feed, but she always returned, and was always willing to provide nourishment to the growing children. For the first 4 days, Marc fed and fattened, nearly doubling in size in an incredibly short time.

On the dawn of the 5th day, Marc realized something extraordinary - he could remember. He could think clearly, and he could consider his existence. Life wasn't solely dominated by instinct anymore, rationalization had finally begun. His form was far from normal, at least as much as he could tell in the dirty puddle he used as a mirror. He was missing fur, and while it didn't hurt, his skin was inflamed and almost looked raw. Comparatively, his siblings were normal looking - furred, quickly developing their fangs, and some were even beginning to leave the nest. Marc realized his unnatural growth - all of the rats were developing far too quickly in comparison to normal rats. He was about the same size as a normal rat, and he was only 4 days old, if his sense of time was accurate in the cave. Eventually, fatigue over took Marc, and he fed once more, before drifting to sleep.

Upon awakening, two of his siblings were gone - seemingly left the nest. Marc calmly took note, as this implied a sense of independence among the dire rats. They sought to strike out their own, not rely on others - Or, perhaps it was a survival strategy. Separate as quickly as possible in order to ensure a predator does not consume them all instantly. Either way, it seemed completely based on instinct, with no real thought put into it, if the hurried claw marks on the stone floor were anything to go off of. Marc, however, was not a normal dire rat.

Two days passed calmly, and more and more of his fellows left without a sound - usually in the dead of night. On the 7th day, he as the only one remaining, and was already nearly 3/4ths of his mother size. Marc knew that his growth was faster than his brothers and sisters - a mammals milk is the perfect diet for a growing offspring, and with them leaving so quickly, they risked malnutrition. Marc planned on staying and consuming as much as he could before he was forced away. He would not let a second chance at life go without a fight, and he needed to be able to give a good fight if he wanted to survive. However, it appeared that 7 days was beginning to annoy the mother - she growled slightly whenever Marc fed, and he quickly realized her maternal instincts were most likely temporary. As he finished feeding for the final time, in fear of the larger and obviously stronger female, Marc left his home and scouted the cave he would now live in - at least for the time being.

The first thing he found was the nearby pool - one of the most prominent and easy to reach features for the large rodent. Swiftly, Marc scanned the surface and the shore - water meant life, and life was his next meal. Small fish were visible, but with a lack of coordination, Marc did not feel confident trying to fish for his first meal. Instead, he spied the small herbs that lined the border of the water - there was a large number of them, and they were the easiest meal he could find. The fact they grew in the depths of the cave, with the only light being faint and in the distance was suspicious, however. It wasn't until a small, gelatinous sphere moved over a patch, assimilating it into the creatures being, that Marc was convinced. If it grew in the Dire Rat's environment, and was clearly edible to some species, then more likely than not, it was edible for the dire rat. Quickly, Marc devoured as much as he could possibly stomach.

After gorging himself, Marc filled his mouth with the herb and attempted to carry as much as he possible could - the strategy was far more effective than it should have been, most likely due to the fact that the Dire Rat was a rodent, and seemed to possess a cheek pouch. Marc quickly realized how energized he felt, full of life - he was free from restrictions for the first time. No taxes, no responsibilities, simply him learning to carve his own way into the future.

...No, that could wait. Marc had to grow as fast as possible, and once he reached adulthood, he could begin his journey to the demon king. There was a loud popping sound as the slime, whom Marc had carelessly forgotten, launched a rock at a smaller, floating light. Marc immediately hissed in surprise, and only barely managed to suppress the urge to run. It appeared dire rats, like their normal counterparts, preferred flight over fight. Marc kept himself alert, ready to leave as soon as violence started going down. After all, he could always come back to the pool later - it was an excellent source of water and food, and predators couldn't stay around it forever.

It was just as the adrenaline started pumping that his Beast Senses went into overdrive - he saw a small, green humanoid, crouching only a few dozen feet away. Slowly stalking into the grass, Marc hoped that his hiss did not alert the others to his presence.
I don't have strong feelings one way or the other.

Interactions: @TheHangedMan@Indra

Gabriel soon opened the drawer, and Henry quickly filled the contents examining it for any holes where wasps could escape - luckily, there didn't seem to be any, and he quickly placed all of his possessions inside of the drawer, before commanding back the other wasps he had sent into the forests - They would start forming the nest inside of the drawer.

Henry considered helping Gabriel unpack the lighter parts of her luggage, but before he suggested it, another student arrived - presumably, another roommate. She was wearing a strip of cloth around her face, and Henry was perplexed when he realized it covered her eyes - didn't she need those to see? Henry could look through all of his wasps eyes, so he didn't really experience any problems like lack of vision. Perhaps her Alteration gave her advanced sight?

Henry eliminated this possibility, as the girl threw her luggage at Gabriel, who was already seething in anger. Henry quickly grew distressed, realizing that an altercation could be underway if he did not find a way to diffuse the situation. Gabriel spoke in what was clearly a calm tone of voice, but Henry was disturbed by what she said - there was definitely a conflict brewing, and Henry couldn't have a fight happen on the first day of school. Quickly, he tried to find a way to calm everyone down.

"Greeting. Name not known. I am Henry - You?"

There - A kind greeting was always the right way to get people in a cheery mood - this, along with the suggestion to go to the cafeteria may allow them to bond.
These guys alright?

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