Avatar of Duoya


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4 mos ago
Current Graduation has happened - I am no longer a teacher. Won't have to work 12 hour days + weekends anymore, so maybe I'll actually have enough time for hobbies.
6 mos ago
I sound like a broken record, but only 2 months left till I'm done teaching. Not sure what's next, but it feels like anything would pay more and be less stressful lol
9 mos ago
Only 6 more months till the school years over. If I renew my contract, someone kill me lmao.
2 yrs ago
Teacher update: I feel like a villain from a cartoon. The laughter of teenagers gives me migraines, and I no longer feel guilt when giving bad grades to kids that sleep through my lessons.
2 yrs ago
First day as a Biology Teacher tomorrow - hopefully the kids will be able to read my handwriting.


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As the shadows rapidly began to dwindle due to the combined effort of the people gathered there, Luke quickly realized the abilities and controls of Xingtian. It was almost instinctual, ordering him to move around, and the name for certain attacks leaped to his mind with incredible ease, far easier than the word "Persona" had come to him. In a few minutes at most, the entirety of the shadows were decimated, dissipating into puddles of black goo or exploding in clouds of black dust, before disappearing in a matter of seconds. The scene itself was surreal.

The rabbit began another one of his tangents that Luke, as usual, ignored. All the running had tired him greatly, and swinging the heavy axe was no easier on him physically, even if the weapon felt natural in his hands. He'd simply ignore the rabbit and just copy what the group did - he had already given up the hope that this was a dream, and simply wanted to go back to his normal life as quickly as possible.

It was only when most of the children had entered the tree that Luke finally realized what the hell was happening. As he quickly made his way to the tree, he spent several seconds looking for an entrance, before simply walking into what he thought was a solid mass.

The area they had entered was dark, completely devoid of sound besides the sounds of the waves by the beach, and the labored breathing of Luke and the rest of the group. When the massive insect that was referred to as "the caterpillar" revealed himself, Luke was already readying his axe to slam into the creature's flesh - until it started speaking. Luke still held the axe in front of him, ready to strike or summon Xingtian at a moment's notice - the creature, while intelligent, was speaking incredibly loudly, and it's size alone was already intimidating to the tired Luke.

As the Caterpillar described their mission, and the use of the trees, Luke realized the gravity of the situation - more than one kid has already died, and it was almost certain that more would follow. Luke was stronger than most kids his age, but he had never been in a life or death situation in his life - the closest he ever got was when a classmate pulled a knife on Luke in a fight. This was far, far worse by comparison, like trying to compare a slap to a bullet wound. Quickly, Luke called out, doing his best to hide his tired and scared mood with a deep voice.

"H-hey, these 'World Trees' - Can we use them to get home? We're not really supposed to stay here until we find these key things, are we? What about our families!?"

Luke couldn't help his voice from rising near the end as he grew angry - no, pissed off. What about Luke's mom? What about all the caretakers at his home? Were they just going to find him in a coma or something?

Luke's hand rested at his side now, but the hand gripping it was white from his strong grip. If he was lucky, these trees would be a way out of this horrible nightmare, a way to leave these people behind.
Afraid I'm gonna have to drop out too - I don't really like Overlord that much and tried making an exception here, but work has made making time for my RP's pretty difficult lately.
Still need to work on Background, Personality, and formatting, but should be finished by tomorrow.

The skeleton himself fell quickly, decaying into the same black matter as the rest of the dungeon's inhabitants as Klou delivered the killing blow. The skeleton dropped three items - a crystal, similar to the ones that the goblins had previously dropped, albeit significantly larger, and two arm bones. Leaving the division of loot to Klou, the pair chatted temporarily, before they continued throughout the dungeon.

By the time they left, the pair were laden with bagfuls of crystals, which May was positively beaming over. This much was sure to afford a decent meal! If she had some left over, she could even start saving some in case she got sick and couldn't go into the dungeon. May quickly glanced at Klou, before deciding to head straight to the guildhouse. It had been a long day, and the faster she cashed in the crystals and had her status updated, the faster she could get home and spend time with Mom and Dad. If Klou came, she would probably make decent company.

Klou was too busy counting her crystals to really make good talk either way.
Overlord isn't my favorite series of all time, but I'd be happy to join up on this!
Dirk Davidson

Health: 3000/3000
Mana: 1300/1300

Interactions: None

Theo woke up late on the Tenth day. It was already 11:00 AM by the time he rose from bed, and it was already 11:30 once he finished his same, monotonous morning rituals. He had missed the meeting of the guilds, but in all honesty, he didn't really care. That sort of thing really wasn't something that interested Theo.

Theo quickly made his way over to Hans and Julia, eager to partake in the festivities. It was the perfect distraction from what he had been realized yesterday.

"Congratulations - you guys get to hang out with me of all people for the Solar Festival! Now hurry up and get ready, the festival starts in only 30 minutes, and we need to have as much fun as possible."

Julia was very animated in her eagerness to respond, quickly setting down the empty tray she was returning to the kitchen.

"I can't believe it's so late already! I need to take a bath, fix my hair, grab some spending money, change into nicer clothes-"

Hans interrupted her as she rattled off the various preparatory activities she still needed to finish before she could have nay fun at the festival.

"You also need to clam down. The festival lasts all day, there's no reason to rush into it and end up with nothing left to do by the end of the day."

Julia groaned so realistically, that Theo had to remind himself that these two were lines of code and not real, genuine people.

"You say that, but I know you're itching to close shop for the day and have fun like everyone else."

"We can't have fun without you there Hans - You're the coolest guy I know!"

Theo didn't really know what would be sadder - if he was lying to one of the people he felt closest too in the game or, the more likely possibility, he was telling the truth and Hans was the coolest person he knew in the game. Hans appeared deep in thought for several seconds before sighing.

"Alright, Alright - I'd be lying if I wasn't excited to spend the day outside of the old inn. I'll take you up on your offer, Theo."

Julia must have told Hans about Theo's name - well, he probably would have told him the truth anyways. It was a little hard to explain, but the fact that they weren't "Real" people made them... easier to talk to? Or maybe Theo just didn't like people from the real world as much. Whatever the case, by Noon, the trio had exited the Inn, eager to partake in the celebrations going on.

It was a passing thought, initially, but Theo hadn't seen the barkeep there that morning - Theo never really interacted with him since he did not drink, but it was most certainly rude of him to take away his coworkers during the festival, without even inviting him. Theo resigned to introduce himself, and to offer to take him around the city as well.
Interested - calling dibs on a taijutsu specialist!

May quickly struck the skeleton several times in the head, the dagger making a rather poor bashing weapon compared to the other options... The futility of the slashing weapon made her regret only bringing a single weapon with her. After the second or third hit, the skeleton's screaming rose in volume, and cracks rapidly began to splinter from the center. She would have even seen the chip fall from the skull, had the skeleton not knocked her feet away in a single hit.

The blow landed May on the ground prone, and the air in her lungs was completely gone, leaving her gasping for air as she rose to her feet. The skeleton itself was slowly dragging itself towards her, in the same unbecoming speed that it had when it approached the pair earlier. May held her dagger in front of her, her attempting to assert some sort of defense against the skeleton's surprising strength.

Until Klou immediately attempted to bash the creature's skull in, her fists smashing into the skeleton's skull with heavy force
The group exited into the humorously-named forest, they awaited the rest of the small group, before following the rabbit once more. Luke quickly began to notice a theme of this dream - if it was a dream at this point, he honestly didn't think he could dream up something this crazy on his own. The group continued on the trail, before being stopped once more by the rabbit.

Luke nearly groaned, until the cause of the stop was revealed. The sound of mostly female laughter filled the air, high-pitched and somewhat annoying. Several voices resonated through the surrounding trees, and as each hurled another insult or rude comment, Luke's incredible fear slowly diminished, replaced by a slowly growing anger. Heh, it seemed that being pissed off was a theme for him in a place like this. The blast of wind from the final yell managed to chill the flames of anger, but underneath the rediscovered fear was clear annoyance.

Another woman began to speak, and her cool and polite tone of voice briefly reminded Luke of his mother - she always adopted a similar tone whenever they had company, especially someone from Luke's school or a member of the board of directors for the company. As Luke noticed the others reach for their weapons, he just remembered the weight of the axe in his hand, quickly moving to hold it in both hands. He trusted the weight and sharpness a hell of a lot more than some dumb watch.

The familiar voice of the Dorm Mouse was luckily heard cutting through the cacophony of voices, and Luke was simply glad that someone he knew and didn't dislike very much was there. Her relaxed and defiant nature towards the opposing voices was very intriguing, and the fact that she was willing to risk her skin for people she didn't know was something that Luke wish he could do - he wanted to be able to be a big damn hero like that, stay behind and save everyone.

The thoughts of the man who was burned to a crisp from earlier immediately shut down this inspiration, reminding Luke of his position. He just had to wake up and escape this dreamland as fast as possible. Luke followed the white rabbit and Alice, who apparently elected herself the de facto leader. Luke didn't really mind this, especially considering he only wanted to leave the voices that were previously discussing the groups deaths as quickly as possible.

Normally, the short distance that the group had run would not tire Luke in the slightest, but he was far too tired from earlier. At the rate he was going, he'd end up with a cramp or something. This thought was dismissed as black goo dominated the area around the group, their faces being obscured by masks and being in a variety of strange and... not very menacing forms. Luke was only fearful from how bizarre the situation was, and was quick to slash at the nearest puddle's mask.

... However, just like the boy who attacked a few seconds before Luke, the blade of the axe cleanly moved through the puddle, not dealing the slightest bit of damage.

The leader, Alice, was the first to "Awaken" - she quickly displayed a very high aptitude with her pocket watch - A sentence that Luke never thought he would think in his life. However, cynical and dickish remarks were hard to make when something so amazing was underway. Luke only managed to see her slightly, before a beam of light erupted from the watch in her hand and he had to shield his eyes. As he looked away from the light's brilliance, he felt intense winds roar past him, slamming into one of the monkey-like shadows nearby, and a mouth shadow flew towards the person who caused this.

"Jesus Christ, I thought the watch thing was a joke! That's bad ass!"

As the others in the group quickly repeated and awakened on their own, Luke realized he probably needed to hurry as well. He only noticed a large monster of a man appear next to one of the other kids, someone even more ripped looking than Luke, and far taller to boot. If Luke was lucky, his per-whatever would be someone that looked bad ass as the big guys everyone else was summoning. Gripping the watch in his hand, Luke did as the white rat said earlier - focusing on a single thought, a single ideal. Luke only had one thought - the creed he lived his life by since he got out of that damn hospital bed he lost his childhood in. He'd make up for lost time, he'd do anything it took to be better than others in living his life. He'd never give up and go back to being a person who lived their lives completely motionless - he'd never give up on something he tried as long as he could still stand.

"FAILURE! How dare you hesitate!? Doth thou wish to remain a simple rusted spearhead?! Doth thou wish to allow all thou has worked for and trained for to be a waste of effort?!"

The voice was internal, all in his head - but at the same time, it was the most real thing he had ever heard in his life.

"No... I ain't going to die in a place named Butter Daisy Forest, no way in hell."

"HA! A warrior never dies, even when he is shredded to pieces! You are far from a real warrior, but even a rusty spearhead can shine with hard work and effort - so to can a weakling like you grow! Call me forth and grasp thine destiny!"

The lid of the watch closed with ease, and the word that Luke had hardly heard earlier were quietly leaving his lips as if it was the most natural thing on earth.

"P... Persona..."

The burst of light was nowhere near as long as Alice's, more of a brief spark - a lighter flame in the wind, or the flicking of a light switch. Standing before Luke was a man of nearly 9 feet in height, with a far above average muscular build. He lacked a head, and the Axe he held was almost as large as Luke's entire body.

"Thou art I, and I am Thou! From the sea of thy Soul I cometh! Thou has permission to use my skills in battle - allow me to turn the rusted spear into a weapon fit for a Chariot!"

As his companions tore through shadows all around him, Luke couldn't help but allow his mind to fill with a single word, the name of the spirit standing before him. Xingtian

Almost as if driven by an external will, Luke immediately looked for another shadow, one that wasn't being killed by the surrounding humans. To his joy, there was clearly two of the Slimes near the outer part of the conflict, seemingly dazed by the repeated flashes of bright lights and colors. Rushing forwards, Luke slammed his axe into the mask of the first one, before attempting to cleave the second in two.

The pain in his legs, once a throbbing and overwhelming sensation, was now nearly nonexistent. If this was that "True Self" crap the Rat was talking about, Luke could get used to it.
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