Avatar of Duoya


Recent Statuses

4 mos ago
Current Graduation has happened - I am no longer a teacher. Won't have to work 12 hour days + weekends anymore, so maybe I'll actually have enough time for hobbies.
6 mos ago
I sound like a broken record, but only 2 months left till I'm done teaching. Not sure what's next, but it feels like anything would pay more and be less stressful lol
9 mos ago
Only 6 more months till the school years over. If I renew my contract, someone kill me lmao.
2 yrs ago
Teacher update: I feel like a villain from a cartoon. The laughter of teenagers gives me migraines, and I no longer feel guilt when giving bad grades to kids that sleep through my lessons.
2 yrs ago
First day as a Biology Teacher tomorrow - hopefully the kids will be able to read my handwriting.


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Will post today or tomorrow.
As Victor managed to finish his second overwhelming plate of food, Micheal decided to lurch on over in... a straight jacket. Victor personally would never be caught dead in something so appalling, and the struggled movements and voice coming from the young man seemed to support the idea that the robot was hard to control.

"Hey bud - no offense, but that is not a very good look for ya."

That was what Victor intended to say. However, with the eighth sausage in his mouth, it sounded more like.

"Ha bu - noh offese, bu tha is no a vry goo look fo yoo."

Another person came shortly after Michael arrived, but unfortunately, they were not a cute girl. Instead, Jack walked by and started up some friendly conversation. Nice of him to do that, but Victor was still focused on stuffing his face. He was tired after working out in the morning, so refueling was his excuse for eating as much as the cooks would give him. The consumption of his last egg was stopped, however, by the sudden blaring of an alarm.

"This is Piloqutinnguaq! We have a Code Red! A monster is currently on its way to Tokyo! I repeat, a monster is on its way to Tokyo! Its arrival time is very soon! All MAX FIRE operatives must attend to their stations! Deployment has been approved! Command has been transferred to Drs Meredith and Kougami! All MAX FIRE operatives must attend to their stations!"

Cold fear ran through Victor's body. Goddammit... That was the one bad part about the job. The monsters that stalked and slaughtered mankind, which he was supposedly one of the last forms of defense against. There was a reason Victor wanted the lower module - it could go underground, and Victor rarely directly fought a monster. Victor made his way to the holding bay for the Lower Module, moving perhaps a little slower than his other Operatives. When he climbed in the familiar, comfortable interior, he finally allowed himself to break the calm demeanor.

"Shit, shit, shit, it's okay, it's okay. You're cool, you're the best around... That's right, you're an awesome dude, Victor... sigh"

The Sharur moved faster than it's size would suggest, and it was even faster once it drilled into the earth outside the hanger. Sharur was one of the slowest modules, but the security of being able to dig under threats was more than a good tradeoff for Victor.
It was almost amusing how everything suddenly stopped. In one instant, the light seemed to trail together before vanishing, leaving the area slightly darker and much less chaotic. The growing stopped near instantly, and as Hayim allowed himself to crawl through into the real world, he did not manage to detect the aura that was once so pervasive with his very being. In fact, Hayim did not even need to try and feel for the presence to know that it was gone - the growth of the plants had completely halted, and while the forest remained, the trees were no longer racing towards the heavens. Hayim sulked around the perimeter of the great tree, cautious to avoid touching it again and possibly restarting the process that activated the spire in the first place.

As Hayim's body slowly shrunk, he noticed the trees that were warped slightly, baring the twisted and malformed faces that were once humans. Hayim, or course, was displeased with this. He rushed towards the being, only realizing what it was when he was a few feet in front of it.

It was the same Human that had given it a ride to the World Tree's branches. The young god wrapped his significantly smaller limbs around the trunk and cried out to it.

"Humie! Hayim no hurt by spire anymore, now Hayim can help you!"

Hayim proceeded to draw upon his well of divine essence - it was already starved from his voyage in the aura of the spire, but Hayim was ready to scrape everything left in order to help the people of the forest. He was already pouring some of his essence into the man in an attempt to revert the process that the spire used to pervert his form.

Thanks to his exhaustion, Hayim was barely aware of the divine cord that laid dormant in the tree. The pod that bore the young girl, despite being well within Hayim's view, was completely ignored - the god did not know that a human was inside, and his goal first and foremost was to help the people who were forcibly altered into trees.
Sorry for being a little late, post is halfway done and will be out by tomorrow.




Luckily Mass Aggravate, like usual, worked flawlessly. It drew nearly all the remaining goblins to strike at him once or twice, eliciting several pained grunts and moans with each successful hit. When they were done beating him into submission, they thankfully focused on Karuu, the other primary tank in the group. As Dennis watched his health bar drop rapidly and the pain in his unguarded arm radiated out, he started wishing that he hadn't lost his shield in the first few minutes of the fight.

But there was no time to dwell on that.

Dennis seemed oblivious to the introduction of two new members to the fight - his attention instead was diverted to the rapid relief spreading through his body as Naomi healed him, his health bar climbing up to a much more respectable level. Dennis immediately recast Mass Aggravate when the cooldown finished and followed up with a standard attack on Brute 4.

Mass Aggravate
Standard attack on Brute 4
Will try and post tomorrow.




It was really good that Dennis managed to draw most of the Goblin's attention. Bad news, unfortunatly, was that his one of his best defensive pieces of equipment was destroyed. That kinda made him a little upset, but he quikly forgot about it as he was dogpiled, his health bar plummeting as clubs smacked into his unprotected body. Luckily, pain was much easier to deal with when you were assured that you were going to be able to pull through it, Dennis trusting his durability even without a shield to guard him.

The Resolve Passive helped a lot with that as well, but Dennis was drawing his attention to the retreating goblins. As River and Naomi casted their spells and began to refill his healthbar, Dennis decided against using Even the Odds. Radiating Challenge was still on cooldown, but Dennis popped off Mass Aggravate as soon as it was available.

Or, he tried. Most of his actions were locked off for some reason, and it took several seconds until they were unlocked again. Was that what the stunned condition did?

As Cecilia danced around the brutes, Dennis was very glad that he didn't have to deal with enemies like her. Her raw agility and dodging made her seem so... annoying to fight. Hopefully that wouldn't encourage the Brutes to attack her when Dennis' aggravate wore off. Dennis completly ignored Karuu's attacks, instead focusing on tanking the next round of hits.

Wait for Stun status to disapear
Mass Aggravate

Edwin, unfortunately, did not manage to speak with the pale man again - He never spoke up to respond to the young man, and Edwin was seriously hoping that his attention to the three figures had been seen as rude. Still, it was hard to be upset when he was being talked to by the Blanchette Rouge! The stomp that precluded her speech was familiar in its extreme force - Uncle Jason's familiar had a similar tendency of accidentally making incredibly loud noises, so Edwin jumped a lot less than many of his fellow initiates. Ms. Rouge went on to clearly and consciously explain the fundamentals of the Red Hoods, as well as how the Initiates will progress in status. Ms. Rouge was such a good public speaker - Edwin nearly screamed when she got close enough for him to reach out to her! He didn't though, screaming would be really rude.

The fact that Ms. Rogue said that they wanted to tame monsters was especially relieving - That was what Edwin's magic was all about, after all! Still, the look that she gave the older pale man was a bit concerning. Maybe she didn't like that he was so heavily armored, even though he was a recruit? If that was the case, Edwin was glad she hadn't seen his Dagger - that was Edwin's most prized possession, and he really didn't want her to not like him because he had a weapon to start out with. By the time she finished her speech, Chamos had crawled back onto Edwin's sleeve, and the young man began to follow the crowd of initiates towards their future living quarters.

Mr. Dougal was such an interesting man! Apparently, he was in charge of the initiates who were forced to be here if what Edwin's guard said was true, and Ms. Rouge trusted him enough to have him lead the future Yellow Hoods. If he ever got the extra time, Edwin thought that asking him how he got that scar would lead to an amazing story! Unfortunately, he would have to wait to ask, as one of his fellow initiates began to give a speech to her companions - it was fun until she started using magic to release people. Didn't she hear Mr. Dougal when he said to 'do what he says and there wouldn't be a problem?' And the kind guard that led Edwin here seemed quite sure that you were supposed to keep the shackles on until an official removed them. She seemed fairly knowledgeable about the supernatural - other than the fact that she mistook Edwin for a summoner! Summoning and Binding were complimentary schools of magic, but Edwin was raised to be the Binder for his Cabal - His father was already the Summoner!

When she released his shackles, Edwin quickly put them back on, not allowing her to grab them - He appreciated her thinking about his comfort, but the last thing he wanted to do was be on Mr. Dougal's bad side. He'd have to thank her in private later... Maybe during the trial!

'Are you a fahckin idiot, kid?! That was a good chance to get out of these shits and ya blew it! Am I lyin!?'

'Sorry Chamos, but I don't think Mr. Dougal would be happy about us walking around without the chains they graciously gave us...'

Edwin chose to ignore the string of swears that followed since his Dad said swearing was icky and bad. Instead, he focused on everyone introducing themselves! Ms. Eliza seemed like a very nice lady! She was whispering with Ms. O'Shay, so they seemed to be close - maybe they were friends! That would make bonding much easier. Both her and Ms. O'shay being spellcasters was a comforting sight, and it helped ease the sense of homesickness that Edwin was feeling since he left.

Mr. Whitlock seemed nice if a bit Prudent. That was a good thing, Edwin's mom taught him what that word meant a few weeks ago! Edwin really hoped that the man's urgency to get to his room wasn't because he wanted to ignore them - Edwin wanted to get to know everyone over a warm bowl of porridge and he didn't want Mr. Whitlock to think they all can't be friends.

Mr. Dragomir, on the other hand, was a bit darker than Edwin initially thought when he bumped into him. Edwin blushed a little when he realized that Mr. Dragomir was staring at Ms. Eliza. Edwin agreed that she was a pretty lady, but didn't they just meet? T-that was a little l-lewd...

Mr. Fendral seemed very honest! Although Edwin would need to ask what he meant by rumors - Edwin was a bit unknowledgeable about the outside world, so the boy didn't really know much about anyone's families other than his own. Still, Mr. Fendral seemed a bit too young to have white hair - Uncle Jason had salt-and-pepper hair, and he was 46! At the very least, Edwin wasn't alone in the desire to follow orders, as Mr. Fendral also wanted to be rechained.

Edwin released a brief sound of fear and surprise when he saw the Brown-haired man pointing an arrow at Mr. Dragomir. What the hel- HECK. What the heck was this man doing!? Mr. Dragmir didn't do anything wrong! Unless... Did this man have his eye on Ms. Eliza, and was upset when Mr. Dragomir was staring at her? That was NO excuse to threaten him with an arrow! Moving as quickly as he could, Edwin tackled into Mr. Dragomir, attempting to knock him to the floor.

Of course, it did nothing. Mr. Dragomir probably had a solid 100 pounds over Edwin, and he was in full plate armor. Still, Edwin flipped around and used his body to try and block the path of the arrow to Mr. Dragomir's body.

"P-please don't fight! Can't we all be friends?!"

Almost instantly after he asked that, the other man wearing plate armor pulled out his sword and held it to Ms. O'Shay's neck! WHAT THE FU- Frick. What the frick!? It was a good sign that he was listening to Mr. Dougal, but that was still no reason to nearly cut off a woman's head! Women are supposed to be treated delicately, so the fact that the Armored man was so eager to assault her was a bit uncouth!

Edwin wouldn't be able to stop both the Archer and the Armored man at the same time, without putting Chamos at risk of being squashed, so he simply stood in his position directly in front of Mr. Dragomir and prayed that Mr. Dougal would stop this.




It was lucky that Denis was not the type to grow frustrated, because Cecilia running face first into a situation that could easily kill her has happened more times than he was comfortable allowing. As she jumps past one of the shamans, Dennis finally managed to close the distance between himself and the closest brute, who was thankfully focused on Cecilia having sidestepped him. When he was close enough to have every goblin within his range, he used his Mass Aggravate to get their attention and give Cecilia a chance to get out of the situation.

Dennis followed up with a Radiating Challenge toward one of the unharmed Brutes. The shamans were more interesting, but they probably had spells that could target their allies - at a glance, the brutes seemed almost entirely focused on DPS, so directing as much of it as possible towards himself was beneficial. Dennis gripped his shield, hoping that the barrage of attacks hitting him wouldn't get through all of his armor.

Hopefully, his mana would last through the combat until he could get some Chakra magic...

Run up to nearest Brute
Mass Aggravate
Radiating Challenge on Goblin Brute 3
Victor quickly ran the towel over his face, eager to wipe away the droplets of sweat that clung to his head. He was pretty lucky, all things considered - he got into a position that dozens, if not hundreds had applied for on accident, and he was making more money than he ever could as a janitor. Not to mention, he got free room and board, health insurance, and access to the gym whenever he wanted. That was where his first visit in the mornings was, and the reason he started waking up at 5 AM. A hard hour long workout, a long and relaxing shower, some time to steal some food from the mess hall, and still having a bit of extra time to hit on the ladies!

It didn't hurt that most of his companions were morning people. Victor always enjoyed having company.

When he finally got back to his room, he started his shower - he finally got to the point where he didn't feel like dying when the cold water hit him. Apparently, cold showers were healthier for you, according to the free health magazines they leave in the lobby. And anything was better than going back to steroids. By the time he finished his shower and checked himself out in the mirror, Victor was feeling ready to start his day right!

First up, going to the mess hall. Protein is best used as soon as you finish your workout, so Victor wanted to load up on all he could for breakfast. Not to mention, burning off the extra calories meant he could splurge a little, maybe have a few extra eggs. If he was lucky, he could find Ms. P and try his hand at wooing her again - 32nd times the charm! Unfortunately, no one of interest was in the mess hall by the time he got there.

Interest meant chicks, there were no chicks there this early in the morning.

Resigning himself to a solitary lunch, Victor quickly collected a meal fit for two men before sitting at an abandoned table. The speed with which he began to wolf it down was only rivaled by the nonchalance everyone else was treating him with - to them, this was a daily occurrence. Given the size of his plate, as well as the obvious fact that he needed to get seconds, it appeared like Victor was going to be there for a while.
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