Avatar of Duoya


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3 mos ago
Current Graduation has happened - I am no longer a teacher. Won't have to work 12 hour days + weekends anymore, so maybe I'll actually have enough time for hobbies.
6 mos ago
I sound like a broken record, but only 2 months left till I'm done teaching. Not sure what's next, but it feels like anything would pay more and be less stressful lol
9 mos ago
Only 6 more months till the school years over. If I renew my contract, someone kill me lmao.
2 yrs ago
Teacher update: I feel like a villain from a cartoon. The laughter of teenagers gives me migraines, and I no longer feel guilt when giving bad grades to kids that sleep through my lessons.
2 yrs ago
First day as a Biology Teacher tomorrow - hopefully the kids will be able to read my handwriting.


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Tough tossup between an AI Buracracy or a Buggy Agricultural people, but considering we have mostly only had Fleshies make up the demographics (except for the Cybe for Raygon), I'll probably go with AI.
There still room to join? I’m very interested!
Number 7 turned out to be the blond, which Ryan was somewhat glad for. He felt that the blond was probably the person who could take the cut the easiest. Of course, that was probably expecting too much out of a stranger he hardly knew. Number 2, instead of taking the cut himself, simply grabbed the blade and started checking each of the group for Number 2. When he didn't find them, he elected to throw open the single, unopened coffin that remained in the room with the group. The wound was superficial, but it was certainly far too sudden for Ryan to feel comfortable with it.

Number 2 wasn't comfortable with it either. He looked defensive, as any sane person would be, and began talking to Number 7 in a low tone.

"I don't have any money, but you can tell me what you want, instead of hurting me again. I won't resist."

That was unsettling. If Ryan was suddenly being attacked, he would probably have yelled instead of calmly addressing the situation. It was clear that Number 2 was nervous, but he was very well-kept despite that. The messy-haired Asian girl, who Ryan now knew was Number 6, questioned Number 2 on his choice of staying in his coffin. It was odd, but considering his eyes were initially closed when 7 Opened it, Ryan assumed that he simply hadn't awoken yet. It made sense - some people were just more susceptible to drugs than others, so whatever substance the King used to kidnap them... Well, Number 2 probably didn't agree with it very well.

Another metallic Screech echoed throughout the room. This time, Number 7 answered the dumbwaiter. Ryan's blood ran cold when he saw the cards and rusty pliers. It hurt Ryan a little to realize how much relief he felt when neither of the players designated by the king were him. Number 5 was the first to begin following orders.

She screamed as she pulled her pinky nail off. Ryan wasn't disturbed in the slightest by the gore - although, it was nowhere near as appetizing when the owner of the flesh was still alive. Rather, he was pierced by her screams. They reverberated around he house violently, demanding the attention of everyone involved in this game.

Number 1 seemed to care much less about the ordeal. She picked up the rusty pliers that Number 5 threw at her feet, and began to talk to the others, the first time she had opened her mouth since awakening.

"The easiest way to win a game is not to play, the fastest way out would be to draw lots and just kill from there. One in seven the king ends up winning, one in seven that everyone else survives, five in seven that a few people survive. If I die from it, so be it."

What got Ryan however, was the final thing she said, before reaching the pliers into her mouth and pulling out a canine.

"You wouldn't get arrested for something like that, either. Extenuating circumstances."

Ryan was far from innocent. He ate human flesh regularly, whether recently deceased or buried or frozen a few weeks ago. He even had a freezer in his basement to make the whole process more efficient. But even then, Ryan had only ever thought of killing once - and it was to kill his recent ex, Jennifer. It disturbed him that he found killing these strangers, a group where he only knew the real name of one of them, was a more unnerving thought that killing someone he shared a bed with. Maybe because these people were the same as Ryan - innocent people stuck in trying circumstances.

Even with rationalizing things like that, Ryan still felt horrible that he didn't offer the tooth necklace he had to Number 1. He just couldn't risk contaminating it... If he got out of here alive than the only physical evidence that Ryan was kidnapped at all would be these teeth - especially if they had printed on them, or some were taken from Dennis.

"T-that's... That's Cruel!"

Ryan had to say something - some of these characters already seemed a little strange, especially considering they were so eager to carry out the commands. Didn't they read the rules? The players had three hours to complete an order! Unless 'all orders' meant every order until they were all dead, and not each one...

"L-look... I'm just saying, don't you think that's... a bit much? We don't even know if one of us is the King! The dumbwaiter comes down from above, so wouldn't that mean he's upstairs?"

Ryan turned towards the destroyed staircase. If it was possible to climb up there, it would take an incredible amount of time and effort... If it was possible at all. Ryan decided to continue, doing his best to try and not make himself look more like the King than he already did.

"I mean... We have three hours to complete an Order, right? L-let's say the King is down here - He probably wouldn't target himself, right? We have three hours until we need to do anything drastic, we can think this over calmly..."

He didn't like her suggestion very much, but Ryan had to admit - if he felt any people weren't the King, it would have to be Number 1 or 5. They both sacrificed a body part... Even if it's small, that's no meager feat. Ryan hoped the others weren't as disturbing as he was starting to think they were - would they think killing one another would be okay? Even if it risked an innocent person's life?
Will post sometime this Tuesday, probably when I get off work.
The woman was a lot more... talkative, then the children had been. Not that Torran really minded - his mother had always commented on what a good listener he was, and Torran felt people could always vent about their day if it made them feel better. It wasn't like he had much to say anyways - he was simply happy to finally have found a way to enter a Familia! He chose to listen to what the Mother had to say, occasionally offering an 'I see' or an 'Uh-huh' where it felt appropriate. He was especially happy whenever the gossip led towards how fair and just the Athena familia was, which he was being taken to. That was great to hear! After all, what kind of heroic adventurer would be a part of a Familia that was stingy with a hard-working woman's pay?

"Well, here we are. Thank you again for bringing my miscreants home, and even more thanks for carrying all that by yourself. You're a good soul, sir. I'm sure that Lady Athena will be happy to welcome you."

Torran beamed.

"It was no problem, ma'am! I'm just doing what I can to help!"

It was great to hear that the Mother thought Torran had a good chance of getting into the Familia - Torran didn't really have any other clues to go off of, and finding another pair of children to lead him to someone who knew a Familia would probably be a bit trickier the second time around.

"So, uhm... Is there anything I can give you as payment for all you've done? We don't have much but... I can give you some of the pay I'll get here, if you want."

The thought of getting money was pretty nice - the only money Torran ever had was the meager amount he got from his allowance, or from when his father felt bad for getting into one of his 'moods' and wanted to make it up to Torran. Still, Torran managed to make the connection that the woman and her children were far from well off, and it would be impossible to take money from them in clear conscience.

"What are you talking about? This is more than award enough! Getting the chance to join a Familia - and not just any Familia, but one you hold so highly? This is the perfect reward for an Adventurer's first quest!"

Torran fixed his grip slightly on the basket of laundry, leaving one of his hands free. He walked over to the door of Warrior's Rest, and rapped the door a few times, before awkwardly waiting for it to open with a basket of laundry in his hands.
Ken Ozawa

Ken Ozawa was not like most teenagers his age - rather than spend his time in his room or hanging out with friends, he was currently sitting outside a convenience store with a cheap ice cream bar he bought. Ken was working on his math homework, which was more advanced than the work at his old school. It also probably felt more advanced because he was seriously trying to work on it for once - at his old school, he was far more focused on working at his job and rarely did his homework, or at most copied it from people he sat near before class started. But now, with no job to take up his time and no hobbies, Ken found himself putting serious effort into his education for once.

He was eager to do something more interesting and took a break as soon as he felt a slight pulling on his sleeve. Nothing was there - at least, nothing Ken could see. He wasn't sure what the force was - it had suddenly started manifesting itself a few days prior. While something like this was a bit concerning at first, you'd be surprised how fast you could get used to such an overtly supernatural effect. Normally it was very weak, to the point that Ken would barely notice it was present. It was the same right now, but Ken allowed himself to turn towards where the force pulled him. He did the same thing over the time he had it, and it had only really ever benefitted him.

A short distance away, in the slowly darkening sky, Ken noticed what appeared to be a light floating high in the air. Ken took a few seconds to realize it wasn't the sun - maybe a drone or some sort of public display? All the same, the force had done as he asked and showed him a method to pass the time more smoothly. Ken began to walk his way towards the light, not even noticing the ever so slight pull of his power directing him towards it.

It didn't take long for Ken to realize how horrible of a mistake he made. When he finally entered the park, where the light seemed to originate from, there was something that Ken had never seen in his entire life. A bipedal creature resembling some kind of Arthropod was bursting out of the ground to attack some guy around Ken's age. Ken quickly turned to leave, assuming he was intruding on the set of some movie. It made sense anyways - there was another girl who had a sword made of fire and another man with what appeared to be an ink brush. It took a second for Ken to realize that the special effects were a little too advanced here - didn't people use computers to add in the environment and the monsters to the movies? And the area looked was being destroyed pretty violently...

What convinced Ken was his powers - the force that he had felt the last few days was far stronger, at least thrice as powerful as it was a few minutes prior. And it was still pulling him directly towards that giant monster.

Normally, Ken would leave a situation like this immediately. However, this was the first time he had noticed his powers acting up like this. If he knew where his powers came from, and more importantly, how they could suddenly get so powerful... Well, Ken had quite a few ideas on how to use his strengthened force far more effectively.

Ken kept his distance from the monster, focusing inside of himself. A small barrier of light appeared near him before flickering away when he lost focus. He had other powers besides that force... Well, he only noticed them now since it was so much easier to use these powers right now for some reason. Ken eventually elected to stay away from the fight and jump in if the other guys needed help, or the monster seemed especially weakened - Ken felt the woman with a sword on fire and the girl with what looked like a gun were far more equipped to deal with the creature than he was.
I've also been pretty busy thanks to Midterms - post will be out tomorrow, Sunday at the latest.

Edit: Got about halfway through my post after a pretty hectic day, but it's really late where I'm at right now and I have classes tomorrow. I will probably finish the other half of my post when I get off work tomorrow.
Will get a post out sometime tomorrow!
As it turned out, Ryan was the first person to escape from the coffins. Maybe it was all the time he spent around noxious chemicals from his line of work or the fact that he was heavyset for his height from working out, but he seemed to have woken up first from whatever drug was used to keep them all asleep. He was quickly followed by others, however - whether they awoke from his voice or he had no impact on it whatsoever, it didn't make a difference.

The first to emerge after Ryan was a tall Asian girl, and she seemed to be just as nervous as Ryan was. That confirmed it - these other coffins were occupied, and the people in them were at least in a somewhat similar situation as Ryan.

"W-Who.. Did..Did you come out from there too..?"

Ryan nodded in response to the question, not speaking. It wasn't for any particular reason - it was just easier than actually voicing his confirmation. And when it came to names, Ryan felt it would probably be a bit better to wait for the others to get out of their coffins and save the effort of reintroducing himself. Ryan was nervous, and trying to keep order in this situation was the best thing he could do to stay calm. Soon, another coffin opened, and an even taller man climbed out of it. This blond guy seemed more muscular than what Ryan was used to seeing from people in public - maybe his arms could use a little work, but his shirt definitely showed his chest.

Now was not the freaking time to inspect another dude's physique - Ryan had to remind himself that he was in a life and death situation, and as soon as he did, he felt the ice in his veins return once more. This was real, or at least the pain in his injured hand made it seem that way. He had to keep that in mind - in more than a few dreams, Ryan had killed himself in order to wake up, and he didn't want to lose his sense of reality.

"Something bad must have happened to us, to find ourselves here."

The blond said something both very obvious, and very informative. Being kidnapped was unfortunate, but maybe they were kidnapped for a reason - something they did. Ryan thought about what he could have done that would have warranted kidnapping...

Well, Ryan tried, but it seemed more likely that they were picked at random. Ryan couldn't think of anything especially heinous he had done that anyone would know about - his cannibalism was a secret no one knew of... Unless his Ex found his Freexer? No, that was impossible. He'd be in jail by now if that was the case. Maybe he had said the wrong thing while drunk and pissed off some rich bozo? Whatever the case, Ryan still couldn't figure out why they were all being kidnapped.

Another Asian girl with black hair pulled herself from her coffin, but this one's hair was much less messy - pretty surprising, considering she was inside of a decrepit coffin.

"Ugh, my whole body's in pain. Why is my whole body in pain?"

"I-I don't know for sure, but I think we may have been drugged... That seems like the only way they could carve these t-things into our hands."

Ryan held up his hand, which bore the number four in angry, crimson red. The wound was fresh and considering Ryan got up fast enough that it didn't have time to coagulate, it couldn't have been older than a few hours at most. Benefits of being a Mortician, Ryan knew a little about the human body - it didn't seem possible that the kidnapper could have carved into them without some kind of anesthetic to keep them unconscious...

Ryan's line of thinking was interrupted by yet another coffin opening. It was good - the more people there were, the safer they would all be... unless the kidnapper had a gun. Another girl popped out of a seperate coffin, who didn't offer any greetings to those already awake - instead of focusing on the rules in blood. Ryan didn't mind much since the situation was pretty intimidating. It was understandable if this girl didn't want to chat with these random people she met in a place like this. Another coffin opened, and Ryan's focus shifted off of this girl.

The new arrival was another girl, and Ryan didn't even notice the more masculine traits they had. Ryan would have preferred someone who was less authoritative, but to be honest, that was at the bottem of his list of issues at the moment. He simply nodded at the girl(?) and tried not to question the fact they sampled the blood on the wall. Ryan knew it was blood the moment he saw it from his yeaers of experience being around corpses, but he never expected someone to try tasting it - hopefully the kid didn't have an open wound in his mouth, cause that blood could be carrying anything.

Then again, Ryan was in no place to say who couldn't put blood in their mouth. It wasn't too big of a deal anyways, a disease is bad, but still low on the pecking order in this situation. The last coffin remained closed, and Ryan simply assumed that no one was present inside - Riley's introduction was a little loud, considering they were very eager to get the taste of blood out of their mouth.

A soft grinding began to emenate from somehwere below, steadliy increasing in volume. It could be the kidnapper coming to kill them! Ryan's eyes immediatly shifted to his coffin - he could easily break the door off and use it as shielf, though that wouldn't really deter a bullet too much. Eventually, the grinding stopped, and the once empty dumbwaiter opening had been filled. It came down... it was sent from someone upstairs? That could mean that there were other survivors where no one could reach them... or the Kidnapper was up there...

Ryan eyed the other Players before making his way towards the dumbwaiter, trying to have a confident stride. The thing could be trapped, and the strongest people in the room were Ryan and the Blond man. If this thing was trapped, then one of them would have the easiest time dealing with it... and Ryan felt asking a guy he didn't know to check it out was a bit too much.

Once he got to the dumbwaiter, Ryan shook his arms out and hopped in place for a few seconds, before grabbing the contents of the device and pulling his hand out as fast as possible. He crumpled the notecards a little bit but quickly dropped one of the items. A sharp piece of glass with a small amount of blood clinked against the floor, but its thickness prevented it from shattering. Ryan quickly moved the cards to his uninjured hand, a slight cut on his hand lightly bleeding from where he grabbed the glass.

"Ah, Fuck! I knew it was trapped... O-oh, I'll read these cards out."

Ryan chose to read the longer card first since it seemed to be more important.

"Welcome to The King's Game. See the rules above. If you... If you all die, the King wins... If you don't want to die, kill The King?"

This was getting worse by the minute. The kidnapper, this King... he wanted to kill them? That was bit more intimidating than just Kidnapping... After a few seconds of nervous contemplation, Ryan moved onto the second card.

"King's Order... Player #2 and Player #7. One must cut, the other will bleed."

The color drained from Ryan's face as he eyed the glass. It hadn't been a trap... it was a tool. No, it'd be more apt to call it a weapon. Ryan dropped the cards on to where the knife had fallen and walked away from it, hands held in a small surrender.

"T-this is, uh... T-this is a bit much for me... I'm, um, Number 4, so I'll just leave these here..."

Ryan showed his number to the others once again, as if to verify what he just said. Ryan was disturbed by the fact that he might die here, so he wanted to reflect on the situation on his own. He wasn't Player 2 or 7, so this Order wasn't his business. Ryan did wish he was paying a little more attention to the other people's hands as they climbed out of their coffins, however.
Not my best post, but I wanted to try getting something out tonight before I hit the sack.
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