Avatar of Duoya


Recent Statuses

3 mos ago
Current Graduation has happened - I am no longer a teacher. Won't have to work 12 hour days + weekends anymore, so maybe I'll actually have enough time for hobbies.
6 mos ago
I sound like a broken record, but only 2 months left till I'm done teaching. Not sure what's next, but it feels like anything would pay more and be less stressful lol
9 mos ago
Only 6 more months till the school years over. If I renew my contract, someone kill me lmao.
2 yrs ago
Teacher update: I feel like a villain from a cartoon. The laughter of teenagers gives me migraines, and I no longer feel guilt when giving bad grades to kids that sleep through my lessons.
2 yrs ago
First day as a Biology Teacher tomorrow - hopefully the kids will be able to read my handwriting.


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Oh wow, this filled up fast! Well, if there's still room, I'm also very interested! Not sure if I'll make a Meister or Weapon, but I'll probably wait and pick the one that is needed to fill out the others.


Rich cracked three eggs on the side of the frying pan, allowing the contents to land with a furious sizzling sound onto the metal surface. She had been awake since 5:00 AM, a tradition that she had upheld ever since she was in elementary school, and had spent the last few hours preparing for the day that laid ahead of her with intense fervor. Rich counted off her tasks in her head, seemingly going down an imaginary checklist - she'd showered and applied all the makeup she deemed necessary, her bed was made and looked as if no one had ever slept in it before, her hair and clothes were in perfect order, she had her wallet and lighter in her pocket, and her bag with all of her school supplies was slung over a nearby chair.

Pretty successful, considering it was only 6:00 am. Rich smirked smugly at the fact she had already completed most of her morning routine so quickly, considering she had so much extra time until classes started. Having extra time was a beautiful thing - Rich could make herself an extra nice lunch, check over the homework she barely focused on last night, or even arrive at school early and stalk the halls for easy ways to get some quick cash. Who knows what kind of stuff was left lying around in the early morning in Linden.


Rich's smirk disappeared almost as soon as she heard the groaning coming from nearby. A door creaked open, and a woman with unkempt brown hair and dressed in casual clothes stumbled out of the room she was in. Rich's mother had an hour before she needed to clock into her job, and she was only just waking up - Rich would have sighed if she hadn't grown accustomed to this.

"Morning mother - I'm making breakfast, so you can start getting dressed."

Of course, Rich's mother instead simply sat at the table, resting her head against her arm and trying desperately to stay awake. Rich frowned when she saw this. Her mother worked 14 hours yesterday, 2 more hours than usual - it was to be expected that she'd be exhausted. Rich turned on the coffee maker as she cooked.

"Are you excited that today is Friday?"

Rich didn't hear a response, which probably meant that her mother probably nodded her head or used some other nonverbal cue. She didn't press the issue further - if her mother didn't want to talk, then it was best that they didn't talk this morning. Rich finished making the scrambled eggs and coffee and slid bread into the toaster as she made her mother a plate. Rich didn't eat breakfast most of the time, and today was no different - instead, she made herself a lunch using about a third of the scrambled eggs that remained, scooping it into a Tupperware container and grabbing some fruits to go along with her lunch.

"...Thanks for breakfast."

Rich paused, fridge door open. She didn't respond. A few seconds later, the toaster buzzing broker her from her trance. Rich grabbed her bag and made a beeline for the exit.

"Have a good time at work."

Rich paused as she was making her way to school. She loved taking the path she took to school - it added an extra 5 minutes to the time it took her to walk there, but it allowed her to observe the object of her dreams. In front of her, behind the glass of the motorcycle dealership, was the brand new 1999 Honda CBR600F4X. The fact that Rich remembered that name when she couldn't care less about cars was a testament to how much she loved that bike. She shook her head and kept walking to school after staring for a few minutes.

While she loved the bike, her license didn't allow her to drive motorcycles in the city. And even if she could drive it to school or work, it was far too expensive to only be driven rarely. She simply kept walking to school, resigning to having to wait a few months until she could upgrade her license.

Rich got to school two hours early and, as expected, the school was very empty. Rich spent her time going over her homework, and by the time classes were actually starting, she felt very confident that she would get at least a B. Classes went normally for a short while, but when the time came, students started filing out onto buses. Rich was one of them, eager to avoid the rest of her classes for the day.

Rich chatted with the person sitting next to her on the bus ride, but the ride to the museum was uneventful, to say the least. By the time they finally arrived, Rich was actually looking forward to looking at a bunch of bones. They accounted for everyone and made sure attendance was normal before all the teenagers were let loose to explore the museum. Rich found dinosaurs to be boring, and while many of her fellow students were going towards the gift shop to waste their money on knick-knacks, Rich couldn't think of a good way to take advantage of the situation. Besides, she couldn't even begin to explain how dull she found the stuff they filled gift shops with.

Instead, Rich made her way to the one exhibit that interested her - the exhibit on gemstones. People who knew Rich might have been a bit skeptical and nervous that she was going into an exhibit with such expensive items, but Rich didn't have any bad intentions by it. Honest, she just wanted to see something more interesting than dirty bones and taxadermied animals!

...And it didn't hurt that the gems were under very heavy protection. Even with Rich's special power, there was no chance she could steal something like that without anyone noticing.
Approved over PM

I’d definitely be interested in that!
Definitely interested!

Shavings fell like brown snowflakes as Joseph eased the knife along the wooden shaft. Of all the craftsmanships that the young man participated in, he felt most comfortable and relaxed while working on new bolts for his crossbow. Not many things were as monotonous yet attention-demanding as the craft - a single mistake or surprise could snap a bolt, or ruin it irreparably. It didn't allow time for retrospection like basketweaving did, nor was it as exhausting as forging was. It was light busy work that allowed the time to pass by productively. All of Joseph's chores were done for the day - the chickens would need to be fed again at dinner and the cloak that wrapped protectively around Joseph's body would need to be given a quarter-pound of meat, but other than those tasks, Joseph would be left staring at a blank wall for the rest of the day.

He didn't mind the possibility of intense boredom. Boredom was a pointless emotion that served no real endeavor and only fueled laziness. No, Joseph simply did not want to waste the precious hours he had done absolutely nothing. Joseph knew he probably wasn't the only person who created their ammunition for their weapons at the academy, but he had a suspicion that most of them chose to simply buy arrows or bolts. Wasteful.

Joseph shook his head and placed his work to the side, unfinished. He had already completed a few dozen bolts over the last few hours, which would last him at least two missions, much more if he was conservative. Despite his desire to continue, Joseph forced himself to stand and leave his room, carefully undoing the bell alarm he had connected to the door. Leaving his work unfinished for an hour or two, constantly gnawing at his mind would be a suitable punishment for thinking poorly of his peers. They were, for all intents and purposes, his equals - Now that he was 15, he had to learn cooperation and associating with other people if he was meant to succeed at his missions. Pack strategies were integral to numerous animals' survival and would enable safety in numbers.

More so than anything else, however, being considerate to other students was an academy regulation.

The difficulty involved in this was more than Joseph had expected, however - how was he supposed to join someone's herd? Cattle and sheep were simple - simply blending in with them is enough to become one of their kind. Others, like wolves, could risk Joseph being killed...

Joseph paused and collected himself briefly. No, that was stupid - death was an impossibility at the Academy. There were rules that enforced that, and they were punished very harshly. Therefore, joining would be as simple as walking up and blending in with a group. The young teen nodded to himself as he passed the stairwell leading to the baths... before immediately turning around and deciding to take a bath. Joseph's clothes were already immaculate, but the teenager found any chance to visit the baths of the academy to be worth abusing. The baths were one of the main attracting factors of the establishment to Joseph - back on the farm he grew up in, the best tools Joseph had to clean himself were lukewarm water and washpans. The waters here, however, were warm enough to leave his skin soft and pleasant to the touch - and Joseph's creations were always pleased with the warmer environment the water provided.

Joseph received a few looks for bringing a cloak into the bath with him, but nothing outrageous - many of the other boys had towels nearby or in the water with them. After a pleasant half-hour of furiously rubbing his skin down and frantic self-maintenance, Joseph felt pleased to continue on his way, perfectly refreshed...

Until he finished getting dressed, when he realized the error of his detour - he was supposed to be rectifying his lack of teammates, not taking relaxing baths! Joseph's cloak shook slightly as it noticed his nerves, occasional black tendrils reaching across Joseph's body in anxiety. After buckling his belt and tightening the string of his cloak, Joseph was left with a final, trying challenge - who was he supposed to approach first with his offering of comradery?

Joseph normally would never consider moving closer to one of the more intimidating students in the school of his own volition - there was nothing wrong with them, but the more physically impressive or dangerous a person was, the less comfortable Joseph felt associating with them. This time, however, was different - the tougher a person was, the more hits they could take. And the more hits someone could take, the fewer hits Joseph would need to run away from. Despite what he wished, Joseph understood the importance of finding someone that covered his weak areas. While Joseph couldn't see anyone else getting dressed, he did see someone just finishing up their bath and beginning to leave...

She was somewhat short, but she had a presence that demanded attention. Mostly because she was on fire. This was perfect - burns were some of the worst pains there were, and by joining this girl, Joseph would have a far better chance with his future missions. More importantly, he'd have a much easier time approaching other students if he had someone like that with him. Joseph rushed slightly to catch up, his cloak unnaturally moving and pushing him forward. When he caught up to the flaming girl, he paused briefly - how was he supposed to initiate an interaction like this? Ah! The weather was a topic that was frequently touched upon by the faculty of the academy, so maybe that would be a good opener. Joseph turned to the flaming girl and spoke.

"Greetings. How are you enjoying the weather? I despise cold weather - my chickens always lay fewer eggs, and on especially cold days I have to leave my cloak with them or else they'll die from frostbite."

That... was the perfect way to initiate a conversation. Pride was a sin, but Joseph couldn't help but allow a small amount to leak into his thoughts after that display. Now he just needed to follow through, allow her to reciprocate, and he would accomplish the hardest task of the day.

"I am Joseph Robiquet. It is a pleasure to meet you."

Finally posted - sorry if it's brief and a little incoherent, I just finished up my last Final a few hours ago and am still a little fried.
Ken Ozawa

Ken had successfully managed to integrate himself into the group... or, at the very least, he's managed to sit with them at the cafe they had moved to. He still didn't know any of their names, but then again, it didn't matter too much. Ken wanted to keep his interactions with these monsters as limited as possible, and that was most easily accomplished by being just familiar with these monster hunters, rather than helping them save the city.

At least, that's what Ken told himself. Whether or not he would do something to defend people from these monsters was another thing entirely. The girl that spoke oddly and addressed the group had reverted them to their original forms with no struggle, and while Ken felt he barely spent any of this... 'energy' that she talked about, he hadn't felt any real offensive capabilities like the other hunters. Did Ken really need to be so close to these monsters if he had no way of protecting himself?

Ken stopped thinking about that line of thought, instead of thinking about the girl who led them to the cafe. She claimed she wasn't human, and while Ken normally would have dismissed her as some teenager trying to seem cool in some weird way, the large monster that the group had defeated shattered any pretenses that Ken held about the world. Hell, he had superpowers - the weird girl could be a fairy for all Ken knew.

One of the boys, the one who had been controlling the odd chain earlier was buying food for the odd girl, as well as the girl who had asked for food at the end of the last fight. That was nice of him - Ken was glad that he wouldn't have to be the one to buy the homeless girl's food, considering he now had time to think things through and realize his status with the group. If he really wanted to join - something that could seriously injure him - then all he had to do was demonstrate his powers. He hadn't seen any of the other warriors use healing abilities, although the one girl who got injured was healed by the time she reverted to her normal form.

Ken didn't order anything for himself - he hated eating out, and only followed the group to the cafe in order to get more acquainted with them. If he was going to spend money, he preferred to spend it on something that would be useful to him for at least a week or two. For food, he could just get some from his parents while he was still young.

While drinking some water from the thermos that he always had with him, Ken noticed one of the warriors introduce themselves. The one who had the paintbrush was called Nori Hirai. At least Ken finally had a name to ascribe to the paintrbush warrior. Ken chose to remain silent for the rest of the time at the cafe, not wishing to try and force himself into the group since he provided only superficial aid to the first battle. He could integrate himself next time a monster attacked, or if one of the other members initiated the conversation with him.
Will get a post out sometime tomorrow

Edit: Finals are holding me up - post will be out Wendsday, Thursday at the latest.
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