Avatar of Duoya


Recent Statuses

3 mos ago
Current Graduation has happened - I am no longer a teacher. Won't have to work 12 hour days + weekends anymore, so maybe I'll actually have enough time for hobbies.
6 mos ago
I sound like a broken record, but only 2 months left till I'm done teaching. Not sure what's next, but it feels like anything would pay more and be less stressful lol
9 mos ago
Only 6 more months till the school years over. If I renew my contract, someone kill me lmao.
2 yrs ago
Teacher update: I feel like a villain from a cartoon. The laughter of teenagers gives me migraines, and I no longer feel guilt when giving bad grades to kids that sleep through my lessons.
2 yrs ago
First day as a Biology Teacher tomorrow - hopefully the kids will be able to read my handwriting.


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Most Recent Posts

Fall classes just started up for me, so it took a bit longer than I would have liked. Here's my application for Sloth.

Finding a good face claim is hard - I'll try and get my character posted by Tuesday.

EDIT: Make that Thursday. Got classes all day tomorrow. Thankfully I only have to finish the personality section and format.
How old are the Hosts on average, considering they are immortal? Trying to get a good idea for personality and history, a guy who's a couple thousand years old would be pretty interesting to play. Might make a Roman boomer or something.

Also I'm gonna go with Sloth, but can switch to something else if someone else is deadset on that.
Here's my Master! Let me know if anything here should be changed or removed.

Definitely interested! Leaning towards Envy or Sloth right now, but all options have a lot of applications.
Definitely interested! I'll probably stick with just a Master since people usually want to make a Servant, but if for some reason we are low on players, I can fill a slot if needed.

Quick question though - did the eruption just affect Japan and the surrounding countries, or the world as a whole? My Master will probably be foreign and not as impacted.

Date/Time: November 11th, 2022. 6:15 PM.
Location(s): Redline PRT Headquarters

Will didn't really expect much to come out of his half-hearted plea to be left behind, so the rejection from Fukuda didn't do too much to his anxiety. Still, even with a helmet concealing his grimace, most could probably tell his disappointment at the fact that he would be accompanying the others. The confidence that the Director spoke when it came to Will's ability to use his power was probably the only reason he was able to still make snarky comments.

"'Not every problem can be solved by smacking it', huh? I agree with you there, but this definitely seems more like a 'smack it' problem..."

It felt strange to be complimented on his power. Will had despised it ever since he Triggered only a few weeks ago. It forced him to watch everything he said to avoid mastering someone, nearly sent him to super juvie or wherever they send superpowered psychos, and every time people learn about it he's treated like a leper.

...But the fact that the Director seemed so sure that Will could help out - that feeling of usefulness. It felt... nice.

"Guess you're right Mr. F - I can have faith in the team to do the heavy lifting. I mean, one of them has a mech, so heavy lifting is pretty much their main schtick."

An exaggerated shrug, followed by mock realization.

"Hey, think they've got a gift shop? They might give us a discount for saving their Wax statue of Guardian, or whatever shit they have there. I'll get you a Trump Card T-Shirt, lil' souvenir."

Before it could be denied, Will snapped a few finger guns Fukuda's way, walking back to the group of Wards as he did so. The anxiety that was building up in his gut was fading slowly, much to Will's frustration. He was talking to the director as a way to weasel out of this mission, not so he could actually get reassured.

That guy was better at his job than Will thought.

"...run fast, and shooting a gun and tasing people are pretty self-explanatory, right?"

As he came up to the others, Carmen was finishing up her description of her abilities. Will only caught the last bit of her speech, but latched onto it so he could make his way into the conversation.

"Yep, pretty self-explanatory - point and shoot. You'll have some problems with recoil and aiming isn't easy in a situation like this, but you don't have to worry too much about wasting ammo with your power."

"Just, uh, wear something for the noise. That's how you get tinnitus."

Even though Will sounded confident and experienced with firearms from how he spoke, he was mostly spouting bullshit he heard in movies and video games. He had fired a gun exactly once in his life, and only the last bit of advice came from that experience.

"Well, I got this thing- It's big and heavy, takes some pretty big punches. Not much else it does, so- you know, just let me handle that? Pretty much a Brute cape when I get in this thing and it's built like a tank. It doesn't really do a lot more, unless you hide behind it so you don't get shot."

Will nodded his head, grinning slightly. While the tinker suit Jan had made initially made him feel terrified and massively inadequate, he now realized that it was probably the best way to keep himself safe in this mission - as long as Will kept it in eyesight, he could just run behind the hunk of metal whenever someone tried attacking him!

"Really liking that last part, will keep that in mind. Just, uh, how does that thing handle stairs? Don't want to be under that thing if you pull an ED-209, y'know?"

The lack of laughter made Will blush a bit in embarrassment, and he muttered inaudibly under his breath.

"...That's a Robocop reference..."

Thankfully, the director spoke up to address Jane's concerns about guidance on the mission. While he certainly didn't like the fact that they didn't know who was attacking a Museum (or why so many capes were needed for the mission), the fact that they had even more backup was incredible news. Not the capes - the Director already talked about them. No, the big news was that PRT forces would be here as well.

Will was never big on the cape scene, but he knew that most weren't immune to bullets or Containment Foam.

Fukuda whipped back to his paperwork, and Will's usual obnoxious confidence was slowly starting to come back to him. He turned to the late arrivals and gave them a quick appraising look. One of the guys was short enough that Will initially assumed that he was actually on the younger end of things, his disheveled appearance and lateness seeming to imply that he slept in... Well, Will couldn't really judge someone for napping in the afternoon, that's pretty much what he did every math class.

The second guy, on the other hand, was tall and somehow paler than Will was. His wrinkled clothes and heavy-looking backpack either meant he was the anxious and overprepared type or, more likely, he was like some of the other Wards and didn't have the best home life...

The Girl was a bit harder to get a read on. Her appearance wasn't as disheveled as the boys, and the prosthetic leg gave him the vibe that she was more of a noncombatant, like Will... Or she could shoot death lasers, or could read the future, or something else crazy like that. This new girl and Jane should get close with Morie - she might be able to give them their limbs back, and Parahuman healing usually costs an arm and a leg.

Snickering under his breath at his unfunny joke, Will took a few steps towards the new arrivals, beckoning them over.

"Hey there you three. Glad we got some more company for this thing - can you believe we're doing a mission on our first day? I think those kids working in coal mines hundreds of years ago had better receptions than this."

"I'm Will, by the way - we can save introductions for after Rachel hooks you guys up with your costumes, but just felt like throwing that out there."

Will could feel a small pressure build in the back of his head, but it was small and barely noticeable. He didn't know if these three had already gotten their earpieces yet, so he was pushing his power down. Being late left these three a bit out of the loop, so Will was giving them a bit of an in - after all, if he walked in on a bunch of costumed freaks and a mech suit, he'd wish someone was friendly to him.

...Of course, he was also being nice to try and get in their good books, before he dropped the whole 'I brainwash people' thing on them. Just because Will was being nice didn't exclude him from being a selfish asshole.

Turning to the rest of the room, Will kept up the same energy and continued monologuing.

"So any of you guys ever been to this Museum before? I was going on a field trip there back in middle school, but me and my friends ditched it."

July snuck a 40 from her step-dad's liquor cabinet, and Will had gotten so shit-faced that he nearly fell off the school roof. Just remembering it made him smile - things were a lot more simple back then.

"Would probably be pretty nice to know the layout. Entrances and Exits, choke points, ambush spots - that kind of thing."

And where the safest rooms to hide are.

Date/Time: November 11th, 2022. 6:13 PM.
Location(s): Redline PRT Headquarters

Will managed to keep Bev up long enough for Rachel to rush over and help him, the aid almost instantly relieving the burden that the boy was carrying.

'Note to self - never carry anyone, people are heavy as hell...'

Rachel quickly made sure that the younger girl was alright, and as soon as Bev found her footing, Will backed off. Not only was she heavy, but she was tense enough that Will was starting to hurt from supporting her... Well, at least Will wasn't the only one who felt uncomfortable here so far.

"Hope your blood sugar is fine - I'd offer gum, but I keep that in my 'not about to die' suit..."

As Rachel spoke up again and began to lead the teens away, Will felt anxiety prickle his skin. And as they rolled up to the Director, this feeling was justified as he confirmed Will's worst fears.

An attack on a museum. Of course. He pinched his leg to see if this was all some bad dream, but Fukuda kept talking, much to Will's chagrin. In only 30 minutes or so, all the Wards would be headed straight to a crime scene, and have to fight someone. Fukuda didn't bother to include the details of their assignment, either because the precogs that predicted this fight didn't know, or because he was allergic to keeping people informed. It was probably for the best though - Will was already grimacing under his helmet.

Near the tail end of the mission briefing, two more people walked into the room - presumably even more Wards. The Will of a few minutes ago might have been disturbed by how many children were being thrown against criminals, but now he couldn't be happier. The more kids there were, the less likely he'd be targetted - that was just basic probability. And since these kids seemed to follow the trend of nigh-adults, maybe this wouldn't be too terrible.

After all, the Wards were supposed to be an under-18 group. If 90% of the team graduates to the Guardians by this time next year, then Will might luck out and this whole thing gets dissolved!

Of course, that's assuming he survived this encounter in the first place. And with the new arrivals, a desperate idea started to come together. As Caiden, Carmen, and the other Wards began to converse about their powers, Will walked up to the Director, who seemed to be trying to make progress on some paperwork.

"H-hey Mr. F. Not sure if you forgot to mention it or anything, but it seems like I'm going to be coming along for this mission too."

Despite his attempt at a nonchalant tone, Will's voice hitched slightly. He managed to get it under control as he continued, however.

"I mean, I can't really throw fireballs or lift a car or anything - I think unless there's a hostage or something, I might just be dead weight... so uh, maybe I should stay outside the museum with the cops. Y'know, until I'm needed or something."

Will barely noticed Eleonore enter the room as he spoke, but he used that to his benefit all the same.

"Look, at this rate, we might need two school buses for the field trip! So I, uh..."

Will frowned a bit under his mask, noticing the Director's face as he spoke. He leaned in slightly and lowered his voice, just above a whisper.

"I just don't think I'm really needed around here."

Everything he said was true, but it was hard to tell where the insecurity ended and the cowardice began. This plan probably wasn't going to work, but the directors wouldn't be able to force him to fight. Worst case scenario, he'd go in the Museum and run around like a dipshit until Overclock and the other Wards did all the real heroing.

Yep, just keep thinking like that, and this will all be over in no time...

Date/Time: November 11th, 2022. 6:10 PM.
Location(s): Redline PRT Headquarters

Aliyah shrugged at the mock inquiry, before offering her own input on the matter. Will returned her shrug and kept his smug grin in place, but his insides were still coiling. He was really hoping that she was wrong - if this wasn't a meeting or something PR-related, it was probably a fight.

Will had never been in a fist fight before, let alone a 'throwing fireballs at each other' fight. He wasn't eager to change that either.

Thankfully, he didn't have to keep up the unbothered act for long. Soon, part of the wall near the sofa just bent in on itself, opening up to reveal a woman in a fashionable suit. Will remembered her pretty well - Rachel was the person that inspired his costume. Or, more specifically, he just liked her outfit when they first met, and essentially copied it while adding a helmet. She wasn't the most dominant figure, but considering how Will felt about the Director, 'Fashionista' may as well have been the one really in charge of the kid.

Will noted the silent staring contest between the two directors, but quickly went back to his fake grin when Rachel started talking again.

"You all can call me what you wish, though Rachel's fine! Sadly, due to some...Unforeseen circumstances, we're gonna need to move things along faster than we would have hoped. ...But enough about that! I'll fill you all in on what's what as we go, and I'll get to show you all your costumes! My favorite part!"

She quickly strode to one of the other doors that was in the spartan-like lounge, heels clicking as she did so. The door was thick and looked like some kind of blast shield or vault door, rather than the doors upstairs had been... Actually, that's how most of the doors down here looked. 'Maybe I'm not the only one that struggles to control his power.' Will smirked at the thought. It was easy to Will-proof, just give out some earplugs. How would they 'Blaster-proof' a team of people? Give them all fire-retardant costumes?

Instantly, the smug grin fell from Will's face. That would have been a great thing to ask for! Dammit!

A few seconds passed as Rachel scanned her palm, and the door eventually hissed and slid to the side, allowing the group to enter.

The locker room, at a superficial glance, seemed pretty similar to what Will was used to from his school - lockers lined the walls, white tile floors, and benches to sit on. Of course, it was only similar on the first inspection. Actually looking closely, everything was clearly leagues more developed than a school locker room ('As it should be', Will thought). Each of the lockers seemed to have another one of those panels that Rachel had used to open the Locker room in the first place, and everything here looked specifically designed to take a beating.

Will was confused for a second, but he quickly rationalized it. Some brutes don't know their strength, and if this is where they keep costumes, it's probably where Tinkers will keep their armor. It would make sense for everything here to be built for durability.

Rachel gave a brief run down about where their equipment would be located and where to return it, which made Will a bit relieved. With how things were going, he was seriously thinking that they'd expect him to keep his costume on him - the last thing he wanted was a reminder of this nightmare situation when he was off the clock. Rachel passed out their ID cards, Will taking it from her with little fanfare. His face on the card has a smug, shit-eating grin - it had been taken only a few minutes after he had spiked the coffee in the HQ with laxatives, and 30 minutes after he had clogged every toilet on that floor.

Just looking at it made him realize why some people probably didn't like him. Even Will kind of wanted to wipe that look off his own face.

By now, he had finally given up hope. They were absolutely going into a fight. The look the directors gave one another, the tension in the air - maybe the psychos on this team that signed up willingly were excited, but Will was rapidly losing faith.

The only redeeming factor to this was that, in all likelihood, Will would never actually fight someone. He'd stick with the PRT in the far back, maybe only get sent in to deal with hostages or something. They'd have to be pretty incompetent to send him in to fight with the others...

Will kept silent as he made his way into the male changing rooms and retrieved his costume, slowly getting changed into the much nicer formal wear.

'They're going to send me in with the others, aren't they?'

It was an errant thought - probably more of his pessimistic streak showing. It didn't really make sense to send a Master like him to a fight, but maybe they'd want to use it for PR or as a team-building exercise - Will was focusing on the absolute worst-case scenario, his mood spoiled even further.

Shut up. Breathe. Will leaned against the wall of the changing room, inhaling as deeply as he could, before slowly releasing, the tension in his shoulder ebbing at the motion.

'Another difference from this locker room and the school's - this locker room doesn't smell like ass.'

His panic attack safely avoided, Will took the moment to admire himself in the mirror. The black jacket of the suit was snug and heavier than his 'casual' one, but hugged his torso better - despite his shrimpy body, he actually looked pretty damn good in the thing. The trousers and undershirt weren't anything to write home about, but that was probably for the best. Will wanted to be able to pass off as an average guy, and a suit jacket as expensive-looking as this one just meant that he'd probably get mugged on his patrol. He'd be able to dress down if necessary, and the dress shoes felt like Will could run in them without cutting into his ankles.

The most notable part of the costume, however, was the helmet. Despite the visor being completely blackened, the thing didn't hinder his field of view in the slightest - almost like it was one-way glass or something. With this, he wouldn't need to worry about keeping fake smiles all the time - just has to keep the body language up and he's golden. More importantly, though, the thing had enough cushioning within that it wasn't just comfortable to wear, but would probably keep even someone as fragile as Will from getting a concussion.

All in all, the outfit was basic and discreet - but that was exactly what Will had wanted when he requested it on his last visit. He'd have to thank Rachel. This job so far had been pretty terrible, with the prospect of meeting crazy people that dress in spandex and fly around for a living being one of the worst parts.

But if everyone on the team acted like they have so far, maybe this job wouldn't be as bad as Will thought it would be.

Just as Will thought this, he left the changing rooms and immediately walked in on Caiden poking at the cloth of his costume with some kind of glowing sword. He commented on the durability of the costume, before the others that had also finished began complimenting his ability. He was about to give his own compliment, if only to fit in with the others, when he felt a strange kind of thudding.

Coming from the women's side of the changing room, someone in power armor began walking toward the rest of the group. Will didn't even need to wait for her voice to recognize who it was - they only had two tinkers on the team, and one of them was already here. Jane was now one of the scariest members of the team in Will's mind, and she had instantly shattered the little bit of confidence his costume had given him.

Probably for the best though - last thing Will needed was getting invested in this Hero shit.

Maybe it was because his expectations had already been pretty low, but Will seemed to snap out of the shock of seeing Jane's suit pretty quickly. The boy let loose a long whistle, glad to see that his helmet didn't seem to muffle his voice.

"Yeesh, looks like we found who wins at costumes. Jesus! How long did you have to work on it? I'm not really keen on the Tinker stuff."

Will made a fist and tapped the knuckles on his helmet, eliciting a soft clicking sound as he turned to Rachel.

"Not that I don't appreciate what I got going on - thanks for the hard work, Rachel. Just what I wanted."

Now seemed like a good time to lay praise on her, since everyone else was too - though, she might not have registered it, considering the shock on her face. Will could give her a more sincere thanks when the others weren't around, or maybe send her a gift basket.

He'd been pretending to ignore it, but Will was carefully listening in on Fukuda and Morie's conversation. He hadn't expected her to be the one to be direct about things - as a matter of fact, Will was planning to bitch and moan until they finally gave him an answer to that question. But it didn't really matter how the answer came out - all Will wanted was to know if he'd have to actually do anything for this... Mission? Assignment?

It sounded so ridiculous. All of this was stupid.

But of course, just when he started focusing, things had to go wrong.

A loud clang of metal rang out, and Will snapped towards it, jumping back. He was thankful that his helmet had been darkened as much as it was - otherwise those around him would see the fear on his face.

It sounded too familiar. Too-

Will pushed it down. He quickly made his way to Bev, gently slinging her arm over his shoulder and trying to get her back to her feet.

"Yep, power armor is real cool, no need to fall-"

He only realized halfway through the motion that he was one of the weakest people in the room, second only to the middle school girl Carmen.

"Ah crap, crap... Crap! Okay I'm a twig, someone help please!"

Will didn't see who came to his aid - for all he knew Bev just helped herself back up. This failure only served to cement his position on the team in his mind, however.

Looking at everyone in the room, Will couldn't help but feel a little annoyed - one of them could make swords out of light, another could make a gun out of thin air. One of them was apparently so good that they had a fanboy on the team, and one girl had a damn suit of power armor. Everyone here could kick his ass. Most of them could do it with both hands tied behind their back.

Will was out of his league here, and he knew it. He just...

He just really hoped that the Directors knew it too.
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