Avatar of Echoes
  • Last Seen: 7 yrs ago
  • Joined: 7 yrs ago
  • Posts: 132 (0.05 / day)
  • VMs: 0
  • Username history
    1. Echoes 7 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

7 yrs ago
Current Suffering through not being able to breath or eat. Sorry for not responding.
7 yrs ago
I'm getting sick! It feels like I'm getting a cold and my breathing problems are acting up. Sorry if I've disappeared, I'll try to get replies out this weekend.
7 yrs ago
Winter is coming! Everyone pull out your blankets, hot cocoa, and cheesy movies. It's the most wonderful time. (It's starting to get cloudy here rather than blue skies)
7 yrs ago
When you find someone you used to know and they're never on anymore. :'(
7 yrs ago
Sometimes I question if fast is always better.


Need to get ahold of me?
Dicord: Echo#6130

Most Recent Posts

Oh my gosh. Sign me up. I think going with the original characters is good.
Hi. If spots ever open up or this starts up new or something, could y'all keep me in mind? It seems super interesting and I would be in to it, but it looks like you're all full. :)

Fleur is so surprised when the cat starts talking to her and strolls over. She picks her up and can't help but start laughing. "You can talk," she mutters and shakes her head. "Of course you can. Why would I expect anything else?" She's careful not to drop the cat and pets her softly. "So what's your name? I'm Fleur."

@Alisdragon911@Letmehaveone2@Howilng Zinogre

Isaac and Jax falter in front of the small group of people beginning to form around the couch. "Hi, guys," Jaxon greets and bounces on the balls of his feet. Isaac nods in greeting. "Mind if we hang out with you guys here?"

Welcome! Thanks for joining me on this adventure. I'm looking for some new friends to rp some MxM stuff. I tend to play bottoms, but LOVE doubling up and doing one of each. I don't have a ton of ideas, but I'm gonna post some of them. Fandoms I can ether usually do canon or original characters just using the storylines/world. I actually prefer the second.

I've added MxF, but please be aware I will only play the female in this pairing. I can play a dominant male in MxM but I'm not interested in MxF playing some jerk to your innocent female. Sorry, just been in too many rps like that. I will do FxF friendship pairings with a potential for romance, but I'm not as in to that, so it may stay a bit more PG than others. Please let me know what type of pairing (MxM, MxF, FxF) you are interested in if you send me a pm. If you don't hear from me for a while, please send me another pm. Sometimes I can get distracted and think I've replied and start waiting on someone else.

* means I have some type of plot idea
Bold means I would really like to do it

-best friends
-Sports teammates
-any fantasy

-Harry Potter
-hunger games
-the foxhole court
-Boku no hero academy

Shoot me a pm or post if you are interested in anything. I much prefer doing rps over pm or discord!
@Xandrya Lol. I mentioned the wrong person. That was definitely not meant for you. It should have been @LadyinInk
I kind of want to do like a master/slave roleplay thing. Potentially with a rebellion, some of the nobles could be on the slaves side and vice versa. They would all be living within the same castle so they would be around each other regularly. I'm just curious if anyone would be interested in this??
I'm afraid to split them as sometimes that makes smaller groups and then if people don't reply someone can get left out until class is over. Or you're waiting for one class to end and the other is ready to move on. But we'll go to study hall with all of the instructors so they can interact together as well and not just have it be with the students. So you can let the students go or let me know when you are done with your class @Xandrya. And we'll go through the classes that have teachers for the first day.

You wake up on a deserted island with nothing to see for miles except a few other people. It's got a thick forest, but if you make it around the whole thing, all you see is water. No matter how far you can fly or swim, there isn't another island or human being. Why were you all dropped there? How did you get there? When things start getting weird, how do you handle it?

A group of young adults wakes up on an island with nothing else in sight. These aren't just normal people though, they all have some special power. Whether they make that known (or it shows in their looks) or try to keep it hidden from the group is up to the player.

This is going to be a supernatural/fantasy rp with a bit of a twist. I plan to have some crazy things happen during it, maybe there's a fire, maybe a tsunami, maybe a creepy human like creature that stalks around the forest. The main portion of the rp is going to be having the characters work together and get to know each other's strengths and weaknesses. Not to forget figuring out how to get off the island and how they got there.


1. Follow guild rules
2. No godmodding or killing other people's characters without permission
3. Try to post at least one detailed paragraph
4. Listen to GM and co-gms
5. Have good grammar and clear structure: use grammarly if you need help
6. Post in third person

Character Sheet:

Fleur watched as a cat passed in front of her door and about fell on her face while getting out of her chair. It probably should have crossed her mind that it could be another person in the mansion, but it definitely didn't while she was chasing down the kitty. Something seemed off with the cat though, like it wasn't alive any longer. Maybe it used to live here and still just hung around after it had died. Once it settle, Fleur got closer reaching out to pet the cat. "Hi, there. What are you doing? Can I pick you up?" she asked softly.

Meanwhile Isaac and Jaxon ended up wandering the halls together. They didn't have anything to do at the time and figured that they would explore the mansion together when they ran in to each other in the hallway.
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