Avatar of EchoWolff


Recent Statuses

6 mos ago
Current "The echo of one's heart need not follow worldly principles. By the heat of passion, cold of apathy, light of cheer, and dark of grief. By Time and Space, be true."
6 mos ago
For those waiting on me to respond, I will be writing things up over the weekend. Hang tight!
7 mos ago
Doing well, writing responses and such
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7 mos ago
Hello quite bored, I'm Echo!
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8 mos ago
Apologies for those waiting on replies from me, life has been hell this weekend. I will attempt to get things out by tomorrow night!


Good morning/afternoon/evening!

If you are reading this, then for some reason you want to learn a little bit about the absolute anomaly that is me.

A few important things to note are:

- I am sometimes a bit slow for posting, though sometimes I will almost immediately respond.

- I have absolutely no interest in Romance. This has changed, but only for certain circumstances. It depends!

- I enjoy making very overcomplicated worlds to share with people, like you!

- I enjoy really heavy and psychological themes, but I will do lighter ones as well.

That's pretty much all I think you need to know, but if you want to you can send me a PM! I don't bite...

Most Recent Posts

@Izurich Glad to have you!

Burned Village, Unknown

Joker looked over to Sanae, he hadn't really expected to hear the word 'manga' said by anyone here, but then again her outfit seemed similar to a shrine maiden... had she come from Japan too, or at least a similar version of it? The fact that she knew something was enough for him.

"You wouldnt be incorrect, but... I'm pretty sure my little group is famous enough to have a manga made..." He gave a small chuckle as he rubbed the back of his head. "Ryuji would love that though..." He muttered softly, before looking up at Arsene. "You done showing off now?"

Joker woke at the sound of others stirring, his eyes slowly opening before taking a cursory glance around the room. His body felt a bit stiff, but he definitely felt more rested than the previous day, dispite the 'jet-lag' from being outside his usual time zone. This was the first time he had ever actually slept in his Phantom Theif attire, and it was more comfortable than he thought it would be.

"I'm conscious..."
Kids, Powers, zoom
The mind is a weapon. A ticking time bomb and thoughts only shorten the fuse.
That's what they told us anyway.

Our world is a prison, hidden under the guise of progress. The government started making thinkers disappear from formal society, fearing they had grown too powerful for their own good, locking them up and weaponizing them.
Well, I've something to tell you.

It all started with a manmade virus, now known as Lucidity, feeding off of intelligence. It remained dormant for years but spread like wildfire worldwide. An event now known as The Awakening spontaneously ignited the effects of the virus, those who were generally seen as intellectuals were suddenly seen as dangerous monsters. Their intelligence gave them powers, an uncontrollable weapon.

The smarter the person, the more dangerous their thoughts are, automatically translating into the world around them, an explosion of potentially lethal force. Even neuro-divergencies made them a hazard.

Philosophers, Mathematicians, and therapists, among many more, were made disappear, locked up in a nondisclosed location. They were feared in most places, some worshiped them as gods, but one place, Meridian, weaponized them. Uncontrollable soldiers under the name ‘Lucids’ take care of their problems, both internal and otherwise, driven by the empty promise of freedom at the end of it.

The citizens of Meridian are forbidden from thought, and propaganda that Lucids die or go crazy due to their abilities is everywhere. It's not exactly wrong, however.

What will this hell make you?

Main Setting: Neo York, Meridian
Inspired by PSYCHO-PASS and George Orwell’s ‘1984’

How Lucidity works

Every Lucid has a unique Lucidity, however, they tend to fit into one of the general types given below. Lucidity strength increases with the intelligence of the Lucid but decreases their control over it. IQ scores are used to gauge how dangerous a particular Lucid is.
Three types of Lucidity are known, as well as one type that isn't;

  • Terminal Lucidity is the most destructive and the most common in Psychologists and Mathematicians. Their main power is within the vein of pure unadulterated pain and destruction.
  • Dreamer Lucidity is the most useful in the creation aspect of Lucids, most common in Sociologists and Physicists, and are able to demonstrate manipulative abilities to the world around them, depending on the Lucid's specific power.
  • Psychosis Lucidity is what is considered the most dangerous and is most common in Therapists and Philosophers. Their abilities are usually in the general concepts of playing with the minds of those around them and are the main culprits of awakening new Lucids in Meridian. They are experts in creating or healing mental wounds and the strongest ones can make people go insane simply by being near them.
  • Kepler Lucidity is the unknown type, whose main abilities are just as much as a mystery as if the type even exists. Players cannot be this type of Lucid for lore reasons.

Lucidity Mutagens

Mental illness tends to spark mutations in a Lucid, making them even more powerful. However, they will have many problems with their Lucidity in terms of output and control. I will only allow/reveal such Mutagens if you can prove to me that you can accurately portray such neurodivergency/mental illness.

The Rules and Info for the RP

- First off, I don't put a lot of lore in the interest checks for a reason. I like the prospect of having the world open up as the group goes through the story. In this case, the city of Neo York in the country of Meridian.
- The group will first start in a high-security Lucid detainment facility known as Black Lotus. Characters will have histories/backstories from before they landed a cell there. Good or evil, it doesn't matter, all Lucids are locked up until the government has use for them.
- Things might get really heavy real quick, so if you are not comfortable with Suicide, Graphic Depictions of Gore, Mental Attacks, and other things in that vein, I would recommend you stay FAR away from this RP.
- This is a Modern/Future style Science Fiction Roleplay.
- Questions are always welcome!

- Post frequency is fairly lax, however after a while goes by (probably two weeks) I will move on with the story. If you need more time, just tell me.
- Curse, swear, I don't give a damn, just no discriminatory language.
- Please play your character as if they were a real person, I find it much more engaging that way by getting into the character's mind.
- May seem obvious to some, but please have common sense.
- No one lining please, keep it at least one paragraph.


Burned Village, Unknown

Joker stood next to the lodge door, glancing at Anne as she re-entered the lodge, the door closing behind her. He let out a soft sigh, so many questions, and fleeting time to work with. Quite the striking resemblance to his everyday school life in a way. His feet guided him toward the collection of people, his tailcoat flowing behind him as he absent-mindedly fixed his crimson gloves. From what he had gathered from their conversation, they were in a sort of different world, which wasn't hard for him to believe. After all, that was pretty much his whole thing as a Phantom Theif. However, these were definitely much different circumstances than what he was used to.

"Another world, that I'm used to. Walking into one accidentally, sure, but I've never seen a Palace like this. You all came from different worlds, as I've heard you say so that rules out the Metaverse... I suppose we might as well introduce myself. You can call me Joker, like the card, at least... if you have those in your worlds. Apologies for the late introduction."

The voice of his Persona spoke in the back of his head, not wanting to be left out of this interaction now that he was given the option to be active.

"Come now Trickster, summon me, lest you forget to introduce your counterpart."

Joker let out another sigh, before bringing his gloved hand to his domino mask.

"Ah- right. Let me also introduce you to my partner, Arsene."

With the name of his Persona invoked, the mask burned away in a wisp of blue flame like flash paper, as the winged figure that was the manifestation of his rebellion materialized behind him, bound by phantasmal chains. Arsene gave a small bow as Joker gave him a look as if to say 'Really?' his other self had a bit of a flair for the eccentric...

Burned Village, Unknown

Joker slipped out of the door behind Anne, staying near the door as she went forward. He didnt really trust many of the people here, but as long as they had no idea why or really how they were here, he wanted to gain at least a little insight on his new companions.

Hunter's Lodge, Unknown

The Phantom Theif had been sitting next to Alvin, making sure that he was alright. The voices outside caught his attention as he stood, giving the child a small pat on the shoulder as he left his side as a sort of comforting guesture. He walked to the nearest window, peering out at the smouldering remnants of the town outside to potentially see who was calling out, before approaching the small group that was forming in the lodge, a few half-familiar faces that he remembered seeing in the church.

"Who's out there?"

Joker muttered to himself, his thoughts consuming a large portion of his mind. At this point he didnt question what was happening, he had to keep an open mind. That strategy had always served him well before within the Metaverse, so might as well apply it here.

Burning Town, Unknown

The blood, the bodies, the smell of burning wood. This was an utter tragedy... Joker looked to the man, probably some kind of guard by the looks of him, he had seen plenty of Shadows diguised as such. His eyes stuck to the various signs of death and destruction that lay around them as they walked, this was far worse than Kamoshida or Maderame, this was so much more wrong.

He followed Anne and the man into the lodge, watching silently as Anne started taking charge, dispite her apperant wounds... Joker's eyes drifted down to Alvin at his side, he couldn't imagine what was going on in the boy's mind, to see the bodies of the townspeople unceremoniously scattered across the grounds.

"Alvin, are you okay? I know it's... a lot."

He couldn't find any more words, he was worried for a lot of things, for Alvin and Millie, for Anne, another attack... there was so many things to be worried about, and he couldnt decide which one was more important...

Cave Entrance, Unknown

Joker gave a small sigh, before taking the boy into his arms. He hugged Alvin, gently patting him on the back of the head in an attempt to calm him down.

"If you need a shoulder to cry on, I'm here."

This was a lot for a child to handle, and Joker understood that. He didn't want to leave this to Anne right now, she needed the rest. He would do his utmost to take care of them, in whatever capacity he was able to provide. Even if he wasn't that used to small children...
Relatively interested, really like the idea!
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