Avatar of EchoWolff


Recent Statuses

6 mos ago
Current "The echo of one's heart need not follow worldly principles. By the heat of passion, cold of apathy, light of cheer, and dark of grief. By Time and Space, be true."
6 mos ago
For those waiting on me to respond, I will be writing things up over the weekend. Hang tight!
7 mos ago
Doing well, writing responses and such
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7 mos ago
Hello quite bored, I'm Echo!
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8 mos ago
Apologies for those waiting on replies from me, life has been hell this weekend. I will attempt to get things out by tomorrow night!


Good morning/afternoon/evening!

If you are reading this, then for some reason you want to learn a little bit about the absolute anomaly that is me.

A few important things to note are:

- I am sometimes a bit slow for posting, though sometimes I will almost immediately respond.

- I have absolutely no interest in Romance. This has changed, but only for certain circumstances. It depends!

- I enjoy making very overcomplicated worlds to share with people, like you!

- I enjoy really heavy and psychological themes, but I will do lighter ones as well.

That's pretty much all I think you need to know, but if you want to you can send me a PM! I don't bite...

Most Recent Posts


Hunting Lodge, Aventon

Joker looked around the room as everyone gathered, splitting among groups to leave and those to stay... as the options to weigh in his mind, but he would be of more use with the hunting group than he could be of help here. If Anne and Rayne were going to stay and be a lookout, everything should be fine...

"I'll go with you guys on the hunting trip. Better than sitting around here."

He stood, dusting himself off as he did so. This excursion, should the hunters info be reliable, could be a good test to see if his abilities worked the same as he was used to, as well as to see what kind of fauna could be found here...

Forested Outskirts, Aventon

Fallen leaves, stray bark, splintered branches. All such things crunched under his boots as he took up the rear of the group, his eyes glancing to the trees, irregular in pattern and for that it was both Chaotic and beautiful. The shades of green seemed to blend with each other, melding with the bark of the trees... The forest wasnt something he was able to see in Tokyo, the closest thing that he had were the parks he went to in his free time... However, he wasnt here to take in the sights, but to hunt down whatever creature, or creatures as evidence implied, was here...

His gaze turned to the rest of the group, talk of youkai and whatever 'rahi' were, speculation of what type of creature this could be... His mind went to the Shadows of the Metaverse, but he shook away the thought. Those creature were representations of the subconscious, though their forms could be grounded in mythological texts... youkai being one such representation.

"Perhaps it's not what any of us think, but a creature native to this world that might not be from this particular area. Hunter, Derek, this monster you saw... could you describe it? Eye-witness accounts aren't the most reliable, but it might put a face to a name, or a creature to evidence in this case."
@Poleski79 Hey there, I have finished writing up a CS for my character, so I will post it here for you to take a look. Please let me know of anything I would need to change!

That said, hmmm... then my character concept won't quite qualify as I'm thinking of playing a highschool math prodigy with autistic savant syndrome. 18 would be college at minimum so that's a no go.

Well, what area of high-school would your character be in (junior, senior, etc.)? I wouldn't think that you wouldn't necessarily need to use the formulas of advanced mathematics like calculus for your character's backstories or for practice of using lucidity, in fact, Lucids would be forbidden from expanding their knowledge past what they already have, let alone practice it.

If you feel like working with me, I'm positive we can work something out.

For the question on actual knowledge, I would say you would at least need to know basic concepts of your character's field, but it's not like im going to quiz you or anything. Whatever you have/are willing to learn about your characters field of study should be fine.

Referring to hypothetical max/min ages, I would say 18-60 for ages.

As for how I handle various LMs, I will usually do extensive research on the topic and compare it against that. (Unless it's ADHD, then I compare it to myself and my family) It will however come down to how well one can describe and stick with the tendencies of the neuro-divergency.

The mind is a weapon. A ticking time bomb and thoughts only shorten the fuse.
That's what they told us anyway.

Our world is a prison, hidden under the guise of progress. The government started making thinkers disappear from formal society, fearing they had grown too powerful for their own good, locking them up and weaponizing them.
Well, I've something to tell you.

It all started with a manmade virus, now known as Lucidity, feeding off of intelligence. It remained dormant for years but spread like wildfire worldwide. An event now known as The Awakening spontaneously ignited the effects of the virus, those who were generally seen as intellectuals were suddenly seen as dangerous monsters. Their intelligence gave them powers, an uncontrollable weapon.

The smarter the person, the more dangerous their thoughts are, automatically translating into the world around them, an explosion of potentially lethal force. Even neuro-divergencies made them a hazard.

Philosophers, Mathematicians, and therapists, among many more, were made disappear, locked up in a nondisclosed location. They were feared in most places, some worshiped them as gods, but one place, Meridian, weaponized them. Uncontrollable soldiers under the name ‘Lucids’ take care of their problems, both internal and otherwise, driven by the empty promise of freedom at the end of it.

The citizens of Meridian are forbidden from thought, and propaganda that Lucids die or go crazy due to their abilities is everywhere. It's not exactly wrong, however.

What will this hell make you?

Main Setting: Neo York, Meridian
Inspired by PSYCHO-PASS and George Orwell’s ‘1984’

How Lucidity works

Every Lucid has a unique Lucidity, however, they tend to fit into one of the general types given below. Lucidity strength increases with the intelligence of the Lucid but decreases their control over it. IQ scores are used to gauge how dangerous a particular Lucid is.
Three types of Lucidity are known, as well as one type that isn't;

  • Terminal Lucidity is the most destructive and the most common in Psychologists and Mathematicians. Their main power is within the vein of pure unadulterated pain and destruction.
  • Dreamer Lucidity is the most useful in the creation aspect of Lucids, most common in Sociologists and Physicists, and are able to demonstrate manipulative abilities to the world around them, depending on the Lucid's specific power.
  • Psychosis Lucidity is what is considered the most dangerous and is most common in Therapists and Philosophers. Their abilities are usually in the general concepts of playing with the minds of those around them and are the main culprits of awakening new Lucids in Meridian. They are experts in creating or healing mental wounds and the strongest ones can make people go insane simply by being near them.
  • Kepler Lucidity is the unknown type, whose main abilities are just as much as a mystery as if the type even exists. Players cannot be this type of Lucid for lore reasons.

Lucidity Mutagens

Mental illness tends to spark mutations in a Lucid, making them even more powerful. However, they will have many problems with their Lucidity in terms of output and control. I will only allow/reveal such Mutagens if you can prove to me that you can accurately portray such neurodivergency/mental illness.

The Rules and Info for the RP

- First off, I don't put a lot of lore in the interest checks for a reason. I like the prospect of having the world open up as the group goes through the story. In this case, the city of Neo York in the country of Meridian.
- The group will first start in a high-security Lucid detainment facility known as Black Lotus. Characters will have histories/backstories from before they landed a cell there. Good or evil, it doesn't matter, all Lucids are locked up until the government has use for them.
- Things might get really heavy real quick, so if you are not comfortable with Suicide, Graphic Depictions of Gore, Mental Attacks, and other things in that vein, I would recommend you stay FAR away from this RP.
- This is a Modern/Future style Science Fiction Roleplay.
- Questions are always welcome!

- Post frequency is fairly lax, however after a while goes by (probably two weeks) I will move on with the story. If you need more time, just tell me.
- Curse, swear, I don't give a damn, just no discriminatory language.
- Please play your character as if they were a real person, I find it much more engaging that way by getting into the character's mind.
- May seem obvious to some, but please have common sense.
- No one lining please, keep it at least one paragraph.


How would you two like to be the starter duo (With me adding in my own character) for this? I can get an OOC up if you two are up for it!
Hey there! Just wanted to pin my interest here, as well as throw in a rough idea for a character.

Idea: Character would probably be fresh meat for the prison, of either Orange or Red. Ability would be something along the lines of her body producing an ink-like substance that forms a vague animal-ish form around her body, which uses her human body as the core within the ink body. Would probably be triggered by stress or something, and completely loses control whenever it is active, acting mainly on instinct. She doesn't necessarily has a means of 'controlling it' but could delay the change for a period of time if she focuses all her attention to it. She would most likely be put in the prison as being a general danger to society due to her utter lack of control over her ability and how dangerous it could be, and after being secured from a failed operation of a mafia or some other group that was taking advantage of her ability.

Rough idea, but some feedback would be greatly appreciated!
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