Avatar of EchoWolff


Recent Statuses

6 mos ago
Current "The echo of one's heart need not follow worldly principles. By the heat of passion, cold of apathy, light of cheer, and dark of grief. By Time and Space, be true."
6 mos ago
For those waiting on me to respond, I will be writing things up over the weekend. Hang tight!
7 mos ago
Doing well, writing responses and such
1 like
7 mos ago
Hello quite bored, I'm Echo!
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8 mos ago
Apologies for those waiting on replies from me, life has been hell this weekend. I will attempt to get things out by tomorrow night!


Good morning/afternoon/evening!

If you are reading this, then for some reason you want to learn a little bit about the absolute anomaly that is me.

A few important things to note are:

- I am sometimes a bit slow for posting, though sometimes I will almost immediately respond.

- I have absolutely no interest in Romance. This has changed, but only for certain circumstances. It depends!

- I enjoy making very overcomplicated worlds to share with people, like you!

- I enjoy really heavy and psychological themes, but I will do lighter ones as well.

That's pretty much all I think you need to know, but if you want to you can send me a PM! I don't bite...

Most Recent Posts

Good to know, thank you!
Yes, or anything similar that I could include to my character idea
@Ersa93 Small question, are there any distinctive 'races' of people within Relgas?

2:47 PM...?

The rabbit gave no reaction to the marionette's aggressive action, simply staring at its originator as they set their clauses into the deal... with a small nod the cracks and fragments that encompassed Kousuke's vision seemed to fade in luminosity, instead beating like a heartbeat...

The world around him... had a heartbeat.

The whispers ebbed and flowed with the rhythm, an endless circle of crescendo and decrescendo. An order of operations.

Though it felt like he was looking through a window, a sheet of glass that somehow separated his consciousness from the darked living world that lay there before him.

The rabbit dissipated into mist, billowing down before condensing again on the ground, walking down one of the many halls, looking back to the dealmaker.

"Well? Let's get moving. It's almost time to..."

The deer closed its eyes as the hand came to rest on its face, the question was something it had known the answer to long before the debt collector came to the realization himself.

"That is something for you to decide. The power I bestow upon you is nothing but a means to one of many possible ends, it is up to your actions and decisions to determine if what I choose to give to you becomes a weapon or a tool."

The deer then began to move, past the predator, and toward the stairs. A strange feeling descended upon Fubuki, conflicting. The feeling of being trapped yet also free, of being suffocated yet breathing in the cold and brisk air... A feeling of as if one were looking at the world through a hall of mirrors, each image distorted in its reflection.

The deer turned before descending, eyes piercing through to it's originator's soul.

"Come. Things are still in motion. In order to learn what I have given you, then you must..."

Their body didnt move, it refused to, watching as the shadowy wolf fought the creature, the whispers getting louder in their ears as she raised her hands, covering her ears...

The noise, it was too loud... like being stuck in an echo chamber, letting the sound reverberate and grow enough to make someone's head explode...

"Listen to me!"

The voice cut clearer than the sharpest knife- no.. It peirced the static haze like a bullet straight through her skull.

With a sharp inhale, she looked up, the wolf staring back at them, the creature recovering just behind the creature.

"There's a reason this place is a labyrinth. The fear of being trapped, of being pitted into a corner by your decisions. A winding path that never sees an end, this is the fear, the anxiety of a student, of an apprentice. I need you, as much as you need me, and time is ticking here pup. It's about time, you and the others need to.."

Three voices speak in unison, hearts speaking with one voice together.
Shatter the Veil.

As their vision started... to crack.

The masked man smiled at the albino, finding the little bird's confusion and panic amusing.

"Oh, don't worry. Your former family would be much more... hidden if they had access to this. Anyway, that's not what I'm here for, I need you. Or rather, something else needs you, depending on what you do with this."

With a flick of his wrist, a tattered yellowed page materialized from the blackness, as if he had pulled it from the darkness itself. He placed it down, sliding it over to the boy, a small gray feather falling to rest on the title of the paper...

The contract.

"Go ahead, read it over however many times you need. It's a very simple contract, I just need you to sign it."

2:45 PM...?


The ethereal emitted a chuckle, its wispy form seeming to crackle, no longer clearly defined, like a chromatic aberration effect. That is before it smiled.

"Ah, but of course... Your hand can't sign anything that doesn't benefit the family, can it? Well, it's bullshit. You know deep inside that you want to break loose, to tear away the chains that shackle you down..." The smile only grew on the rabbit's face, the red of its eyes seemed to glow, to rage with that same fire that burned in Kosuke's heart.

"I know, because I am that fire that burns within you at this very moment. All you need to do is break away, and let yourself run free. So I have a question for you..."

"Do you have the courage to make a deal with your inner demons?"

The rabbit raised it's paw, this time for some kind of handshake. The clinking of glass could be heard at the edge of one's senses, an ephemeral chime as the air distorted and bent around them...

The heat was rising.


The deer stayed on the ground, and slowly lifted its head, as the area seemed to get colder.

"Little stag... There is more than one way to break a pane of glass." The growled voice utters, as blood drips down now not as drops, but crystals. Fubuki's breath appeared as whispy clouds before him in the cold air, the space around them felt fragile, whereas a single gesture could break the very air that encompassed it. Frost began forming on the tile flooring...

The terrain was changing as a chime of glass rang through the halls like two wine glasses struck together in a toast.

The deer's head tilted, before standing.

"Rage is so erratic in its form... both a weakness and a weapon. What will you allow it to be?"


Chihiro followed the inky wolf down what seemed to be miles of stretching hallways, eyes flicking to the dark walls as the shadows seemed to dance in the corner of their vision...

The wolf stopped at an intersection, leading off into three different hallways, turning to her.

"Wait here. Something's coming."

A shrill chime rang from the air around them, as glass hands reached out from the walls. Long translucent limbs with jagged shards of glass and crystal reaching out. A head then emerged, there was no face, only a fractured mirror in place of it, reflecting images of things past.

Before she could react it came towards her, intercepted by the wolf, a snarl echoing through her mind. She was frozen with fear, her feet refused to move as she watched the scene unfold before her... the creature's claws shone sharp as blades as it screeched, like fingernails scraping against a chalkboard.

Click, clack.

He didn't understand why he had to do this one personally, but it seemed more urgent than the other requests. They hadn't even begun trusting themselves yet, and now here he was dragging a new one into the mix.

As the door to the cafe opened, time slowed and dilated around the man in the mask. The patrons around him came to a stop, frozen, as he walked straight to the albino kid behind the counter.

With a fluid motion, he grabbed the back of the boy's shirt collar, as the world around them fractured and broke, the space around them shattering into a black void. The boy was released from the dilations hold as he fell into a chair, a table rising from the blackness underneath, the man walking around to his own chair on the other side of the table, leaning his elbows onto the wood of the table.

"You're probably scared, being pulled away like this. Just to confirm, your name is Tohato, right?"
Banned for oversized hoodie
Working on possible Paradigms for your current set, will send them to you once they are ready
I would like to show my interest! The outcast and healer roles have caught my eye~

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