S H I P P E D ! A P P L I C A T I O N

Latia Bell-Hudley
My first name is Latia, which means "joy" in Latin. Everyone calls me Tia, for short. Well, everyone except for my mom. She always tells me how she knew that she had to name me Latia right after she pushed me out and they placed me on her chest. She said that I didn't cry at all, but smiled up at her instead. I was her bundle of joy. I didn't start crying until after I'd been cleaned and wrapped up, right when my dad tried to hold me in his arms. That was when I raised hell.
My first name is Latia, which means "joy" in Latin. Everyone calls me Tia, for short. Well, everyone except for my mom. She always tells me how she knew that she had to name me Latia right after she pushed me out and they placed me on her chest. She said that I didn't cry at all, but smiled up at her instead. I was her bundle of joy. I didn't start crying until after I'd been cleaned and wrapped up, right when my dad tried to hold me in his arms. That was when I raised hell.

23 years old
I was born on January fourth, right in the middle of a huge snow storm. My mom says that maybe that's why I like the cold so much. I do think I look my age, but that doesn't stop me from getting carded whenever I go the bar.
I was born on January fourth, right in the middle of a huge snow storm. My mom says that maybe that's why I like the cold so much. I do think I look my age, but that doesn't stop me from getting carded whenever I go the bar.

Chicago, Illinois
I was born and raised in Chicago. So before you ask, yes, I'm a Bulls fan. I grew up in Englewood, which is a pretty fucked up neigborhood, if I do say so myself. The only good things that have ever come out of that place are Chief Keef and D Rose. Anyway, I lived there for most of my life, until I moved to Washington, D.C for college. After I graduated, I just sort of stuck around in D.C. But, as I always say, you can take the girl out of Chicago, but you can't take the Chicago out of the girl.
I was born and raised in Chicago. So before you ask, yes, I'm a Bulls fan. I grew up in Englewood, which is a pretty fucked up neigborhood, if I do say so myself. The only good things that have ever come out of that place are Chief Keef and D Rose. Anyway, I lived there for most of my life, until I moved to Washington, D.C for college. After I graduated, I just sort of stuck around in D.C. But, as I always say, you can take the girl out of Chicago, but you can't take the Chicago out of the girl.

Honestly? I have no clue how to describe myself. I'm just a regular girl from Chicago with a head full of dreams and the determination to make them come true. My friends would probably paint me to be a stressed-out workaholic, but I don't necessarily think so. I mean, hanging around at clubs until three in the morning and doing whatever they deem as "fun" isn't going to get me to where I want to be in life. Success doesn't come easy, so I'm going to work for it.

I haven't had real "hobbies" since my school days. I was never that teenager who was involved in a bunch of clubs. I did used to play electric guitar in high school and my first couple of years of college, though. I was in a little punk rock band as lead singer, too. We called ourselves Pariah since we were sort of outcasts. I mean, we were a bunch of black kids from the hood who blasted rock music instead of the hot new Nas album. Anyway, we had dreams of becoming famous one day and touring the world until we had internal issues and went our separate ways. At that point, I just sort of focused more on getting an education and taking the right steps towards becoming a social worker. When I do have free time, it's usually spent writing shitty songs, studying, or reading whatever book I picked up from the library. Right now I'm reading The Autobiography of Malcolm X.

Well, I've only had two real relationships in my life. Both of these relationships were short-lived, probably because I didn't give them enough of my time. I'm not much into the whole dating thing anymore, anyway. I'm an independent woman; I don't need a man or woman to complete me, you know?
Well, I've only had two real relationships in my life. Both of these relationships were short-lived, probably because I didn't give them enough of my time. I'm not much into the whole dating thing anymore, anyway. I'm an independent woman; I don't need a man or woman to complete me, you know?

Growing up, I've always had this silly dream of becoming a rock star. I wanted my face to be on billboards all over the world and my music to reach millions, you know? I still sing and play often, but now that I'm a grown ass adult with bills to pay I have to think a bit more realistically. So I'm now working my way through college with the ultimate goal of becoming a social worker. I've already got my bachelor's degree, and I'm a caseworker. Once I get my Master of Social Work degree, I'll hopefully be able to get an administrative position. Once I get a good job with a steady income, I'll probably buy a nicer apartment. Maybe even get a dog or two.

I'm obviously in it for the money, just like ninety-five percent of everyone else. I mean, come on! I'm trying to get my Master's degree, and you all know that college is expensive as fuck. These student loans aren't going to pay themselves, no matter how hard I wish for it. Maybe this will also give me a bit of exposure, though. You know, as an artist?

I have a peanut allergy, so please try not to kill me. I have a pet gerbil named Rumi, and we're best buds. I listen to music as often as I can, usually everyday and mostly Rock or R&B. I'd rather read the book than see the movie. I have Green Day and Nickelback posters all over my apartment. Dr. Pepper is disgusting.