Avatar of Ejected


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4 yrs ago
Current Oh Guild, how I've missed you.
5 yrs ago
@Filthy Mudblood; If you need help keying his car just say the word and I’m on the way sis.
5 yrs ago
RIP Kobe Bryant, a legend, and his daughter Gianna, who was a legend in the making. 💔
5 yrs ago
I turned 24 on Saturday. Adulthood is still a big ass scam though.
5 yrs ago
On October 3rd, he asked me what day it was... It’s October 3rd.


My name is Jordan, but everyone usually just calls me Jo. I'm 29 years old, and I'm from Brooklyn, NYC.
I've got a little over 17 years of RP experience under my belt.
You'll usually see me in SOL RPs.
My discord is Ejected#5448

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I see that you're still accepting students... mind if I join in? I can have a character up within the next hour.

As soon as she heard those three loud knocks coming from the front of the room, Diamond sat straight up in bed, her eyes popping open and instantly focusing on the oak doors. She watched with mild curiosity as the door slowly creaked open, and raised her eyebrows when her gaze met that of a petite, younger woman. The young woman was beautiful, to say the very least; she had soft features and a face full of freckles that stood out against her pale skin. Her most striking feature, however, definitely had to be the thick, red hair that curled around her face and cascaded down her back. Diamond observed in silence as the girl entered into the room and sat on the bed across from her. Her nose wrinkled a bit as the woman’s peculiar odor wafted from her bed to Diamond’s place on her side of the room. She was a vampire.

She could easily tell that the other girl was nervous based on how she fiddled with the tassels on her bag. Her lips slightly twitched at the corner when she caught sight of the large cello case that the girl had set against the wall. “You know, you don’t have to be nervous,” Diamond said, her gaze momentarily flicking down to the girl’s wrist, “I’m not one to bite.” As Diamond spoke, she unconsciously studied her new roommate’s facial expressions, curious to see how she would react to her joke. In the few months that she has been immersed in this new way of living, not once has Diamond had any sort of encounter with a vampire despite hearing many stories about their species. Therefore, she had no idea what exactly to expect from the girl. So far, she seemed to be alright, but that was still subject to change. For the time being, Diamond decided to just treat the other girl just as she would any “normal” person.

“Diamond Greene. It’s nice to meet you too, girl.” As Diamond introduced herself, she confidently held her hand out to her roommate to shake. “I guess we’re gonna be rooming together for a while, so we should get to know each other a bit. I’d hate to have to live with a complete stranger, you know?” after saying this, Diamond let her gaze land on the large cello case that sat not too far away. “I take it that you’re a musician...”
I will post tonight.

LOCATION — Her Apartment — Lobby
INTERACTING WITH — Regina @baraquiel ; Terrence @Erklings25

{ "Reach for the stars so if you fall you land on a cloud." }

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Just like every other night, Zanelle had stayed up until the sun had begun to rise again. In fact, she didn't finally close her eyes and get some sleep until about six o'clock in the morning. That didn't last for long, however. Fifty minutes later, she was out of bed and running around her kitchen, searching for the box of coffee pods for her personal coffee maker. “Just four hours,” the young woman mumbled to herself as she ripped open the box of caramel macchiato coffee pods, “Four hours… four hours…” Zanelle had a total of four and a half hours before her big meeting with a Hollywood agent, a meeting which she had spent the last few nights excitedly preparing for. Unfortunately, her excitement wore off pretty quickly, and was instantly replaced with gut feelings of dread and nervousness. Her hands trembled a little as she dropped two spoonfuls of sugar into her empty coffee mug; the shaking stopped the instant that coffee touched the tip of her tongue. "I'm such a fucking mess..." Zanelle muttered under her breath before downing the cup in a few gulps and returning to her bedroom.

In just thirty minutes, Zanelle had showered, thrown on a presentable outfit, and run a comb through her hair. She'd even applied a little bit of makeup, being careful not to "overdo" it as she usually did. She wanted to leave a certain impression on the agent, one that said "I'm refreshed, awake, and ready to work hard" rather than "I'm trying to mask just how tired I am with this face full of makeup." By the time she'd exited her apartment and locked the door behind her, it was about half past seven, which gave her more than enough time to socialize with the other tenants before heading out in search of her destination. Although she'd only lived in the apartment building for two short months, Zanelle had already become acquainted with a few of the other residents. She was still fairly new to California, however, which would explain why her eyes were so fixated on her cell phone as she rode the elevator down to the main floor. Google Maps was telling her exactly where she needed to be and which route was the quickest. "I really wish they had a subway here," Zanelle said to herself right as the elevator doors opened.

"Good morning, you two," Zanelle nodded to Regina and Terrance as she made her way towards one of the couches that sat not too far away. She waved hello to a few of the others that she didn't know all too well before plopping down on the sofa and staring at her phone once more. Her destination was less than thirty minutes away, but still too far to walk. That is, unless she actually wanted to sweat out her hair and ruin her makeup. "Looks like I'll be calling an Uber," Zanelle muttered to herself before rolling her eyes and switching over to the right app. "Expensive motherfuckers."
Niggas claiming they the best while Rakim still breathing...
LOCATIONThe Carver Household — The Brady Pub
INTERACTING WITHOlivia @SpicyMeatball ; Aliana @Dirty Pretty Lies;
Colin @Altered Tundra; Mentions Blu

{"Fly like a jet, sting like a hornet"}

Ever since she’d strutted gracefully across the stage and practically snatched her high school diploma from her former principal just over a month ago, Annalise Carver has been living her absolute best life. In fact, the young woman had spent the first week following graduation in downtown Chicago with a couple of her closest friends; they’d pooled together whatever money they had saved over the course of the year and stayed in a ratty motel which just so happened to be right down the street from some of the hottest clubs in Illinois. Of course, Lexi and Abraham Carver had no idea that their youngest child was out club hopping and carelessly spending money; All that the couple knew was that Anna and her friends had gone on a trip to the beach. The only person who even knew of her actual whereabouts during that time was her elder brother, and even that was solely for safety purposes. Annalise was determined to end her high school years with a bang, both figuratively and literally.

As soon as Annalise had come back home, she’d begun to plot out exactly what she wanted to do before she would have to begin her classes at the University. This mental list comprised of many normal, teenager Summer activities such as going to local concerts and community pools, but also things that she knew her parents would not approve of such as going to wild parties, smoking her weight in dank weed, and losing her virginity. Of course, she’d have to somehow do all of these things without her parents and the general public finding out, which meant that she’d be doing a great deal of sneaking around and avoiding certain people, but she was willing to take the risk.

Now, the young woman cruised down the street on her bicycle, the breeze running through her hair and feeling nice on her freshly washed scalp as she thoroughly enjoyed the Summer weather. Hanging around her neck was a pair of earbuds which had been turned up to their maximum volume; loud rap music blared through them as Anna sped down the road. Anna had decided to ride her bike around town that day rather than drive; not only did she not want to waste gas, but she also wouldn't have to go on her daily jog around the neighborhood since she'd be cycling all day. She was just nearing Horton Town Square when her phone began to vibrate in her back pocket. She quickly skimmed the message from Olivia Horton, but decided that she'd wait to respond back until after she'd chained her bicycle to a nearby bike rack, headed into The Brady Pub, and ordered something to eat; She was starving. She was surprised, however, when she pulled up to the front of the pub and saw that her friend had beaten her there.

After carefully locking her bike away, Anna quickly walked inside of the pub where she was greeted with the familiar, mouth-watering smell of coffee beans and food. Anna chuckled as she watched the eldest Brady brother ruffle Olivia's hair, her stomach growling as she approached the youngest Horton child from behind. She was just about to open her mouth to make her usual silly remark when she caught a quick glance of the image that had been pulled up on Olivia's laptop. Shit. "Hey, guys," Anna said as she came to a stop next to the other three. She simply nodded her head and smiled in greeting to the Brady siblings before looking back at Olivia. "Uh... bad timing? Cause we can always hang later if you're...busy." Anna silently wished that the younger girl would tell her to stay. She was dying to get the whole story behind the picture.

@Avanhelsing Aww! I hope your doggo will be okay!
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