Avatar of Ejected


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4 yrs ago
Current Oh Guild, how I've missed you.
5 yrs ago
@Filthy Mudblood; If you need help keying his car just say the word and I’m on the way sis.
5 yrs ago
RIP Kobe Bryant, a legend, and his daughter Gianna, who was a legend in the making. 💔
5 yrs ago
I turned 24 on Saturday. Adulthood is still a big ass scam though.
5 yrs ago
On October 3rd, he asked me what day it was... It’s October 3rd.


My name is Jordan, but everyone usually just calls me Jo. I'm 29 years old, and I'm from Brooklyn, NYC.
I've got a little over 17 years of RP experience under my belt.
You'll usually see me in SOL RPs.
My discord is Ejected#5448

Character Vault

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It didn't take long for Carter Newton to finish the rest of his errands for the day; in the span of less than an hour, the young man had managed to hit up about five of his customers' homes, leaving each house with a little more money in his wallet and a little less product in a compartment of his book bag. It was a little past twelve when Carter found himself aimlessly cruising down the road, his windows rolled down and his music blasting a little louder than usual. With nothing on his to-do list for the rest of the afternoon, Carter made the split decision to turn into the parking lot of the local grocery store. He figured that since he'd worked so hard that morning, he deserved to blow most, if not all of his earnings on some snacks for the fridge that sat in the corner of his bedroom and whatever skin care products he needed to restock. As he searched for an empty spot to park his car, Carter briefly went over his plans for the rest of his day in his head: grab a few groceries, clean up his room, wash his hair, shave, do a face mask, exfoliate, moisturize... Sundays were for self care. That was how Carter liked it.

Soon, the young man found himself entering the grocery store. He grabbed a small basket from the nearby stack before beginning his journey down the multiple aisles. By the time Carter reached the check out line, his basket had been filled to capacity with a bunch of snacks, large bottles of juice and water, and several bottles of facial cleansers, moisturizers, and face masks. Carter started to place all of his items up onto the conveyor belt before adding a divider in to separate his stuff from the things that belonged to the person in front of him. It wasn't until after Carter finished loading his items onto the belt that he realized who the young woman standing in front of him was.

"It's Beatrice, right?" Carter said suddenly as he took a quick glance at what the cashier had been ringing up. While Carter couldn't recall ever having an actual conversation with the small girl, he did remember seeing her around King's Academy almost every other day. He could even remember a time when he handed her, as well as some guy that she was walking with at the time, a flyer for a local protest. Whether or not she actually attended this event, or even held onto the flyer for more than a few seconds before tossing it into the trash bin, was a mystery to him. Nonetheless, Cater figured that he'd strike up a conversation with her. After all, it wasn't like he had anything better to do while waiting to pay for his groceries.

"You having a party or something?"

Starring Archer | Kavan

As he parked his car outside Kavan’s house Archer exhaled heavily trying to get rid of this weird feeling of nervousness that he had collected on the ride over. It was weird, he had been over here so many times over the years. It was just something in the tone that Marisol had when talking about the situation and also the way he had asked Kavan to meet up today. A groan left the young man’s lips as he remembered the awkward kiss he had planted on Kavan the night before. With one last look at himself in the rearview mirror and a huge sigh as he tried to get his hair to lay the way he wanted, Archer stepped out of his car.

Meanwhile, unbeknownst to Archer, Kavan had been doing the exact same thing as his good friend was; with the bathroom door shut and locked so that his sister wouldn’t come barging inside as usual, Kavan stood at the sink and stared at his reflection in the mirror. He loved his new haircut a lot more than he thought he would, and couldn’t help but crack a small smile as he used his fingers to push a couple strands of hair from out of his face. It wasn’t until after he heard his sister walk past the closed door, mentioning something about his vanity, that he decided he’d better head back to his bedroom.

Instead of knocking at the front door Archer just stood there looking at it for a moment, rocking back and forward on his heels. What are you doing?! Just knock! he mentally scolded himself before reaching out and knocking. The door swung open almost too quick as if someone had been waiting at the other side for him.

“Oh?!” Archer yelped as he saw the gorgeous young woman standing there smiling at him. “My my… Amoli! Looking stylish as always,” the boy smirked looking the Indian beauty up and down. In response, the young woman playfully rolled her eyes and shrugged her shoulders as if she already knew. “Is your brother home?” Archer asked looking behind her as if Kavan would pop up from nowhere.

“Nope, he definitely isn’t here,” Amoli said with a hint of sarcasm as she stepped out of the doorway and waved her hand, motioning for the younger boy to step foot into their home. “You know how Kavan can be on the weekends, always out and about… on the go. Certainly never holed up in his room with a few thick books and his guitar.”

Archer nodded along as Amoli spoke “Mmmmh I feel you” he said as he stepped passed the girl. “He’s such a nerd. Who would’ve thought he had such a… goddess of beauty and popularity as a sister?!” he grinned sticking his tongue out at her.

“I know, right?” Amoli said before returning the gesture, “It’s just so hard being the Beyonce of the family. Kavan would never understand it.”

“I’m guessing he actually is holed up in his room then?” Archer pointed with both thumbs up the stairs. “Soo uhm I’m just going to let myself upstairs” he said as he walked up the stairs.

Amoli simply nodded her head and offered the boy a small wave. “Be my guest,” she said with a smirk as she turned and started to make her way back towards the kitchen, “Have fun. Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.”

As he arrived at the door he knew was Kavan’s, Archer pushed the already slightly open bedroom door. As he popped his head inside the boy noticed it to be empty as he looked around his friends room. Is he really out and about? he thought to himself as he browsed the books that filled the shelfs. He absent mindedly strummed the guitar that stood in its stand in front of him. With a sigh he fell backwards to flopp on to Kavan’s bed stretching to his shirt rode up exposing part of his stomach.

It was the distinct sound of Kavan’s bass guitar that caused the young man to slightly quicken his pace, for he now knew that someone was in his room and assumed it to be his older sister poking around in his things, as she often did. But when Kavan finally arrived at his bedroom door and took a quick peek inside, he saw that he had been mistaken; instead of it being Amoli, it was none other than his good friend Archer Diedrikson. Kavan suddenly froze in place, his heartbeat quickening as he stared at the boy who laid across the bed, his eyes tracing up and down Archer's body in a quick once-over that lingered on the slightly exposed portion of his abdomen. A few more seconds passed by before Kavan finally snapped out of his thoughts and cleared his throat so that Archer could hear. "Hey man," the boy said as he entered the room and nervously ran his fingers through his hair, "Didn't know you were already here... Amoli must've let you in."

Archers eyes snapped open when he heard Kavan enter the room. “Oh! Hi! Yes she did!” he blurted out sitting up pulling on his shirt. Feeling the blood rushing to his cheeks. He quickly stood up from the bed and turned away from his friend to not show how flustered he was getting. After a few calming breaths as he pretended to peruse the bookshelves again he turned back to face Kavan for the first time. “Oh dude you got a haircut?” he said as he stepped closer peering up at the taller boys face. “Really suits you! Did Amoli do it?” he asked as he reached out and brushed the dark locks with his hand. Kavan felt the heat rush to his ears as Archer did this; while he was very relieved that Archer liked his new haircut, he couldn't help but feel nervous once again at how close they were.

Just then a weird feeling came over Archer, all of a sudden he realized how close he actually stood to Kavan. He was frozen in the spot he stood. But his hand was still in Kavan’s hair so he had to will his body to move. His lips parted as if he was going to say something. But nothing came out. He let his hand drop down to rest on Kavan’s shoulder instead. He didn’t really know why he did it but it felt right so he pushed up from the floor and suddenly their lips met. Inside his head he was screaming but it was hidden behind his closed eyelids. This had been three years in the making.

It felt as if he had been waiting for it for so long, this one kiss that immediately sent his pulse skyrocketing and his mind racing. It came unexpectedly, but Kavan didn't dare pull away; in fact, he gently placed his hand behind Archer's neck and pulled his body closer to his, deepening their kiss with an unrestrained hunger. It was finally time for Kavan to let go of all of the pent-up feelings he'd been trying to keep in check for what seemed like forever.

When the kiss was intensified with Kavan pulling him closer Archer felt himself relaxing into the dark boy. He pushed against the others body so that the backed into the open door so it closed. Archer felt his way to the door handle and clicked the lock. He had thrown all the anxiousness and nerves out the door before he locked it. All he knew now was that he did not want this moment to end. He pulled away and sat down on the bed again a hunger still in his eyes as he bit his lower lip looking up at one of his best friends. Without giving it another thought he gave Kavan’s hand a hard tug so he landed on top of him. Archer like a heat seeking missile found the boys lips and continued where they had left off only now with more passion.

As he was laying there in a euphoric state thinking that this beat out all of the books and junkfood in the world. There was still one thing that was bothering him. Marisol had been right

I'll have a character up within the next couple of days!

LOCATION:Ballroom at the Plaza

INTERACTIONS:Anyone at the Table

Like a few of the other participants at the table, Yvonne's ice cream was green; as the tall flute of mint chocolate chip ice cream was placed in front of the young woman, she couldn't help but crack a small smile and think about her best friend. Mint chocolate chip had always been Yvonne's favorite ice cream flavor, something that she and Corinne had in common. It was because of this simple fact that the two had started a new tradition after they graduated college; it explained why every second Friday, the pair would sit on Yvonne's couch and stuff their faces with the cold treat, only stopping when their spoons hit the bottom of the carton. Yvonne hurriedly grabbed her spoon and began to dig into the sweet dessert; her grin widened as the flavor spread through her mouth. It didn't even occur to the young woman to dig to the bottom of the glass to find her "indicator," as the man had called it, until she noticed a few of the others at the table begin to do so.

Yvonne watched with curious eyes as the other guests began to pull rings from their flutes (or mouths) before examining the gem stone that sat atop of it. Suddenly, Yvonne's heart began to pound nervously in her chest as she stared down at her own glass of ice cream. "Here goes nothing," the young woman said as she used her spoon to dig her way down to her ring. Soon, Yvonne's spoon clinked against something hard. After hesitating for a brief moment, the young woman used her spoon to pull her ring up to the surface and sat it down on one of her nearby napkins. Upon wiping off all of the excess ice cream that had stuck to the ring, Yvonne saw that she had received the Tiger's Eye stone. She simply slipped it onto one of her ring-less fingers before returning to her own dessert.

She was filled to the brim with nervousness, which was a state of mind that she wasn't generally used to being in. While she was quite sure that the other participants were scanning the occupants of the table with hungry eyes, eager to find out who they were matched up with, Yvonne kept her own eyes trained on her flute of ice cream. And even after she'd finished her ice cream, the young woman opted to keep her hands folded neatly in her lap. Well, she did until she finally caught a glimpse of the ring whose gem stone appeared to be identical to her own. The ring was on the finger of the man with the thick Welsh accent who'd earlier introduced himself as a professional rugby player. It only took a moment for the young woman to recall his name. Leo Moriarty.
1. Mia - Bad Bunny ft. Drake
2. Better - Khalid - Suncity
3. Close Friends - Lil Baby, Gunna - Drip Harder
4. Every Season - Roddy Rich - Feed Tha Streets II
5. Shot Clock - Ella Mai - Ella Mai
6. EX - Kiana Lede - Selfless EP
7. Roll Some Mo - Lucky Daye - I
8. King James - Anderson .Paak - Ventura
9. Raise A Man - Alicia Keys
0. Care For You - Mario - Dancing Shadows
I'm interested, as well!
LOCATION: Dorm Floor
INTERACTIONS: Ziggy, Julius, Ylva, Sasha, and Lou

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

The area around the ratty, mustard-colored couch was starting to get crowded, that was for sure. And Venus couldn't help but feel slightly uncomfortable after coming to realize this; while being a generally friendly person, Venus didn't take too well to larger groups of people, and it would only be a matter of time before this would begin to have a negative impact on her attitude. The young woman shifted nervously in the couch cushion as she tried to stay focused on what everyone was saying; unfortunately, thanks to the effects of the weed brownie, her mind kept drifting off to other things. It was only after a large, dorky-looking boy in a black flat cap made his way over to their growing group that Venus snapped out of her little trance and fixed her gaze on his now chocolate covered mouth. This time, she could't stop herself from laughing; the giggle that escaped from her lips soon turned into a chuckle, which then lead to a full on laughing fit. Oh, how Venus laughed; she kept it going right up until her stomach muscles began to hurt and her cheeks began to ache.

"I don't see how you guys can't smell the weed," the young woman said once she finished laughing. Although the brownies did appear to be the average chocolate dessert, Venus thought for sure that people would know that they were edibles from the moment they caught a whiff of the treat. Hell, maybe even after the first bite should they have caught on. "Looks like we're about to be a bunch of stoned ass individuals for the next couple of hours," Venus said with one final chuckle as she settled back into her seat. It was then that she noticed her roommate join them; she offered her a weak smile and nod as she watched her greet the rest of the crowd. And then came another.

Ford, as Ziggy had called him earlier, made his way to the group with his blow up doll tucked under one of his arms. Venus would've questioned his motives for bringing such a thing to the dorm party, but stopped herself when the boy began to critique Ziggy's brownies. "You're supposed to soak the weed in melted butter for a while, then use the butter for the brownies once it's nice and weedy," the boy said in a painfully country accent, "Not put whole-ass bud in the brownie mix."

Part of Venus wanted to speak up and say something along the lines of "So how about you supply the edibles, next time, since you're such an expert," but ultimately decided to keep her mouth shut once she figured that he was only trying to be helpful. Soon, Ford was handing over his sex doll to the dorky boy, who looked way too enthusiastic about this action. What caught Venus completely off guard, however, was when Julius suddenly hopped from his seat and pulled the guy away from the rest of them. While she didn't know what that was all about, an old memory of her mother dragging twelve year old her out of the grocery store by her T-shirt collar instantly popped into her mind. That was what Julius reminded her of. An angry black mother. Venus watched with curious eyes as Julius wet a cloth and used it to wipe the chocolate from the boy's face; she assumed that they must have been really close friends. Then came an outburst from her left side, and Venus couldn't help but jump a bit before turning to see just what the hell was going on.

It was Ylva who'd blurted out those few words; Venus raised her brows as she eyed the girl's facial expression. It looked as though she'd just seen a ghost. While Sasha asked if she was okay, Venus settled back into her seat, a bewildered expression plastered on her face. "Girl, are you sure you didn't eat some of Ziggy's brownies? Like, on accident or something..."
Just gonna add my 2 cents and say that Klaus is amazing. Love him.
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