Avatar of Eleventhfret
  • Last Seen: 6 yrs ago
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 184 (0.05 / day)
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  • Username history
    1. Eleventhfret 10 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

9 yrs ago
Current I love creators who inspire me. Be it writers, painters, or musicians. Being inspired is a power, a light to scare away the shadows of depression and anxiety.
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9 yrs ago
This is the sooouuund of my soul.
9 yrs ago
"I'll clean the house after this chapter." Four chapters later. "...Shit."
9 yrs ago
Storm Front is the best thing to have ever happened to me. Such a tasteful use of magic, Jim Butcher's sexy ass writing style, I'm in love.
9 yrs ago
Kiss them for me always make me feel nostalgic. Maybe because my mom blasted it in my tweenie years. Same with any song on Siamese Dream.
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Sup mortals? How's it hanging?!

Facts: I like food, music, and good smelling hair. I disappeared, I'm back. For good. I never sleep, timezones mean nothing to me. Girrafes are the shiz. I'm a weeb. I play rhythm and lead guitar, bass, and drums, and i sing. All self taught.

Stuff; Royale is an amazing band, they make yachtmetal. My cat has the spirit of a grizzly. Karl Pilkington is a genius. One Punch Man is hype as hemlock yo! That's all. Go sleep now

Most Recent Posts

*feels the need to post, can't think of anything in character*

Somewhere on route 4, interacting with @Bigg Slamm and @Pyromania99

The weather was lovely as usual in the garden by Lumiose City, bird pokemon sang softly, and green grass made for a lovely background to the many colourful flower patches. Wesley watched the young trainer with the ground/ghost pokemon, pretending to relax by one such patch of flowers with Luxio, Wesley had awoken at an unholy hour, starting his training with Luxio early, They'd battled several trainers and done a long jog, and decided to take a break at a peaceful place. That was until he noticed Logan battle with some trainer, his calmness in battle was commendable, as was his knowledge of his pomemon, he had to battle this trainer. He made special note of the move that phased through the Gollet.

Wesley was just about to get up and challenge the trainer when he noticed another female approach him. "Quite the ladies man." remarked Wesley. After a moment of thought, he decided to approach the young trainer, which is precisely what he did. "You there, with the Golett, I challenge you to a Pokemon battle, 1v1, winner gets 500." Wesley believed with all his heart that he'd win this battle, there was no doubt about it in his mind, it was a matter of fact. Besides, he only had 64 pokedollars.
Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
The spanish inquisition.
Roses are red.
Violets are blue.
I just lost the game.
Now so have you.
Kierven watched his pursuer go the other direction and grinned to himself. he strolled into the temple in a seemingly causal manner, though anybody that knew him was well aware that he was more than ready to react to anything at any given time. He made a mental note to repay the mercenary as he made his way towards the warrior.

He was in awe of the temple, it was so grand, a majestic sight to be sure, he could definitely feel a strong magical force, it wouldn't take a powerful music user to tell this place was special. It filled him with determination, to do what, he didn't know. His eyes widened as he noticed the imposing lizard, he almost warned Lux until he noticed the lizard seemed likely to be have been called by the spirit. As he reached the trio, he interrupted whatever conversation they might've been having without hesitation. "So, a Lizalfos, a mercenary, and a travelling musician walk into a temple..." he stated, mocking a typical joke format to call out the odd collection of people in the area. He split an infectious grin as he did so, then going on to introduce himself as Kierven.
Oi! My bad! I'll get a post up.
Wesley yawned as he walked down North Boulevard pulling a hand out of his pocket to check the time, it was night now, he recalled having trained with Luxio as soon as they arrived in the morning, it was past due time for some nourishment. He noticed Luxio was sticking close to him, wary and untrustful of the many people around him. Luxio walked purposefully, muscles tense, ready for an attack anytime, a fighting machine. Wesley dodged the passing people fluidly, dancing through the crowd. Having memorized a map of the entire city, he made his way to the Pokemon Center and stocked up on potions. Afterward, he went to Cafe Bataille, and got something to eat, sharing it with Luxio, taking it on his way back out of the city.

Wesley travelled to Route 5 with Luxio, deciding to get some more training in before going to bed. He noticed two girls as he walked and challenged them to a battle. They sent out a minun and plusle The air tense as their two pokemon stared his down, a seemingly unfair battle. The two pokemon came in for a tandem quick attack at a blinding speed, Luxio was however far quicker, dodging their attack and following up with a tackle, knocking minun out, as Wesley had trained him to do. Plusle managed to hit Luxio with a quick attack, Luxio rolled with the attack, springing to his feet and launching a tackle at the pokemon, causing to it faint as well. After the battle, Wesley and Luxio found a tree and climbed into it, resting on a thick branch for the night. Wesley made practice of sleeping in trees as part of his discipline training. Luxio curled up on Wesley and they drifted into a deep sleep dreaming only of what tomorrow may bring.
Posting interest.
Kierven's features split into a mischievous grin as he watched the events go down the Lucky Fairy. "Wow, so The Great Lux isn't seven feet tall and ready to explode with muscle? Disappointing." He chuckled to himself, getting up to leave when all of the sudden he heard a voice. "To the Temple of Time, your destiny awaits." Kierven pondered what to do, as he looked around to make sure that was definitely in his head, ultimately deciding it best to go. Either way she sounded hot, so what could go wrong, he wondered. He stepped out of the tavern and into the parade, skillfully stepping through the crowd, things were peachy until someone yelled out his name. "Hey, Kierven, stop! You good-fer-nuthin thief! Where's my money!?" A large, intimidating man was now drawing attention to Kierven, in the middle of a parade full of guards, Kierven decided his best option was to sprint to the temple of time. And that's exactly what he did, his body lunging forward until he reached the temple, encountering the mercenary of renown. "Perfect", thought he as he ran around, hiding on the side of the building. The large burly nan followed soon after. "Hey kid, you seen some fellow runnin' around over here?"
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