Leah Eusebia Clearwater
Female | 17 | 5'8" (173cm) House: Eusebia
Year: 5th Year
Chosen Pet: A Cait named Purrcival
- Gifts
- Teamwork
- Artificing and Magi-Tech Advancements
- Seraphim Piloting
- Physics
- Apprenticeship and Support (Professor's Apprentice for combat related classes- General Combat, Daemons, Defense against Ni-Seraphi)
Mystic Classification: Psychiccer
Mystic Code: Telekineticist
A capable Psychiccer, Leah's primary talent revolves around using telekinesis to move and throw objects- and occasionally people- around. The concept is simple, yet effective, and is among the least 'invasive' of the Psychiccer talents- often having more in common with the various Elementalist talents. While capable of hefting heavier objects and people, Leah eschews sheer force for a more pragmatic and efficient use of her vitesse, often taking to a fight with a pair of heavy, oversized gauntlets, or a barrage of tungsten pellets. As a testament to her amount of practice, Leah is capable of fine control of her telekinesis, allowing her to strike with her gauntlets as though they were an extension of her own body. Using her gauntlets to strike from intermediate distances, Leah moves fast and strikes like a boxer, pummeling her opponents with a cascade of heavy, yet lightning fast jabs and combos to overwhelm their defenses, before swapping to even heavier blows and objects as a finisher. Defensively, the gauntlets can be pulled in to ward off blows, and should strikes get past her guard, Leah is physically fit and hardy enough to shrug off minor blows.
More practically, Leah is often seen using her gauntlets to carry around her books or belongings, or assisting her during research or work as a second pair of hands. The gauntlets will often write notes as she pours over textbooks, or checks her planner (notably, writing with her mind is faster than writing with her actual hands.) While capable of simultaneously controlling multiple objects, Leah's efficacy and fine control reduces exponentially as the number of objects increases.
Among other Psychiccers, Leah is regularly seen preaching the importance of physical fitness. After all, a strong body makes a strong mind- and a strong mind makes a strong Psychiccer.
Personality: Brave, sensible, responsible, Leah appears every bit one would expect of a descendant of Eusebia, and a child of a Royal Guardsman. Confident, and just a bit headstrong, Leah aptly fills the the role that's been thrust upon her. Personable and friendly, Leah is seen as a role model by many. However, just behind the prim and proper facade, is a teenager, burnt out and exhausted by overwhelming expectations placed upon her by her family, the academy and her fellow students. Leah often feels alone, isolated from her fellow students, whether or not those feelings are misplaced. She fears that failing to be anything less than extraordinary means utter failure, and the fact that she was not designated as her house's Illuminaire for a 3rd year weighs heavy on her.
Leah is most in her element in classes and situations relying on physicality. While Psychiccers typically avoid physical conflict, Leah keeps in good physical shape, finding exercise and fighting as one of her few methods of therapy.
Generally not a stickler for rules anyway, Leah occasionally forgets that she's no longer the Illuminaire for her house, and wanders across campus during off hours from time to time.
History: Leah Eusebia Clearwater is the granddaughter of Eusebia the Stalwart, a grand hero of the 72 Years Liberation War, and whom both Leah and an entire house of the academy is named after. Her father is General Artur Galahad Clearwater, a prominent commander of the Royal Guard. With such a pedigree, it wouldn't be a stretch for one to say that Leah was born for war. Seemingly groomed for such a role, even at an early age Leah was being prepared for an inevitable fight against the Ni-Seraphi. In her childhood years, Leah was instilled with the ideas of martial discipline, as expected of one in her stature, and lived in adherence to a strict schedule. Lessons, tutors, drills, etiquette, the best the Eusebia family could afford, Leah's day to day childhood was strictly enforced.
At the age of 13, Leah's powers began manifesting, to which her family took great pride in. Like her father, and his father, Leah was a Mystic. Also like her father, Leah was a telekineticist. Very quickly the Academy was contacted and Leah's potential was measured. They came to the conclusion was that Leah, a literal child, was destined for great things. The Academy was mandatory for Mystics, and thus Leah was admitted and sent off.
With the weight of her family's expectations already upon her, Leah threw herself headlong into her studies, forcing herself to meet said expectations no matter what the cost. When Leah wasn't in school, she was receiving private training from members of the Royal Guard- eager to win favor from her father. Skyrocketing to among the top of her house's rankings, Leah was even designated the Illuminaire for her house during her 3rd and 4th year in the Academy. To cap off her 4th year of school, Leah even bested a junior member of the Royal Guard in single combat. Riding that high, Leah returned home with her head held high, only to be deflated shortly thereafter. Even with all of the accolades and awards, it still didn't seem to be enough for her family.
Close to buckling under the expectations of her family, Leah approaches her 5th year with some measure of trepidation. She still hasn't told her father that she is not the house Illuminaire this year.