Avatar of Emeth


Recent Statuses

2 mos ago
Current Imagine having the willpower to retire from RP and actually mean it (I will never escape)
2 mos ago
Showing kindness is like loaning out emotional currency. If you never receive any in return, it's like having sleep debt. It's exhausting.
2 mos ago
Every 2-5 years or so I will look back and think everything I wrote in the "before times" was cringe. I used to change my username when that happened, now I just wear my shamelessness like a badge.
2 mos ago
God bless the old guy who said "hey good lookin' can you help me out?" at work today. Yessir, I'd be happy to help you find frames for your new glasses.
3 mos ago
I should write science fiction, so I can get paid to blackpill about how technology can be misused instead of doing it for free.


A late twenties/early thirties, they/them something-or-other who's been doing this writing thing on and off since my teens. When I need to blow off some steam, I play the kinds of games that would make the average Dark Souls fan scream with rage. Aside from those two hobbies, I don't make time for much. My roleplaying is probably the most social I'll ever be across the internet, but hopefully that's what you're here for.

Most Recent Posts

"Reconnaissance complete, boss! Here are the results! ...Hey, this info is really important to me, okay?!"
Now we need a tier list chart for who gives the best hugs

Sir yes sir!

"Hey, I didn't forget about you! I've been stuck in detention, feeding all the Owlettes. Um... Who came up with that punishment, again..?"
Slow realization that relationship chart duty probably falls on me, and booty butt image editing skills will be on full display.

That being said, surprisingly few of the accepted characters have Theater and Art except Fasha and Emme. Tessa will certainly be vocal about this, just you wait and see.

Fasha says she wants Taegan, but that's Sumbul.

If no one else will be their friend, let Raffaella be known as the Taebreaker.
@LuckyBlackCatShe protecc. She attacc. When the system gets her down, she fights bacc.

Prepare to receive headpats. Just, you know, wait a minute while Ra'fel finds a crate to stand on first.
Raffaella Struna

This shy little first year from the House of Ivar must be careful to keep her status as a Kissed Mystic hidden; which may not be too difficult with her gift to see the colorful, pluckable threads that bond people together - oh, and she can disappear.

Bard's gotta have a healer and a tank to cling to. That's just the meta.

Trying to bribe me with sweets is also pretty meta.
<Snipped quote by Ti>

I’ve made this mistake too, but invite ‘them’ to join. ;)

Although I guess the secrets out. Tae is AMAB.

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