Avatar of Enigmatik


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2 mos ago
Current Repping a brand new NRP that might seem familiar to the regulars: That's right folks, Gateways is back! roleplayerguild.com/topics/…
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9 mos ago
As someone who lost a parent before their time... It's never a bad time to give your folks a call and see how they're doing. One day you're going to say goodbye for the last time.
10 mos ago
NRPs are also usually advanced level with tons of writing per post. I co-GM'd one that ended up being the length of one and a half LotR books. That not only takes time, but also makes them fragile.
1 yr ago
Bought Helldivers 2 because of the online hype, didn't expect that much. Ended up putting 5 hours into it on my first session. For Super-Earth and Managed Democracy! Oorah!
1 yr ago
*Inexplicable Weezer - Buddy Holly riff.*


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@Andrew Blade

I could see that working, yes.

There was a loud, conspicuous sound as Able slurped the vodka, before shaking his head. "Wheeeewie. That gives you a pep, for sure." He smiled. A group to work with, huh? A job within a job. He could live with making millions via the brutal assassination of everyone in his way. He could especially work with making even more millions by cooperating. As long as he made the most, of course. He hadn't become the head of international drug syndicates simply by allowing other people to walk all over him. Even if his business partners looked... Interesting. Wiping his nose, he snorted the last traces off and rubbed a little into his gums, letting out a long sigh as he did so.

The finely dressed man who introduced himself to... Omnivore... Seemed to be the one making their group all tick together. Straightening his clothing out, he also stepped forward, (or, really, stepped, as he was currently coked up enough to make every movement at about thirty miles per hour,) and stuck his hand out too.

"Indeed, that would be me. My name is Able. Able Blackthorn. If any of you have any... Fingers in the pies that are international drug smuggling, I'm sure you should know me very well. Beam Katana enthusiast, un-addict to cocaine, and owner of some very nice firearms. I hope we can work together nicely! Also, if any of you would like 99% Colombian White Snow, I can hook you up with that no problem."
@Andrew Blade

Um... I honestly never considered that?
Aaaaand we’re back folks!

@Banzai Tracers That sounds gretty fun! Keep the point of view characters down though please, it might get overwhelming otherwise. I will say that Zombies are just about the only disaster that I haven’t considered for this RP, so we’re clear there.
@Andrew Blade

Be reasonable, but no real limits otherwise.
@Raylah Looks good.
@The Wyrm I've scraped a pass in every maths exam I've ever done. I think simple addition and subtraction should be everything.
@SantosGabriel77 Almost there!
@Dusty If they're doing that, then they will probably have stepped their efforts up as of late, thanks to the uneasiness.
@SurvivalistJ Looks pretty good!
@Andrew Blade Yeah. The idea behind that is essentially that in the same way animals can detect natural disasters, humanity's building up to such a massive catastrophe that even our limited senses are picking up that something is hella wrong.
I'll be double checking everyone's and making sure they can be accepted tomorrow. I've had a busy weekend.
@Raylah Looks good.
@The Wyrm I've scraped a pass in every maths exam I've ever done. I think simple addition and subtraction should be everything.@SantosGabriel77 Almost there!
@Dusty If they're doing that, then they will probably have stepped their efforts up as of late, thanks to the uneasiness.
@SurvivalistJ Looks pretty good!
@Andrew Blade Yeah. The idea behind that is essentially that in the same way animals can detect natural disasters, humanity's building up to such a massive catastrophe that even our limited senses are picking up that something is hella wrong.
I'll be double checking everyone's and making sure they can be accepted tomorrow. I've had a busy weekend.
@Chenzor you messed up the hider for one of them :P

Also, any room for me?

Due to technological magic, all radios work over the entire continent of North America, and I didn't want to restrict people to a state, because having a wider variety of states means more factions, different environments and more to write about.
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