Avatar of Enigmatik


Recent Statuses

2 mos ago
Current Repping a brand new NRP that might seem familiar to the regulars: That's right folks, Gateways is back! roleplayerguild.com/topics/…
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9 mos ago
As someone who lost a parent before their time... It's never a bad time to give your folks a call and see how they're doing. One day you're going to say goodbye for the last time.
10 mos ago
NRPs are also usually advanced level with tons of writing per post. I co-GM'd one that ended up being the length of one and a half LotR books. That not only takes time, but also makes them fragile.
1 yr ago
Bought Helldivers 2 because of the online hype, didn't expect that much. Ended up putting 5 hours into it on my first session. For Super-Earth and Managed Democracy! Oorah!
1 yr ago
*Inexplicable Weezer - Buddy Holly riff.*


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Can I just point out we seem to have really small populations? You'd think colonists on alien worlds would be prepared for some pretty big baby booms, especially to ensure the survivial of Earth, and most of them haven't done that.

Also, this OOC chatter is getting frustrating on the Guild. @Tortoise with your permission I'd like to make a Discord server.

Short lived?

Laughs in centuries old robo-scientist.

Nobody needs to resist when they're being peacefully incorporated into over a billion people's peer pressure!
I'm starting to wonder if the Consciousness might look at all these inefficient, authoritarian types and decide to liberate some folks into their group mind.
Approved, especially the theme song. I wonder if it'd be possible for a hostile power to "hack" the artificial parts of Zetan brains, or if the programming is too arcane.

I'm not sure how you'd even begin to do that beyond the crudest attempts at shutting down or puppeting any fully mechanical parts. The Collective itself is basically a black box after hundreds of years of constant change.

@Tortoise Alright, this is the almost-final form of the Zetan Consciousness, barring some minor rewrites for readability and a flag. How's it looking?

@Tortoise man, I’m really lucky the Consciousness can really easily slide under the radar of nutters like this. We’re just innocent, direct democracy loving augmented humans! No weirdness at all!

Anything with a theme of like 'togetherness' and/or anything that seems fit for a group of cyborgs. I feel like I know it when I see it, unfortunately.

The only way to delete is to ask an admin or mod. It's real pain.
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