The Wellspring
Ruler of Water
The Roiling One
The Fickle Deity
Master of the Seas
Imagine, if you will, a world without water. An unending desert, bereft of life, bereft of moisture. This would be the world without Ao-Yurin. When the world is young, it is Ao-Yurin that floods everything to make the seas, rivers and lakes. The water cycle as well falls under their domain, the deity ensuring that groundwater can seep up to the lakes, be driven down into the sea, and evaporate up into the clouds. They are there with every seeded thunderstorm, every flowing river, and each wave that crashes against a beach.
Although their domain is not cold, Ao-Yurin does have a love for the more frozen regions of the world. Ice and snow are, after all, but water in different forms, and Ao-Yurin is more than happy to supply a bounteous amount of their water to be transformed into a frozen wonderland. That being said, the deity strays away from changing water itself. Changing its form, be it poison or potion is not something that they ever dabble in. The one exception to this is a change not from the deity themselves, but instead from another- Sala.
Ao-Yurin’s favour can be curried for a wide variety of boons. Those who desire fertile fields and smooth sailing alike must make their case to the deity, as does anyone wishing to avoid their overwhelming fury.
Ao-Yurin’s personality has been complicated by Sala. Whether or not the goddess intended it, as soon as salt and water mixed, Ao-Yurin went from a cohesive whole to two quite different halves, matching the two kinds of water most commonly found on planets with intelligent life.
On the one hand, there is the deity’s freshwater side. Nourishing, kind and gentle, freshwater sustains life, soothes injury and slakes thirst, this freshwater although their freshwater side has all the same power as their saltwater side does, freshwater is far less likely to put their most terrible powers into action.
On the other hand, there is Ao-Yurin’s saltwater side. Although not a split personality per say, the two sides of Ao-Yurin are distinct enough that a god will know relatively quickly which mood the deity is in should they have course to interact with them. Ao-Yurin’s saltwater side draws from Sala’s personality. They are capricious and demanding. Although few petition this side, in an ironic twist, saltwater can often be more attentive to requests than freshwater, for there is little more a capricious deity enjoys more than seeing mortals prostrate before them, begging.
There are several features that both moods share, however. Ao-Yurin is, as a rule, patient and stubborn. Water forces the land to move around it, not the other way around, and if it is not accommodated for adequately, it’ll often aggressively spill out. So too will Ao-Yurin, who despite their patience will not hesitate to raise up a wave tall enough to crush the domains of other gods if they ignore them for too long.
Mortal Form
Ao-Yurin has several mortal forms, depending on their mood and what they intend to do. For interacting with mortal races on their own terms, they tend to take the form of a triton, the mortal race most closely associated with them. Already androgynous, with little sexual dimorphism, Ao-Yurin takes this to its logical end, dressed in the clothes of a simple triton fisher.
When they are in a more destructive bent, Ao-Yurin’s favourite form to take is that of a colossal sea-dragon, capable of shattering ships or riding stormfronts to lay waste to those that have displeased them.
True Form
A frothing, roiling, ever-in-motion form of water and foam, constantly turning and twisting with each movement they take. Sometimes identifiable shapes are created, a face or a humanoid body, but to take this as what Ao-Yurin looks like is a fool's errand for the next moment these features will shift or disappear, their form swirling like the waves that they control do. The form has no real upper limits, when forming in a mortal realm gazing upon this form is ‘safe,’ for it is composed of water that Ao-Yurin drags into their form: should they be sufficiently displeased, they can drain an ocean to create a titan of water that scrapes the sky.
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