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As Scarlett and Lupina stepped onto the grounds of Eon Tower, their current duties to the tower were fulfilled for the time being. It was clear that something was going on, as bodies were busying themselves and gossip was flying left and right; discussion of an inspection, of inquisitors, and of their benefactor coming to visit.

A moment of recollection, and Scarlett remembered that The Holy Church was conducting interviews of the new members of Eon Tower - a contractual obligation agreed upon by their ruling council and benefactor. It stood to reason that everyone would be gathered for the, therefore, mandatory - and one-sided - Ask Me Anything from the higher clergy.

As such, Scarlett would be anywhere else.

Breaking away from Xashan, the Bestial Alchemist would drop to all four, and break into a full sprint, before the councilman could attempt to stop her. Unlike last time, Xashan didn't know where Scarlett was going, and before he could think about an potential locations, Lupina would go, "Oh~" and Baast would swallow her; flying her up to the tower as Xashan was distracted by her fellow's escape into the trees.

In an instant of telepathic communication, Xashan had been left standing alone with the burden of explaining where two of the newest members had gone.

ATTN: @PaulHaynek (Ayu)
"Hey, you two. Good job bringing those people here. Ayane's Sake Brewery is real famous here in Shizuyama, so having the crew safe will be good for morale. Even if the ruling Oja Clan doesn't drink."

"Of course, it was a good job. It would stain our reputation to do less than," Ripcord says.

Umami nodded, "Everyone drinks, you know. Doesn't matter if a buncha stuffy heads don't wanna, if everyone else wannas, umu~"

"Speaking of the Oja Clan, Takeshi has returned with Kirei and Nyla. It seemed the Shoggoth got a little too homesick and requested for a teleport home. Say, don't you two personally serve Lady Kyouko too? Any of you feeling homesick?"

"Nyla?" Umami tilted her head, "Who?"

Ripcord shrugged, "Are we supposed to care?"

Umami nodded. "Don't, it you wanted that," she says, "Everyone could leave, if they wanna, but we don't wanna," she says, "We aren't made of lame, umu~!"

"Even then, we don't have a home to be sick for," Ripcord says. "Varjo is thousands of miles away, and Akamagaseki, Omote Port, was just somewhere to sleep," she says, "In any case, we have things to do. Mami, check the request board, and see if any will better our objective."

"Sì, Papi!" Umami saluted and sprinted off.

"Arrivederci, Spymaster," Ripcord says with a dismissive wave, before she spawned a miner's hat on her head and a pickaxe in hand.

ATTN: @PaulHaynek (Sorae & Blacksmith)
"You don't remember how you got a wound? Did you change your memories too when you changed your look?"

Alice rolled her eyes, "People keep asking me that, like I'm supposed to know. Does it matter what I do and don't remember, warrior woman? Unless we slept together, you're wasting time."

"Anyway, I believe you got that from pursuing the students of the Heavenly Strike. The aforementioned technique being an attack that strikes quicker than the eye could see. You can get the details from that storyteller fellow, Katsuhiro."

"Katsuhiro, eh," Alice asks, crossing her arms with a nod. "Heavenly Strike. Feels familiar to me... Sounds like something that could cut me..."

"From what I heard, you've been beaten back by the students twice now, so you and half of the taskforce trained a bit for your rematch against them. Not sure what the results of that training, though."

Alice's right eyebrow twitches, as she growled out, "I have three centuries of swordsmanship under my belt. Multiple lifetimes of you, Human. I don't need training..."

"Since it appears you've lost your memory, it appears all that training was for naught. If I were you, I'd just get strength from numbers. The students can handle one yokai, or two non-coordinating ones, but any more than that and they'll be overwhelmed."

"The hell if I would rely on anyone to hold my side. I take the frontline as sword and shield," Alice says. "Though, I am glad you aren't me," she says, "I wouldn't send the peasantry against the soldiery, when I can swing a sword."

Alice would take note of Eula's return, and look at her curious, as Sorae took note of her, too.

"Welcome back. You sure you're not needed anywhere else?"

"I'd ask you the same," Alice interjected, well-aware that Sorae was speaking to Eula, "However, I'd say you are where you should be: comfortably on the backlines, where cowards huddle to give orders to the expendable."

Turning on her heel, Alice would head off to ask around for Katsuhiro, and start to recover a fragment of her memories...
"If your blades need work, Lady Yokai, then let me be of use." He greeted.

Carroll nodded, before the long lock of hair that flowed to her thigh started to move, and reached under her cloak -- popping off her left arm, followed by her right. As they were set on the table, they would warp-spasm, and turn into a pair of six-foot blades akin to two, mismatched halves of a pair of scissors; the left blade was a vibrant violet with an open, circular handle, while the right blade was a resplendent ruby with an open, semi-circular handle.

"Can you sharpen vorpal steel," Carroll asks. "Benihime and Nozarashi are feeling dull," she says, pushing the left sword forward, then the right sword, respectively, "I understand, if you can't, of course. After all, I doubt you have much experience with Wonderlandian metals and smithing."

ATTN: @PaulHaynek

ATTN: @PaulHaynek (Sorae) & @The Irish Tree (Eula)
As Alice was redirected to where Eula had headed, she would come across her and Sorae in mid-conversation; momentarily listening in, as the boarish woman spoke to the metal woman. Wrinkling her nose, Alice would scent Carroll on Eula, and approached them - well, more like, she was stalking up to Eula.

However, before she would confront the Automaton, Eula would shift in a manner that threw her off for a moment...

As Eula departed, Alice would cross her arms, glaring at the warrior woman from before, "Let’s talk, you and I, because I’m missing a lot of details, including how I got this scar on my side, and a no-sense bitch like you won’t waste my time with superfluous details..."

ATTN: @PaulHaynek (Basket-weaving NPCs) & @The Irish Tree (Eula)


ATTN: @PaulHaynek (Revuel), @Rezod92 (Kerry), & @The Irish Tree (Eula)

ATTN: @PaulHaynek
Upon being told that Boss Kyouko would be pleased if they helped out around the place, Umami and Ripcord were off like excitable rockets; looking of anyone that needed any kind of help. For a while, they would only find people that needed help with basic chores - sweeping, laundry, and the like - or held transporting items via cart and by hand from place-to-place within the place they called home.

Despite apprehensions, the sisters looked Human enough to bypass consistent judgment - the residents were apprehensive of them, but could be swayed by their friendly charm and upbeat personalities.

...never to be wise to the dog and pony show they played to be fed.

In truth, they didn't care about anyone or their problems. They worked for Boss Kyouko, and she cared - that would be enough, surely.

They only cared about themselves.

They needed to eat.

They needed to drink.

They needed to sleep.

They needed a place to live.

That required a job, and that's all this was.

No different than before in Varjo.

They worked to live. They lived to work. The cycle was vicious, but they were veterans of surviving it...

However, odd jobs were nothing special, nothing worth promoting, and Boss Kyouko would surely never praise them for such insignificant tasks.

They needed to do something... big.

By time night was falling, and everyone was retiring to their beds, the only person around was a man at the foot of a bonfire, warming his hands.

"Need a hand getting inside, mister," Ripcord asks, approaching with her disarming air of kindness.

"Yokai, you must do something! It's Ayane's sake brewery in Imahama. That brewery is the pride of Shizuyama, but soon there will be none left. The Varjans are taking it by force."
Peasant Man


Their old taskmasters.

So soon, it's come to this...

"Rippy! If we save the sake house, Boss Kyouko will be able to have sake with every meal! Breakfast! Lunch! Dinner!" Umami says, eyes sparkling, "Even dessert! Sake Sno Cones!"

Ripcord gasped, eyes wide as she imagined it:

"Boss Kyouko... we saved the sake house... and... well, ma'am, I'd like to present you with the fruit of our labors..." Ripcord says, done up in her Sunday Maid's Best, and holding a silver platter. "From the Ayane Sake House, I, Ripcord Claremont, present to you: Sake Sno Cones! Umu~!"

Ripcord unveiled the trio of cups, shaved ice with a soaking of sake, and fruit juice that stained it red, like the ribbons shared by her and Umami's ribbons.

"My, oh, my... how precious, Lady Ripcord..." Boss Kyouko cooed, as she admired the platter with a thoughtful finger, "But, there's three here. Surely, that's too many for me..."

Umami would splay her fingers apart before her, pressing her pointers and middle fingers together in a diamond, before wagging her hips like she had a tail. "Maybe, we could share them with you, Boss Kyouko..." she offered, innocently. "If you like that, umu~!"

"That sounds lovely, Lady Umami," Boss Kyouko smiled, a dazzling force of personality and praise. "Let's eat, then... together. Umu~"

Ripcord and Umami swooned, as they lean against each other in reality, "Boss Kyouko..."

"For praise!" Ripcord cheered.

"For praise!" Umami agreed.

"RIPCORD!" Ripcord threw her right fist forward.

"UMAMI!" Umami drove her right fist forward.

"CLAREMONT CLEAN-UP!" The sisters fist-bumped with right jabs, and created an actual impact SFX and small explosion of air pressure.

"LET'S GO!" The Claremont Sisters charged off in the indicated direction of the Ayane Brewery.

"MISSION START! UMU~!" Boss Kyouko cheered, waving twin paper fans like a MILFy Cheerleader.

ATTN: @PaulHaynek (Takeshi & Sorae)
Alice was pretty satisfied, as Takeshi approached, and offered her a hand to stand:

"Not bad. Is the jingle necessary?

You can't drink tea from there. Come on, time to enjoy the fruits of your labor."

"Don't hang around many spellcasters, do you? And, I can drink tea anywhere," Alice smirked, displaying that conviction that Takeshi remembered, as well as that soft-spoken poshness. She was different from her last appearance, but her vibe was the same.

"This is magic from Wonderland, one of the most terrifying ones out there. Partake, and you will be lost forever."

...and, so was her temper.

"Humans, so unchanging, three-hundred-years of holding a sword to guide the lost, to defend the weak, and bring home and hearth to the desperate in need..." Alice says, standing up, before the softness evaporated from her voice, "Yet, there's still people like you, the vocal minority, that thinks they speak for the whole; the rabble-rouser, the troublemaker, the problem..."

Alice raised her arms, "LOOK AT YOUR VILLAGE! LOOK AT YOUR HOMES! LOOK AT THEM, AND ASK YOURSELF THIS..." she glared at Sorae, "How long would it have taken you?"

Carroll sighed, as she nibbled a tart, "And, she's on her soapbox..."

"Months? Years? Tell me, noisy woman, where's your hammer and nail, where's your measure and saw, where's your brick and mortar," Alice asks. "All I see from you is fear-mongering. Speaking lies as if they were truths. You know nothing about my home, about my people, about the Humans, like you, that live aside Mamono, like me, in the satellite villages, away from hatred and segregation," Alice crossed her arms, "Something you seem well-versed in, this blind racism toward, and segregation of, Human and Mamono, from what we were to what we are. Ignorant that this change might be one that some, like me, never asked to happen, but live with to the best of our ability..."

Alice shifted, "My ability... I have been hailed as a ruling Queen of Humans, a guiding Monarch of Mamono, and binding, as I was once as Human as those that wore my banner, just as I am as Mamono as those that fell under that banner to be free..." Alice cleared her throat, voice softening, "I have seen more dreams fall to your hatred than minutes you've been alive. I have seen more live tore asunder by your segregation than slices of bread you've held," she steeled her gaze, "You speak of becoming lost, yet your words only drag other down the same evil path as you."

"Tell me! As me, what evils have I aspired to enact upon you, what tricks have I chosen to play upon, what cruelty did I desire when casting my spell," Alice asks, motioning around, "Hate me, if you like. It will not change the reason I threw this party," she pointed to the villagers, "I threw it for them. The people that are grieving, mourning, in need of treacle, tarts, tea, and, most importantly, cheer - not fear."

Alice huffed, and turned her back. "So, do what you will, say what you want, but don't make decisions for them," she says, "As long as I am here, I will fly my banner above this village, and defend it as if she were my kingdom. As the Queen of Diamonds, this is my promise," Alice looked back, "And, yes. That includes you and those you bring into your hatred. I will make sure there is always tea in your cups, tarts on your tables, and a sword in the gut of those that threaten you."

"Stand by me, if you like," Alice says, walking away, "or, don't. I won't make decisions for you."

Hands in her pocket, Alice would head off for the area where she was sensing warm water.

"Well, then..." Carroll sighed, munching her eighth unfinished tart, "That's "first impressions" out of the way... I didn't want to be talk of the town so soon," she grumbled, as she set the half-eaten pastry on the table beside her; it had been eaten to the center, dried of all filling, and left as a dry C.
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