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I might toss a coin, but I am leaning towards a Rag to Riches/Villain to Hero character of a repeat offender thief that can't hold a job, keeps getting busted for petty robbery, and just can't catch a break, until she hears rumor about an old artifact that's being secretly transported from a recent battlefield to the near kingdom for protection through her town by a covert courier.

Having nothing to lose, my character holds up the courier in a ambush that goes entirely too easy, because that's just fate. If it's meant to be, it will be.

Not quite. The fated five's fated gifts have appeared to be lost to even the fates. You will have something specific to your character. With that being said, the fated gifts are still out there and they will make an appearance in the story,

Very nice. While, I wouldn't mind inheriting them, I like having the option to have my own thing much more. Once the CS is up, I'll get cracking.

So, worked for one minute short of 11-1/2 hours, so brain is addled as heck, but - and, correct me if wrong - am I right in thinking that we are inheriting the Fated Five's weapons, but as our own characters?

Like, my proposed Bardcher would inherit Alaria's harp? Going to sleep soon, but hopefully my question will help others.

Fantastic question! So the fated weapons are weapons that are specific to each of the fates chosen. While I plan for the fates to be a bit..... off, they still want to play to the strengths of their chosen few. Thankfully I do know the Hunting Horn very well from MH so I can see the idea you are going for. So if you wanted a fated weapon like that, where they play/hum/sing the note and use that note to change the effect of their weapon I would be okay to explore that more!

I am working on providing you all with the original Fated Five to provide some examples here soon!

Sounds like a plan. I'll hang on for the examples, and then start spinning off ideas.

I do hope to do it justice then :)

I'm sure I'll enjoy this on its own merits.

I'm curious what the Fated Weapon can do, because I'm toying with the idea of a classic Bardcher, but with the unique idea that each note of Do, Re, Mi, and so on has an effect similar to how the Hunting Horn from Monster Hunter, so they can fire arrows that have various effects by plucking different notes and combining them into a shot.

I'll have more ideas to come, as well. So, figured, I'd better get that detail now to work with.
This reminds me of a D&D campaign I ran once, so I've definitely an interest in revisiting that from the PC side. I'll toss my hat it the ring with a potential Arcane Archer or Arcane Trickster idea, or whatever strikes me fancy while I'm at work. XD

ATTN: @PaulHaynek (Ayu) & @AzureKnight (Lavinia)
Despite the attempt at camaraderie meaning and the curious line of questioning, Ripcord addressed neither, as she carried on for the premarked zone that she would build up into the dining hall for she and her sister to effectively use as a house and food hoard.

And, speaking of her sister...

"There’s no kinda job board or anything around here," Umami says, swooping in on leathery wings. "Iunno what needs doing, so... what are we doing?"

"We’ll just work on the dining hall until something needs to be done," Ripcord says. "We don’t have all day to be asking people if they need help, after all."

Umami nodded, before transforming into her Wererabbit Form, "Ready to dig away!"

Ripcord chuckled, lightning a cigarette as they prepared to break ground.

ATTN: @PaulHaynek (Katsuhiro & Blacksmith)
"At this present moment, I am in need of backstory on The Heavenly Strike technique," Alice says, plainly, "I’m bereft of my former memories and understanding of it, so I’m starting back at square one," she took a seat, "The reconnaissance phase."
Carroll nodded in understanding, as she took a seat to wait. "Just do what you can," she says, "In the future, you’ll be able to repeat and refine. A sword always needs sharpening, after all."
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