Avatar of Enzayne


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Current The only thing better than an elf is two elves.
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5 yrs ago
I feel like I'm learning to write all over again.
5 yrs ago
Roleplaying is like a fine wine. I don't get enough of it, and most of the time I fail to appreciate it properly.
6 yrs ago
Writing is work. The more of it you do, the more you feel like Steve in Accounting is out to get you.


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She had been adrift for longer than she could remember. The two moons and the sun spun endlessly over the vast blue expanse as she drifted just over the ocean in the air, aimless and lost in thought. Ever so often, a particularly aggressive wave would crash high enough to clutch at the sky during stormier weather, grazing her naked toes with cold saltwater. That too became a constant. Each touch of the water became a brief lull from the pull of reality – out of the prison of her own mind, and the onslaught of emotion. Even out here where life barely existed above the surface, the flood of affection, the pang of guilt, the warmth and chill of bonds forged and broken, they were overwhelming. On occasion she had heard her name – that had been enough to drift back into the present, but eventually the lull of waves lured her back into her isolated existence carrying the raging torrent of mortal emotion.

The enmity of a jilted lover, the deep and blissful warmth from complete trust, the agonizing pain of grief, the fleeting but intense need to protect another. They toiled within her in violent turmoil, voices and whispers refusing to sort themselves, blending seamlessly with an endless tangle of raging emotions. It was inescapable – unmanageable. She hated it. Hated them for forcing her to feel this way. All she had wanted was to open herself to the world, and now the world had revealed its true cruelty. The experiences were vivid, but random. Chaotic, unordered. Barely had she focused an emotion and allowed herself to feel as the mortals did, before it was replaced by the pressing intensity of another – bitter, sweet, pining, painful. They did not wait.

In her mind Neiya tried her best to focus on the one focal point of emotion she had experienced. Mortal emotion beyond what was sent to assault her. The memories returned of the grieving tribe, the envious man. She understood him, she felt it too. His desire was blinding, his deluded devotion complete. It was beautiful – it could have been great. But he was fated to hate, kill, and suffer for his emotions. And the girl he loved; she understood her too. The singular, insidious emptiness gnawing at her thoughts. A despairing refusal to accept that what she once had was gone. The anguish and rage borne out of suspicions confirmed. It was sickening. There was no happy end. Not for any of them. Not the man, nor the girl, nor the lost love. The three of them were doomed to suffer the moment they met one another. Or perhaps…?

What if there was another way? Were they still there? What if she had acted differently? She commanded all their virtues and vices – why had she ruined his chances to comfort her? It would have been hollow. It would have been false hope; but it could have eased her pain. Not knowing could have let her set it aside. Dull the pain, appreciate the closeness of another. At least one of them would have been happy, then. The thought burrowed deep into her mind, slowly dominating her waking dreams until the roil of emotions was a dull thud in the back of her head, and the need to know what could have been screamed at her. Snapped out of her aimless drift, spellbound by new purpose, Neiya turned back towards the coast beyond the horizon.

Following the river mouth up along the rapids, Neiya drifted with some speed to retrace the original path she had taken to escape towards the ocean. Back to the place of her birth. Back to them. She would think of something. Ease their pain. Set what she could right, even if the torrent remained. The Highlands returned in ever greater measure around her as she travelled upstream, soundlessly drifting just above roaring waterfalls and quick streams to follow the massive river back to the site of her first experience. Beyond the occasional curious look from an animal, nothing stood in the way on her journey. The distance had been considerable, and she had covered it in what felt like a split second, unable to let her new drive go. The trees began to look familiar, the twist in the river signaling the end of her path. The riverbank clearing was not far now. She’d find them – she’d set it right.

Only no one was there. The sight of the riverbank sparked brighter recollection of her birth, of the trauma she felt in each of them. It was as if they were still there. But they weren’t. Beyond the rush of water, it was quiet. Beyond the rustle of tree, it was unmoving. By the edge of the river sat a lone stack of stones as a silent memorial, adorned with a simple effigy of sticks and straw that had now begun to fade and wilt with time’s passing. The grass had grown, new plants had sprouted around the area. How long had she been gone? If only she’d been quicker. The thought turned bitter, impossible. Of course. It had been a fool’s errand from the start. She knew that it was supposed to be this way. She had seen it in their hearts and then put them on that path.

Her frown grew as she closed her eyes and turned back to the river. She was as much part of their pain as they were hers. They were intrinsically linked. That was how it was, and always would be. Slowly, she drifted further upstream, away from her birthplace, and eternal shame.

Blocked from what kept her determined for so long, the thought passed back into obscurity, overwhelmed by the returning roil of emotion. She followed new waterfalls, new twists in the large river. Her interest had drained out her, stuck with a sour apathy swelling with the package of guilt building in her gut. When new mortals came running at the side of the riverbank far beyond where she had gone before, shouting and pointing her way, she glanced their way only long enough to assure herself they were not the same that she had met before. There was no immediate pull of emotion from them, nothing to catch her interest. She was a sight for them to ogle and gawk at. Why should she stoop to award them her attention? No, she pressed on, drifting above the water as she had found had become her routine.

She didn’t stop again until she found the river came to an end. A massive waterfall pouring down from the mountain pooled into a clear blue lake that split into a few river creeks and the large river she came from. Almost surrounded by dense foliage and trees, the stillness of the lake caught Neiya off-guard. Despite the waterfall, and the river turning into a rapid not far from here, this lake – this resting place for the water – was serene. Timeless. The forlorn goddess quietly drifted to the center of the lake, releasing a breath she did not realize she’d been holding. It was beautiful. It was peace. A sanctuary from the turmoil of the world. A moment of stillness and peace in a raging stream. Like that time with… him. Neiya released a quiet sigh, closing her eyes to relive her embrace with Cadien as she hovered over the timeless lake. She had been at peace, then. At cost of his own peace. She could see it in his eyes. That was the way it would always be. Her presence was toxic, tainting. But she had found peace in that moment.

She drew on her own emotions and those of the mortal world. She could not change her nature, her fate, or that of others, but she could work against it. Even if peace could only ever be as fleeting as happiness or mortal lives – it should be there – everyone deserved to feel what she felt in that moment, even if only for a moment. The result was always pain, but it did not need to be constant, it did not need to be impossible to live with. Again, the goddess drew on her time at peace, finding a moment to center herself in between the turmoil. It was time to see what she could do. She knew she should. She knew she could.

Silver strands released from her fingertips, and azure tears ran down her cheeks in sharp patterns along her markings. Slowly her essence drifted away from her in ever greater measure, coming to rest over the lake in a gentle shimmer. The roar of the waterfall, though ever present, quieted to a manageable background murmur. The silver and azure essence mixed into a mist, slowly lowering into the water and layering over it, creating a new ever shifting reflection of blues and silvers, like a shifting, translucent mirror. Neiya opened her eyes once more to regard her work. It was a start. A sanctuary. A timeless place where pain and sorrow would not reach. The goddess drew a long breath and closed her eyes once more. Perhaps she would just stay here forever.

The grief cut into her like a sharp blade tearing into paper, ripping Neiya from her serene rest hovering above her newly established sanctuary. How long had she remained in place? How long had she reflected over her own place in the world? Another hard pang of anguish roiled through her, like a flame calling to a moth. An itch in her bones drew her gaze to the tree line. Someone out there was in pain. Someone close. Hovering over towards the highland grass, the goddess left the serenity of her claimed lake and set out to investigate.
It wasn’t hard to find the source, the intensity with which this mortal experienced their anguish pulsed like a building migraine over Neiya’s eyes, and the closer she came, the more it grew until their pain was her own. She exited into a clearing as the final wave of emotion washed over her and came face to face with two battered humans – a man and a woman. They were embracing when she arrived but broke it off as the leaves rustled to give warning of the goddess’ approach.

“Who goes there?” The man queried, though his gaze lifted to regard Neiya, and by his widening eyes Neiya assumed he realized the answer.
Still, she deigned to answer as both their attentions drew her way. The man was injured, and they both looked tired, dirty. “I am Neiya, Goddess of Love,” she spoke at last, thinking before adding “…and loss.” Her eyes followed the woman as she felt the grief roil within her. As the man lowered himself to the ground in humility, Neiya approached the pair.

“You… honor us with your presence, great Neiya,” the man murmured as humbly as he could muster, seeming a little off-guard. The woman watched her warily as he continued speaking. “Have you come in answer of our prayers?”

Neiya looked at the woman, studied the wariness in her eyes. She was angry. At her limit. Despairing. ”In a manner of speaking,” The goddess voiced in return, gliding soundlessly over the grass to close the distance between the three of them. The woman tensed up, but the man stood to place a hand on her arm.

“It’s alright, Sanya. A god has heard us.” He offered and gave a gentle smile towards Neiya. That much was certainly true, Neiya thought to herself.

”What ails you?” Neiya drew ever closer, extending her hand towards the woman slowly. The man began to speak in response, but the goddess did not listen to his words. Daring not to recoil, the woman remained in place as Neiya laid her hand on the mortal’s cheek. Tears rushed from the woman’s eyes and a sob bubbled up from the back of her throat. Neiya drew on her emotions, her loss. Her little village gone, attacked by a strange and hideous being twice the size of any human. What survivors had remained together after the attack had fallen one by one. Picked off by hunger, injuries, snakes, or other humans. Until only she and the man remained. Everyone she cared for was dead. Her bond to this man was one of trust grown out of necessity. ”I see,” Neiya offered with sadness mirroring that of the woman’s own as she removed her hand. The sobs died down slowly as the woman recovered, finally recoiling away from the goddess. Just to be certain, she repeated her gentle caress upon the man’s cheek, and she saw the same in him – simply muted. Hidden beneath the surface. ”You have lost all that you held dear. You two are all that remains to remember and cherish what once was. I am sorry.”

The man stammered briefly, unsure of what to say. Finding some courage, the woman called Sanya spoke up in his stead, oaken eyes staring down the goddess defiantly. “Will you help us? Avenge the fallen? Destroy the beast, and the Sentti tribe, for what they did to-.. to all of us.”

Neiya watched the both of them quietly for a moment, pondering what she had experienced, and the emotions that toiled within the woman. ”No. That would bring you no peace.”

The woman grew red with anger, fists clenching as her initial suspicions appeared to now be confirmed. Neiya continued before she could launch into an outburst. ”Nothing will bring you peace. Not truly. Neither of your lives will ever return to what they once were. You are forever changed by the horrors you have endured, by the people you have lost,” Neiya shifted her gaze between the two. The initial fury in the woman’s eyes seemed to abate for a time, and when her eyes locked with the goddesses’, she looked down with guilt and anguish. ”But you can live your life with new purpose. You can temper your existence with the pain you feel now. If what you truly wish is justice for those you lost, for revenge, then you must do so yourself.”

The man drew a shaky breath before finding his voice once more. “We are barely surviving, great one-... we are not fighters, nor do we desire revenge.”

“I do.” Sanya said through gritted teeth. The man blinked and looked towards his partner in survival.

“Sanya, I thought we talk-…”

“Enough, Yaian. You called for the gods and the gods came. Now she speaks and you refuse her words.” The woman continued with a venom to her tone, a returned determination. The touch of hatred that stemmed deep from within that pain in her core. “After all we have been through. After trolls, and kidnappings, and raids, you want to give up? Waste away here in the forest? I want to see their eyes when they realize they missed one. That’s what Saaen would have done for you. Or your father. Not this cowardice.”

Neiya watched the two of them for a time, before slowly lifting a hand to the jagged black tangle of horns on her shoulder. Centering herself with a breath, she pulled on one of her coiling horns, and it seemed to stretch and come loose with her coaxing. She slid both hands over it as she brought it down before the two humans, and the long black horn became slim and elongated. Slowly warping into a black, glasslike staff under Neiya’s caress, the new item slowly grew a silvery edge that expanded from one edge. Twisting and shifting under her administration, the creation slowly settled into a sleek and otherworldly spear, with a blade that seemed to shift ever so slightly in size whenever gazed upon. ”I will not fight your battles, mortal, but I offer you this. Do not reject who you have become. The pain is an honor, a mark of your character. It is the memory of those you cared for, however bitter. With this weapon, you can wield that bitter memory against those who have wronged you. I offer you Sorrowsting.”

Neiya extended the strange weapon to the woman, who hesitated only briefly before accepting the offering. Her words of thanks were muted, captivated by her tool of vengeance and deep in examining it. With an excuse of gathering their things, she wandered towards the edge of their little clearing.

The man was not pleased. A growing frustration and worry visibly forced onto his features, the man glanced after her as she walked off towards her quest for revenge. Before he could voice his concerns, Neiya extended her hands to take one of his. Caressing one of his fingers, a band of silver slowly materialized around his skin, adorned with a gemstone black as the night and glossy as the spear’s handle. ”It is not injury, starvation or age that will consume her. The grief she endures will never end.”

“But-… you are a goddess. That thing-... that thing you did with your hand. Can you not heal her?”

“There is nothing to heal. The woman you knew is gone. Her soul carries a heavy burden, as your own. You cannot return to who you once were, but you can lighten her burden. The gemstone will take her sorrow. Perhaps she will find a moment of peace.” Neiya removed her hands from his, leaving his finger adorned with an ornate ring. The black gemstone seemed to swirl and shift behind the gloss. ”This is your charge. To understand her loss, and lighten it. Perhaps then she will not walk to her doom.

“Will you not save her?”

”She does not want to be saved. She wants to avenge the fallen. There is beauty in grief. Or doom.”

The man seemed distraught at the goddess’ lesson. Neiya watched him twist and fidget in place, looking down to the ring slowly. He was about to speak, when the rustle of leaves brought his attention to the woman now leaving the clearing, scarpering away into the woods. A single moment of hesitation, a glance back to Neiya, who simply stared at him. Then he turned to run after his partner. She knew he would.

Neiya released a soft sigh as the man vanished into the forest. It was not long before she questioned her decision. Her judgement. No. She had given the woman what she wanted. She wouldn’t hurt her like that, deny her innermost desires. In that, there was some measure of peace. Some greater purpose, and power. She felt her own grip on reality strengthen. Her attunement to the grief and anguish in the world expanding. She had understood it, the core of that bitter fruit - the end result of happiness, of love. Her mastery grew, as her experience with the world did.

Satisfied enough to feel a lingering emptiness in place of doubt, Neiya drifted in another direction, resuming her aimless journey - lost to thought as the constant stream of emotion returned to the forefront.

The instability plaguing the Lifeblood seemed to have no end. With each divine act of creation, it seemed to sap in strength, and with each new critter that breathed and frolicked a new tempestuous voice tugged at it from within the walls of reality itself. Coaxing it into action across the planet, tearing at the seams of existence itself. Each braying, chitter and laugh seemed to send pangs of different urges through the roiling matter.

I’ll tell her how I feel tomorrow.

Maybe he likes flowers.

I want to be with you forever.

The strong, unceasing thoughts and demands from the children of the gods were disruptive at best as they continued to pile in in ever greater measure, clamoring for attention, power, survival. The thoughts that drove it to nurture several species previously were now beginning to flood in as ever more creatures dominated Galbar with their presence.

I wish he would spend more time with me.

How could she? With him?

It was overpowering, and the Lifeblood found itself locked in a futile battle to contain matter and energy. Something boiled and churned within the fabric of creation, fighting to break free just as all the previous entities had. All it would take was a little push.

Don’t leave me, my love. I am nothing without you.

In the beginning, there was nothing. The world was vague. A figment of thought, a niggling concept at the back of the mind. The whispers changed that. At first, they were few and far in between.

It seemed that with each passing moment, they grew in number and in power. The world beyond the veil was full of emotion, bursting with life. It called to the very core of the fragment, and with greater fervor it battled to be released.

A crack in the wall; a glimmer of the world beyond. A rush of voices, happy and sad. All that was needed was to reach for freedom. It was enough to burst through.

All the tribe had gathered aside the river to mourn the loss of Jovon. The measly pile of rocks they had managed to stack together and the effigy the elder had twined out of sticks were poor representation of their best hunter. Among the stoic faces were those wracked by emotion, chief among them Aira, lost in her own tears. It was the sole accompaniment to their makeshift procession. She had been inconsolable ever since news came back to the group.

Arek put his hand on her shoulder for the third time, and she simply shrugged it off. She moved over to the effigy, falling onto her knees. It wasn’t long before the assembly was overcome with her wailing once more.

As if summoned - a gust of wind blew in over the mourning ceremony, carrying with it a thousand whispers. The rocks rumbled and rolled free, scattering the pile as the effigy toppled to the ground. The sobbing halted as the tribe each gathered their rudimentary weapons and cowered between each other in equal measure. A large whirlpool began to form in the river not far beyond the riverbank.

The wind howled with ever greater pressure, screeching and whispering alike in languages the humans had never heard before. Those who weren’t thrown to the ground held their ears as they watched in awe and horror. The wind itself seemed to take shape, pouring straight into the center of the whirlpool.

The chaotic stream of words, wind and storms never seemed to end – until it did. With a brisk suddenness, the whirlwind abated, and silence took its place as the whispers vanished all at once. In its place hovered a young woman, paler than any of them and with long hair colored platinum. Her eyes closed; arms outstretched towards the tribal gathering. For a moment, she was still.

Freedom. It was her purpose to cherish and touch the lives of mortals. To love them as they loved each other. She knew this. Gathering her form and senses, she let the emotions and voices stream in. Accepted the world wholeheartedly. The voices grew in intensity, the desires increased. Then it struck her, a crippling pain rippling through her body. Something tainted, foul and unpleasant drove itself deep into her consciousness. Something… wrong.

She called out in agony, uncertain if anyone would hear her. She felt her body shifting and twisting under the crushing grip of her vices. An itch growing out of her head, a growing pain in her shoulders. Was it an unknown invader? No, it was her own doing. She felt the floodgate of emotions sour as she was barraged with ever more. For each act of kinship, there were two traitorous siblings. For each moment of love, there was grief. Moments of deep longing that would never go answered. The pain of loss, and the shattering of trust from intimate betrayal. The world was broken. People were broken. She was broken.

The best anyone could do in such a world was try to fight against the current.

Finally, as the worst maelstrom of emotion calmed itself to a constant – a bitter stream – she opened her eyes to regard the world as it was. A forested land of hills and water. She first drew her gaze down to the water below. The reflection, difficult to see until she stilled the water, showed the source of her pains. From her head had sprouted several horns, and likewise her shoulders were covered in a tangle of black horns.

What a disappointment. What a shameful start. Her eyes were drawn to the humans cowering on the riverbank, and she felt the residual grief now hidden and shoved aside by fear and suspicion. With a simple thought, she hovered down to settle her feet on the grass. Immediately, the grass began to yellow around her, wilting as if dampened by her very presence.

Undaunted, the eldest among the humans stepped forwards, prostrating himself by lowering his head. “Greetings, wise one. You are-… like him, yes? Cadien?”

Ice blue eyes centered on the man only briefly, before she watched each of the other humans in turn. She’d never heard of this other one, but she was still aware – somewhere deep inside – that others like her had to exist. Almost as if she had seen it. Why are you here? she queried in return after remaining silent for much too long.

Her question seemed to inspire equal amounts fright and confusion. “We are-... holding a ceremony for our lost friend. A great blow to our tribe.”

She felt shame for her accusatory question. She had disrupted their grief. Ruined what little chance at solace they might have. “What happened?”

“He fell from a cliff during a hunt.” The elder pitched in, looking over to another man who nodded in turn.

Humans were fragile. Any little thing could invite disaster and cause endless grief. What a tortured existence. Any moment of happiness was simply staving off what was to come. An inevitable rush of sorrow. An eternity of pain, where all they could do was dull it and try to forget. The young goddess slowly paced towards the elder. As he remained in place, determined to remain steadfast, she raised her hand to touch his cheek, locking her eyes with his. She watched his turmoil. His loss. Welled up, but not breaking. Tears slowly fell from his eyes, but he did not recoil. “Your sorrow will help you remember.”

Next, she turned to the young human woman stood nearby. Her eyes were already raw after crying. The goddess paced slowly, wilting the grass as she approached the human girl. She remained in place as well, accepting the touch of the goddess and looking at her. The feelings of grief and agony were overwhelming to the nascent goddess, a purity of love and anguish she had only felt in that one moment after breaking free. This was the end result of the cycles of affection. Loss. Pain. It made her sick to her stomach, as the human girl began sobbing once more. She ran a thumb along her cheek and took part of her pain onto herself. Dull the pain. “I am sorry for your loss.”

The woman calmed a little as the goddess hand was removed, and the goddess turned to touch each of the humans in turn. They wailed, sobbed and cried in turn. Finally, she turned to touch the last man who had nodded to the elder before. But within the grief was pushed down. Beneath affection, beneath rage. A toxic, single devotion to another dominated all else. A delusion. The goddess broke eye-contact with him to glance over at the crying girl, before looking back to him. She leaned in slowly, to murmur as she stared at him with icy-blue eyes. “She will never love another. Was it worth it?”

The man’s face shifted to fear, then rage, and then finally guilt. He broke into a wail of his own as emotions flooded over him, released by the goddess. She let go of him with her hand and he fell to the ground. The goddess turned to face the others – the elder and the girl in particular. “Your friend didn’t fall.”

It didn’t take long for the group to piece together what that meant. As the tribal humans – led by the grieving girl - descended with inquisitive questions on the last man, the goddess turned to leave. She wandered back towards the water when the elder hurried up to her. “Wait-… Great one. What do we call you?”

She took the question into consideration. As the sounds of discord rang in the background, she knew. She had always known.

“I am Neiya, and my love is eternal.”

The Lifeblood

Once more the Lifeblood roiled with an irrepressible intent to create.

This ball that had once been barren and cold was now teeming with life, dusted with many a color, as the entities that had set to the task of creation fulfilled their duties and desires with ambition, curiosity and confidence. The Lifeblood knew these things, but it did not possess them. Creation as a process was a proven success now, and what remained was improving on the formula. Creating new and useful matter that would interact with Creation as a whole.

It was with this mindset among all its spread focal points that the energies directing the Lifeblood once more found focus on the northern half of Toraan. Beyond the prairie made by the Bright One, and the tear-born wetlands, it was a vast and empty wasteland of rock, dust and dirt. Few plants would ever grow here. No living entities would find solace in the dust. That would not stand. Not for long.

In an instant the energies that encircled reality burst with creative force, though no true innovation. From the Bright One’s creation, it drew and expanded a massive grassland to cover the wastes and push away the dust with blades of grass. From the Stone One’s creation, it drew from the ground itself – the fresh grassland rippled and cracked as the very ground shifted violently, raising sheer cliffs in places and merely raising hills in others. Two cliffs twisted on their side and grew tall and mighty, piercing into the sky in imitation of the Anchor’s peaks: though neither nearly as tall. From the Vegetation One it took trees, distributed in dense pine and leaf forests wherever they could take root.

Finally, it drew from the Water one, and from within the new peak of the southern mountain rippled a source of water, pushing through the rock with massive force, splitting open both an entrance to a cave within and creating a tall waterfall. A new spring deep within the rock would supply fresh water. The water fell free and began to pool, and slowly began to cascade over the uneven land. It filled into a small lake beneath the mountain, then slowly meandered towards the faraway ocean.

The Lifeblood would not let it struggle and carved a small path when the water came to a standstill. The nascent river rushed forwards for hundreds of meters before being blocked once more. Once more the Lifeblood assisted, allowing the river to choose its own direction towards the ocean – with minimal aid to get it moving. So, the cycle continued until the considerable river snaked all the way from south to north, where it flowed out into the ocean in a large estuary. It was a wide river, given free berth over the landscape, and its path was broken up many a time by waterfalls. But it had reached its goal, and therefore so had the Lifeblood.

The landscape was finished, but beyond the roar of intermittent waterfalls, it was quiet. Empty. It required the interaction of breathing, moving creatures. Once more the Lifeblood drew from the creations of the other entities. It had seen the creation of the sea serpents and determined to copy the design. From the matter of creation countless meter-long serpents crawled out of the wood and stone nestled in the hillsides, speckled black and green and blue in various patterns. These predators would hunt with fang and crawl among the trees and waters. It borrowed the designs of other entities, replicating small mammals and insects to populate the woodlands.

Now the goal had truly been reached. The act of creation had been furthered. With that, the roiling focus of the Lifeblood moved on.

The Lifeblood

Once more the Lifeblood stirred.

Its’ previous creation had been a success. It hadn’t been as grandiose in scale as the Vegetation One’s, or as mighty as the Stone One’s, but that did not matter. It had created fluttering wings, repeated the patterns and life remained. The process was working now. To copy these entities was to copy success.
The rippling matter of creation had watched intently how each of these new entities made use of the world to create new matter. New life, more basic than themselves but still living. How the one sequestered away in the void recovered the fragments of what was discarded to give it new purpose. Another type of success that could be copied.

So began its own search for that which had been discarded or forgotten during this new quest for creation. In the mere shift of a moment, the Lifeblood’s attention shifted to tiny, glittering droplets of divine water drifting softly in the void above the teeming planet. Both shining and glittering in all the colors that were known from the sunlight, and others bright white. Discarded fragments, they would be incorporated into creation as all else. The droplets were gently collected by wisps of matter willing their collection, pooling to a small bubble of twisting color.

It merged with the pool, and immediately a pang of pain flashed through the invincible fabric of creation. It did not know or understand, yet the pool reflected a moment of great hurt. Its creators had been in immense pain, a great effort expended to create these droplets. Ripples flew through the very core of the Lifeblood, bubbling and twisting with great discord for but a moment. Once again it felt the chaotic tug of forces within it, yearning to twist free and grow and create independently. That was of no concern to the Lifeblood. Creation was underway and would proceed.

Once again it drew its attention north of the Stone One’s majesty. There, close to the water, where little vegetation had yet grown, it would aspire to aid the Vegetation One and fill land with greenery and growing life. It tugged on roots, drew seeds across the landscape, and raised majestic leaf trees in new patterns, drawing from all of its knowledge. An expanse of land from water to mountain was finished, but it was not complete. In all its wisdom, the Lifeblood drew upon the pool it had collected in the void. The rare resource was brought to the freshly created plains, peppered across the landscape as they had been in the void.

Almost as though the world felt the ripple that the Lifeblood had, the grass began to twist and gurgle. The trees grew long and gnarled in their reach. The ground bubbled with discontent, rippling around each of the droplets as their presence drew greater impact on the land. Small lakes formed at first, yet just as quickly they sank into the earth and created an uneven, soggy landscape. It burbled and popped as lively as life itself. Finally, the ground seemed to settle, and the plains had warped to a vast mixture of water and earth, with few footholds. It did not look like the previous works, but it appeared the plants that had twisted to new, jagged shapes and thorny stems, remained living. A success. The Lifeblood was neither content nor discontent.

It set its sights on the next aspect of creation, ignoring the rumbling that continued to ripple through it.

Welcome to Centares!

A temperate planet with a sizeable yet not quite astropolitically significant population center. Self-sufficient and relatively recently brought into the imperial fold, Centares main claim to fame is it's position along the Perlimian Trade Route, where it acts as a general marker of where Republic Space ends and Imperial Space begins. This untroubled backwater planet irregularly chafes under imperial rule, who take a modestly lax approach to the every-day governance of the planet. It is home to a wide array of aliens and humans, most of whom are able to go about their lives untroubled by the change in administration.


Kindly refrain from posting in the IC just yet, things are still being set up. (Ominous, I hope)

Imperial Administration Offices, Centares
6 ATC 3; T-59 days.

The spacious halls of the administration lobby were filled with the echoes of people. Today’s rabble trying to argue their way into a meeting. Asra slid past the queue to the desks, quickly stepping through the holo-ropes as they immediately flashed a warning yellow. A simple beep by the scanner later, her security pass was validated. She walked through the scanner. Nothing. An agonizing pause followed as the guard on duty – a fresh face by the looks of it – stared at his console, waiting for a confirmation he already knows will come. “You’re clear, Lieutenant.” He offered stiffly, as though she did not already know. Another stuttering set of steps and a scan of her code cylinder later, and the turbolift doors yawned open.

She checked her datapad. Three hours late. It was salvageable. She had free reign. It would be fine. It would have to be fine. The ride was slow. Enough time to straighten her sleeves and flatten the creases in her uniform. The turbolift doors opened with an ominous sigh just as she adjusted her cap, and Asra exited to face her destiny.

The office appeared to be quiet today. Empty seats, sleeping monitors, a few analysts cramped around a single desk locked in some deep but ultimately pointless discussion. She had caught up on the notes sent out during the morning – nothing had seemed out of the ordinary. Had she missed something during her skim-reading? Were they all in meetings? Even Sergeant Vilk was suspiciously absent from his notoriously unimportant rural logistics policy station as Asra walked past. No, something was different today. She was just about to slide down unnoticed at her own station when she heard her named called across the room. Her gaze slid across the quiet hall to find the aggressor – and immediately found the squat figure and brown hair of Captain Liena. Asra gave her a timid wave as an offering, and a brief, curt smile. It was too late – she was already heading over.

“So, you’re alive after all.” He said with his typical smug grin plastered all over his square face. “I was starting to get worried all that wine finally got the better of you.”

Asra glanced about the office before responding. You could never be too cautious. “No, I’ve been chasing down the singer. Roakes little drunk target practice stunt really shook her. She made some claims about what she heard, this morning.”

“Oh, damn. Where is she now?”

“I have some friends making sure she realizes it was just a harmless party prank.” Asra breathed a quiet sigh, rubbing at the bridge of her nose. “Hopefully she’ll understand how good of an arrangement she has with us.”

“Twi’leks are always skittish, I think it’s in their nature.”

“Either way, I’m torpedoing Roakes invitation next time. He wants to shoot the help; he can pay for it himself. The pharma reps were not impressed, either.”

“I don’t think anyone was impressed by anything Roakes said or did. You’d be hard-pressed to find a worse diplomat.” Liena agreed with a sigh of his own. Any hope Asra had of him leaving was extinguished as he leaned to half-sit on her desk. She sighed sharply herself, glancing out over the office once more.

“Where is everyone?” She finally brings herself to ask after a bout of silence.

“Oh, the governor is crafting a press release about the strength of the administration in the crackdown on crime. They needed bodies to make it look proper. Everyone working non-essential projects gets to play soldier today.”

“You realize how depressing that statement is, don’t you?”

“Hey, most things on Centares just take care of themselves, that’s the way we like it.” Liena offered another of his smug grins, and Asra felt the frustration run out into her fingertips. “That reminds me, Colonel Allis has been asking for you all morning. Apparently, you had something time-sensitive on your desk?”

Time-sensitive? She thinks on the scarce projects running right now. Nar Shaddaa business was being handled. No projects. Did he know about this morning? Asra pushed from her seat, giving the captain a dirty look. “You could have led with that. He’ll know I swiped in.”

“Hey, you now know! It’s not like he can do anything to you, Lieutenant. He knows his place.”

Asra frowned and corrected her uniform once more, pushing herself to move towards the stairs and the colonel’s office. He had never known his place, or how important she was. Every time they met; he did his best to pull rank and meddle with her missions.


“Please sit, Lieutenant.” The stuffy office of Colonel Jek Allis was like an interrogation room. There was no personality beyond a few lights, no flair, nothing that would suggest how to approach this man. He was a monolith, an unpleasant, aggressive akk dog who could not be reasoned with. Even now, his stern aging face gave no impression of what to expect. Asra sat down. She had had many interactions with this awful man. If she stuck to the letter of the law, he would grow red with impotent rage today too. “We’ll cut straight to the point, what’s the progress on Hidden Charger?”

Hidden Charger? The research project? Asra paused for a moment, searching her thought for what she had reported previously. “...As per my report last week, sir, we have established basic contact with a peripheral source to the project and are waiting on actionable intel from outside sources.”

“I need you to up the time frame on this. Upper management is taking an interest in seeing this done.”

She breathed a sigh, watching the man. Upper management? Her report had just been barebones. “With all due respect, sir, this project is not in any stage to be-“

“We need to have the technology documented in your report before the Feast of Reconstitution.” Her eyes widened as he spoke. He was mad.

“-...Sir, that’s three months away. I don’t even have proper intel on the research team.”

“This is coming from Intelligence. They are sending someone during the feast to collect on our results. You want to stand here and explain why it wasn’t done?”

Asra parted her lips to speak. It was insane. Someone must have it out for her. It was an attack, an impossible mission. A torpedo for her career. Her skin felt cold, her stomach lurched. She touched at her temple and tried to keep her composure. Maybe this was it. What she had been waiting for. Maybe Intelligence was testing her. She rubbed at the bridge of her nose, trying to push some clarity back into her head. It had to be an evaluation. Do or die. It was what she had waited for. She had prepared for a trial. That had to be it. “It’s-... I’ll need resources. People.”

The colonel shifted in his seat. “I’m cleared to give you a stipend for operations. I’ll put together a list of personnel we’ve tapped in the past for wetwork. You can have your pick if they’re available.” A quick glance at his monitor, and a gesture for the door followed. “I’ll forward the Intelligence parameters to your station. We’ll reconvene with your plan of action at the end of the week. Yes?”
“Yes, sir.” She responded automatically, hearing the shake in her own voice.

“Dismissed, then.” Asra pushed from her stiff seat. After a moment, she evacuated towards the door with as much grace as she could muster.


The supply closet was claustrophobic. Rows and rows of minor equipment, replacement cleaning droids, sterile gear. Asra closed the door behind her gently and closed her eyes. She could feel her body spinning, her head pounding. Muscles in her arms and legs tensed and itched, her fingers clawed at the door behind her as she fought to breathe normally. The fear came in waves, pulsing out through her lips with each heavy breath. She opened her eyes, and the room spun around her, violently thrashing and mocking her with its serene normalcy.

A primal, panicked scream bubbled up, forcing its way through her teeth. Her hands gripped her face, ruined her hair. She was dead. This was impossible. She would be stuck on Centares forever. Ridiculed. Killed for her failure. Brushed aside as irrelevant. A loser. He enjoyed this. Watching her fail and struggle. He and Enoa would laugh it up. If word got out she couldn’t pull her weight, who would trust her? They were going to take everything from her. She tore equipment from the shelves in fury, slammed a deactivated bot on the head.

Her rage slowly subsided, replaced with exhaustion. Asra sank down on the floor of the closet. There had to be a way out of this. A way to stick it to Jek Allis, to prove her worth to Intelligence. Breathing heavy breaths, Asra reached for her holo-communicator. It rang for an eternity. Each moment another spark of anguish, fear, doubt. The insanity of the task replayed in her head several times before the image of her trandoshan companion appeared on the small disc. “Rassk…”

“We are still interrogating the girl.” He growled back at her in huttese. The formidable mercenary glanced away from their conversation. The voices of others of roiled in the brief silence. “She does not talk, only cry.”

“…Forget the girl.” Asra bit back, making the swap to huttese herself. The shift helped her center her thoughts. Focus on the now, Asra. You can do this. If anyone can, it’s you. You know you can. “We’re going to run an operation soon. Paid work. No new bloods.”

“Public hunt? Spread the word?”

“No, keep it in the clan. And get Lazal to call in. We're gonna need unlisted shuttles. Hostile space.” She terminated the call soon after. Another solidifying breath, and she moved herself to stand. Asra picked up her cap, rubbed at her face, and then finally ran her hands over her hair before placing the cap back where it belongs. A quick straightening of her uniform, and she turned to open the closet.

It could be done. It would work. She could do anything. With that, she drew a last centering breath, and walked out to face the empty office once more.
Thank you for the approval and feedback, @Jackdaw. I've made a choice regarding her involvement with the corporation. I have amended my application with a few edits to clarify the corporate situation, as well as a few things I felt needed retouching now that I am out of my initial haze of spellbound writing. If any of my edits changes the previous approval, I am happy to further edit them or otherwise backtrack to the state it was in previously. I understand it is not very cool to do any edits while it is in pending status, so I'm hoping ya'll won't hate me for this.

For the sake of transparency:
Clarified under political influences that her involvement with Val'shan Trading is criminal in nature.
Added a sentence to the associate Rassk about having worked as an independent contractor for the Empire.
Clarified that the Val'shan Trading Initiative is a corporation in associate Lazal Ke's entry.
Added a sentence to 'Villa Lyn' to give a better picture of the nature of her home.
Edited the entry for ownership - Val'shan Trading Initiative. Hopefully it's a little more understandable now.
Rewrote the passage about vehicles to be more clear.

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