Avatar of Enzayne


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Current The only thing better than an elf is two elves.
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I feel like I'm learning to write all over again.
5 yrs ago
Roleplaying is like a fine wine. I don't get enough of it, and most of the time I fail to appreciate it properly.
6 yrs ago
Writing is work. The more of it you do, the more you feel like Steve in Accounting is out to get you.


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Old Friends & New Experiences

"Orb, what did you want to tell me?"

Orb zipped around her head. Lucia, with Sanya by her side, had traveled a week southwest towards the Sun Lit Temple.

Her home.

Things had gotten better since then, she wasn't feeling so down and was even returning to her old self by telling stories and reminiscing about times past. They joked too, as normalcy slowly returned to the two. That wasn't the only thing that was new however.

She looked to Sanya, who was down the creek where they were camped, to see her friend training with Sorrowsting. Something she usually did in the morning. Yet Lucia watched with curious eyes at all of her movements, the thrusting of the spear, the sweat glistening off of her skin in the morning light, the way her body mo-

"Yes, the message." Orb interrupted, as he stopped in front of her face, bringing Lucia's attention back to reality. She blushed out of embarrassment, before opening her mouth to retort in annoyance but Orb beat her..

"It is from the creator, Lucia." He buzzed.

Her annoyed expression quickly melted as her eyes went wide with surprise.

"Why didn't you tell me sooner Orb! What did he say? What did he say?" She asked enthusiastically.

Runes on Orb began to glow and she heard Qael's voice. A gods voice, again.

“Tell her- Tell her I hope she is doing well and that she’s happy. I’m still grateful for our conversation and I’m doing my best to learn how to care. Though it isn’t easy for a god like me. Tell her I will always listen to her prayers. Tell her I miss her and I hope I could talk to her again soon.”

Lucia's eyes watered and she wiped away her tears as she happily laughed. "Play it again Orb, please." she said, and Orb obliged. She listened again and could hardly believe her ears. It was both touching and a reminder that he was still attempting to care. It meant a whole lot just sending her the message in the first place.

"Oh Qael… You're trying and that's all that matters." she said tenderly, in but a whisper. Before looking back at Orb.

"Thank you Orb, I'm sorry I've neglected you of late." she said, patting him. The constrict lit up for a moment and eventually said, "You are welcome Lucia. You have learned all that can teach you." He said simply.

Lucia frowned sadly. "I know, old friend. I know. It feels like such a waste leaving you in my sack… I wonder if you could teach…" she looked over to Sanya but quickly shook her head. "Bless her heart but she'd probably end up breaking you." she said with a giggle.

The wind suddenly picked up. Like the wind of a storm came roaring. From the horizon something came charging at the two humanoids and Orb. It seemed to distort the gentle colors in the sky. When it got closer, it was clear that it didn’t distort them. It was colors violently moving in the sky and it came barreling straight for Lucia. Only when it got close, the wind died. The constantly shifting waves of color gently descended down from the clouds. “Hello, Lucia.” She could hear the shapeless mass of floating colors say. Qael’Naath wasn’t talking to her in her head now. “It has been a long time but I’ve seen what you’ve achieved through Orb’s training.”

Lucia stood up in surprise. She looked up at the shimmering mass of colors and felt awe. It reminded her so much of Meghzaal that she gave pause when she heard Qael's voice. "That's… You, Qael?" she asked. From her side came the dull thud of feet over grass and rock, and within a few moments Sanya stood at Lucia's side, Sorrowsting leveled at the shimmering mass as though it stood a chance.

"Not entirely. What you see is merely a part of me. A manifestation I was able to send to Galbar.” The words were emanated from shapelessness as vibrations upon the wind. Yet they were spoken very slowly. “Forgive me. I am not used to this way of speaking. It has only been a few years since I and my siblings learned how to create these manifestations.”

Lucia blinked as she looked at Sanya by her side. She gave her a small smile before putting a hand on her shoulder and saying, "It's okay, we're not in danger." before she addressed Qael. "All is forgiven, I was just surprised is all. I received your message. It was very touching, thank you so much!" she said happily with a wide smile.

“This gladdens me.” The words echoed upon the air again. They were more strained than the previous ones. If it noticed Sanya standing by Lucia, the Winds were not showing it. Orb’s runes began to light up in various colors for a moment. Then they died down again. “Ah…that is why you have called for me. The pupil has become a master and must now continue on her own path. Alone.”

"Oh." she said, words getting caught in her throat as she looked to Orb, memories flashing in front of her eyes of all their training sessions, of all the anger and moments of triumph. She tried to compose herself, when she felt a hand on her own shoulder, a mirror of her own previous actions. Sanya looked at her, and then up to the shimmering form of Qael’Naath’s messenger. ”Not alone,” she interjected with a confident venom, even if her grip on her weapon had eased. Lucia flashed her a smile and glanced at her lips before quickly looking back at the manifestation.

In a somewhat shaky voice she said, "I see… I… Didn't think this day would come so fast, so suddenly. Where will- Where will you take him?" she asked.

“The mate cannot understand.” The words echoed through the area. The words were the only admission of Sanya’s existence. “Orb’s new place will be far from here. This is not goodbye, Lucia. Quite the opposite. I will be watching you. With great interest. But now I must say farewell. I have tarried too long. Come, Orb.” Orb’s runes flashed as it floated towards the shapeless mass. When it hung amid the colors, it stopped for a moment. “Farewell, Lucia.” With those words both Orb and the Winds of Magic shot off towards the clouds and then the south-western horizon.

"Goodbye…" she said long after they had gone. Then it dawned upon her what Qael had said and she turned to Sanya with wide eyes. She blushed again and quickly looked over to the camp as her tattoos fluttered. "We should get going, I-I think." she said quickly, walking away.

Sanya stood seemingly nonplussed for the time being, staring up at the sky and eyeing the horizon towards which the phenomenon had flown, as Lucia wandered off. She hummed a quiet and thoughtful agreement at first, and followed Lucia towards the camp, gaze still on the horizon. "So, the gods walk on the ground once more. Or the sky, at least," she concluded with a murmur, seemingly focused on her own thoughts. "Do you know many more gods, Lucia? This one was the most cryptic I've met by far," she offered with a sigh. "And surprisingly presumptuous, too."

She thought a moment before arriving back at camp and beginning to pack her bag. She then spoke aloud, ”Well… Let’s see. That was Qael'Naath, God of magic. He was the one who gifted Orb to me, I’ve probably told you that before, but I can’t remember off the top of my head. He’s not terrible, just has a hard time understanding mortal life and how to care for us. I believe he’s trying.” she mused before continuing. ”I know Oraelia. You do too.” she smiled at Sanya. ”Then there’s… Megzhaal and Aunt Gibbou of course! Those were the only one’s I met before they left. I’ve heard of the five, of course and from distant lands, others too. Though, I’m not sure if I know their original names. I’ve noticed, as the years ago by, people keep shortening or making them longer, the God’s name’s that is.” she sat on her knees and turned to Sanya, ”I know you met-” she began, before she cut herself off. ”Yeah, that one.” she said softly, ashamed of herself.

It was too late. She could see Sanya's expression sting with a dark and reflexive distaste, even if the dark-haired woman did her best to mask it. The mellow half-smile that followed did not reach her eyes. "You can say the name, Lucia. I can take it. I'm over it." she offered with a tone that tried to be convincing. "I've spoken it many times with no reply."

Lucia winced as she looked at Sanya. She knew in her heart Sanya qas lying. She gave a soft sigh before saying, "Even if they don't respond, doesn't mean they aren't listening. Best not to say her name. I'm sorry." she finished softly.

Sanya gave a small shrug in complement to Lucia's words, but it seemed as though her thoughts were elsewhere, as the woman stared quietly at a fixed spot by their camp. She eventually caught herself in the act when the silence grew too long, and subtly changed the conversation as she moved towards their packing. "At least the Sun Mother seems to be everything you've said over the years. If I'm to be honest… I had a hard time believing the stories until now."

Lucia hoisted her sack on her back and looked at Sanya with a grin. "Have I ever lied to you, Sanya?" she mused. "Now come on slowpoke we have traveling to do!" she walked over to Sanya and began helping her pack up.

Sanya scoffed at the words and rolled her eyes, but when she glanced at Lucia that subtle softness that spoke of her own levity had returned. It wasn't a smile, but Lucia knew it wasn't far off. "Good to see someone's in a rush," she added with feigned frustration. Wrapping the last up in her pack, and shuffling the pack to firmly hold Sorrowsting against her back, she managed a full smirk at Lucia. "I suppose it makes sense; the faster we arrive, the fewer grilled snakes you need to pretend to enjoy."

Lucia laughed heartily and in a sarcastic voice said, "Oh you know I just loveeeee snakes for dinner. It's especially fun to pick out all the tiny bones." she began to walk up the stream. "It'll be nice to sleep in a warm bed too." she mumbled under her breath..

Her travelling companion wasted no time in matching her speed, and within moments they had put the few telltale signs of their presence at the campsite behind them. Sanya followed Lucia with high spirits - as high as one could glean from the sorrowful wanderer at least - seemingly willing to put her burdens aside for the journey. Or at least, until a thought seemed to strike her, and bubbled to the surface. "The mate cannot understand. Did he mean me?"

Lucia stiffened her back and tilted her head to the side. "Oh, I must have missed when he said that." she lied, blushing as her tattoos seemed to flutter again. "I guess so, silly huh?"

Sanya exhaled sharply and again provided a soft noise of derision, a silent complaint about the manners of gods, or something else entirely. "Well, I'm delighted he noticed me. A marked improvement. Not a bad fate, either. Whatever the gods require, right?" Sanya mused to herself, her tone carrying that same deadpan levity.

Lucia's eyes went wide at the realization of Sanya's words and she quickly looked ahead, her heart jumping in her chest. No no no! She was getting ahead of herself, it was just Sanya saying Sanya things but… Lucia glanced at her, did she actually mean it? Noticing the silence she suddenly said, "Yep! Whatever they require!" she quickened her pace and groaned inside her head. At least the walk wouldn't be boring, especially with Sanya by her side.

The highlands sang a peaceful song as the Sun Mother dragged her sphere to its highest peak in the sky. Birdsong, the quiet rush of the nearby stream, the gentle breath of the wind. Together with the thud of their feet in the grass and dirt, and the irregular banter they shared, it created its own symphony of peace and tranquility. Wandering like this, Sanya felt, without anyone but your closest and nature beside you, this was the best part of life. They didn’t need to talk - although it didn’t hurt when they did - just enjoy the peace together. Sanya knew that Lucia felt the same. Her smiles were genuine, she was talking as much as a street vendor trying to push wares again, and perhaps most important of all; the sting and dark haze of her emotional turmoil had subsided from Sanya’s mind. The least Sanya could do was try and keep that feeling going. Ha-Dûna seemed like a bad dream, now, a place where she could leave her worries and lock them away. Just like she locked away the Goddess, her youth, the battle of Ramhome, and her days in Ketrefa. Memories to be ignored and forgotten. It was for everyone’s best.

She glanced at Lucia, who seemed taken with the hidden spectacles of life around them, brimming with joy and smiling to herself in moments of thought. It made Sanya’s weary heart fill with some measure of hope. All injuries heal with time. Sanya would not let anyone close who thought differently, and as they walked along the grass-studded stream she imagined herself back to more peaceful times. The few times in her life when Sorrowsting had been put aside for a few days, months, or years. It never seemed possible until it happened. Her gaze scanned for the horizon in a few directions. So far as she could see, no threats would disrupt their peace.

Or so she had thought.

From behind them came a large rumbling, as if the earth was trembling or a tree had fallen but much larger. Lucia yelled out of fright as she lost her footing and fell onto the ground. Yet as quickly as it came, the earth grew still, replaced by… loud panting? The pang of fear kicked Sanya’s nerves into high gear, and a rush of adrenaline shot through her body like a wash of cold water.

Sanya spun around, coming face to face with the largest Leoness she had ever gazed upon. It's fur was the color gold, as well as it's intelligent eyes. It's feathery wings were enormous and easily twice the length of its sleek but powerful body. It had paws as large as boulders, that could easily kill in one hit but most curious was the halo over its head and the symbol of the sun upon its forehead. It looked at her impassively as it turned its gaze to Lucia, who stood up. The Leoness' tail began to flick back and forth as it let out a low rumbling that they could feel in the air.

It wasn’t until she properly examined the scene that she realized she had reflexively searched for Sorrowsting, halfway having drawn it from its resting place before stopping herself. Centuries of travel had taught her not to bully Leons or even truly worry about them, and this one seemed like a particularly bad idea to irritate. Trying to still her nerves, Sanya watched the majestic beast with a mixture of awe and wariness, eyes skidding to Lucia intermittently to try and get a hold on the situation. ”...Friend of yours?” she managed to ask, and then finally eased her grip on her weapon.

Lucia stared wide eyed before a huge grin formed on her lips. She looked to Sanya and nodded enthusiastically. She began to walk over to the Leon, saying, "Sanya, I'd like you to meet Eesis!" she then squealed with delight as Eesis bent down and began to rub on Lucia, who fell over due to the sheer size difference. Lucia laughed wildly as the once fearsome Leoness' demeanor turned into that of a cub's before Sanya's eyes. The leoness then knelt down fully before turning to her side, huffing and letting out a deep purr that could be felt in her chest. Lucia beckoned Sanya over as she continued to talk and pet Eesis.

Sanya took a moment to rub at the bridge of her nose, sighing inwardly as she tried to fight away any residual anxiety and let her heart still. She remained in place for a time, watching the massive beast and her traveling companion play around, a sense of surreal otherworldliness capturing her in the moment as she watched Lucia smile and laugh with her gigantic animal friend. The harsh realities of the world could wait, it felt like. ”Hello, Eesis…” she eventually pressed out, following Lucia’s direction and moving closer. ”Your friends never cease to surprise, Lucia.”

Lucia scratched Eesis under the chin as she spoke. "I found her in the Prairie with Nisin, so long ago. See the halo? Mother created them even before I came to be. Eesis can heal things, Nisin can renew. The golden Leon's. Beautiful isn't she?" she said, looking at Sanya now.

In turn, Sanya nodded, daring to watch the majestic Leoness with a respectful amount of apprehension, even if she managed to keep herself calm. Somewhere in the back of her mind, the seasoned warrior within rattled off the sheer power of such a beast, even without divine blessings. Between the size, the golden fur, and the majesty, it was a truly magnificent sight. She glanced at Lucia, who seemed to anticipate a response. ”Wondrous. And more than a little humbling.”

Lucia tilted her head and smiled. "You can touch her if you want, just let her sniff you first. I promise she won't bite. Probably." she teased.

"Alright…" Sanya agreed with a hesitant tone. Her gaze found Eesis' head, and took a slow step towards both Lucia and the Leoness. Her hand stretched out slowly, carefully, halfway in both offer and cautious effort. The stir in her gut reminded her of when she was a child, that childish fear and fascination of the unknown.

The Leoness lifted her head to Sanya. Massive orbs gazed upon her with impunity. There was a brief second of silence before Eesis moved her snout closer to Sanya and sniffed her. The Leoness then nuzzled Sanya gently, blooming a fascinated small smile on Sanya's lips. Lucia beamed, "See! I knew she'd like you! This is great, now we can fly without any trouble." Lucia said, hugging Sanya from behind. "Oh I should ask, have you ever ridden a Leon before?" she mused.

"Have I…" Sanya began and immediately trailed off. The smile of a dark-skinned man flashed before her eyes. Her own embarrassed laugh as he helped her up on a Leon. His strong grip as he pulled her out of the grass after she fell off. What was his name, again? How long ago was that? "...No. Not really." she offered with hesitation, shaking her thoughts away. "Wait. Fly?"

Lucia let go and spun to her side as she scratched Eesis' chin. She smiled at Sanya excitedly. "Of course! It's easy. All you have to do is hold on. What better way to get to the Temple now? We could be there by tonight I bet!"

Sanya pressed out a hesitant smile to mimic Lucia's excitement, but that solitary attempt at levity faded soon after, as she realized that Lucia was serious. "I… If you're sure…" she murmured. A stone in her stomach seemed to form at the mere thought. Leaving the ground had never been good.

Lucia noticed immediately that something wasn't right. She gingerly stopped scratching Eesis, who looked up, and took one of Sanya's hands within her own. "Hey." she said quietly, "I'll be right there with you and I'm not going to let anything happen to you. I promise." she gave a squeeze and a smile.

The stone lingered in her gut, but Sanya had the wherewithal to ignore it. She watched Lucia for a long while. How genuine she looked even now. Was Sanya making a big deal out of nothing? She breathed a sigh that didn't portray as much confidence as she'd hoped, before responding, "Alright. I'll… follow your lead."

Lucia blushed and her tattoos seemed to pulse with excitement. "G-Good!" she exclaimed before turning to Eesis. "What do you say Eesis? Care to give two weary travels a ride?" The Leoness stirred before stretching and then finally put down one of her wings like a ramp. Lucia looked back at Sanya and then began to pull her up the wing.

Sanya let herself be dragged along, a restless stir flushing her skin as nervous jitters overtook the seasoned grit she was used to championing. Her gaze darted briefly to the Leoness, before finding solace in watching Lucia's calm and encouraging demeanor instead. Her hand clutched warily against golden, soft fur as she tried her best to find her place. Lucia was slow, sensing some sort of hesitation from her. When they reached the top of Eesis, Lucia let go of Sanya’s hand and grabbed her by the shoulders saying, “Here is a good spot, okay? You sit down and I’ll sit down in front of you. You can grab onto m-me or the fur, alright?” she said shyly. “Eesis is a gentle flyer and doesn’t do half the crazy maneuvers Nisin does. Though it will probably look dangerous at first, this is about the safest place to be in the Prairie.” she smiled warmly, before settling down at the nape of Eesis’ neck. She seemed so small compared to the vastness of the Leoness, but she looked back at Sanya all the same, expectantly.

The sheer idea terrified Sanya still, cold chills rippling over her skin. If Lucia said it was fine, she'd trust her. With a slow, steadying nod, Sanya reached forward ever so slightly, trying to find a good hold in Eesis fur. She glanced back to the ground; they hadn't even started and already it seemed to be much too far away. Instead, she found solace in looking ahead, steeling herself for this new challenge with a set of deep breaths. "I… I'm ready." she pressed out at last.

”Okay! Here goes nothing then!” Lucia exclaimed. ”Go on Eesis, take us home!” she said, anticipation building in the air. The Leoness’ muscles seemed to tighten as she crouched at first, before her powerful hindlegs exploded in forward momentum. Lucia leaned seemed to compress herself and she leaned forward as Eesis quickly covered ground. Her wings began to beat, like mini thunderclaps, sending air down like a hurricane. Eesis then began to jump, once, twice, three times! All the while Lucia laughed like a madwoman, squealing with delight. On her fourth jump, Eesis took to the sky and began to beat her wings as they gained altitude.

Sanya managed the bucking Leon with silent and intense focus at first, but the powerful fourth leap seemed to hit her breaking point. An intense dread overtook her, and the sharp gasp she released was unlike any vocalization she recognized herself. The reflexive reach for something safer than the fur led her closer to Lucia, and Sanya's strong arms coiled tightly around the tattooed woman, as she shuffled ever so slightly closer in search of sanctuary. She did not know where to look, so she did not look at all, clinging to Lucia for all she was worth as the wind whipped through her hair and clothes.

Lucia said nothing, but her whooping and hollering died down as they ascended further. She felt warm, very warm and her tattoos were in a constant state of flux- teeming with excitement and pure joy. Eventually, Eesis began to level out and Lucia put one of her hands on Sanya’s arm gingerly. She then spoke, her voice loud. ”Sanya, you’re okay now! Open your eyes and take a look at this view! You won’t fly away! I wouldn’t let you, I promise!”

Every fiber of her being resisted the urge to follow directions initially. She could feel air brush against her, and a strange weightlessness that came with the height, or at least knowing about it. Still, Sanya battled her inner demons, and slowly pried her eyes open to gaze straight forwards over Lucia's shoulder. It was unlike anything she'd ever seen before. Below them stretched the majesty of the highlands, seen before only by birds, leons and the Gods. Every stream looked like a snake, the outcroppings of rocks and stones like pebbles, cutting channels into the earth. Fields of flowers, forests of trees, lakes small and wide- All so minuscule and small and simply breathtaking. Upon the far horizon their stretched fields of gold, sparsely pocketed with pockets of green. She could even see smoke rising, cleansing the land. It was beautiful and Lucia watched her face with a small smile.

Sanya gazed out over the landscape, transfixed. For a time, her doubts and worries washed away with the wind, as her eyes fell on the diminutive details of far-off lands. It was nothing short of breathtaking. A unique and impossible view. A once-in-a-lifetime feeling. A calm spread through her alongside the fascination, and she could not help but be taken with the vista.

Then she made the mistake of looking just a little too close to the edge of Eesis fur, as much straight down as she could. The world whipped back into reality, and somewhere deep in her mind the insanity of her position wrung back into view as she felt a dizzying and disorienting fear grip her legs, her head, her body. Sanya tightened her embrace on Lucia, instinctively holding herself close as she first closed her eyes, and finally leveled her gaze straight ahead instead, more modest and uncertain than she'd felt in years.

Lucia gave a slight chuckle, her long golden hair billowing in the wind as she turned her head to look at Sanya. "You're doing great Sanya! We'll probably be up here until dusk, so I would get comfy if I were you! Hold onto me as long as you want though, I-I lik-" she paused briefly before sputtering out, "I don't mind! Whatever makes you feel safe!"

Lucia's words whizzed past Sanya's senses as she tried to stabilize her thoughts, and her fear. She hated it. Not flying - but feeling unsafe in a way she could do nothing about. Feeling vulnerable. Like a little girl, all over again. It was embarrassing, and Sanya dared not speak for fear of making a further fool of herself. Instead she held onto Lucia - her sole point of safety - and rested her head gently against her shoulder and back. With her warmth so near, she once more pried open her eyes to silently peer into the horizon, and the faraway lands below.

Lucia visibly relaxed after a while, letting herself press into Sanya slightly. She wore a smile on her lips, one Sanya could not entirely see. Her tattoos pulsed contently, as she looked out at the horizon. The Prairie, fast approaching.

Sainthood of the Maelstrom

The bright hues of the Luminant cast the scene in a fickle light. Row upon row of winged men and women, covering the ground a considerable distance in each direction. Their mottled wings shone with new combinations of color in the Luminant’s strange flora. At the head of the procession hovered a horned and winged woman, her own wings splayed with a multitude of colors that did not seem to blend despite the light’s best efforts to cast her in warm and bright hues. Aveira swept over the tall men and women stood at attention with a single beat of her wings, a critical gaze falling over them in seemingly random patterns. When she spoke, it was with a booming, unpleasant echo that belied her round face and soft features.

”Blessed children of the Goddess,” she began, stirring a few among the organized crowd to gaze into the sky in bemusement, awe, or simple respect. ”You have seen and faced the enemy first-hand. Those who cling to the false pretender and her perversion of your duty. Each of you have heard the Goddess, seen her vision for this world. There are those among you who balk at the task. No food. No shelter. The Oraeliari beg for help from above. Are you as them?”

Aveira slowly touched down at the front of the column, extending a hand to caress the face of a pale Neiyari woman with speckled wings. Her eyes filled with fright and awe alike as the avatar deigned to touch her. ”Yazira, is it?” Aveira spoke in a more regular tone. ”Will you get on your knees and beg for your War Mother to build you a paradise? Or will you show her that you are worthy of one?” the avatar continued, staring into her eyes with a malicious intensity.

The pale Neiyari briefly buckled under the attention, but steeled herself as she tried to keep her stern and disciplined face. “I will show I am worthy!” she cried out, emboldened by a hatred and a passion to fight. “I will build a paradise!” Aveira slowly released her face, exhaling a light sigh. Her rueful stare turned soft, before a single beat of her wings brought her into the air once more.

”Those around you are chosen by me, by the Goddess. She has seen your fervor, and your devotion. True children of the War Mother do not beg, they do not ask.” her voice boomed out over the crowd. ”A true Neiyari takes. By force, by cunning, and by blood. You are the greatest among your kind. Among your brethren, you carry within you the vision that your mother desires, and the will to carry it out. Among your kindred, you are saints. Leaders. Carry the banners of war. Put Galbar under your wings. Show your kin the path to paradise. This is my decree, and that of Neiyara! Praise the Goddess!”

A chorus of cries rang out in the Luminant, discordant and battle-ready. Still they remained in place, drilled to discipline before learning basic survival tactics. Aveira broke out into a haughty smile, unable to contain her glee. They were her toy soldiers, and she enjoyed every moment of it so far.

”The path is clear, you Saints of the Maelstrom! On this day, you are the speakers of war, the strategists, and the scholars. If the war falters, if victory is stolen from your hands, know that it is by your own doing. Learn, thrive, and conquer, and nothing shall stand in your way. Heed my words, and accept your calling!” she cried out with a rising fury, and stared down at the assembled Neiyari. They stretched out their arms towards the sky exultantly, and Aveira knew it was time to oblige. She raised her hand to the crowd, and drew on the divine essence from beyond the veil. Felt the Maelstrom of whispers, emotions and desires roil and touch at her being as it did her creator.

She directed her power at the gathered, and the effect was immediate. Again the assembled Neiyari met with direct contact of Neiya’s voice, and her love, and they tried to accept her gifts with stride. Many fell to the ground in agony, others cried and sobbed endlessly, and a few even bled from the eyes. The result was the same. Their connection to their mother deepened, Aveira watched how their wings soaked a stained pure black, and their skin twisted a pale white.

When the storm abated, those who survived the onslaught arose with new purpose in their eyes. Likewise, as the maelstrom faded from her senses, a strange feedback rippled through her body. For a moment, it felt as though a ghostly shape caressed her body, breathed on her neck. A rush of exhilaration and bliss shot through her system, dusting her features with a rosy blush - a wordless reward from Neiya. Aveira’s features curled into a delighted grin. What was war without some interference from above?

Fields of Mercy

The sun’s curious cresting of the east washed the village in a growing intensity of light, signalling the start of another warm spring’s morning. Rays of light searched their way through the thin linen sheet hung over the window, and cascaded a waking warmth on the massive bedstead dominating the room. Slowly but surely, a few among the dozen-and-a-half women on the bed stirred. Farah awoke with a smile on her lips as the morning sun caressed her cheek. Nestled in place between the quiet snores of Yazmina and the ever lazy Aisha, she decided to remain still and appreciate life, listening to the quiet morning clatter of the first who decided to get off the bed. As was usual, the sounds of waking people and the heat of the sun grew exponentially, and within minutes the bed shifted with movement and the room began to fill with ever louder conversation. Resigned to enjoy her morning in peace, Farah twirled a lock of her brown hair between her fingers, and raised it to idly compare it with Aisha’s.

An older voice cut through the noise, and Farah knew it was time to move - the matron was awake. She had barely begun to try and shift free from the careless arm of Aisha and Yazmina’s awkward lean when the clash of wood on a pot rang through the room, together with the matron’s loud voice. A storm of motion erupted on the bed, and Farah was caught in the midst of it; Yazmina rummaged and rolled away in a panic, and Aisha stood straight up and nearly trampled Farah in her abrupt fit to get up and seem awake - just like always. Farah simply sat up with her smile and slowly edged off of the bed, meeting the glowering gaze of the matron as she finally stood up and mosied on over to get ready for the day. Alongside the other girls she wrapped herself in one of the simple dresses the matron had laid out. Beyond smiling, she chose not to pay the banter between the others any heed - she was already on thin ice with the matron for her jest last week.

Spring was certainly in full swing; when Farah finally exited the domicile, she was barraged by the majesty of nature. Swaths of growing crops filled the vista as far east as she could see, and the whole southern meadow had become a sea of colours as wildflowers bloomed. She took a long and hearty breath, taking a moment to enjoy the sound of birdsong. That sound was soon overpowered by both the chatter of voices behind her, and the loud bass carrying from across the nearby field. A simple glance to the north confirmed the sound: the men had also awoken and were moving towards the fields already. That simple fact filled Farah with a certain delight. She hoped she’d get to work with Adnan today as well. She thought about his smile, his arms, his laugh, and felt a little flutter rush through her stomach that brought an embarrassed smile to her lips. Yazmina would tease her to death if she ever said any of this out loud. A few of the women spilled out past her, talking about the topic of the week - Farid’s awkward song for Aisha at the gathering during rest day - with much giggling and cajoling. Farah herself just smiled. It hadn’t mattered that it was awkward, because Aisha had loved it, and that was enough.

“Farah,” boomed a familiar voice behind her. Farah felt her hopes wither inside, but still tried to maintain a cheerful demeanour as she turned to face the matron.

“Matron Nasira,” she responded dutifully, but the withered old woman did not seem particularly impressed.

“I want you to gather flowers today. We need Whiteknife roots, Gold Tongue, and Summerbells.” the imposing lady continued, twisting a brow at Farah. It made her wrinkled forehead crease in all new ways. Before Farah could protest, she twisted away inside the domicile and returned a moment later. Farah’s heart sank when she realized why - the matron had found the biggest basket they had, and shoved it into Farah’s arms. She could barely stretch her arms around it, and it was almost as tall as her too. With a sigh, Farah slipped her arms into the tied on cloth straps, and hefted the sizable basket onto her back.

“What shall I do when I am done, Matron Nasira?” she inquired with a resigned tone.

“Oh, we need -quite a lot- of them. Make sure to fill the basket, my dear. If you somehow manage to still have time in the day, you can help me in the kitchen. Speaking of, I prepared some food so you don’t have to trek all the way back just to eat.” the matron replied with a more pleasant tone of her own, but her face did not change in the slightest; she was still as unpleasant as ever. Still, she pressed a bundled package into Farah’s hands. “And don’t pout at me, Farah. That might work on the boys, but it won’t get you out of honest work today.” she reprimanded with a finality to her words, narrowing her eyes. Farah simply nodded, trying to mellow out her expression. When had she ever tried to get out of work? The Matron just always caught her in brief moments of rest. Farah knew better than to argue the point, and instead began the journey towards the southern meadows. Not much to it other than putting one foot before the other.

It took a good half-hour or so to fully leave the crops behind and walk into the sea of color that was the meadows beyond. Broken up only by the quiet brook bubbling past further down the way, immersing herself in the ocean of flowers was like stepping into a slice of paradise. The gentle brush of wind provided a soft solace from the growing heat, and gave the longer grass amidst the flowers a pleasant sway. Green, gold, red, blue, and white patterns rocked gently with the wind, a dizzying blend of colors - and even more colours stretching into the horizon. Farah found herself unable to dislike her exile from regular farmwork, the pull of nature’s beauty was too great for her smile not to creep back onto her lips. Farah set the basket down gently in the middle of the meadow, laid her package of food down beside it, and waded demurely into the ocean of color, hands outstretched to brush against flower and grass.

The sheer bliss of existing in the field was short-lived, however. The request the matron had given her seemed almost specifically designed to be as frustrating as possible. Summerbells proved to be very rare, and looked almost exactly like the much more prevalent Wolves’ Tooth from a distance. Gold Tongue was easy to find, their large golden flowers rising over many other plants - but their thistle-like leaves made picking each flower an unpleasant hassle at best. Even wrapping her hand in her sleeve did not alleviate the occasional sting. Finally, Whiteknife was among the most numerous flower in the entire valley, yet the matron had still managed to make it troublesome; between the fragile stem and the hearty roots gripping tightly to the earth, dragging Whiteknife roots out of the ground proved to be a sweaty and tedious process. It was an endless cycle, but at the very least the plants were plentiful enough to cut out most of the searching entirely.

When the sun had begun to climb away from its highest point in the sky, Farah helped herself to a seat at her current picking spot, which just so happened to be by the brook. With a quiet sigh she began to unwrap her package of food, and glanced at the basket she’d now brought with her. She’d been at it for ages, yet the basket wasn’t even filled to a third of its capacity. Perhaps she would truly be out here until it was too dark to see, she mused, and idly peeled the shell of a boiled egg from her package. Shuffling a little closer to the water, Farah cautiously dipped her grass- and dirt-muddled feet in the brook, flexing her toes in the small and refreshingly cold stream. It wasn’t so bad, after all. She imagined Aisha was complaining about her back right about now, and Patron Abbas making his rounds scowling at all of them. The quiet peace and the colors was perfect, even if she missed the smiles of her compatriots.

Farah was about to bite into her egg when something gave her pause; movement on the horizon. With a light squint she could make out a bundle of silhouettes, half a dozen perhaps, bobbing over the grasslands on the far side of the brook, perhaps even along the path from Karay far to the southeast. A few moments more, and she could confirm the shapes were growing steadily bigger, slowly but surely. Perhaps they were visitors? That lone thought exhilarated her, a brewing curiosity blooming within her like a gnawing thought she could not rid herself of. When had been the last time they’d had visitors? Ever since the Matron brought her here from Karay, she’d met outsiders only a few times. Even now, when she was by all rights a woman, neither the Matron or Patron ever chose her for the trading journeys - what few there were - and she could count the number of visitors that had visited the farm since her youth on one hand. What reason would they have for visiting? What wondrous tales would they be able to tell? Did they know how far the flowers stretched? With those questions and many more spiralling through her mind, Farah found solid footing once more and stood up to follow the shapes in the distance with eager anticipation.

There were more of them than she had first seen. Perhaps an entire dozen. Farah quickly downed her egg and rewrapped her food packet, dumping it into the basket for easy storage. Her attention thoroughly stolen, she watched the curious band of silhouettes grow closer as they shuffled along what was definitely the beaten path, given the brief height shift as they walked over and past Boar’s Hill and the lonesome old oak that sat perched on it. Farah waited with baited breath, her expectant smile growing as she began to be able to make out the shapes properly. They looked human - which was expected, but also a shame - lending further credence to the theory that Aqil’s story about plantfolk was just a myth from his home. Farah could still not imagine how a flower would be able to walk around.

As Farah was finally able to make out more detail, spotting their leather tunics, dangling trophies and odd garments, her excitement rose even further. They were on the far side of the brook, and even from here she could see they were near a dozen men and a few women by the looks of it. Then - with the urgency of a falling rock - her excitement evaporated in a flash. One of the men and all the women looked to be tied together with rope around their throats. The man at the back of their procession held some kind of long club, and used it to poke the slowest woman in the back to get her to speed up. Suddenly Farah’s urge to wave and call attention to herself had drained. She trailed the procession with her eyes for a few tense moments more just to confirm; they were indeed headed straight for the farm. That was all she needed. Farah grabbed her basket and slung it onto her back, and began to make her way back towards the crop fields with as much haste as she could muster. Why had she walked all the way to the brook?

The journey back was more stressful and exerting than a full day’s work. Farah raced as quickly as she could through the sea of colorful flowers. She had waited too long. On the path, they would be in view of the farm in no time. A brief pain stung her foot with unbidden cruelty, and Farah gasped in surprise and agony, nearly tumbling over. Her foot had found an exceptionally short Gold Tongue lurking in the high grass. She stopped to gingerly rub at the sole of her foot, and catch her breath through gritted teeth. Precious moments lost, she pressed on towards the farmhouses beyond the valley of flowers, a little slower than before.

Her throat burned with a dry lack of water and breath alike, and her legs roared indignantly with tired complaints, but through sheer force of will, she broke free of the meadow and stepped out into a field of vegetables in what felt like record time. It was too late, however. Across the fields, and between the high stalks of rosegrass planted in the furthermost field, she could see the suspicious travelers gathered by the men’s animal pen, and a whole crowd of her compatriots forming around them. With nothing left to do but catch up to the spectacle, Farah trampled across the fields with learned steps. When she reached the rosegrass, she eased the basket off of her back, and skirted through the stalks quickly. She could see that they were moving around, and she could hear their voices. A worry grew where fascination had been. The voices grew louder as she got closer. Heated and vicious.

“We didnae’ trek all this way to be turned ‘round!” a brusque older man with greying stubble shouted at the crowd, headed by Adnan. “As I been saying, we willnae’ leave ‘fore we trade fer what we need. We brought good stock, eh?. Now where’s thiss’er Narisa?” He tugged on the rope in his hand, forcing the three women and solitary man tied to it to stumble forwards, to the collective gasp and disgust of the crowd of farmers. Unbidden memories of rope-tied wrists and tears surfaced somewhere deep from within Farah’s mind, and she felt a certain dread build in her throat and stomach.

“We don’t want your kind around here. You’ll find no trade here. Now let them go,” Adnan retorted with a blazing anger. Farah had never seen him so worked up, his eyes fixed on the old man and his captives with a fury that scared her to watch. “How can you tie up another child of Kadeen like an animal? It is you who is the animal, brutish and without sense.”

The old man frowned in turn, but said nothing. He didn’t need to. Another of his men, a pale man with reddish brown hair stepped forwards and swung at Adnan’s face with the short end of his club. Panicked cries rippled through the crowd, and terror gripped Farah’s chest as a spray of blood rushed through the air. Adnan fell backwards onto the ground, clutching his face and nose. The old man took a single step forwards, causing the entire crowd to retreat. Farid, who was closest, tried to help Adnan up, but quickly backed off when the pale man raised his club. “Now,” the greying man continued, “if ye dinnae’ trade with us, we’ll be taking what’s ours. The Zaeem of Karay is a goner, ye can expect a lot of more of my kind, now that yer precious lil’ deal’s fallen through.”

“What deal?”

“What are you talking about?”


The last voice in a chorus of many belonged to Adnan, who burst up off the ground in swift motion to pounce straight for the old man with a clenched fist. He was fast, but the old man saw it coming. In a deft motion of his own, he gripped Adnan’s arm and pulled him hard to the ground, twisting his arm in a hold that looked painful - something Adnan’s cry of pain confirmed. Another of the man’s cronies picked up the rope that he dropped, and a third stepped forward to flash a small knife of bone or white stone, pressing it against Adnan’s throat. The men muttered among themselves as the crowd rippled with fear, panicked cries, and men holding each other back for safety. It was all too much to handle.

“Stop!” Farah heard herself shout, before truly registering the will to do so. As eyes from both sides turned her way, many if not all noting her presence for the first time, she felt a cold chill run along her spine. Warily she took a step forwards so as to not hide in the rosegrass. She took another step, finding some confidence, and lending herself some brief time to think. Before the old man got a chance to think for himself, she raised her hands towards him. “There is no need for this violence! You do not need to hurt us, nor do you need to trade human lives.”

The greying man stared at her for a few moments, before taking the knife off of his comrade to threaten Adnan personally. “Ye speak of need, lass? What do ye know of it? Give us what we came fer or this lad gets it. We got many mouths to feed and we came here ready to take it.”

Farah stared at the man and his band. They were ragged and unkempt, a few of them with sunken cheeks. They all had that same determination and spite in their eyes. Though she worried for Adnan’s safety, she raised her hands peacefully and stared back at the old man. She also glanced at her own crowd of friends. “I swear to you that if you lay aside your weapon, no harm shall come to you and yours. We have food for all of us, we have lodgings. It does not need to come to violence. Adnan, as many of us, were slaves. What you ask is painful for us, but it does not need to be the end of civility. Please, on the blessing of Oraliyah above, listen to reason.”

A gentle warmth washed over her, trickling into her mind, seemingly wrapping her in a hug. A voice quickly followed, soft and sweet. "Your heart speaks wisely beyond its years. Here, take this blessing in my name and do what others cannot in the name of peace and always remember that you are loved, Farah. Even in times of uncertainty and sorrow. All you need do is say my name and I will be with you." and as quickly as the voice came, it vanished but not before healing her fatigue and foot. She was not the only one to suddenly feel better, for the men and women in the old man's group, even Adnan, looked physically better and not so beaten down. A beam of light then flashed across the sky and illuminated Farah for a moment, basking her in a visage of Oraliyah before dissipating.

Farah was gripped with a haze of delightful confusion. No more did she comprehend her visitation from the divine than any other, yet it did not seem to matter. She felt a warmth burrow deep within, and it made her feel safe and happy, even in this troubled moment. It struck her then - she had called upon a goddess and received a reply from the heavens; from the sun goddess herself! As the light began to dissipate, she released a breath she did not realize she had been holding in.

Adnan fell to the ground, and slowly clambered up, awestruck as he stared at Farah. The old man, having released both the knife and his prisoner, did the same. They all looked at her. Then someone cried “Oraliyah!” and cheers erupted on both sides. Confusion reigned supreme, but the message was clear. The mere act of the divine’s visitation had forced a ceasefire. The now restored travelers looked dumbstruck and humbled alike, and one of them went so far as to help Adnan up. Farid and Aman crept up from behind and before she knew it, they had hoisted Farah into the sky and onto their shoulders. With the warmth of the goddess still lingering in her heart, she could only smile down at those who looked up at her, and to her surprise, many of them smiled back, the old man included.

Peace had returned to the farm, even if Farah knew a long and serious talk would have to follow when the reverie died down.

Matters of the Heart

Though the rolling hills and steep pathways through difficult terrain had long since put it out of view, Ha-Dûna still refused to leave either of the two travelers' minds. Almost an entire day had passed, carried out almost entirely in solemn silence and determined, stiff march across the highlands. Sanya seemed implacable, taking steadily paced steps even up the steepest inclines. Furthermore, she’d insisted on carrying almost all of their packing, and did not seem particularly bothered after a full day of walking. At least not by physical exercise - there was no denying she was as quiet as usual, or perhaps more so.

They’d escaped in a hurry, with Sanya sneaking back into the village to gather up their things. She had insisted the druids hadn’t made a ruckus about it, but she also hadn’t been able to retrieve everything Lucia had brought with her to the village. With the sun starting to touch the hills in the distance for the second time since they left Ha-Dûna, it was no longer a battle worth fighting. Instead they wandered without much in the way of direction over yet another stony meadow, having wandered off the natural beaten path after a brief but unwanted encounter with yet more druids.

Lucia was quiet too, she spoke of no more stories and her tattoos were diminutively small. Even her halo seemed to be a bit dull. She continued walking for a ways, before stopping in the middle of the meadow. Her traveling cloak billowed about her in the breeze as she looked down. ”We should make camp.” she said unenthusiastically. Her voice sounding drained- mellow.

Sanya came to a slow halt, the dark-haired warrior scanning the horizon as she rested her spear on the ground. Ever the watchful and stoic sort, she replied with a simple ”Alright,” before starting to off-load what supplies they had on and around the flattest and largest rock she could find. It was a solemn affair, with Sanya operating more as a dutiful servant than a traveling companion. Looking for possible tinder, rationing up food, seeing about making a shelter out of what they had available; each task followed the other like rote movement, ingrained survival behavior that needed no input. Though she didn’t say anything, it was clear that she expected to do everything relating to physical work.

Lucia looked at Sanya with a blank expression. ”Can I help with anything?” she asked. ”You don’t have to do everything, you know… It’s already enough that you’re carrying my stuff and yours.”

It was enough to give Sanya pause, and the woman ran a hand up to her face to scrub at the side of her temple as she narrowed her eyes at the small camp, such as it was. Her gaze flicked over to Lucia, and then skidded back to the camp thoughtfully. She shrugged. ”Start a fire, maybe?” she eventually pressed out before going on to another task in silence.

”S-Sure thing.” she said, trying to force a smile at Sanya, who wasn’t looking. Lucia went out, trying to find any source of tinder. Being in a meadow didn’t really help but she looked regardless. Her mind was abuzz with thoughts lately, ever since they had been traveling. She just wanted to be seen as a person, was that so hard? Now Sanya was doing all the work, not even talking to her- but then again, she wasn’t starting any conversation either. She paused, bending down to pick up a small stick. She looked around, but the stick was alone.


She sat down and put her head between her knees, staring at the stick. She’d been alone for a long time, hadn’t she? She wondered what sort of wind had brought this stick so far from home, out into a place where it was surrounded by grass and rock. What a sad little stick.

A tear plopped down into her hand and she forced it away, by rubbing her eyes fiercely. She got back up and searched for anything else, but it was useless. There were no other sticks and she wasn’t about to go off to find where they might be. She walked back to camp, head low as she arrived. She walked over to Sanya and showed her the stick. ”It was all alone.” she said, looking at her.

Sanya, sat knelt before the flat rock with their supplies, blinked as she was torn out of sorting their supplies to first look at the solitary stick with confusion. ”I should have some softwood in my pack, still-...” she began, trailing off as her gaze wandered up Lucia’s arm and to her face. The expression on her face softened gently, to that sorrowful sympathy that had taken centuries to wipe out of her eyes in the first place. She clasped a hand around the lonely stick as if to take it off Lucia’s hands. ”I can take care of it, if you want.”

”Thank you, Sanya.” Lucia said softly, looking away as she let the stick go. She then stood silently for a moment, awkwardly shuffling before going to the opposite side of their small camp where she sat down. She picked up a blade of grass and began to fiddle with it between her fingers, sometimes looking at Sanya as she worked, other times at the grass blade. She didn’t know what she was doing anymore but Ha-Dûna was still on her mind. Looking at the blade of grass, she spoke aloud, ”Do you think I was too harsh on them? The druids? I can’t… I can’t get their faces out of my head. The look of shock, the betrayal. Is this what it means to be a Helgen? I shouldn’t say that… I know people are like that when they see me. They think I’m some… Savior, that I can’t do any wrong.” She looked up to gaze upon Sanya. ”Can’t they just see that I… I just help people not for fame or fortune, but because they need help, or guidance or or or… Because it’s the right thing to do? I don’t deserve their titles, I don’t want them, I just want people to do the right thing. Is that so hard? Why is that so hard? And then they keep forcing this belief that I need to be reunited with…” her voice abruptly cut off as she took a deep breath and pulled her knees tight to her chest.

Sanya was diligent as ever, quick to dig through her own packing in search for the alleged softwood. The frown on her lips was intense, a mixture of determination and imminent frustration. It wasn’t until Lucia stopped speaking that the guarded warrior paused in the middle of building a ring of small rocks. She closed her eyes and exhaled briefly, before standing up to close the distance between them. The dark-haired woman fell down to sit on her knees beside her companion. ”They do not decide who you are, Lucia,” she began, extending a hand to place it on Lucia’s arm in a gentle touch of compassion. ”If we let others decide who we are, we are no better than the wild stories they make up about the gods.” Sanya sighed quietly. ”You’re already stronger and better at this than I could ever be. Sometimes, it just gets too real.”

Lucia looked up slowly to meet Sanya’s gaze. Her tattoo’s pulsing around where they touched. She shook her head after a moment. ”You’re far stronger than I am Sanya. Physically and mentally.” she gave a wry smile. ”But you are right, I shouldn’t let what they think… Bother me, but it’s just so… So hard. I know you can feel how I feel Sanya… And for that, I’m sorry. These feelings… They come in waves every now and then and… This one’s bad.” her voice choked up. ”You’re a good friend, better then I am to you.” she said softly, looking away.

”I don’t know,” Sanya began with a soft tone of her own, appearing to have the wherewithal not to be sarcastic - perhaps simply affected by Lucia’s own emotions. ”There isn’t anyone I’ve ever met that I’d rather spend my time around.” She gave Lucia’s arm a gentle squeeze before withdrawing her hand, though remaining sat peacefully at her side. ”If you never felt this way, we never would have met back then. Trust me, keeping it inside is… not good for you.” she eventually conceded with a thoughtful tone.

Lucia looked at her again, saying nothing. She then looked forward and leaned her head onto Sanya’s shoulder. Her halo dissipated, forming a soft glow up in the air above them, almost a king to fireflies. Lucia sighed contentedly. ”I can say the same. There’s only a few I know who’ve stood the test of time, barely…” she said as a whisper. She shut her eyes for a moment, breathing in softly as her tattoos fluttered. Sanya was a good person, and an even better friend. Her words touched her greatly and she realized slowly, that there truly wasn’t anyone else that she enjoyed to be around as much as Sanya. So why then, did they always leave each other? ”Sanya?” she said, ”Why did we… Always go our separate ways?” she asked thoughtfully, a hint of sorrow in her voice.

There was a considerable lull in the conversation. At first the dark-haired warrior seemed unable to produce a reply, and instead reacted to the building atmosphere of sadness by gently leaning her own head against Lucia’s. She sighed softly, reluctant words escaping her, ”I-... We always have something to do. You have your life, people hovering around you eager to hear your wisdom. That strange orb. I’m just a restless soul, wandering.” Lucia could feel the gentle shift as Sanya lifted her hand to rub at her temple. ”You’re usually so happy, when I go. I don’t want to be a chain.”

Her heart began to beat a little faster as she listened. She winced at Sanya’s last sentence, and then said, ”Sanya… You’re not a chain.” she said, becoming misty eyed, her voice full of emotion. ”When you leave… I- I find myself missing you. But I… I never say anything because… Because… Why didn’t I ever say anything?” she said, sounding stunned. ”I’m so sorry, Sanya. You make me happy too, you know?” she said shakely, holding back tears. ”How’s that for wisdom? I can’t even see what’s right in front of me, half the time. I’ve been so alone for so long… I had forgotten what this felt like- This… Talking.” she said at last.

Sanya unleashed something akin to a scoff at first, soft and without any real contempt. Her arm wrestled aside in their lean, and Lucia soon felt it wrap around her shoulder and back in an unspoken extension of shared comfort. ”I tend to remember,” Sanya offered with a little more confidence, that deadpan tone finding its footing after a moment of deliberation. ”You are the only person who gets on my nerves without making me angry.” She sighed after a moment of hesitation. ”That sounded really dumb. I’m sorry. I guess it’s a long time since we just sat down. Even then, I guess I don’t-... say a lot.”

”No, but you listen, Sanya.” Lucia quickly said before pausing for a moment. Her tattoo’s were pulsing now, for she felt safe in that embrace. It was a pleasant feeling, one she had missed sorely. ”It’s okay… You don’t have to be sorry. I’ve been inconsiderate to you, thinking you’d be okay with my absence… Especially back there… You have every right to be angry with me, I’ve been a terrible friend to you.” she said, sucking in a breath.

”Ha-Dûna sure was something,” Sanya acknowledged with a quiet mutter of her own. ”But being angry at you for going along with their wishes is like being angry at the sun for setting. It’s in your blood. Kind-hearted and open to all. Most.” she concluded with a considerable calm. A brief sigh, and a gentle shift of her hand on Lucia’s shoulder in a gentle clap of compassion. ”You are a ray of sunshine on every life you touch, Lucia. I never considered such a life would not always be pleasant for you. So perhaps it is I who is terrible.”

Lucia moved her body closer to Sanya as she shifted slightly. ”No, you aren’t terrible. I just… I see people that need help and I put them first.” she took a breath. ”So when my problems build up, I shove them down to distract myself and eventually, they all catch up and I… Get like this. You were there for me when I needed someone so long ago and since then… I just… Tried to deal with it myself… To varying levels. I don’t like to be a burden on people. It was easier with…” her voice faded as she remembered how Megzhaal would talk to her during her bouts of depression. He had helped too. No more though.

The silence hung in the air for a considerable time, Lucia given time to sit with her thoughts with Sanya close by. Or perhaps the warrioress had thoughts of her own. Eventually Sanya broke the silence with a contemplative thought spoken aloud. ”How long has it been since you two spoke?”

Lucia said nothing for a moment. A gnawing sensation grew in her heart as she gulped and shifted again. ”It’s been… Decades, I guess. Even before that… he had become distant, no longer so… There, if you know what I mean. And now that I know my mother is back, why hasn’t he said anything? Where is he?” she said, her voice growing agitated. ”He was my love. He always told me to be happy, that I shouldn’t just wait for him, but how could I not? Now I realize the folly of my own words, as the druids seek to reunite us, as they talk about him like they know him. No one ever asks me if I want to be reunited with him. They just assume that I’m still love stricken but I… I’m not… I don’t even know what love is. I saw all their happy faces, Sanya. With so many families and children and pure joy and I… I do not deserve it.” she said, tears flowing down her face.

A shaky sigh escaped her companions lips, no doubt stricken by the emotions Lucia herself felt. ”Don’t say that,” she eventually replied, voice fighting to stay even. ”It isn’t true. The way you used to talk about him. The way your eyes lit up when someone said his name. How long you’ve waited.” Sanya took a long breath, shifting in their gentle embrace without moving too much. ”...Even if you no longer feel that way, Lucia, it appears to me like you’ve experienced love like no other. I-.. Well.. Perhaps his silence is his wicked courtesy? To let you find happiness again?”

Her eyes slowly widened as she listened to Sanya, the gnawing at her heart finally easing away. She did not want it to be true, but Sanya was right. She was right. So caught up with what was, Lucia had never even attempted to find hap- Wait, that wasn’t true. She had found happiness, a lot of it along the way. She had just been blinded to what it was. Was it truly was. She lifted her head up, forcing Sanya to move her own. Lifting her gaze, she found Sanya was already looking at her, and Lucia spoke softly, ”It’s what he wanted all along, isn’t it?” she said, her golden eyes full of regret.

There was a certain sorrow in Sanya’s eyes in turn, a tint of pain that had etched itself deep under millennia of duress. It was hard to tell if Sanya was ever happy - even when she smiled it seemed not to reflect the same level of emotion in her eyes - and even in this moment she looked unhappy, vulnerable even. Lucia had never seen her cry, yet she often looked as though she’d cried all night. Only the fact that she was not frowning, instead a mellow part of her lips in a soft pout, tipped her hand. ”I think you should care more about what you want, Lucia. You’ve suffered at the whim of others long enough.” she eventually pressed out.

Slowly a small smile formed on her lips as Lucia teared up. Without saying anything she attacked Sanya with a fierce hug and squeezed her tightly. Her tattoos warmed slightly as they frantically shimmered and pulsed. Eventually she whispered into her ear, "Thank you." but did not let go. She felt Sanya’s arms slowly lift to reciprocate the embrace properly, a small amount of the woman’s strength still being a tight and comforting hold. Lucia melted into the touch, her tattoos fluttering as she nestled her head into Sanya's chest.

They sat in silence for a time, and Sanya gently leant her head against Lucias’. The normally tense warrior seemed to relax in that shared embrace, and Lucia could hear her slow and long breaths as she allowed herself to truly stay in the moment. She could hear her heartbeat too, beating strong.

Eventually, Sanya parted her lips to break the silence. ”Maybe we should just leave the north,” she said with a soft, even mellow tone.

"Leave the North? Like… Go south? Or east? I haven't been home in awhile…" she said sleepily, finding herself very comfortable.

Sanya hummed a thoughtful and distant reply at first, a pleasant quiver of her throat and chest, that soon rose with a longer breath. ”I don’t know-... A break from the attention. Some place where no one cares who either of us are.”

Lucia's embrace slowly grew weaker as the seconds went by, "So…" she yawned, "South then…" she mumbled, eyes drifting shut.

”South sounds good,” Sanya’s voice returned with a hypnotizing calm. ”I know the paths down there like the back of my hand.” She sighed, a gentle caress of her hand on Lucia’s back as she kept talking quietly. ”I haven’t been to my old home in ages. Heh. Last time I was there, a little boy told me he’d be a chieftain one day. I guess he’d have grandchildren by now. Maybe he did become chief.”

There came no reply from Lucia, in fact she had fallen asleep upon Sanya, so tired and worn out as she was. Her breathing deepened and upon the corner of her lips was a soft smile. Sanya sat silent for a while, giving Lucia a gentle stroke on the back. In the peace of silence, she managed a genuine, fond smile of her own.

The Eternal War

by Lord Zee & Enzayne.

His wing was torn, wet blood ran down the side of his face, obscuring his vision. His golden hair was caked in mud and debris. He was battered and scarred all over as he ran through the world of light. Most of the dried blood covering him, was not his own. He held his broken arm, every jolt sending shocks. He gritted his teeth in frustration. He had been cut off from the others, who were now probably dead or fleeing. He wished he could fly, but it was no use. His fresh orange blood would give him away like a perfect trail to follow. He could only hope that Oraeliara was there with him, because the Neiyari were close behind. Even now, he could hear sticks breaking and the rumbling of angry feet. What scared him worse, was what he could hear up above.

The oppressive beat of wings thundering through the grove were inescapable. A particularly cruel Neiyari, bright white and with wings tinged with black and red, had hounded him from above whenever he had the audacity to try and catch his breath. She’d already descended on him once in a clearing, smashing him to the ground like it was a game to her. Dense vegetation had been his only reprieve - but her wing-beats were never far, nor were the echoing, hollow words she cried to his pursuers whenever she spotted him. However many braved the vegetation to follow on foot, their angry cries closed any avenue for reason. With crude implements and raw strength they seemed determined to annihilate all traces of him and his kin. He knew many of them were injured as well, but it seemed to inspire nothing more than hatred in their hearts. The bright lights all around them worked both ways - their discordant colouration was easy to pick out amidst the colourful flora, but hiding from them turned out to be something of a nightmare. And yet, anything was preferable to the alternative.

So he ran.

Deeper and deeper in the land he knew as the Luminant. Since the injuring of Soluri, his people had flocked in many different directions, running from the Neiyari threat. Aveira had been ruthless and spread the word of their hated mother, the betrayer, the terror-made-flesh- Neiyara. He could still hear wing-beats nearing closer, so he veered left into a thicket of thorns, which cut into his flesh greatly. He let out but a whimper. He couldn’t give his position away. Once through the thicket, he doubled his pace- his breath becoming labored but he needed to get distance between him and the oppressors. He ran straight on into a particular dense bush and lost his footing, beginning to tumble down a steep hill. He felt his good wing break under his weight as he tumbled further. That time he couldn’t repress a scream, and so scream he did. The pain was near blackout in intensity and much of the rest of the fall he blanketed out on, hitting something wet.

The fuzzy haze lifted from his eyes almost instantly as she looked to find himself in a stream of clear water running beyond a bend. It was somehow refreshing and he felt better despite the pain. That was until he heard the ‘WOOSH’ of furled wings. He clambered up and dove out of the way onto dry land before she splashed down into the water where he had been standing. He looked back to see her snarl, beginning to pursue him once more as she shouted for the others. He cursed again and ran, following the stream’s edge as she took flight once more into the air.
He could see a glow in the distance, a curious thing and he got so close to see that it was a la- She tackled him from behind and once again they tumbled down a sandy embankment into the cool waters below.

Nails dug and clawed painfully against his skin as they rolled in the water, a desperate set of hands hatefully clinging at his face, his wings, anything they could find brief purchase against in the water. She clung to him with an iron grip, and he felt himself ripped up and out over the surface of water briefly as her wings desperately tried to pull at least herself out of the cool liquid. It was a brief reprieve before they both crashed down under the water once more, her own flailing and refusal to let him slip away only serving to drag them further away from the bright world beyond the surface.

But even her hatred and vice had it’s limits. The urge to hurt him changed to panic before long. He felt her combative grabbing and pulling lessen as the pale Neiyari instead began to battle the water, and the urge to survive overtook her desire to complete her cruel hunt. The water would claim anyone without the strength to return to the surface. It should have been his end.

He drifted deeper, eyes open to the surface as his strength waned. How silly, he thought, to die by drowning. But it was at least better than being tortured. There was a sudden SNAP that jostled him to conscious thought.

He could move his wing again, albeit slowly in the water. He began to feel better, alert and another SNAP could be felt as his other wing mended on it’s own. He hit the bottom of the lake, his lungs about to burst, and upon his two powerful legs he oriented himself to touch bottom and with a mighty kick, began to frantically kick off towards the surface. The light from the surrounding landscape struck his face like a guiding lantern welcoming him back to life as he broke through the surface and reunited with the air beyond, allowing him to breathe once more. Strength still returning to his battered body, it was a far simpler - if primal - struggle to battle back towards solid ground.

His vicious opponent was already clawing at sand and mud by the embankment, thrown entirely by their shared near-death experience. Her mottled wings beat helplessly against the water, half-submerged yet and struggling to even lift properly. For all her cruel bravado, she was no more fierce than a child when her flight was stolen away. Perhaps in that moment, she understood how he had felt during their chase. Yelling from beyond resurfaced when he could finally hear something other than his breath and the splash of water. Trampling sticks, the thud of feet. At the same time, she crawled up onto the mud with what strength she had, gasping frenetically. Despite all this, he was not free of them.

He began to run through the water, tripping over his feet, sputtering and flailing as he ran like some animal quick to escape a predator. Upon the bank however, did he stop when he looked in every direction, gaze faltering on a most peculiar sight. There further up the lake and across it, sat odd structures. Some large, others small, illuminated by viney growths along their sides. Something sat upon the water, drifting closer. A small… Creature… held a large stick and guided it closer. It was accompanied by several others on board. He looked at it with a puzzled face, before looking back to see where the Neiyari were.

No less than three new Neiyari - two men and a woman - had broken through the bright and thorny bushes, each speckled with different skin tones and wing colouration. Even the shortest of them, a ruddy blonde that could have passed for an Oraeliari from afar - was given away by the black pattern running over his wings like cracks in marble. Two of them were pulling their comrade up from the embankment, and the blonde man was staring after him, seeming similarly confused by the approaching shape floating across the water. As they hewed their fallen friend out of the water at last, he pointed across the lake, and all four of them stared in silence, momentarily awestruck.

His heart began to beat faster, knowing full well what the Neiyari were capable of, what they had already done to his people. He began to wade back into the water. “No! Go back! GO BACK!” he shouted at them but they drew nearer still and it was then he saw them clearer- faces so alike, yet so small. They all wore things on their heads that covered their faces in shade and they gave him an extremely puzzled look as they pointed.

He stopped as the water reached his chest. His white toga stained and ripped. He began to point back at their village, then to them. “GO BACK! YOU HAVE TO GO BACK!” he shouted as he pleaded. It was too late. At first they pointed at him, then beyond him. He saw a few of their faces shift with the same horrified realization as his own kin had, that creeping unease that wanted to bury deep in his head. Between the splash of the water, his own voice, and the shout of one of the small creatures on the water, he heard the beat of wings rush through the air.

One by one the dark and speckled wings of the Neiyari took to the skies, and a single glance back towards them confirmed they had all left the bank. His earlier tormentor laid draped in the arms of another, unable to fly on her own, and the second woman hovered nearby ready to lend support. They stared down towards him with a hateful glare, and a bothered glower towards the strange fixtures in the distance, before they lifted higher in the skies - until the lights of vegetation began to interfere with their silhouettes. With their comrade downed by water, it seemed they had lost their immediate appetite for the hunt.

The last of them however, the blonde Neiyari, beat his patterned wings defiantly as he flew out over the lake in a powerful arc, zooming overhead of both the strange creatures and the lake itself in a single sweep of his wings. He too gained altitude, stopping on the far side of the water to view the strange structures from above. Confused and disgusted, he seemed to hover there with intent, burning the image of each of the structures into his memory with an intent stare.

He stared at his kin, with frustration on his face. He beat his wings, but they were still too wet for flight. His attention turned back to the strangers, who were fast approaching him now. He sighed as they came upon him. He was weary and he kept glancing at the betrayer-spawn, until their faces came in view, properly this time. Large eyes, brimming with knowing intelligence. He felt… Somehow akin to them, like a spark had been lighted inside. An older man by the looks of it, pressed through the crowd. He wore clothing that looked very different from what he himself wore, with bright colors entwined into the fabric. His bronze colored arms could be seen, and he took off the object upon his head to reveal grey, curly hair. He opened his mouth to speak and the words that poured out were entirely strange to him.

He did not understand the old man and that meant they did not understand him. The others huddled on his little vessel were torn between watching him, and glancing nervously at the Neiyari hovering in the sky. He could tell even now that they knew in their hearts - as he did - what the betrayer Neiyara had done to their flying kin, as their small faces could not bear to look up in the sky for more than a few moments before their features flushed with worry, anxiety and fright. From beyond the water’s edge, chaos stirred on the ground as someone screamed with a shrill voice, barely audible in the distance.

It was enough to capture the Neiyari’s attention as he lingered, and he spun briefly in the air before lifting even higher. The hateful desire to chase seemed to have subsided, as he too turned and returned from whence he came, following his betrayer kin into the sky. Peace, and confusion, befell the lake and it’s guardians, as he remained alone with the strange figures. His wings could not only move - even if the water had soaked them beyond use - but also barely hurt from before.

He sighed in relief as the Neiyari left but he knew it was a fleeting hope to think they would not return and with greater numbers. He saw how these small folk could feel the fear, and it broke his heart. He could not- He Would not, leave them to the same fate as his kin. They needed to be protected.

He pointed to himself and said, “I am Tevuri.”

“Te-Vuri?” the old man spoke, before pointing at himself. “Yeano.”

“Ye-An-O.” He said the word, the man’s name? The man grinned back, before putting out his hand, gesturing to Tevuri to take it.

Tevuri was hesitant, but slowly he reached out and the Yeano shook his small hand giddily.

Tevuri could not help but smile.


Sanya’s second day in Ha-Dûna began when she was stirred awake by the sounds creaking wood, giggling, and feet rapidly approaching her room. She barely had enough time to sit up in her bed and hesitantly reach for Sorrowsting before two young girls with grins on their faces barreled through the curtain that partitioned her off from the rest of the world, carrying with them all manner of devilry - but also breakfast. Lured by the promise of food, Sanya tiredly allowed the two village girls to give her a quick wash, brush and straighten out her dark locks and pick out her clothes. Before she knew it, Sanya was dressed in local finery; with a long green dress that made her feel like they were trying to make her look homely, and a leather sash strapped around her waist so tight it was hard to breathe. It was cloying and restrictive, but at least it wasn’t anything like eastern fashion - or worse, prairie-like.

Breakfast was as much an exercise in eating as it was answering a lot of questions. Who she was, how she met Lucia, how long they’d known each other, what it was like knowing a helgen. Sanya did her best to reply, but in most cases the two girls only cared about the most succinct answers; any that would immediately give them new and interesting tidbits about Lucia. In return, they seemed determined not to answer anything but the most basic questions about Ha-Dûna and its peoples, answering most of Sanya’s questions with a shrug and a knowing glance between the both of them. That was fine. She’d take her questions up the chain. Kaer Pinya had brushed her aside during the feast, but now the bustle of their arrival would surely have died down. With that in mind, Sanya finished her late breakfast alongside two local chatterboxes, and then headed out to meet up with Lucia.

As it turned out, however, finding Lucia was a challenge all in its own. She wasn’t in her room, wasn’t in the town centre, or any of the buildings the townsfolk suggested they’d seen her at. For the better part of the early day, she felt like she was chasing down a mirage. Her friend and travelling companion was missing - swept away by some mysterious force and held aside on some secret project that it seemed Sanya was not privy to. That was fine. She was a special woman after all, not just to the druids, and Sanya was sure they’d do all they could to glean as much as they could from her in what little time they had. When the sun stood at its highest in the sky, Sanya resigned herself to examining the village instead, and resumed her previous inspection of the palisade that made up the inner wall, making the circuit around it from the outside; and politely greeting all the people she met on the way.

Even a cursory investigation lent more credence to her initial doubts from the previous day - there was no way this sanctum with its gate - would be able to save more than a piece of the population in the case of an attack before the gate came down. If they waited to pack people in, Sanya doubted they’d have time, or space, to move in defense. In that regard, even the wicked city in the east was more safe. They certainly seemed to have it peaceful enough, yet Sanya knew that a sense of peace would more often than not lead to slaughter. Starting with her own village, all that time ago. She stopped herself with a sigh, rubbing at the bridge of her nose as she gathered her thoughts. She’d come here on good terms, without pressure to do anything but accompany her friend. They didn’t need her security investigation. Still, she filed away a few new questions she’d ask at a later date.

Not long after her investigation, she caught wind of Lucia on the far side of the village, trailed by a whole procession of white cloaks trailing her every step reverently. Sanya grabbed her spear, a poor complement to her outfit even by her own standards, and moved as quickly as the long hemline on her dress allowed her to finally join the procession.

Her old friend seemed happy as ever to see her, and though there wasn’t really time - the druids insisted - to fill Sanya in on what exactly was going on more than a brief explanation, nor time to exchange more than basic pleasantries or quips in the small breaks they were afforded, Sanya quickly found herself in the role she was most comfortable with - letting Lucia guide the way. Dress ill-suited for the purpose or not, she calmly trailed their object of worship, warded off a particularly hands-on fan, exchanged the occasional friendly barb to lighten the mood; which the druids did not seem to find as funny as Lucia did.

Sanya was restless, but still at peace. It was a marvel watching Lucia work her way through each stop on their tour. She was confident, brimming with an unbridled happiness for each person who fell on their knees at her feet. Lucia was what Sanya could never be: a compassionate and loving person. She watched with a sad smile from the sidelines as Lucia helped an older man up off the ground, talked about the Sun Mother, radiated that burning smile that seemed to come naturally. Sanya did not know how many of their kind there were, ageless landwalkers, but each time she saw that smile she felt blessed to have met this one.

When Sanya and Lucia separated for the evening, Sanya felt at ease. She had forgotten to ask her questions of the druids - she’d do that in the morning. She also hadn’t really talked properly to Lucia since - well, come to think of it, they hadn’t really had a chance to talk properly, even before Ha-Dûna. But tomorrow would be different. When the warrioress stowed her millennia-old spear to creep back into bed, it was a positive outlook for what was to come. Perhaps Ha-Dûna could truly work as the refuge from the wickedness of the world they both had sought. She’d help them prepare against the threats of the world. Do her part.

Yet when the next day came, Sanya found her assistance unwanted. When she got the chance to speak with Kaer Pinya, or indeed any other druid that appeared to have authority, they gave her bland pleasantries or suggested she talk to someone else. She queried them on Iskrill sightings, waterfolk both horned and foul, raiders, slavers, dangerous wildlife. Each was rebuffed in its own way. Sanya tried to lend her expertise in other ways, and again she was met with at best awkward silence or brief tokens of gratitude. As she walked with the others, she quickly realized again what she already knew - they were not interested in her. Even when they spoke on matters of which Sanya had knowledge, they did not truly listen nor care unless Lucia first gave her the word. Even then, Sanya felt, they only did so to please Lucia, rather than any value she might be giving them. It was draining. The day passed by her in a blur, and after a good few hours of participating, Sanya felt her old mood shuffling back in like a rainstorm threatening the peace of the village.

The pattern did not change over the coming day - and Sanya found herself less and less motivated to endure the brief lip service that was paid to her. They crowded Lucia like a pack of wolves around a lamb, and there was no threat in sight. Sanya was superfluous. What was worse was that she had started to feel a growing sting from the group, both in reaction to her own presence, and a more insidious build of anxiety, pain and frustration. She and Lucia didn’t really talk; there wasn’t time to stop and talk during the tight schedule they seemed to have planned out in Sanya’s absence. No moments together, and during the few they were, Lucia seemed distant. She seemed caught up in her own world.

So when the sound of the two village girls barreling towards her room woke her up for yet another day of the same, Sanya had already decided. Even from her room far apart from Lucia’s she could feel the growing intensity of frustration. She didn’t need the added burden of continuously forcing the villagers to include Sanya. At this point a lot of them tried to pretend she didn’t exist. Or they genuinely did not care. Sanya was tired of it, and she was sure Lucia was too. So she’d spare her that, let her be pampered. It didn’t bother her, she thought and simultaneously tried to wipe the frown from her face.

Sanya dressed herself in her own loose clothes, took Sorrowsting, dodged the girls’ continued onslaught of questions about Lucia, and simply exited the hovel to face the day on her own. Given the many tours of the village area, she now had a fairly good idea of the layout, and the dark-haired warrior sought herself away from the bustle of the village without a sound. A serene walk later, and she’d found her way to a fallow field on the outskirts.

Out here, in the quiet whip of the wind, away from others, she finally found time to do something she had been putting off, and went back to training with her ancient weapon, half in thought, and half focused. The last time she’d allowed herself to truly practice was… in the north. The memory of the Weike sent a chill rippling through her spine. That night was hazy. A blight on what could have been a new life, however short. Her breathing shallow, she forced herself to remember their faces as she struck air with her spear. She was a coward. A fool. A violent thug. Other faces flushed back into her mind unbidden. People crying, begging for mercy, spitting in her face. Angry men, violent murderers, innocents begging for their lives. How could anyone stay around a monster like her without becoming like her? She had thought she only brought death when she went north, and the Weike had proven her right.

When Sanya broke out of her daze thanks to a growling stomach, the sun was already starting to crest the hills. Lost in her own misery, the ancient woman headed back towards Ha-Dûna.

Over the following days, Sanya returned to the meadow. She could feel a dark haze looming over the village, a niggling pain in the back of her head. A recognizable and unpleasant gloom that burrowed deep and stirred her heart. Still, Lucia was surrounded by allies. She didn’t need another troubled ageless bringing her down with her issues. Trying to fit in. No, she would seek her out if it got worse, but it wasn’t the first time she had felt this way. Lucia was smarter than her, and a better person. She just needed space and time to think. Just like Sanya.

Sorrowsting swept through the air with a precision and power that surprised the warrior herself. She hadn’t had the time to reflect on her skills in a while, hadn’t given herself the space to do anything but live in the moment, but there was no denying that she was stronger than before. She always tried to stay in excellent shape, but something felt better. The spear was lighter, and she could keep training longer at high pace before running out of breath. Come to think of it, she had barely felt the heavy terrain as they traversed the land towards Ha-Dûna. Was this the true touch of the Sun Mother, or something more? In fact, she couldn’t feel any of the old injuries that lingered after her foray into the north. Mind set on the physical, Sanya grasped her spear with both hands, secured it safely against her body, and then set off to run and exercise. She would test her limits properly.

When the sun had begun to set on the day, Sanya finally made her way back to the village once more. She’d barely broken a sweat during a regular run. She felt stronger. Better. Perhaps she had been this way for a long time. Perhaps it was the Sun Mother. She did fight two different trolls in the span of a few weeks. Sanya’s thoughts drifted towards the Weike once more, before they were disrupted by the growing pain building in the back of her head. The despair radiating from the centre of the village was becoming rough to handle. She felt her own emotions mingle with the influence of others, stirring up old anxieties, making even the air feel like a personal slight against her. Sanya hurried back to her lodgings, avoiding the eyes of others. She’d speak to Lucia before it got any worse. First thing in the morning.

Morning came, and with it the two girls who arrived to once more dress Sanya and doll her up according to the local beauty standards. Sanya allowed it, head focused on the discordant emotions stirring her to her own pain. It was awful. It was frustrating. She gave the girls nothing more than gruff agreement as they once more trapped her in a cloying emerald dress with restricted movement. She grabbed her spear, and headed straight for Lucia’s room.

But Lucia was not there.

A bustle of druids flocked all around Sanya, moving around the lodgings. Throwing off her sensation. How she wished she could truly pinpoint emotion. She grabbed a druid at random, a little too forceful. A frustration built up inside her gradually, radiated at her from afar like a taunt and infected her thoughts. ”Where is Lucia?” she croaked, frowning at the scene. The druid gave her a mild sneer, and Sanya imagined breaking his nose for his insolence.

“The great helgen Lucia is with Kaer Pinya.” he responded matter-of-factly, offering a smile that Sanya could’ve sworn was malicious, and then continued on his way.
Sanya looked around as best she could without pushing through the crowd, then moved back outside. Someone bumped her side and went on without talking to her, and Sanya felt the irritation stir to a boiling blood. With long, deep breaths, she tried to calm herself. It wasn’t her emotions. She was fine. She wouldn’t hurt anyone. Not again. Her gaze fell around the town centre, but she could not see any procession, and the next person she asked just shook her shoulders. She couldn’t take it. It was like ants crawling all over her body. She hated the people around her, looking at them made her angry.

She’d come back when she was sure Lucia was present, instead of risking any problems. They already didn’t like her, Sanya decided, and stormed off towards the meadow for another day, putting as much distance between herself and the roil of emotion as she could. Sanya hurried out into the relative lonesome of the edge of Ha-Dûna, tried to center herself. Still, the entire village felt like a thunderstorm encroaching upon her mind. She’d have to fight to keep any of her mind to herself.

Briefly putting Sorrowsting aside, Sanya leant down to grab the hemline of her emerald dress, and rolled up the fabric slowly over her knees, tucking the hemline firmly into the tight sash around her waist. She loosened the small linen straps on her arms and rolled up the sleeves. Pleased with her makeshift work, she grasped her spear, and resumed her heavy training from the previous days. All she had to do was lose herself in the motions. Don’t think. Just do.

Sanya closed her eyes, and got back to practice. Try as she might, the emotions would not fade from her mind. The focus on her training was not enough, merely a weak and thin shield against the building storm. Sanya forced herself to focus on her form, on her movements, but still she felt the pestilence of rage, frustration and despair growing in the back of her mind. Almost as though it steadily approached her even here, and threatened to drown her in its entirety.

"Sanya!" came Lucia's anger filled voice. "I've been looking everywhere for you!"

Sanya stopped in her tracks, eyes shooting open. She felt it more clearly than ever now, confirming her own fears and suspicions. It was like standing in a storm. Still, she turned to face Lucia, whose face was masked in angry tears. ”Lucia? What-.. Why are you out here?” She offered at first, and then immediately inspected her long-time companion closer. She asked, though she knew the answer already. ”Are you alright?”

Lucia shook her head and wiped away her tears as she kept on walking. "We're leaving this… This place." was her reply, more emotional now then enraged.

Sanya parted her lips to reply when Lucia powered on straight past her, and she cleared her throat. ”Lucia? Lucia, wait!” she managed, turning to follow the woman in the field. ”Did they hurt you? What happened?” Sanya asked with uncertainty, feeling her own emotions warp and twist under the spell of another. Still, she followed with spring in her step, dropping Sorrowsting to skip forward and catch up to the escaping Lucia. Her hand stretched out quickly, reaching for Lucia’s arm. ”Lucia.”

Lucia halted at the touch, head low as she began to speak. "I don't… They were…" her voice broke. "I'm just a person." she whispered, beginning to sob.

Sanya wrapped around quickly to face her, and then closed the distance to pull Lucia into an embrace without a second thought, a deep and centering breath escaping the shorter warrior as she focused on offering Lucia some measure of comfort. She felt the bubbling emotions tear into her, and a building rage that was most certainly her own, as she stared back towards what she could see of the village. ”I’m here.” she uttered quietly.

Lucia let herself be held as the tears came.

No Reprieve

As penned by Eòghan the Song-blessed.

"Call on me,
another day.
Daggers fly,
in verbal spar.
Eternal war,
no reprieve.

In conflict found,
solemn vows,

Heart's desire,
escapes my lips,
Even now,
that smile,
ignites a heart.
Call on me."

Ha-Dûna - Capital of Stridland

The travel group had eventually outpaced the sea of goats, as the herders had had to slow their pace to shepherd their flock in an organised manner. Obee and Gene had insisted that they take the scenic route, which had led them higher and higher up in the hills. Craggy plateaus and moss-grown stones had been all they had passed by for hours, but at long last, the giddy girls stopped up ahead and pointed over the side of a cliff.

“Allow us to humbly present - Ha-Dûna.”

Below expanded vast fields of golden crops, not necessarily neatly organised like those to the far east, but growing with their own rustic, natural aesthetic. They were sown in incredibly uneven and rocky terrain - they were likely a pain to plough properly. On the hills beyond the farm fields grazed goats, highland deer and fluffy, broad-horned cattle under the supervision of shepherds. Scattered between the fields were small wooden huts, barns and staddle granaries. At the centre of these vast fields was a small, buzzling town with wooden huts and longhouses, surrounding a palisade-walled core. Smoke oozed out of several chimneys, but through it, behind the town, was a large forest; beyond that, the wash of the sea.

“Beautiful, isn’t it?”

Sanya caught up to the girls as they stopped, settling her spear on the ground to stare down at the expanse of crops, housing, and fields. Her gaze scanned far into the horizon, and her expression turned from one of anticipation to mild disappointment. ”It certainly looks peaceful,” she intoned politely, and busied herself with properly fastening her sack of supplies instead.

Lucia looked down at everything, hands on her hips. She gave a whistle and then said, ”Ah, a beautiful sight! Plus, it looks so homely.” She then put her sack down and rummaged through it before bringing out an orb. She held it out, as if letting it look at the view. ”Look Orb! A new settlement, called Ha-Duuuna!” The orb in her hands glowed with runes and came to life in a swirl. Instead of looking out, it turned to look at her, if an orb could do that. “Lucia we need to talk.”

Lucia sighed. ”Can it wait until tonight Orb? I am a little busy right now.”

“But this is urge-”

”Tonight Orb.” she said sternly, before putting the orb back in the bag.

A muffled response could be heard, “As you wish.”

Lucia then turned back to the two young druid girls and smiled. ”Sorry about that, lead on!”

The two girls exchanged looks. “What was that?” asked Gene as they began descending the cliff.

”One of my oldest friends, plus my teacher. Helped me learn the ways of mana and magic.” she said, producing a small flame in her hand that she threw back in forth to herself.

The novices halted in their steps. “Wait, m-mana?” Gene blurted out, so Obee elbowed her in the side. However, not even she could hide her frown of disapproval.

“S-so, uh… You practice sorcery, huh?” Obee offered diplomatically as both of them fixed their eyes on the road and the road alone.

Sanya trudged idly by, eyes skimming the countryside for threats in the very unthreatening new locale. Attention briefly caught by the subject matter, she simply interjected with a dispassionate ”You expect a daughter of the gods to be limited in skill?” before going back to pretending her millennia-long experience as a fighter had any worth in this peaceful land. She eyed a distant, particularly nasty goat. Almost disappointed to find herself negatively unaffected by this new place, she kept to her side of the road.

“Of course not!” the two of them chorused, spun around and tossed themselves to the ground. “The great helgens may of course do as they wish! Please forgive us, please, please, please!”

Lucia rolled her eyes, the flame disappearing into smoke. ”All is forgiven. I forgot druids and mana don’t mix. I’ll keep my little tricks a secret for now.” she said as Sanya jostled Obee with the blunt end of Sorrowsting to get her to stand back up.

The apprentices rocketed to their feet again. “Th-thank you, great helgen! Sorry for reacting the way we did.” They immediately turned around again and continued on. Grumpy whispers bubbled forth between them quickly thereafter, though.

“... You always embarrass me this way, Gene. Why are you like this?”

“Me?! You knelt down first, you dolt!”

“Did not!” The two of them exchanged some jabs with their fingers while they were walking. Up ahead, the fields were closing in, and short stone fences came into view along the edges of the beaten path.

”I don’t remember any of this being out here the last time I was anywhere nearby. They can’t have been here that long.” Sanya muttered as she stalked sidelong Lucia, keeping an eye on the distant and golden fields. Ever watchful, even now the woman expected to be set upon by robber barons, or worse.

”What is time to we that are ancient?” Lucia muttered. ”Druids aren’t all that bad, they help the land and the people. Everything is going to be okay. Just relax, Sanya. Not everything is out to get us.” Lucia reassured.

“Welcome home, Gene! How was the trip to Geilt?” came a voice from one of the nearby fields. A large, mustached man stood leaning over the stone fence surrounding his fields, chewing on a straw. Gene lit up and skipped over to the fence to embrace him, while Obee gave her a stinky-eyed expression.

“Oh, Randall, it’s soooo good to see you again! Hey, you wouldn’t believe what I managed to find out in the wilderness!” She held onto one of his arms, whispering affectionately the news into his ear. Obee sucked disapprovingly on a tooth and leaned in towards Sanya and Lucia.

“Listen to her - taking aaaall the glory. You can tell how badly she wants him and everything. Yeesh.”

Sanya mimicked Obee’s disapproval as she came to a stop, leaning on her spear. She eyed the man with an appraising eye, and the man seemed to come up short for the dark-haired warrior’s attention span to linger. ”Well, It’s not too late to get in there and grab some glory, Obee. You could introduce us to the uh, elder?”

“And stoop to her level? No, no. This was a group effort. We’ll be doing it as a pair,” she said firmly.

“Hey, Obee! Welcome home!” came a deep voice from further down the road. A young, blonde man growing his first stubbles was pulling a sled fashioned from wood, bone and leather and stacked high with tanned animal skins. Obee spun around, grinned and ran over to him.

“Pjodr, darliiiiing~~!” she squealed and threw her arms around his neck. “You wouldn’t believe who I met on the road!”

Lucia looked at Sanya with a look of confusion. ”They really weren’t kidding were they?” she half whispered.

Sanya nodded in turn, watching Obee cling to the blonde Pjodr with a measure of bemused delight. ”Youth are always like this, Lucia. They see someone they like and they cling to them like wet cloth. Some things never change, no matter how far we travel. I’m just glad I’m with you. Your fame might turn eyes off of me.”

“A what?! A helgen?!” shouted Randall. Pjodr looked to quickly catch on, too, eyes shifting immediately from Obee to Lucia and Sanya. Other peasants on the fields were approaching, too.

“What was that, Randy? You need to speak up-- Oh, hello, Genie.” An old lady with a cloth wrapped over her hair waddled her way over to the fence, followed by two other boys, a girl about the age of Gene and two middle-aged women. On the other side of the road, a handful of families with their tools still in hand came to see what all the commotion was about.

“Granny Flynndatter! I found helgens on the road!” shouted Gene triumphantly. Granny Flynndatter scrutched her beak-like nose.

“Phwah! Helgens, huh? My, ol’ Kaer Pinya’s been feeding you girls something vi--...” The old woman’s eyes shifted to Lucia’s halo - as did everyone else’s. The two orbs which looked like they had been narrow, wrinkly slits for the last millennium or so, immediately blasted open to complement her dropped jaw. “By the gods…” All around Lucia and Sanya, people were throwing themselves to the ground.

Lucia jabbed Sanya with an elbow before hissing, ”You better be grateful.” before smiling widely and proclaiming, ”Hello people of Ha-Duuuna! Please, please, stand and face us, as equals.”

Reluctantly, the peasants rose back up. Many of them looked at Lucia with tears of joy in their eyes and broad smiles, though none of them dared look her directly in the eye, turning away as soon as she turned towards them. Obee and Gene, who looked at each other with the type of smirks one only dons whenever one expects fame to hit them just around the corner, raised their hands high above their heads. “Fellow dûnans! We have been blessed on this day with the arrival of the wonderful, the purehearted and the beautiful Lucia - daughter of the Sun!”

“Oh, gods!” came breathy whispers from all over, and several laid themselves back into the soil.

“We’re blessed - we’re bleee-he-heeessed!” came a weeping cheer from Granny Flynndatter.

Sanya busied herself with moving towards the closest peasants dug back down into the dirt, leaning forwards to offer an idle ”She prefers when you stand.” before looking back to Lucia with a tentative smile. Her grip on her spear did not loosen, even now.

Lucia gave her a thumbs up. ”Yes, we have travelled far and wide and by chance we met Obee and Gene upon the road wherein they invited us to see your city. Town. We are honored to be in your presence.” she said putting her hands behind her back.

The crowd squealed their excitement. Gene and Obee bowed on behalf of the peasants - “The honour is all ours,” they said with wide smirks before turning back to the crowd. “Yes, as you all heard, they have travelled far and wide - tired and worn from the road, they deserve chambers in the Hall of the Weary! We will take responsibility and escort them to the archdruid for you all.”

“Oh, you mean Kaer Mirh? He’s off on his rounds, I think,” came a sniffling comment from Granny Flynndatter. More heads in the crowd nodded affirmatively. Obee and Gene froze and looked at each other nervously. They knocked their heads together as discreetly as they could, whispering between themselves for perhaps a little too long. Eventually, they separated again and threw their hands up in the air triumphantly.

“Then it is decided - we will bring them to the highest authority currently in Ha-Dûna!” The crowd cheered.

”Yes! We are weary from travel and would like a night of rest, but have no doubt, we will be back to meet each and everyone of you, personally. As my companion says,” Lucia pointed to Sanya, ”We are but humble servants to the people of this land.” Lucia then grinned at Sanya, a flash of wicked playfulness in her eyes.

Sanya stopped her hand in mid motion as it tried to complete the usual journey of rubbing at the bridge of her nose, and as Lucia grinned at her, a look of playful animosity quickly subsided to be replaced with as jovial and polite an appearance as the woman could muster. She leaned on her spear and bowed her head. ”Yes, we look forward to… meeting… each of you. No trial is too small for the daughter of the Sun Mother. I am but a humble traveller, but I shall lend my aid in whichever way I can.”

The crowds all cheered and sang their praises as the party continued into town:

Bow all, bow all!
The glory in the east
So bright, so tall -
We thank its every beam!
It’s Reiya’s light that feeds our soil;
It’s Reiya’s smile that eases toils;
Bow all, bow all, bow all!

Sanya followed close suit, making sure to stride by Lucia’s side and ward off the closest people by sheer force of presence. Still, their singing appeared to be enough for the dark-haired warrior to touch at the necklace of the sun glowing softly around her neck, making sure to honour the goddess in her own way.

As the attention drew more and more spectators, the buzzling alleys between the huts became inundated with people eager to behold the arrival of Lucia and Sanya. Obee and Gene parted the crowds to the best of their ability, but that didn’t stop many from reaching out to just barely touch the helgens’ forms. The four of them pushed their way through the lake of people, past wooden huts and workshops fashioning tools from stone and bits of metal. Blow forges stopped as their users looked up to behold the miracle in the streets, and wives washing clothes in communal tubs had to lay down their work to behold it as well. Before long, they had reached the inside of the walled town core, where the houses were fashioned from stone and mud, with great, wooden doorways with intricate carvings. There were six stone huts in total - one of them was particularly large, and next to it was a yard with eight megalith statues of varying sizes standing in a circle, all painted in great detail with various inks in order to resemble the Druidic pantheon. Out of the large abode next to this yard came a group of white-robed druids, all staring in awe just like all the others. The crowd parted between them and the four arrivals, and Gene and Obee bowed down before the druid in the lead.

“Kaer Pinya - we have been blessed with holy visitors.”

Kaer Pinya, a woman in her late fifties, most likely, waddled her way between the two girls, clapping them each on the shoulder proudly. The crowd was completely silent, only sound being the slop and slip of Kaer Pinya’s bark shoes dragging across the muddy ground. The druid grinned at Lucia and sobbed quietly, tears filling her wrinkled eyes. “Oh, Lucia…” She bowed her head. “... You are still as beautiful as the day I saw you all those years ago.”

Lucia tilted her head, recognition slowly appearing on her face. ”Pinya? Pinya! Little Pinya!” Lucia exclaimed, embracing the woman in a hug. ”I wondered why that name seemed so familiar on the road, oh Pinya, how have you been?” she asked.

The tears in Kaer Pinya’s eyes overflowed. “O-oh! To think… You remember me!” The old woman waddled closer and collected her thin, shivering arms around Lucia’s back, squeezing her affectionately. “Welcome… Welcome to Ha-Dûna!” Behind her, the other druids were sending people left and right to gather tables, benches, pots, wood, meat, bread and lots, lots more. The crowd dispersed as swiftly as it had formed, and became a swarm of people erecting decorations and digging cooking pits.

Sanya took the chance to straighten her clothes when the crowd dispersed and eyes slid off of her presence. Unwilling to disrupt the tender moment between Lucia and Pinya, she instead busied herself with a closer inspection of the settlement, pacing away without truly wandering off.

Lucia looked around in amazement. They were like ants, making themselves busy all in the name of the whole and they worked fast. She and Sanya must really mean a lot to them, after all. ”Thank you for having us!” she said to Pinya. ”But you don’t have to do all this, just for us.” her tone turned humble.

“Nonsense! The visit of a helgen demands a feast!” Kaer Pinya insisted and released her from her grip. Within twenty minutes or so, the fire pits were flaming and the tables were stacked with baskets of sourdough bread, root vegetables, pies filled with broth, roots and yogurt, and various meats to be roasted. Two chairs were decked from top to bottom in thick furs and placed at the head of the table. Kaer Pinya brought Sanya and Lucia over and sat them down with glee. “Go on! Eat, eat! The meat will be ready soon!”

Not one to refuse a meal, Lucia dug in, sampling everything with delight. She plucked apart the sourdough and dabbed it into a broth pie, mouthwatering as she took a bite. After she chewed she gave a happy little sigh and looked to Pinya. ”This is… So good Pinya. Everything about this place is wonderful. Do tell me, when did this Ha-Duuuna come to be?”

“It was founded roughly three years ago, if memory serves me right.” The old lady pushed a slightly burnt pie over to Sanya. “Go on, dearie, eat something!” Around the table, other druids were eagerly digging into their meals, though they made certain to keep their white robes clear of filth and stains.

Sanya, who had mostly been shifting in her seat and watching others eat to that point, offered the old druid a thin smile and accepted the pie. She was considerably pickier with her food than Lucia, giving everything a light sniff before sampling it, though dutifully finished whatever she reached for. The mirth of Lucia seemed to slowly rub off on her table neighbour, and Sanya eventually looked like she was actually enjoying the meal, and the bustle, despite her own best efforts. She tried not to speak, until the natural conversation and small talk of food brought her to a natural point to ask about her own favorite topic. ”You seem like you’re very at ease, here. Don’t you worry about the wilds,” she began, and glanced at Lucia briefly. “or raiders?”

Kaer Pinya gave her the sort of look reserved for those who ask whether water is wet. “Why, what have we to fear, dearie? We live here in the garden of the gods, safe from all harm under their watchful eyes.” As she reached the end of her sentence, the palisade gate closed with a grim thump. The inner city now only housed white-robed men, women and children, with the exception of a few others who were manning the fires and the cauldrons. “No one would dare attack this holy centre of the Eight Greats - not even the lowliest bandit, I tell you!”

The words seemed lost on Sanya, who looked around the great feast, and the now fully walled-off little settlement, with an at best thoughtful expression. Her brief inspection before had not been enough to dissuade the dark-haired warrior from having her spear lean against the side of her seat, which no doubt was particular at best. ”So you evacuate the others behind here in crisis?” she asked as she searched for Obee and Gene in the crowd, and perhaps more importantly, the targets of their affection from before.

Obee and Gene caught her eye and waved back, albeit from the very other end of the table, which appeared much more crowded and messier than the table reserved for the helgens and the archdruid’s closest. Kaer Pinya scrunched her nose. “Forgive me, I don’t believe I actually got your name. Are you a friend of the great Lucia’s?”

Sanya settled her gaze on Kaer Pinya in turn, inherently unwilling to back down from her stoic and unflappable mannerisms. ”Apologies,” she offered with a deadpan tone muted by the bustle around the table. ”My name is Sanya. I suppose it would be fair to say that Lucia and I go back a while. She has shown me the Sun Mother’s grace.” Sanya continued with stiff politeness, fingers tracing up to touch at the glowing medallion of the sun slung around her neck. Only after a sharp breath and some distant thought did she break eye contact, briefly blinking and glancing over towards Lucia again, before leaning back in her seat.

Lucia put a reassuring hand on Sanya’s shoulder as she looked to her, then Pinya. ”Sanya speaks true. She is one of my oldest friends, and she takes any perceived threat seriously. I trust her with my life.” Lucia said proudly, before taking another bite of soup.

“Oh! I see - well, then it is a great pleasure to meet you, lady Sanya. Now, regarding your question, the answer is yes - while the town has outgrown its humble walls, they still serve as our bunker ‘til the very end. In peacetime, however, they also make for decent landmarks to guide newcomers to the central market, the Circle of the Gods and, beyond those, the Dûna.”

Sanya looked at Lucia as she ate, an unspoken and still gratefulness on her features, before she refocused on Kaer Pinya and, despite her best efforts, immediately struggled to maintain anything but a polite, thin frown. Still she nodded, busying her hands by reaching for a bit of remaining pie. ”I would very much like to see all that your village has to offer.” she intoned after a while. A small pause, and she added a curt ”Thank you for your hospitality.” before she focused on food, or at least used such as an excuse to look around the table - and the area.

Kaer Pinya offered her an appreciative nod before looking over at Lucia again. “Keep eating, dearie - you’re much too skinny!”

Lucia chuckled. ”I’ve been telling her that since day one. it doesn’t work.” She then looked at Sanya again and gave her a small smile. ”I would also like to see what the village has to offer.”

“Oh, but of course! Stay as long as you’d like. The Hall of the Weary welcomes all who come to Ha-Dûna from afar. We will have two of our finest beds ready for you by the time the feast is over, so you can explore as much as you’d like and then come back to rest. Come to me if you need anything - and I mean absolutely anything.”

”We shall Pinya. Thank you, ever so much for your hospitality. It does my soul good to see kindness in this world.” Lucia spoke softly. Sanya hummed an agreement while she resigned herself to eating, doing her best to not stir up any more tension.

Before anything else could be uttered, Lucia felt a familiar sensation wrap her in a warm embrace. She sat up straight, expecting her mother’s voice to come, but it never did. Instead, from the sky came a beam of light. Not unlike the same one that had enveloped Sanya and herself before. This time it landed on top of Oraelia’s statue in the circle of eight, engulfing it in the gentle radiance of the sun. Lucia stood up, eyes upon it as her Halo grew in intensity, as well as Sanya’s necklace. The very air seemed to shimmer with invigoration and floral scents. Sanya shot up from her seat, eyes darting from her own necklace, to Lucia, and finally the beam of light. The awe of sheer anticipation gripped her, and the warrioress drew her hands backwards to steady herself against the fur-clad seat. Nearly all the druids stood up with such suddenness that the bench fell backwards and tipped everyone who failed to move in time. They subsequently all cast themselves to the ground to pray, while Kaer Pinya lifted her quivering hands to the sky and stepped backwards away from Lucia.

“Oh, blessings! Greatest gods’ blessings!” The druids chanted:

It is the Sun that gives us sight;
It is the Sun that grants us light;
As long as Reiya watches me,
I’ll wander Galbar sorrow-free!

The Goddess spoke, her voice neither loud nor boastful, but pleasant and comforting. ”Your work upon Galbar has not gone unnoticed dear druids. It is good to know in my absence, there were those who continued on in mine, and my siblings names, for the betterment of the land you walk upon. There is no greater duty, then to love the land born into. Come now, for your sacrifice, take these gifts and continue your good work. One to give strength to the weary, and another to bolster life. The Sun... Watches all.” and her voice faded away.

The Light from her statue then exploded outwards, passing through them all before dissipating into thousands of twinkling lights, before they too, faded. When the glow subsided, Oraelia’s statue was bright hot, slowly cooling with a yellow glow. At her feet, there was a bundle. While most others were too shocked, or crying out of awe, Lucia walked over to the statue and bent down. Sanya, initially hesitant and awestruck as the rest, nevertheless dutifully grasped her spear - as always - and followed Lucia across the courtyard. Her hand on the necklace, she bowed her head when approaching the statue, remaining close to her companion. Lucia, taking note of Sanya with a nod, pulled back the cloth to find a large stone basin, rimmed with depictions of the Sun and people worshipping it and a small golden figurine of… A woman with a pregnant belly. She had a hand upon her stomach and a soft face. It stood about as tall as the basin was wide.

She turned to Sanya, ”I’ll grab the basin, if you get the pregnant lady.” she smirked.

Sanya looked down at the divine gifts with a mixture of fascination and bewilderment. She seemed to have expected something considerably more embellished, but the sheer awe of being in proximity to divine artifacts had not yet entirely worn off. ”...Alright.” she muttered briefly, throwing Lucia a shifty glance in retort, and leaned down to scoop up the golden figurine with due reverence. Uncertain of the protocol, she glanced at the druid’s depiction of Oraelia as she took hold of the artifact, and offered a humbled ”...Thank you, Sun Mother.”

That night, Ha-Dûna rejoiced.

The Many Miracles of Malek

As sung by Eòghan the Song-blessed.

“The dauntless druid Malek walked the land,
A mighty druid with no living peer,
From suncast golden prairie to blue ocean grand,
Walked this pilgrim without fear.

With him he bore a simple cane of oak and yew,
And a cloak white as purest snow,
As he strode confident through sun and morning dew,
Content to watch the forest grow.

He spoke to deer and snake and wolf and bird,
Friend to all of the living things,
A kinder voice than his has yet been heard,
Carried on the wind’s wings.

But upon this day not all was well in the land,
A foul evil in the forest spread,
None other than a massive, wicked robber’s band,
Breaking root and tree as animals fled.

Malek walked through brush with nothing but a smile,
He had never seen warriors causing pain,
Unknowing of the force that encroached to defile,
And establish their greedy, wicked reign.

And through the trees came the foe, a truly horrific sight,
With crooked blades and clubs of stone,
Painted armours of leather and sorceries of blight,
They let arrows loose from bows of bone.

And the arrows they fell as rain during a rugged squall,
But Malek remained still without dread,
His eyes eyes filled with courage, unaware of the cabal,
Even as an arrow fell straight for his head.

But just as the arrow fell from above in the sky,
Either by the eight’s touch or by luck,
Malek saw his doom and thought he would die,
Just as the arrow caught on a passing duck.

The robber baron drew his crooked blade and shouted to attack,
And his band charged with a thunderous sound,
Malek wide-eyed with surprise, he gasped and was taken aback,
As a wicked raider pushed him to the ground.

The bandit grinned and pushed down Malek with his weight,
As another approached with a terrifying frown,
You can call it misfortune, divine intervention, or perhaps fate,
The friend stumbled on a rock and cut the bandit down.

Malek crawled through mud and into dense forest ran,
As the band of raiders followed with a shout,
And Malek hid deep in the woods to come up with a plan,
Blind to the drake that found him with its snout.

The drake leapt with claw and tooth, a predatory brute,
As Malek turned to see the raiders were in tow,
Our hero tried to run but fell as his foot caught on a root,
And the drake sailed over him to strike his foe.

Malek continued his escape, but it was all for naught,
As the chieftain caught up to him,
The crooked sword swung as the warrior had been taught
And Malek’s prospects turned dim.

But our hero was blessed by gods of nature and prosperity eight,
On a cliff above them landed a single dove,
And as the chieftain lifted his sword to seal Malek’s sordid fate,
A loose boulder fell and crushed him from above.

And though our hero had no lifted a single blade,
And never intended any harm,
Nature rose around him to come to his aid,
And returned him safely to his farm.

Malek may be gone today but his legacy lives on,
In his word, kindness and deed,
For as sure as we shall see another dawn,
Nature will always be our creed. “

Bread and Circuses

The sun had barely risen over the walls of Ketrefa, yet the Court of Flames was already bustling. The shanty of stone houses in disrepair and stacked gutter houses had families milling out onto the streets. Not unlike the misnamed market-turned-red light district that was the House of Ambrosia, the Court of Flames had fire neither in the heart of its residents, nor had any noble of esteem paraded the length of its two streets intersecting into a small square in many decades. The square - once a grand shrine to Evandra - had been preserved out of fear of displeasing a god, but the adjoining temple structure had long since been usurped by animal handlers that converted the spacious area into a makeshift stable.

Today was different, however. A well-dressed procession had garnered interest in the early light, and as the residents realized that the visitors were setting up food stalls and cook pots, the word had spread like wildfire among those who struggled to make ends meet. A single man in moth-bitten garb allowed his curiosity to get the better of him, and approached the service. A young oaken-haired woman dressed in almost regal finery intercepted him with a warm smile. They talked for a brief moment, before the man was given a bowl of stew, a ladle, and a piece of bread. It didn’t take long for a line to form after that.

The routine was simple, each hopeful commoner met the young brunette, who told them the Great Goddess Neiya loved them all, and that it was House Akellos duty to look after all who the Goddess loved. They received their food and praised the goddess together, before the next in line had their turn. It continued like that for the entirety of the early day, until finally, one man in the line mustered the courage to strike up a longer conversation.

“I’m sorry, my lady. I-... Someone down the line said that you were also offering work to the willing?” He mustered with an unsteady smile, pulling the leather cap from his head humbly.

The woman smiled warmly at the man. “You can call me Mira, child. We are equals before the Goddess,” she began with a sweet tone, then turned to gesture towards a handsome man standing by one of the cook pots, dressed in finery as her, far beyond that of a cook. “When we’re done here, you may return and speak to my husband Kalet, over there. Make sure to let others know, there is food and warmth for all who wish to work.” She continued, as the man was offered a bowl, ladle and bread by one of the others preparing food. Mira turned back to the man. “Praise the Goddess, and her eternal love,” she said, and the man repeated it with thankful glee.

Another long day in Ketrefa’s convoluted bureaucracy was about to come to an end, as the sun finally finished it’s journey over the Walled City, starting to invite the twilight as it dipped under the top of the wall. Matan, tired from a long day of house-calls, impromptu meetings and instructing an endless stream of messengers, slowly dragged his feet over the streets of the city, weaving between the houses of minor nobility until he found himself deep into the terrace that housed much of the upper class and overlooked the older parts of the city.

Weaving around a last corner, he finally sighted his last destination for the day - the once luxurious Akellos estate. It was sizable and grand, but forgotten in the bustle of everyday life, much like its inhabitants. Or so Matan had thought until a few days ago. He made his way towards the entrance, a stone arch that someone had vandalized with symbols and crude attempts at murals - most of which made no sense to Matan. Most prominent was the heart-symbol of the love goddess, though someone had further ruined that by drawing what looked like six spikes, or horns, around its edges.

Matan found himself stopped, idly viewing the extent of the damage defacing the front of the estate. Perhaps it was recent, and they’d not yet gotten around to fixing it. No prominent noble would allow this vicious destruction of his property, surely.

Movement from the entrance beyond drew Matan’s attention back to the real, and not many moments later a young man dressed in plain, but certainly upper crust, clothing stalked out of the arch to nearly bump into him.

“Oh, I apo-...” The man began, but chuckled as he recognized Matan properly. “Matan? Are you all the way out here? At this hour? The denizens of the House of Ambrosia must be missing you.”

“Yaren,” Matan replied with a growing smirk. “What can I say? It’s been a long day, justice never rests, and all that.” He sighed quietly, examining his comrade. “We missed you and your brother at the ceremony last week. You know Kelet can’t make his way through the Blessing of the Five to save his life without your piety to guide the way.”

Yaren laughed warmly, and gave only a small shrug in defense.

“And what’s this, not wearing the symbol of the Five?” Matan inquired further, smirk still lingering on his lips. “Don’t tell me you’ve gone and become one of those heretics who deny the gods, now.”

Again Yaren laughed, offering a smirk back at his inquisitive friend. He patted at his neck theatrically as if to look for the item in question. “Not at all. In fact, this last week I’d say I feel closer to the divine than ever before. I must’ve just left it at home.” He smiled at Matan, looking him up and down. “What’re you doing all the way out here, anyway? Got business with Old Man Akellos?”
Matan nodded and sighed, running a hand up to scratch at his own neck. “Aye. Guards’ been running around all day beating down poor folk and beggars raising hell all over the fancier districts. Ripping symbols off of people’s necks, breaking shrines and vandalizing murals. A few of them said two nobles affiliated with House Akellos put ‘em up to it.”

Yaren made a face and shrugged once more. “News to me. Sounds like someone’s trying to smear my Great Uncle, honestly.”

“That’s what I thought,” Matan agreed. “But given how the Old Man has been talking in the courts in the last two weeks, riling nobles up and stirring up old piety laws - well, the magistrate is worried he’s making an attempt for his position.”

Yaren frowned, the youthful man stroking at his chin briefly in thought. “Well, he has been more devout as of late. I suppose you should come on in. The Old Man is busy right now, but I’ll let him know you’re waiting.” He affirmed with a nod, and gestured towards the entrance. Matan nodded in turn, and the two men walked through the arch to enter the old estate.

Matan had not seen the Akellos estate from the inside for at least five years, yet nothing seemed to have changed in that time. Opulent chandeliers, rich weave curtains and mats, and embellished cushions and artwork littering every corner of the grand entry hall. Yaren smiled back at him, and gestured up towards the ceiling. He offered a quick “I’ll be right back then,” and scarpered up the nearby staircase to vanish to the upper floors. Matan took his time looking at the rich and old valuables that stood for open viewing. Old busts of Ketrefan nobles and saints that had not been relevant for many years. Carvings of old legends now caked with a layer of dust. Come to think of it, the estate was very quiet. Matan glanced around, but there was not a servant in sight. No errant slave-girl, no cooks making the last round back to the kitchen before evening meals. No servant waiting in the hall to see to his own needs. Were they so forgotten by Ketrefa that they no longer could support themselves? He drew a finger along a seat cushion, and it came away with a thin layer of dust. Frowning, Matan idled in the silent entry hall waiting for Yaren.

But Yaren did not seem to be in any hurry to return. Perhaps he had been forced to wait, out of respect. It made Matan restless all the same, and his inspection grew in range, as the Magistrate’s assistant began to pace about the room, eyeing new details. He was just about to turn back towards the stairs when an open archway at the end of the hall caught his eye. Normally covered with a regal cloth that had been tied to one side, Matan could just barely spot another room at the far end of a small hallway. Even from afar, he saw what looked like an altar.

Matan glanced back towards the stairs and listened. He could not hear Yaren, nor anyone else, approach, and in that moment he decided to go on a small journey. With surreptitious grace befitting that of a bureaucrat, he slunk in beside the tied curtain, and walked down the short hallway with newfound curiosity. A few steps later, Matan stepped into another room - and what felt like another world. The walls were covered with strange murals of blue, black and silver. Strange symbols not unlike those outside, complete with hand-painted drawings of horned women and grotesque depictions of what Matan could only imagine were some kind of vile ritual. In the midst of the room, with a blue hue cast over the entire scene thanks to the paint, stood an altar of sleek marble. A few candles stood quiet on it now, burned down and melted out over the stonework. Matan moved further into the room, and glanced down when he noticed his feet touching something. All over the floor were cushions, pillows of fine make and a multitude of covers. One could sleep in here - nay, host an entire party. Finally, on the far wall beyond the altar, the unmistakable symbol of the Love Goddess Neiya was painted with a rich blue colour. From afar it looked almost like a river bending in on itself to form a heart.

Matan exhaled shakily, steadily walking towards the altar as he eyed the spacious shrine. The murals filled him with a growing unease, and none of the symbols looked anything like what the clergy would sanction or spread. Were it not for the Love Goddess sign, he would have immediately considered it heretical. A gnawing worry deep within still did. Matan stopped at the marble altar at last, and ran his fingers along the stone. His fingers came away clean, and he scrubbed them against each other to be sure. No dust in here. Some of the paintings looked recent as well. He glanced up towards the symbol of Neiya once more, and noticed that even this large blue painting had horns embellished on its sides, barely visible in the gloom. Narrowing his eyes, Matan walked closer to the back wall, running his hand against the grotesque symbols and figures as he tried to make more of it out in the poor light.

He stayed like that for a longer time than he had first intended, each new carving intriguing and revolting to his pious senses in equal measure. It was inherently captivating, yet deeply disturbing. Unlike any chamber or shrine he had seen in his time. Then, from out of nowhere, a sharp breath and a voice from behind made him stiffen with surprise.

“Ah, there you are. We thought you had left out of boredom.” a man’s voice spoke with warm tones. Matan spun around, and found himself looking at two new faces; an oaken-haired young woman in a finely spun silk dress, and a handsome dark-haired man in dress clothes. They both smiled at him warmly. “When Yaren said you waited below, we thought he meant the entrance hall.”

Matan breathed a shaky sigh, scratching at the back of his head and hurrying out from the back of the shrine, walking into what little light gleaned into the room. “Heh, I’m-... I’m sorry. I got curious. Have we met?”

The man shook his head and smiled, stepping forward with powerful confidence to extend his hand for Matan to shake. “I am Kalet Akestos, a minor branch house of Akellos,” he introduced himself with a gleaming smile as Matan shook his hand, and then twisted to the side to gesture to the woman, who greeted Matan from afar with a warm and comely smile. “This is my wife, Mira Anestra.” Matan nodded to her with a small smile and she curtsied, tugging on the silk dress to let her complete the motion.

“Pleased to meet you both,” Matan breathed with a little relief, though still unnerved by the room they were in. His brow furrowed soon after. “Isn’t Anestra also a branch house of Akellos?” he questioned, and Kalet chuckled warmly.

“You’re right! Our union ended a many decade-long feud. We are thankful to the Goddess that she brought us together so wonderfully.” He offered with a pleased grin, and Mira looked equally happy in unison. Matan nodded and adjusted his shirt. When silence spread, his attention fell on the grotesque wall murals once more.

After a moment’s hesitation, he cleared his throat and spoke. “What, ah, what is this room, exactly? I’ve never seen anything like it?”

“Oh, this?” Kalet returned with a confidence undeterred by Matan’s returning doubt. “This is a shrine to Neiya, who touches our hearts with her divine and eternal love.”

“I see,” Matan replied, a brief frown at his explanation. “It doesn’t look anything like the shrines I’ve seen before. There are some… artistic liberties, I think.”

Kalet simply laughed, and his wife smiled in the background. “Just because the clergy have an image that we follow, my friend, does not mean it is right. We hold all aspects of the Goddess dear, and close to our hearts.”

Matan nodded, glancing back at the murals in thought. He was about to speak when Kalet interrupted his thought, another chuckle as he tapped his forehead. “Ah, yes! I almost forgot. We were supposed to tell you, Master Akellos will be unable to see you this evening. I’m afraid he’s stuck dealing with a family matter. He will see first thing at dawn.”

“Oh,” Matan shook his head, and forced a small smile. “No issue. I did arrive unannounced after all.” He waved a hand to dismiss the issue, clearing his throat. With a last smile, he took a single step to the side to move for the exit, but Kalet stopped him with a lifted hand.

“No, please, my friend. Yaren told me how far away you live. I would not force you to walk all this way again on the morrow.” Kalet took a few steps back himself, smiling warmly. Almost mischievously. “I insist that you let us house you for the evening.”

Matan offered a sheepish smile, and felt a chuckle bubble loose as he scratched the back of his head. “Yaren is always thinking of others, huh.”

Kalet and Mira both smiled at each other before smiling at him. “You’ll find that in this house we try to spread the love to all who deserve it.” Matan nodded and offered a brief word of thanks. It seemed however, that Kalet was not finished. He slowly took his wife in hand, and together they once more approached Matan, who cleared his throat.

The couple came to stand a few short paces from him, and Kalet gently led Mira in front of him, facing Matan. She offered him a soft, if a little shy smile. Matan stood silent, watching the two with a gentle tension resurfacing. He could not help but watch Mira as she stood displayed before him in her silken dress. Kalet grinned from behind his wife, and finally broke the silence. “Let us show you hospitality worthy of the one true goddess, Matan,” he voiced calmly, before his hands lowered to her back. With a single well-placed tug, the straps loosened, and the luxurious dress fell to the ground, disrobing the woman in one fell swoop. Matan stared transfixed in disbelief as Mira gingerly stepped across the cushion-covered floor to close the distance between them, hands already moving to lay against Matan’s chest. Matan stuttered a few words in confusion, taking a single step back as Mira pressed against him.

“I am not sure my affection is enough for such an upright man. Husband?” Mira spoke with soft words, that alone seemed to make Matan shiver with anticipation. Behind her, Kalet smiled, already undoing his shirt as he walked towards the both of them.

Matan began an unsteady protest, but before more than a syllable had left his lips, Mira’s finger was upon them, shushing him with desire in her eyes and a firm touch. Her other hand wandered down over his chest, as Matan felt Kalet run his hands over his shoulders.

“Let us show you how we honour the One True Goddess.” Mira whispered in his ear.

Matan felt their hands roam on his clothes, and he offered a slow nod.

The Magistrate could wait another day for his report.

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