Avatar of Ersa93


Recent Statuses

3 mos ago
Current Friday Night: the muse juice is high, but execution/supply juice is low
3 mos ago
Fear me for I have acquired a milk frother
4 mos ago
tfw when you fiddle with a certain piece for half an hour and it finally snaps on but you weren't sure why it wasn't going in the the first place
5 mos ago
Don't mind me. My stomach just decided to declare war on me on Monday and cripple me for the rest of the week so I couldn't do any replies and such. All better now though.
6 mos ago
I apologize to anyone waiting on replies/responses from me. Was sick last week and only now feel well enough to do anything.
1 like


Name: Ersa

Pronouns: She/Her

Genres: Sci-fi, fantasy, superhero (others will probably be added as time goes on)

Type of Player: I enjoy character development, a little bit of world-building, and deep character interaction. The plot and setting can be pretty basic as long as the characters are interesting. I don’t mind combat either, as long as that’s not all that’s going on in the thread. I also have a tendency not to plan out threads, but I'm not opposed to plotting.

Additional Information: No ERP or anything overly gory. I mostly do 1X1, but I'm not opposed to groups.

I do have a discord. If you are interested, please message me for it.

Character list can be found here: Ersa's Sacred Texts
My 1X1 Interest List: Ersa's Half-Baked Ideas
Original Writings blog: https://storiesbyersa.wordpress.com/

Most Recent Posts

Just updating y'all to say that this is still on. I hope to have the character info for the college student up this week.
Another bump
The outcast role has already been taken, but the rest (soldier/scholar/tank) are still available.
Bumping this again and looking for a least two more players (anyone who's expressed previous interest can still reply)
Hi everyone, I'm better know and am hoping to get back into this. Sorry for all the delays.

Character Draft for Review:

Approved. Sorry for the wait.
Sorry for delay, folks. Had an unexpected illness.
Maybe just the ability to do one of those things? Mercurius is also the Embodiment of air, so perhaps they could have an air-based ability that mimics something you listed above.
If either of you are still interested, you can put your apps here. If you have any questions, the OOC chat is available.
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