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  • Old Guild Username: Eruraina
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    1. Eruraina 11 yrs ago


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Still with a solemn expression, Briella regarded Ethan as he mentioned wanting to spar. She pursed her lips a moment, then shook her head.
"If you feel the need to spar again. But my style more so includes my magic, of which I doubt you would stand a chance against. Unless, of course, you have an enchanted blade in your possession," she told him plainly. She would never fully admit it, but if it came to brute strength, he easily had the upper hand. But then, she had never relied too heavily on brute strength, relying more on keeping light on her feet, and more importantly on her magic and stratagem.

Troy made comment about how she did indeed look, and avoided rolling her eyes by taking a sip of her wine that she had grabbed from a passing platter. Before lowering the cup, she took another sip, letting the flavor linger on her tongue a moment before swallowing. "Me, staring? You have the wrong impression. Just because you're not a clown, doesn't mean you're that attractive. Not my definition of handsome, though other courtesans might say otherwise. But then, I don't have a definition of handsome, because I don't care to compare people in that way. Ability and heart is more important than looks. You can meet someone more beautiful than the rising sun, but once you get to know them, and find the blackness in their heart, they become ugly. But on the contrary, you may find someone of average or bellow in looks, and they are the most gentle of creatures, they suddenly grow in beauty more radiant than the dawn," she said, glancing around at all the different attendees. It was like the room radiated beauty, with grand dresses and bright colors, and hair set perfectly upon their heads. But Briella knew the hearts of many of them, having grown up among them, and she knew the darkness there, which dulled the scene to her. "And going by your words of my appearance, and I knowing my own heart, I am the first of those two kinds of people."

A moment she watched those who had begun dancing, before turning away, and looking up at Ethan and his grin at her words of his fight. She suddenly had the urge to wipe that grin off his face with a good punch to the teeth, but resisted the urge by taking another sip of her wine. She glanced down at the cup and found it nearly empty, so finished it off in a few more gulps, placing it in the hands of a passing servant and asking for another.
"What, did you not hear me the first time? I'm not repeating myself," she told him, glaring back at him as he went to nudge her. But she didn't move, choosing to stand stubbornly. "And don't be so sure of yourself. I might help, if only to finally be able to wipe the smug looks of some of the faces here."

When the prince had come, his majesty listened to Ethan with obvious interest, nodding to his words, before continuing the exchange. Though the blond haired boy was quickly lost in the crowd when he departed from their company. He was quick to mingle and give a smiling face to anyone, and it was a genuine smile. Unlike his brother Donovan and his father Breadon. They stood on their dais at the end of the great room, watching the crowd with almost disinterested looks. They spoke to those who approached them, but only curtly. Briella took a moment to watch them now, as cold gazes fanned over the room. When the king's gaze landed on her and Ethan, a strange feeling overcame Briella. But she nodded to the king, and his eyes passed them, moving on. Though she said nothing, Briella wondered what that had been about, that strange feeling, but instead of worrying out it, she turned away and back to Ethan, who she suddenly realized was again speaking to her.

"Ah, sorry, I missed that. Something about being Prince Aaron's royal guard? Well, that would be a step down from your current position, but would almost seem more fitting for you. On second thought, no, you would be bored to tears. Being a royal guards means mostly standing at attention nearby him at all times. I can't see you doing that. You're better in the field of battle," she told him, going over to the table of foods with him. Without thinking, she picked up a small pastry, and bit into it, able to eat it in a few small bites, and licking her fingers clean. A servant came with her second glass of wine, which she accepted graciously, and took a sip.

"It is likely everyone will eat eventually. Though there is some left over from these events, it is common for the servants to finish off any left. Either eating it themselves or taking it to family. Servants of nobles are better off than others. More of a middle class than the lower class most people of the court consider them," Briella told Ethan at his question. "But eat, or at least taste some. Even if you have qualms against this way of living, you're here so you might as well," with that she picked up another pastry and ate. The music changed to a light song that had many going to the dance floor in quick steps of a familiar pattern of movements that had everyone moving the same, and switching partners at change of pitch in the music.

Briella watched the dancers again, but turned away.
"I think I shall step to the balcony for a bit of fresh air. It has suddenly become close in here to me. Perhaps you might join me," she said, turning to make her way out.
When Troy asked if she wasn't going to leave him, Amber gave an exasperated roll of her eyes.
"If I intended to leave, I would have been long gone. In fact, the situation would be much different by now," she told him with a sighed, but then he looked away. The stubborn man who never turned away, actually was the one to look away. Ambrose swallowed hard when he spoke, and she looked away from him as well. "Don't say that!" she cried suddenly. "Don't you dare talk like that. There has to be a way! A means for you to live longer. You can't freaking leave me alone, not after everything." She glared at him, almost fiercely.

But then he mentioned Twilight, and she rolled her eyes again, but couldn't help but also crack a smile, despite the heaviness of the moment before.
"Heavens, no! Didn't you hear me when I said that we usually keep up with vampire lore? I've seen that garbage people call a franchise," she replied to his comment, and waited for him to stop coughing from how much he was laughing.

"I would miss your heartbeat, and your warmth... but it wouldn't matter if I would be missing them, because I wouldn't be missing you," she told him solemnly. And again rolled her eyes. He seemed to be making comments to have that effect on her lately. "She could have been jealous, but I think I am someone protective of what's mine. And yes, I'll straight up say it. You're mind. Happy?"

"Hm... make them think you're wounded worst than you are? I don't know about you, but wouldn't that mean dead, considering your current state?" it was her turn to give a sarcastic comment. "Oh, really, listening to what you want to listen to? I say driver picks the music, shotgun shuts their cake hole. Though we haven't had the best of luck lately, the streak has to break sometime," Ambrose told him, idly twirling a strand of fiery colored hair around a finger.

She froze though at the mention of the company and what they do to people. She looked down at her chest. She knew under her cloths that the scars were still there. Vampires never scar, the wounds always healed. But then, this was different. It was like the scientist knew exactly how to make her scar. A shiver ran down her spine and she closed her eyes against the memories of being tortured.
"Honestly, I wasn't concerned about you. Call me selfish, but I was more worried about getting away from the rising sun at that point. Ah, but... at the company... " she shook her head, gritting her teeth, almost wincing. "I still don't feel right. Not just physically, but I swear that really messed with my head... You're lucky you had that scientist with you when you opened my cell. I hadn't had a drop to drink that whole time I was there. But I was glad you had him, because the whole time I imagined sinking my teeth into his wretched neck..." as she spoke her voice had grown hard and she tensed up, but then she trailed off and blinked, almost pulling herself out of a dark place in her mind. "Nevermind, I'm just rambling."

Amber looked at his eyes as they talked about hearts, and she gave him a smile, if only for his benefit.
"Well, I'll take your word for it," was all she could think of to say before they were kissing. She pulled away, and watched as he stuck his tongue out of his mouth and attempted to talk. She didn't make out a word he said, but laughed at him, eyeing the tongue almost yearning. For her the smell of fresh blood filled the room again, stronger. Since all his blood from his wounds was old and dried by now. When he pulled her back for another one, she pulled away.
"I think if I had a choice, I would choose you getting better faster," she told him, very lightly patting his chest and she pushed herself fully away to stand up.
"I'm not burning that picture of you. You are very much puppy like in the picture. So little and cute. You on the other hand, are still like a puppy. Hyper and don't stop till you crash. But I better go get Brutus if you want to mess with him any," she said, and before he could say anything, walked off.

Amber went to the door, and peaked out of it, the sun set on the other side of the building, and there was still darkness on this side. Everything was damp from dew now, and she looked around, but found nothing. Though she did find the chains she had used on him on the ground. They had been cut somehow, and there were multiple footprints in the dirt, leading off in the distance. Ambrose looked out, and swore she saw a cloud of dusting, small against the horizon and getting smaller.

She hurried inside. "You're going to hate me," she said, pinching the bridge of her nose in an annoyed fashion. "He's gone. Brutus is gone... and he apparently had help getting gone... and they are long gone," she told him, watching him for his reaction...
"Interesting, well, then maybe once this is all over, you'll just have to sit me down with all the good movies to watch. Cuddle up with some popcorn for you, and a bag of donated blood for me," Ambrose replied sarcastically. "But no, didn't do much movie watching. Though we did keep up with the Hollywood vampires, and what became the lore on us. That was about it. Though you must understand, I grew up in an era where movies were strictly in theaters. I had never seen a movie until some time after I became a vampire. Even then, I much preferred books. I'm not saying I was into reading a whole lot. There were more... active ways to spend the time."

When he said how he wasn't the type to sit quietly, she shook her head with an exasperated sigh.
"Well, maybe some time you should try it. Just sit and listen. Close your eyes and let your mind wander with whats going on around you. Hear the heart beating in your chest, take in the moment. Sometimes silence can calm the mind and body. A moment of silence can do wonders sometimes. Especially when there are no words to be said... or when words don't need to be said."

"And sex is the best time to let actions take over instead of words. Though it depends on what you say, if you think about it," Ambrose replied, noticing how his cheeks turned a bit more red at the mention of it. But she made no reaction to it. If she weren't a vampire, she might've been blushing too. Though she partly wondered why as a vampire, she couldn't blush.

Then Troy started talking about Brutus and formulating what might happen if he escaped and brought the enemy back. Why she hadn't killed him. What if that Beta woman came back? And then he spoke about talking like they were a team. Ambrose raised an eyebrow, giving a light chuckle. "Dawn is not too far away, so we're safe from vampires for at least a day. If anything, traps can be made against them. Though with what we have, they wouldn't be too effective, especially with only one of us in the physical condition to set them up. As for Beta? I think I would honestly be no match against her. Even if I were my best, and she tired out. All we can do is hope that luck is on our side and we can be given enough time to flee this place. Perhaps tomorrow night I'll find a way to get a vehicle to get us out of here. Maybe a truck with a covered bed. Cover the windows to the bed. You can sleep while I drive at night, and I can hide from the sun while you drive during the day. But, Troy, we are a team now. We have been for quite some time. I don't think you would have rescued me from the company if we weren't."

"For all you know that simple man wasn't the one who caught the beast. It could have been an ancestor who used magic, and the seal passed down in the bloodline. I don't know, I didn't exactly think it was important to look into the weaknesses of one of the strongest beings on earth. He's not going to die easily, and you very well may need the proper tools. He won't be something you can take down with your bare hands. An army of jugernaughts would be a walk in the park for him," Ambrose told him, but shook her head. "But enough of talking about that. We'll come to that milestone when it comes to us. We have hell to reign down on more practical enemies. We'll work our way up to him. He can be the final boss, if you want to relate it to something. Just as long as he doesn't show up for a death match before we finish the rest of our plans."

She was silent as he held her close, closing her eyes tight when he spoke. About if she didn't have a heart, then why was she here.
"Brutus did give me a way out, an easier path to walk. But I'm done with him. I'm not going back to that coven unless it's to kill my sire..." she trailed off as he continued speaking. Ambrose ran her tongue over her teeth, and lifted herself up. She looked down into his eyes, her hair draping around her face, as if making a tunnel between their heads. With one hand holding her up, she lifted her other and clutched her shirt. Her chest, to the left side, just above her breast. "I do have a heart. It's right in here. But it doesn't beat. He hasn't beat for a long time. Out of commission. When it stopped beating, so too did the guilt stop coming. But... if someone were to fall in love. A live human, mind you, and had to have a heart transplant... would they loose that love with their original heart? Wouldn't love be more precisely in the mind? My heart, my physical heart is dead. It beats for no one, not even myself."

As they kissed, being so close, his heart beat became so loud to her ears. It was like she could feel his blood pulsing through him. How it seemed to be faster as they touched, kissing. Then she felt his tongue, and tasted his blood. Her eyes snapped open to look at his closed eyes. Tasting the delicious life giving fluid, she deepened the kiss, closing her eyes again. She would have lost herself if the kiss hadn't ended, pulling away. Suddenly she realized how hungry she really was. She kept her eyes closed, sitting up completely to pull away. She gave a half-smile at his comment of making her drink and smacking her butt. Then she looked back down at him.
"No... don't do that," she told him. "I would prefer you didn't. I may be hungry, but that's not the way to do it. Not since you need every drop of your blood to heal. I will survive for a bit longer. I'll feed when I need to. So do not worry about me, at least for right now. It's time to worry about yourself and get yourself healed up, alright?"

"What do you think? Do you think this heart... this mind, has the ability to love? Though so far it might very well be true, right? Aside from the couple of times when I've almost ran away, strayed away," Ambrose told him. "Or maybe instead of bribing me with rewards, you could make me say it by other means."
A continuation of an ongoing rp on the old forum before the crash.


Two main characters:
Troy Lithelm
Ambrose (Amber) Seraphine
Hailey "Beta" Wheeler
"Him" or The Dark One

Bruce (Vampire)
Samuel (Vampire, Ambrose's sire)
The Dark Ones 'master'

What most don't know about our world, is that vampires do exist. Not the Twilight sparkly vampires, but real vampires. Blood drinking monsters who don't sleep, burn in the sun, feel no guilt, and can turn humans into them or into 'drudges' who do what they say. A faction of humans learned about the vampires, and have been trying to find a means to make them go extinct. To do this, they used a formula that dated back to World War II, experimenting with it to create Superhumans. Men who are faster, stronger, heal quickly, and have heightened senses. Troy was one of these Superhumans. Made so by the faction of humans called 'The Company', after they killed his wife and daughter, and took him away for their experiments.
A group of such men made it through the process successfully, and after training and gearing up, were sent out to destroy a vampire coven. In the end, the vampires defeated the assault, Troy being the only one remaining alive, kept as such for interrogation. The vampire chosen to interrogate him was a vampiress named Ambrose. Favored by the coven head and sought after as a mate by the vampire Brutus. But during interrogation, the chains holding Troy broke, allowing him to grab hold of Ambrose.
Troy used the vampire as a shield and hostage to escape the coven and make his way to a company safe house. There he kept Ambrose during the day, and prepared for a fight.
When night came, Troy let Ambrose go, setting up a bomb to explode the company safe house and taking his leave from it. Ambrose met up with her coven, who was on the road to find her, only to have an argument with Samuel, her sire. She took a motor cycle and rode ahead of them.
Troy had gone to a park, passing through. Only for Ambrose to find herself at the same park, and the two fight each other. But Brutus shows up, and after some conflict, Ambrose goes to leave with Brutus, but a comment he makes causes Ambrose to punch him, chasing him off. Realizing that her actions, and what lies Brutus might say, Ambrose realizes she can't go back to her coven, so tags along with Troy.
Going to the city, they rent a room, and end up doing some shopping, Troy being determined to take her out dancing, giving her reason to dress up. Before they do, Ambrose reveals her past. She's a young vampire, being human during World War 2, a daughter of a German horse farmer and a Scottswoman. Her family was taken to a prisoner camp for harboring jews. Men tried to rape her, but the man in charged stopped them and turned her, tricking her to also kill her family.
So, they go to a night club, which is full of praying vampires. Troy starts a fight, and chaos ensues. The sun is coming up quick, though, so Troy rushes Ambrose back to the hotel room, before going and hunting down the rest of the vampires before they can kill the ignorant humans.
The next night, Troy's out and is attacked by a great big monster, a juggernaut created by the formula from some of the original super humans that later helped create Troy. Ambrose joins the fight, and an epic fight with building smashing ensues. The sun's to come up soon, and Ambrose yells for Troy not to die, before heading back to the hotel. Troy finishes off the last juggernaut, and heads to the hotel room.
Only to find Ambrose is kidnapped by the company, so Troy makes the three day journey to the headquarters. During these three days, Ambrose is starved and mutilated, dissected and tested on relentlessly. Finally Troy makes it to the headquarters, where he threatens the man running the head desk before taking the elevator down to the labs. He fights any soldiers he finds, and gets ahold of the scientist. The scientist shoes the way to Ambrose's cell. As soon as the door opens, in her desperate starvation, she attacks and drains the scientist dry, not touching Troy. A dozen soldiers show up, and Troy watches as Ambrose takes them all out, drinking all the blood she can.
Troy then grabs her and makes his way out of the facility with Ambrose, running away as fast as possible.
They make their way to a hotel where Ambrose cleans herself up, but find the scars on her chest from the dissection won't go away, even after partaking of some of Troy's blood, which they discovered allows her to heal faster.
While at the hotel, Troy and Ambrose give in to their feelings of lust towards each other, before leaving the next night. Stealing a car, they take to the road. Out of the city they go, and find themselves in the middle of nowhere.
A figure suddenly shows up in the road, causing the car to crash. The well armored Company operative attacks Ambrose, but Troy gets in the fight. It is revealed at the operative is a woman, who only calls herself Beta. Her parents were killed by Ambrose, so when she was offered the ability to destroy vampires by the company, she took it to become the next generation of superhuman. Her blood, unlike Troy's, is poisonous to vampires, and she is faster, being smaller.
With the sun about to rise, Ambrose is forced to run and take cover in an abandoned gas station, while Beta and Troy fight it out. In the end, their abilities are matched and they knock each other out.
Meanwhile, Ambrose waits at the gas station, only for HIM to show up, the most powerful vampire. So old, he does not consider other vampires to be real vampires, only useless dogs. Though he was convinced by Amber's sire to bring her back to the coven with the deal that Troy would be a good fight.
The two fight a band of bikers together, after which the sun goes down. HE takes Ambrose and teleports back to Troy and Beta, knocked out and just waking up, Beta having been laying on top of Troy. In anger, Ambrose attacks Beta, only for HIM to attack Troy. A fight breaks out, and everyone is hurt, but Troy is hurt the most, broken and defeated.
HE was about to finish them off when HIS master comes and stops him, a mysterious man who mentions plans for them before Troy falls unconscious and they disappear. Ambrose then convinces Beta to help her get Troy to the abandoned gas station. Beta agrees, only because she wants to defeat Amber while they're both on their top game. While at the gas station, Ambrose is worried for Troy, who doesn't appear to be getting better. She thinks about turning him, to save him, but Troy tells her not to. An argument happens, and Ambrose runs off. Beta, not caring, takes one of the dead biker's bikes and leaves.
Alone, Troy tries to go after Amber, only to be attacked by Bruce. Ambrose arrives just in time, taking out Bruce and tying him where the sun will burn him to ashes. She had had a change of heart while she was gone, coming across a small town, and stealing supplies for Troy from a general store. While she cares for him, Troy confesses to love her. Ambrose says she's not sure she can love him, and Troy asks what it would take to make her just say out right that she did...
Yo! Protagonist... were you perhaps the same on the old forum? And wasn't The Hive one of those that you did? The plot sounds so familiar, and I once started it up with someone on the old forum. Perhaps that's you? If I've got the wrong guy, please ignore me, lol!
"Don't worry about them," Briella told him. "A fight in this situation is highly frowned upon. Guards would come and arrest both them and you for disturbing a court event. They may snicker, and make remarks, but that is the extent of what they would do. Glare daggers, but not throw any." She glanced at the ones that Troy was referring to. The glares were definitely unmistakable. Briella had to laugh at the thought of the noble nights being humiliated by Troy. Though to him it may have seemed like she suddenly for no reason out of the blue. "Oh, two of those men went through training with me before we were knighted. Though they were knighted before I was, actually. My uncle felt extra training was necessary for me so that I would be more than strong enough to hold my own. I'm glad of it." Then her face grew expressionless, almost staring off in sad thoughts at the mention of her uncle. But she shook her head, pulling her eyes back to the room, though the sad expression didn't leave.

"You look noble enough. If you look around there are scarce others that are not quite as dressed up. Not all nobles feel the need to dress up on every occasion, especially the more active duty knights," Briella explained to him. "But you look fine just as you are. You would be a clown had you gone any fancier. As for looking, can't say I'm keeping an eye out to look. Like I said before, romance is the last thing on my mind, which means I'm a bit too distracted to care to... what was the word you used? Ogling? Over a man."

"Let them look and talk? What would we do to make them not talk?" she asked him. A server passed with a tray covered in glasses of wine. Briella grabbed one of the glasses, swirling it in the cup for a moment before taking a sip. Though it would not be her last cup for the night. Many more would follow. "As for a good time, good luck with that. Mostly these events are meant for mingling, getting to know others of the higher class. Try to gain higher standings with the right people. As for what could be done for fun. Well, there's a long table full of delicacies to try. Not to mention soon the dancing music shall start and couples will make their way to the dance floor. The king might propose a toast later. Oh, and I had heard rumors that the king had highered some fire dancers for entertainment."

When Ethan spoke of getting his sword, Briella glared at him. "Yes, everyone would mind. I would mind. This is no place for a sword. As impressive as your skills are with a sword, that skill is useless here," she told him. "Though there are ways of being here without being completely unarmed. A hidden knife can be cause for some comfort. And if you mean when you were tested in the arena? I'm very much aware of how well you fought there, of what impressed the king so much. I was across the arena, watching from the other side. Though I had come to watch Dante at his request, you were, indeed, impressive."

As she finished speaking, a young man came up to them. He was only fourteen, with dark blonde hair and blue eyes. He wore fine purples cloths embroidered in gold and gems. Upon his head was a circlet of silver, marking him as one of the princes of the country. He came up to her, and bowed.
"Sir Briella!" he said with a smile. Briella smiled back and gave him a curtsy.
"Your majesty, prince Aaron," Briella said.
"I'm glad to see you here! I heard about your uncle, and I thought you would not make it!" he said, then glanced up at Ethan. "You must be Sir Ethan! I've heard about you, but haven't had the chance to meet you. I'm always busy with my studies. I hear you're one of the greatest swords men. I would love to see you fight some day. I wish to be great with a sword myself." Then his attention quickly turned back to the lady knight. "Briella, I've come over to inquire something of you. I think I may have finally come up with a riddle to stump you."
"Oh? Let me hear it," Briella said, giving the boy a soft smile.
"Alright. I have skin harder than chain mail, wings that of a bat. A long slicing tail, and eyes of a cat. What am I?" he asked. Briella thought for a moment, then raised an eyebrow.
"You really thought that such a riddle would stump me, my prince? The answer is easy. A dragon," she said.
"Aw, you got it right off! One of these days I'll stump you."
"Alright, in the meantime, it's my turn to give a riddle. With thieves I consort, with the vilest, in short, I'm quite at ease in depravity; yet all divines use me, and servants can't loose me. For I am the center of gravity," Briella said to him.
"Um... Magic?" the prince guessed, but Briella shook her head. Then someone called the prince's name. "Oh, I must go now. Someone else to talk to. Always someone else. I shall see you, Sir Briella, Sir Ethan." With that, the prince ran off.

Briella sighed, and turned back to Ethan. "Such a hopeful and kind child. Much more like his mother. It may be wrong of me to say this out loud, but I more so wish he was the crown prince to inherit the kingdom. Not his elder brother Donovan."
A continuation of an ongoing RPG from the old forum before the crash.

The characters:
Main characters:
Sir Gabriella Roseite
Sir Ethan Reignheart

Sir Dante
King Breadon
Prince Aaron
Crown Prince Donovan

Recap of what happened so far!

In the country of Salerno, in the capital city of Epsilon... Ethan was a blacksmith from the slums, working in his father's forge, but also working on his sword skills. One day he's brought to the arena and fights for his life against several knights. This includes the older Sir Dante. The king watched this fight (as did a certain Sir Briella, though Ethan was unaware), and was impressed. And so knighted the peasant, to the dismay of all the royal court. There was great stir in the castle, but the wayward knight did not care what the others thought about his brash behavior and unchecked tongue. In fact, the king seemed to find amusement in this, and thought it would be double the amusement to partner him with the stoic if not harsh and joyless Briella, the only female knight currently in court.
They were sent on a mission with a group of soldiers to investigate accounts of the undead and rumors of a necromancer. Ethan quickly took to calling Gabriella 'Gabby', to her irritation. So before running into battle from undead hoards, they made a deal. Should Ethan beat the necromancer, Briella would have a drink with him. Should Briella beat them, then there would be no drink. And Briella agreed to it only if he would stop calling her Gabby.
So they stormed the town, and through the undead to the town center. Ethan made it to the necromancer first, a woman. He couldn't get close because of her magic. So Briella came up behind, and cast a spell. It gravely weakened the knight, but rendered the necromancer powerless, allowing Ethan to cut her down. The undead dropped fully dead at the necromancer's demise. So Ethan brought the weakened Briella back to the city of Epsilon, where they agreed to later meet for a drink.
And so they got their drink, talking for a long time about battle stories, histories, and their passionate beliefs. Ethan saying how they were not much different, but Briella thinking likewise. The next day Briella left to spend time with her uncle, whose health was starting to fail. She was called back for a mission.
The king decided another mission would be given to the 'Wayward' Knight and the Lady knight. To retrieve some of the crown jewels that had been stolen. And so they were sent out on the three day trek, hunting down the gang of minatour bandits. Though they rode horses, at one point they had to go by foot. Briella in the lead, and Ethan behind, she stopped abruptly, only for Ethan to be unaware and bump into her. Briella turned on him, accusing him of groping, and so a fight breaks out. Ethan was about to win, when they were surrounded by those they had hunted. They fought, and the minatours were joined by great birds. Briella went into aerial combat with her magic, and quickly the two had killed the enemy and found the jewels.
Putting grudges aside, they headed back to the castle and returned the jewels. Only for Briella to receive a letter. In her anger she insulted Ethan and storms away when he attempts to comfort her, seeing her and Sir Dante as the closest things to friends he has in the castle. After Briella grieves for a bit she comes to apologize to Ethan, revealing that it had been news of her uncle's death. They spend time drinking and talking. Finally Briella asks if Ethan would accompany her to the ball. Usually she would go with her uncle, but now there is no reason to. He agrees and they part ways for the night.
The day of the ball comes, and they ready themselves. Ethan is in the meeting place first, watching the other nobles enter. He speaks with Dante and his wife for a moment before Briella arrive. Both are a bit shocked by the appearance of the other, and they enter the ball together. Eyes turn towards them, with snickers from gossiping ladies. But Briella pulls him to the side, out of the spotlight where the gazes no longer lingered on them.
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